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With the prorogation of 'Parliament and the return to their homes of members, the struggle, which will culminate in the course of four or live weeks, has advanced a stage, and in all the electorates tho rival aspirants lor political honours are buckling on l-heir armour for tho fray. During the week a few new candidates have been announced, but with the polling day so close at hand it, may-bo taken for granted that there will be few additional candidates. Many of tho electorates are so widely scattered that a new candidate has much ground to cover; indeed there aro constituencies which, would take nearly two months to cover. With the limited time now at the disposal of candidates it is inevitable that many centres cannot be visited. lil some cases new candidates havo been speaking for some weeks, while the representatives of tho | districts .have been attending to their duties in Parliament., but there is a feeling, more especially in country districts, that this is scarcely "playing the game," the majority of the electors preferring that all candidates I should refrain from beginning their campaign, till the sitting members aro ! freed from their work in the House of Representatives. As far as Canterbury j is concerned the past week has seen several new candidates enter the field, and in one case a candidate has entered the Held, and withdrawn within tho space of a- week. An "Old Kicearton Liberal" writes: —Tho Conservatives of Kiccarton have for some timo been endeavouring to find a candidate prepared to. carry tho banner of tho party at the coming.poll, but many efforts within tho electorate failed to find a man prepared ;to enter such a, hopeless struggle, the electors fully recognising that in Mr George Witty they have a representative who during the nine years ho has represented the electorate has given general satisfaction, having attended to the interests of the electorate in n manner with which even bis most rabid opponent could find no fault. Under tho circumstances it was nob surprising that all the cajoleries of the wire-pul-I lers of the Opposition, the Farmers' Union, and the hitter's weakling offspring, tho Farmers' Political Protection League, I ailed to induce anyone to come iorward. Not-withstanding that these worthies have roundly condemned Sir John Fiiullay and the Hon Thomas -Mackenzie, for leaving tho South Island and seeking seats in the North, they had no hesitation in going outside tho Riccartoii electorate to find a candidate, Mr C. H. Elisor, of White Rock, being the gentleman chosen to attempt the impossible. Knowing that the name of Mr Massey is not one to conjure with in Canterbury, Mr Elisor, like Mr J. D. Hall, tho Conservative candidate, for Christchurcli North at the recent by-election, hoisted the banner of " independence." Like Mill all, however, Mr Elisor has swallowed the whole Opposition so-called "Policy"'; indeed, Jonah was not more completely swallowed by tho "great iish" than tho Massey heresies by Mr Elisor. Already Mr Elisor has delivered a couple of speeches, enunciated what he is pleased to term his "policy," but none of his remarks would lead to the conclusion that he is destined to achievo political greatness, "it is safe to predict that much water will flow under London Bridge before he will assume the Premiership. Mr Witty will open his campaign at Upper Kiccarton this evening, when no doubt he will have little difficulty in satisfactorily explaining his stewardship and in convincing the electors—if they are not convinced already—that they would be pursuing a politically suicidal course were they not to send him back to Wellington Lo continue tho good work which lie has done during the last three Parliaments. In all parts of tho electorate Mr Witty's return is looked upon as a foregone conclusion. The candidature of Mr W. G. Shackel, in the interests of Labour, is announced for Lyttelton, but it is not considered that he will be a factor in the election, which will resolve itself into a contest between Mr G. Laurenson, the sitting Liberal member, and Mr Colin Cook, who has announced himself as an Independent Liberal. Advices from Ashbnrton show that tho Liberals have a very good chance of recovering the seat. There are four candidates in the field, but tho candidature of Mr W. S. Maslin, who in the 1893-6 Parliament sat as Liberal member for Rangitata, is not taken seriously. The real contest will lie between Mr W. Nosworthy, the sitting Tory member, Mr John M'Lachlan, who formerly represented the electorate in the interests, and Mr John Kennedy, Mayor of' Geraldine, who is standing as a supporter of the present Government. It is considered that a second ballot will be necessary. Mr James Horn, who stood in the Liberal interests at the by-election for Tuapcka, caused by the death of Mr J. Bonnet, some years ago, when Dr W. A. Chappie was elected, has, in response to numerous requests, decided to contest tho Wakatipu seat against Mr William Eraser, the sitting Tory member. Mr Joseph Stephens is also a candidate in the Govermcnt interest. Tli© news that Mr Horn had decided to stand was received with great pleasure by Government supporters. Tho Opposition is in a somewhat uncertain position regarding the Parnell seat, Mr E. G. B. Moss having informed his committee that he will only bo ablo to proceed with his candidature if his health improves. In consequence of this a deputation recently waited on Mr C. J. Parr, the Mayor of Auckland, with a request that he should step into tho breach, but Mr Parr, as on tho occasion of a previous similar request, declined to como forward. Sir John Findlny's return is now regarded as certain.

Mx- H. Loivc, the Mayor of Thames, has declined to become a candidate for the seat at the coming elections. Mr George Livingstono announces liis candidature for the Cluthn seat as an Independent Liberal in opposition to the sitting Conservative member, Mr A. S. Malcolm. It is regarded that the fight for the Central Otago sent will he a keen one, and of the. three lending candidates Messrs R. Scott (Opposition) and John Bennetts and W. B. Mason (Government), it is difficult to predict which will be. in the second ballot. Rocentlv Mr Mason has heen conducting a very strenuous campaign, and has mndo much headway., and it is considered that the final tussle, will he between that gentleman and Mr Scott. Noivs from Selwyn shows that Mr Dickie has been making many friends during his tour of the electorate, and his friends, who aro becoming more numerous every day. are very hopeful that they will lie able to place him at the. head of the poll on election day. Although there were rumours of other probable candidates for the seat, it is now considered unlikely that any others will go through the contest. Tho configuration of the electorate has been radically changed since the last election. now extending much further .south than formerly, and. including the suburbs of tho Ashburton township. The withdrawal of Mr "W. J. "Walter, the Conservative candidate, for the Avon seat is not expected lo influence the result to any appreciable extent, as it was considered highly improbable that in any case lie would have been aide to get into (lie second ballot. lOverything points to a. severe, contest between I\!r C!. \Y. Russell and .Mr Jam es M'Combs.

Mr AY. Downie Stewart has declined an invitation to stand as an Oppositionist for Dunedin South.

ASPIRANTS FOR PAR LI A lENTARY HONOURS. The following list gives the names of tho candidates announced. for tho various seats. An asterisk (*) denotes members of the I'JOS-ll Parliament, and a dagger (l\)

members of previous Parliaments, but not of the present one. Supporters of the Government are indicated by the letter (G.) placed after their names, (0.) implies supporters of the Opposition, (I.) Independent, (1.L.) Independent Liberal, (L.) Liberal, (Lab.) Labour, and-(hoc.) Socialist:—

BAY OF ISLANDS.—*V. H. Reed (G.), J, Wilkinson (O.).

KAIPARA.—M. Stall-worthy (G.), -fA. E. Harding (O.), PI T. Fioid (1.L.), J. Gordon Coal-os (1.L.).

MAI'SDEN.—*F. Monder (0.), E. C. Purdic (G.). WAITEMA'PA. Ewen Alison (1.L.), A. Harris (0.), f\V. J. Napier (G:). EDEX.—»J. Bollard (O.), fW. J. Speight (G.).

AUCKLAND "WEST.—*C. 11. l'oole (G.), J. It. Brudney (0 ), W. Wilson (Lab.), 1. L. Thompson (!,). AUCiUjAKD CENTRAL.—*A. E. Glover (G.), M. J. Savage <Soc.), J. G. Glooaon (G.). AUCKLAND EAST.—"A. M. Myers (G.), <J. D. Grey (1.L.), K M. C. Clayton (Lab.), A. Withy (G.). GREY LYNN.—'Hon G. Fowlds (G.), W. H. Murray (O.), C. Norgrovo (1.L.), J. Payno (l.Lab.). I'AKNELL.—Sir John Findlay (G.), fl'l. G. 13. Moss (0.), M. J. Muck (Lab.), F. Fitt (I.), J. S. Dickson (L. and Lab.). MANUKAU. - *F. W. Laug (0.), J. B. Morton (L.), It. B. Stewart (G.), G. 'Wilkinson (G.). FEA NTS LIN.— * W. F. Maasey (0.), J. AV. M'Larin (G.). HAG LAN.—R. F. Bollard (O.),'J. P. Bailey (G.), W. Duncttu (G.), J. C. Dromgool (G.). Allan 801 l (I.), Basil Hewitt (1.L.). THAMES. *E. If. Taylor (G.), T. W. Rhodes (1.L.), Joseph Clurk (O.). OHINEMUEI.-'H. Poland (G,), P. H. Hickey (Lab.), N. M'Robic (O.).

WAIKATO.—*H. J. Greeiislado (G.), J. A. Young (1.). TAURANGA. *'AV. H. Herries (O.), C. Manuel (G.), 1\ Keogan ((.!.), If,. J£ina; (0.), C. H. Clinkard (L. and No-License). BAY OF I'LENI.Y.—*W. 1). S. Macdonald (G.), C. A. Do Lautour (O.).

TAUMARUN t't.—"\Y. T. Jennings (G.), C. K. Wilson (O.i.

GISBORNE.-—'Sir James Carroll (G.), A, H. Anderson. (Lab.).

HAWIOi'y BAl.—fA. L. D. Fraser (G.), H. M. Campbell (0.), E. Lane (I.), H. I. Simson (G.), G. Spencer Clapham (L.Lab.). NAPIER.—'J. Vigor Brown (G.), C. Mackenzie, (Lab.), E. Crowley (0.). -|G. Hunter (O.), A. E. dull (G.). PAHIA'IUA.—*II. B. Itoss (G.), J. H. Escott (0.), S. Bolton (0.), W. H. Hawkins (LO.).

.M ASTERTON.—*A. W. Hogg- (1.L.), G. R. Sykus (O.), J. Hunter (0.), A. H. Herbert (O.).

AVAIRARAPA.-'AV. C. Buchanan (0.), fJ. T. M. Hornsby (G.), C. W. Tanner Id.). TARANIAKI-*II. J. 'H. Okey (0.), AV. J. Malono (G.), C. E. Bellringer (G.) AY. Forbes (1.0.).

STRATFORD. "J. B. Hine (0.), J. M'Cluggage (G.). EGMONT.—'B. Divo (0.), lion T. Mackenzie (G.), W. C. Dudley (I.), C. A. Wilkinson (I.), J. S. Toslnnd (Democrat). PATE A.—*G. V. Pear co (O.), P. O'Dea (G.), F. Train (G.). ' . AVAIMABINO.— + R. AV. Smith (G.), F F Hockley (O.), A. J. Joblin (O.), J. lvcss (G.). WAiVGANUI.—*J. T. Hogan (G.), |G. Hutchison (0.), C.' E. Mackay (1.L.), AV. A. Veitch (La-b.).

OROUA. *D. H. Guthrie (0.), R. E. Hornblow (G.). RANGITIICEI.—*IO. Nev.mun (O.), II C a room (G.), AV. Meldrum (G.), J. R. StanselL sen. (Progressive L.), C. B. Collins (undefined).

PALMEKSTON. ~ *D. Buick (0.), fR. M Nab (G.), AV. Milvert.ou (1.), AV. Thomson O'J'AKl.—' AV. 11. Field (G.), C. A. AV. Moncklon (0.), Byron Brown (1.0.) AV Thomson (0.). '

libTl. *T. M. Wilford (G.), J. W. M'Ewen (I.O.), 11. W. Short (0.). M. J, Reardon (Lab.), W. M. Webb (O.). WELLINGTON NORTH.—*A. L. Herdmiui (0.), Dr Izard (G.), E. J. Carey (Lab.). WELLINGTON CENTRAL.-*]?. M. B. Fisher (0.), S. Fletcher (G.), W. T. Youn* (Lab.). WELLINGTON EAST. - 'D. M'Laren (Lab,), tlh: A. K. jS'ewman (0.), P. G. Bolton (G.), .T. Brodie (I.). WELLINGTON SOUTH.-'R.. A. Wright (0.), tW. H. P. Barber A. H. Hindmarsh (Lab.), R. Hogg (Soc.). WELLINGTON SUBURBS AND COUNTRY DISTRICT.—*J. P. Luke (1.L.), J. E. Fitzgerald (G.), F. T. Mooro (Lab.). F. Fieoman (Soc.), W. H. D. Bell (0.). NELSON.—'G. Macinahou (G.), H. Atmore (1.L.), W. J. LVCoffatt (1.L.), W. S. Hamson (0.), G. Bishop (0.). MOTUEKA.—'Hon R. M'Kenzie (G.), R. Smith (0.), F. H. Durbridg-a (0.). 'BtJLLER. *J. Colvin (G.), Fergus F. Munro (Lab.).

GREY.—*Sir Arthur Guinness (G.), A. C. Russell (0.), P. C. AVebb (Lab.). AVESTLAND,—*T. E. Y. Seddon (G.), H. L. Michel (1.L.). AVAIRAU.—"J. Duncau (O.), R. M'Callum (G.), A. AViffen (G.). HUEUNUI.—*O-. W. Forbe. (G.), D. D. Macfarlano (O.).

KAIAPOI. - *Hon D. Buddo (G.), fR. Moore (0.), J. H. (I.L.). CHRISTC.HURCH NORTH. *L. M. Isitt (1.L.), J. D. HaJl (0.), J. E. Petherick (G.).

GHRISTCHURCII EAST.—*T. H. Davey (G.), H. Hunter (Lab.), F. E. Cooko (8oc.), H. T. J. Thacker (1.L.). CHRISTCHURCH SOUTH.-*H. G. Ell (G.), G. R. AVhiting (Lab.), E. J. Howard (Soc.).

AVON.-*G. A\ r . Russell (G.), W. R. Smith (Lab.), J. M'Combs (1.L.). SELWYN—*C. A. C. Hardy (0.), AV. J. Dickio (G.) KICCARTON.—*G. AVitty (G.), R. Hampton (Lab.), T. L. Drummond (l.Lab.), D. G. Sullivan (Lab.), C. 1L Elisor (0.). LYTTELTON.—*G. Laurenson (G.), Colin Cook (1.L.). X "

ELLESMEEE.—*R. H. Rhodes (0.), G. Armstrong (1.L.), F. Rowell (G.). ASHBURTON.— *W. Nosworthv (0.), -fJ. M'La-ohlan (G.), J. Kennedy (Gi), AA r . S. Masliri (G.), -AV. <_r. Shackel" (Lab.). TIMARU. —"J. Cruigio (G.), Jesso Reader (Lab.), AV. Angland (1.L.), R. Gould (Soc.), J. Harold Moore (().). TEMUKA.—*T. Buxton (G.), G, AV. Annitage (0.), AV. Jeffries (0.). AVAITaKI,—W. G. Paul (Lab.). F. H. Smith (0.), jj. A. Mn-cplierson (G.). OAiIARU.—"Hon T. Y. Duncau (G.), R. Milligau (G.), E. P. Lee (0.). CENTRAL OTAGO.—"It. Scott (0.), J, Bennetts (G.), J. H. Pig-ott (G.), A. Ashworth (I.), AV. D. Mason (G.). D QNEDIN ' NORTH. *G. M. Thomson (0.) fA. li Barclay (Lab.), J. Loudon (G.). R. It. Douglas (1.L.). DUNEDIN AVEST. —»Hon J. A. Millar (G.), +H. D. Bedford (I.), J. W. Munro (Soc.). DUNEDIN CENTRAL. —*J. F. Arnold (G.), C. E. Stathani (O.), D. Maciiherson (Lab.).

DUNEDIN SOUTH.—*T. K. Sidey (G.), J. E. M'Manug (Lab.). CHALMERS.—*E. 11. Clark (G.), J. T. Johnson (1.L.), F. \A r . Platts (L.), A. M'Carthy (Lab.), J. Dixon (O.). BRUCE.—*J. Allan (0.), P. M'Kinlay (G.). CLUTHA. "A. S. Malcolm (0.), J. E. Keenau (G.).

WAKiVTIPU. I —*W. Fraser (0.), Joseph Stephens vG-.), J. Horn (G.). MATAURA.—*G. J. Anderson (O.), J. Carruichael (G.), J. M'Oibbon (1.L.). INVEROAKGILL.-M. A. Hanan (Cr.), H. 3, Fiirrnnt (Lab.), Thomas Fleming (O.). AWAEUA. 'Sir J. G. Ward (G.), J. Hamilton (0.), A. "\V. Morris (Lab.). WALLACE.—*J. C. Thomson (G.), J. Kiiig (0.), A. Cnrmichaol (0.!. NORTHERN MAORI. *To Rsuigihiroa CO.), Wirinchua, (G.), Hara li'ongi (G.j, J. Hcemi Top an, Andrew M'Math.

EASTERN MAORI.—*Hon A. T. Ngata (G.), Richard Parker.

WESIEItN MAORI. *H. Kaihau (G.), Kori Toko To Aha (G.), Iliumi Tawhaio (GA Pepone Eketono (G.), Dr Pomare (G.). SOUTHERN MAORl.—Charles R. Parata (Or.), n. Loi'o (G.), T. IC. Watson (Cr.) J. H. W. Imi (I.), James A pea, J. Ellison

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 10300, 3 November 1911, Page 2

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THE GENERAL ELECTION Star (Christchurch), Issue 10300, 3 November 1911, Page 2

THE GENERAL ELECTION Star (Christchurch), Issue 10300, 3 November 1911, Page 2