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r S ' C. A. Leea.) (W. G. Brass. 5 C. A. LEES AND CO., - 1 VICTOR HARRIS, auctioneers, land and estate LAND AND ESTATE | AGENT, FOR AB sOLUTE SALE. „ im, COLOMBO ST^CHRISTCHUBCH. .OJJ^^^^SSSPSU P is at .resent gin sewe, patent WC. ggfeg » » fM WW Auctioneer. J^ Pj- tej^ ■£$»*** tO ABATTOIR AND FBEfING WORKS Pi^^^-^^^TSoT&i: ; S-Sc^T^age. well built Agents^, CA. LEES AND CO. , ana we^l finished throughout, verandah, con- . .O^)C\ TS^S^S^^^^^^ STALBANS^e to tram-Good House fta^oVe'x) good workshop. iowJhouse. etc.; cf 4 rooms verandah, part plastered gas nriJSoro section This property is handy to. laid on, scullery, bathroom, hot water from fl^Sarton Racecourse, the Abattoirs and copper, washhouse, copper, tubs artesian, n, tp£S™ VorkV Tho electtic car passes water sttppiy, J-aore land, good lawn and Saff^SSS^^ Fuller pargufr ° m VICrOR HARRIS, Estate Agen, per^ a _ C^_ i "* -A GOOD SUBUREAN FARM ' -P^9K *iASfW-TMrteen Acres of splendid land, <**/O£iO» ftLteT^crea •iv orchard, nearly i-acro in . ADDINGTON, handy to Lincoln Road and 'rWie?^Bobd 8-roomed House, bathroom, Railway Workshops-New House of 4 rooms, Z™ B culletv etc.. two-stall stable, large postered, verandah, bathroom, lavatory baain, fched* too!-room, fruit hoitse, trapshed etc 231 £ ot wa ter from copper, washhouse, copper^ mea, looi^oom,^ j^p^jg^ Estate Agent. tubs, ramvand tank, J-acrs section. A Com- ; L-GNCHEON A2fD~TEA BUSINESS. stable House. & ! £325 will Buy a Profitable Lunchebn and „. -■WaßusineW, "*«" P««culars cf which can be obtained from _.. .n f LINWOOD, Canal Reserve— New T-Cottage VICTOR HARRIS, Estate Agent. 4 jcoms, plastered, verandah, .centre flow- . : ers, picture mouldings, bathroom, scullery, i GROCERY BUSINESa. pantry, washhouse copper, tubs, J-*cre seci illOO— Vets- large double-fronted Shop, ana t - up-to-date in every respect. Wotth li> liehfc^ivintf rooms, every convenience; good Bpeci i on , K ol '£f? Eessl guaranteed. Fuller particulars Q. A. LEES AND CO. F° m VICTOR HARRIS, Estate Agent. £300* i TO SPECULATORS AND INVESTOR. | CHEAP SECTIONS. CLOSE TO COLOMBO STREET— Seeoitxa i Bedkenhani— i-acre, facing noun, W^° living about 48ft frontagb to two streets by JRL2& ; , -it. c -\(. m a depth of about 66ft, on which is erected j i-ddington. near tram— i-acre, witn aeep ft gmaJl Cottßg9 retuJrnintt 12s 6d pet week, Veil; only £137 10s. which is & good return while tihe land grows i "•■ ■•" . in value. This must certainly commend it- _ sett as a sito for a Bto P or factor y at : VICTOR f HAMIB^ » rij d. te o . A . LEESA Ig- c^ .) 165, COLOMBO ST., CHRISTCHURCH. A. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. R. "yV. ENGLAND. n . n KKT>v -OUILDIN.G MAT2SIAL : -«50 SAVED IS £50 MADE. X5 — . . LARGE STOCKS. ttEiiE IS YOUit OPPORTUNITY. SEASONED. ! OFF PAPANUI ROAD, STA^i^S- • fcOTJSE-Well-built House » oj^Bjood rooms, !g our Fislt ,^ verandah, plastered bathwom^n h _ j^ Luncheons flnd Sn ppe rs , or Grill .if isbrvico.aud aciiUeiJ. o P be wcU fin- proferr-d. Price Is. Comfort and cl«tnlil ikow» *>°PP" aT ! d tub9> i.eea at onr New Reetaurant> next Cafe d« d ««m» moo. Stvtt ■ ATTON is ideal, the surroundings 'frJYhaiminl- the lockuty is very select, AVENUE, ,Id secfcionf^A thriStion is a very valuable ono. M Pl ftE tered Dwelling, containing -7 rooms, 'f£o niinutes' walk to Pap»nui Road batliroom and every convenience nearly J-*Vl?rfricC-r a CTe > iv sp'endid order, and remarkably cheap *PT*nttrtJNlTY is unsurpassed to secure a at £350. Owner an absentee; must realise. Vncdern house at a reasonable price. DEARSLEY AND LANE, ■fcBBMS-Vexy 2™.^s%?} a " 71. Catliedral Square. balance arranged to suit purcnasei. „ .. ■ • If you are wanting a Cheap Property or a 13 - AVE v TjERBY FLAKE, In 3ob lo for you; it will T?*7J 0U - j{ iv* rlon't miss b. It's really Al. hM^^^"^ 'ssl<£ic£ m -^ 5 s - 10 s - 1"2 *5. PAY luh Jr-^.Ni^ mßiffi* CENTRAL LOAN OFFICE, I!TJk ? - METZ, Proprietor, V— " K. -r* i TkXTki'-n-mir K tvt Offi&Xiwm 190, Armagh Street, just off JV G. BANNERMAN, . @lSl^ Colombo Street, /next to ■ ■' - . - nr\r /-Mu(-T>r\ ci'TjTi'Ti'T Sharland's). 117, COLOMBO SIREET. Monj|y . advanced oa jl '. . ■ \jgpr kinds of Jewellery, l>ia- ; ■■■-' raonds. Gold, Silver, Plate, etc. Old Gold CT>T<TT?S! A "NTTJ "W^"TTiS r )N an d Silver bought, inoluding broken JewelSriilliO AJNi; VVII^OJIN, i ery and Watchea. All business absolutely LAND BROE Sr» *?» confidential. Note Address: 190, Armagh 146, Caskel Start. Street. Private entrance at side. /»(\r/\ FENDALTON. £950. -y- OUR0 UR enjoyment will be complete wkvn tJUOXJ L. smoking • We have a new house of 6 rooms, plas- DERBY, kred, verandaii, o fires,, large kitchen, sft In p lug or QZ r^^ Cdl bathroom, pantry, washhouse, scullery, _ tarn and tank, h. and c, jras, J-acre section. "ttctaNTED Known— You will find it everyfchis has beautiful river frontage, well fenced, ; YY. where. What? Why, -Eg VS^fSfa fiSclaS KSf^ SK ***** fOBAOOO. L a real good chance. 45-179 The Best of All Smokes. • SPEIRS AND WILSON. : ' ti?g9 r " CITYr~ i 525. EXTRAORDINARY BAEaAIK. Now is a good chance for a good property. WORCESTER STREET. g?ft MS*? «ft hXUxoom^pan- M OD^ N *BBn>™<* ? 6 T"* try Vaehhouae, Eculiery, gas, sewer connec- -LVX oriel window, verandah, concrete founHon; 5 minutes from tho Square; splendid dations, plastered tiles, outlook Call fox card to inspect. BARG AI N. v r — w-ntnTT.T-' TiT" Venetians, bathrooni, h. and o. service and U?A*7^ MJ^KlrfA.^*. ±t>(i>. b as j nf pantry, scullery, washioiHre, copper, r^v) I O tll bs (taps over). House of 5 r00r0.3, ulßsterefl. iron roof, BARGAIN, verandah, large kitchen, 6ft kail, bathrooni, BARGAIN, pantry, washhouse, wiadmiil and tank, n. G T &n& J-ACRE SECTION, valuable site, Mid c, gas, sewer connection; J-acre section, we u f e n Cc 5 j asphalt paths. This is a Uniquo well fenced and laid out; handy to good Chance- to secure tram. 5-135 BARGAIN. SPEIRS AND WILSON. BARGAIN. A First-class Property at less than cost. So BPEIRS AND WILSON, cajl a t once for card to view. Urgent Sale. ESTATE AGENTS, Sacrifice Price. 146. Cnshel Street. J. £. BANNERMAN, — — ■ '~ 117, COLOMBO STREETS C. J. MARSHALL, BEATH'S LAND BROKER. g ALE B^ftGAINS. t ICENSED to prepare Transfers, Mort«i^^A^^SrSS^T l^" «5i^ RT Dreas Le^ ills in all V»" late f , "THE LAND TRANSFER ACT. £) material; were 11s 6d, now only 5s lid. j - Money te Lend. Sections For S*i». At Beath's Sale. ; . T ADIES' Ready-to-Wear Felt 3, very stylishOffice: XJ ly trimmed; usually from 7s lid to 14s " No. 49, CATHEDRAL SQUARE, lid, now 2s lid. Beath's Sale. T ADIES' 69s 6d Tailor-made Costumes, with ■•i. — — — ' ' XJ medium and long-fitting coats, going for B."d. Hall.) . (C. H. Eewkw. 35s - B f ath ' s S&le ; •-.-—— .—^^ iH. L. BOWKER AND SON, M E^?, now a cnly 29s 3 Cd. °Beath^ S Sal9 Wer6 . ■ „ „ a f E N T S, T ADIES' Ail-Wool Colonial Tweed Paletots, &L o« mTnvunWRFET A•' JL badly wanted this weather; 55s values i*J 248, COLOMBO STRIvEI. noW 37s 6d. Beath's. (Established 1873./ TV/TERCERISED Knitted Elbow Gloves, in • propertieTfor sale. fj- "^^Tsafe 11 * cream; wer ° 2s * I f£ C ks°fron&, fenced. ' 3 28 , A bought specially cheap; were 6s lid, ■i ■ ■ HL. BOvyKEH AND SOiS. now 4 S lid. Beath s Sale, teOh-A-LYTTELTON (nwii NorwiSh QS~(?D DINING-ROOM Chairs, going at yboOO Qua7)-.13i perches land, square O O4 a 9d; Bedroom Ware at 7s lid set, house 6 rooms, verandah, iron to clear. At Beath s. , . , roof, scullery, copper. 218 t AJJIHS' Flannel Shirt Blouses, this sea- ., ±L. L.- BOWKEIt AA T D SOj^- ±J EO ns stylos, all colouss; were 9s 6d to li?Oin-ST ALBANS (North Crescent lts_6d,_now from_3s_lld._ Beat Vs. Sw^JLU Road)— 27 perches land, long fTID TURKISH Towels, going for 5Jd; 4s frontage, cottage 4 rooms, ficui- I 2 lid Table Napkins for 4s 3d. Beath's ! lery, copper, etc., iv washhouse. Sale. MB H. L. BOWKEK A^'D SON^ Merino Shirtß, were 2s lid. now ls \j£A OA— ST ALBANS (close to Bealey I*± lid ; 5s 6d Felt Hats, now 3a lid. jPb*c^\Jf Avenue)— Nearly 20 perches land, lieath's Sale. sound squarobuilt house 0 rooms, >^jjILDREN'S~ White Foxaline Ties and verandah, iron roof, Venetian jf eo }ji e t. B) 2s lid to 4s lid, values now : blinds, scullery, washhouse, cop- l 3 sd and ls 6di ' . J ; -: ■ per, workshop, main sewer connec- ™ ET TC~VelveTein7Tn~an~an7ed^haae7; I i , vi ,.,. , H a^. n B^WKEK r AKD go£_ £ e USUaliy * "° ir ° niylS - At Beath ' 8 y?9Qn~ C^ TY ( Madraa stre l et ., " ortil )— oftS CD LADIES' Paietots, in swing back W^iiOXJ Nice section, equare-buut house 4 £$ \y and fiUin st sacrificed now for rooms, scuUery, gas fitangs, 6d At Beath . 8< verandah, concrote fotmdations, — - — •- - . — .- iron roof, detached wsshhouse, pVE-RY Article °n **« Premises^ is guar- ■ copper and sink, main sewer con- -f anteed reduced from 2s to las in the : neotion, asphalt yard. 55 £L_ At Beath's Sale. 16 _ [ _H. L^ BOWKER AND BOS. _ Ranted Known~Y<ni wUI find it OT«rrjV»9AA— CITY o'nst off Salisbury Sfreet)— IVY, where. What? Why, }frJU\J\J Cornei? section, long frontage, cot- DERBY TOBACCO . ">' SStIJ of Tack & U nd° f 'toK The Best of >U Smoker ■ *:>■■■-■■ 2-stall stable, loft and large trap- : ■■ S k\. BOWKER AKD_BOS FOSKO"S to^K "** "^ LCQKA— CITY (Moorhouse- Avenue>-|-acre, COOK AND ROSS, g*OD\J .-. House 4 rooms, concreto iounda- Chemurta. Chnstchnroh. : lions, iron roof, out-shed, main ~ "~ I . sewer connection. 23 "WANTED, Bpy s and Hmte 16 to H L BOWKER AXD SOX • ' read particulars of BENSDORP'S rm<wMST^-rmni-- COCOA an^ CHOCOLATE CONFECQONTSN^G^s^^eJeYtofsale. TIONERY COMPETITION on Another Page. Posted to any address, or free on applioa- GREAT WARM BARGAIN. »ion. GREAT FARM BARGAIN. H, L. BOWKER AND SON, 1185 ACRES. LAND AGENTS, 1186 ACRES. 048, COLOMBO STREET. WELLINGTON PROVINCE. : (Eatablieked 1579.) . ;""" VERITABLE GOLD MINE. 2 Sheep wintering land. 800 Acres in grass, i — 650 acres ploughaible, well watered and sufb--3POPULAR REFRESHMENT ESTABLISH- divided. Adjacent' to Railway, School, etc MENT Good House and Complete Outbuildings. TEA AND LUNCHEON-ROOM BUSINESS. Recent Valuation is equal to tho Price and Comuleteiy Furnished, ' in a _,-„, . -" 3 js e m _ _ „ J " iß J Main Business Position. i? 7 PER ACRE, Easy Terms. The Bulk • «*•< I of Purchase Money can remain on fW^CoS Mortgage. ? . BANNERMANi BARE n VALUE ONLY ASKETr TOK 117 Colombo Street jtfpponunuy^ BANNBRMAN, Cd Coloured Plates as samples of our value. •'.-■• il7, Colombo Str*^ J 1

C. A. Leea.) (W. G. Brass. C. A. LEES AND CO., AUCTIONEERS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, 158, Oashel Street. FOR ABSOLUTE SALE. _ OWNER LEAVING CHRISTCHURCH. NEW Cottage of 4 rooms, situated lOOyda from tram-line in St Albans, plastered, verandah, bathroom, hot find cold water, pantry, scullery, picture mouldings, tiled hearths and gratea, arched hall, connected main sewer, natent WC, everything up to date; J-acre section, well fenced, sunny aspect. Just the place for z ndwly-marriod couple or man with a small family. This place must be sold quickly, and we want a reasonable offer. Full particulars from Sole Agents, ■ C. A. LEES AND CO. ~£420. ST ALBANS, close to tram— Good House cf 4 rooms, verandah, part plastered, gas laid on, scullery, bathroom, hot water from copper, washhouse, copper, tubs artesian) wateT stippiy, J-aore land, good lawn and kitchen garden. Trellis work on .either side of houstj. A Cheap end Natty Little Property. Fol. 846 C. A. LEES AND CO_ £325. . ■ ADDINGTON, handy to Lincoln Road and Railway Workshops — New House of 4 rooms, plastered, verandah, bathroom, lavatory basin, hot water from copper, wash-house, copper, tubs, ramvand tank, J-acrs section. A Comfortable House. Fol. 602 C. A. LEES AND CO. £420. 'LINWOOD, Canal Reserve— New T-Cottage of 4 taoma, plastered, verandah, .centre flow- . ers, picture mouldings, bathroom, scullery, pantry, washhouse copper, tubs, |-*ere section, up-to-date in every respect. Wotth I»---6PBCti - O. A. LEES AND L eg .£3oo* TO SPECULATORS AND INVESTOR. CLOSE TO COLOMBO STREET— Seeoitxa having about 48ft frontagb to two streets by a depth of about 66ft, on which is erected a small Cottage, returning 12s 6d per week, which is & good return while tihe land grows in value. This must certainly commend itself as a sito for a shop or factory at an early data Fol. 787 C. A. LEES AND CC. R. W. ENGLAND. tiuildin.g material. large"~stccks. seasoned. Tuam and St Assph Streets, Caziatchnroh. 7094 "VTOTHING- in the City equals our Fisli J-i Luncheons find Suppers, or Grill if preferred. Price Is. Comfort and clert-nli-i.ees at o>nr New Reetaurant> next Cafe civ Paris. . .178 SOMETHING SPECIAL. MOORHOUSE AVENUE, Id section— PlftEtered Dwelling, containing -7 room 9, bathroom and every convenience, nearly JacTe, in splendid order, and remarkably cheap at £350. Owner en absentee; must realise. DEARSLEY AND LANE, 71, Cathedral Square. SMOKERS, HAVE yott tried DERBY FLAKE, In 3ob iir»»? Tf ir' Son* TBigs is. It's really Al. — gs. 1O s, *j &2 £ 5. *Bs£kW? CENTRAL LOAN OFFICE, j»T l l**ea^ £• METZ, Proprietor, ffiH^l!£i*rai 190 « Armagh Street, just off B|y Colombo Street ( (next to fi|p|jsrt Money advanced oa all \jgpr kinds of Jewellery, Diamonds. Gold, Silver, Plate, etc. Old Gold and Silver bought, inoluding broken Jewellery and Watches. All business absolutely confidential. Note Address: 190, Armagh Street. Private entrance at side. SMOKERS, "VTOUR enjoyment will be complete wkvn K. smoking DERBY. In Plug oi_2oz Tins. .TTTANTED Known— You will find it everytTT. where. What? Why, DERBY TOBACCO, The Best of All Smokes. EXTRAORDINARY BAEGAIff. WORCESTER STREET. MODERN RESIDENCE of 6 large rooms, oriel window, verandah, concrete foundations, plastered, tiles. BARGAIN. BARGAIN. '' .. Venetians, bathrooni, h. and o. service and basin, pantry, scullery, ■washionsu, copper, tubs (taps over). BARGAIN. BARGAIN. Grand J-ACRE SECTION, valuable site, well fenced, asphalt paths. This is a Uniquo Chanco to secure BARGAIN. BARGAIN. A First-class Property at less than cost. So call at once for card to view. Urgent Sale. Sacrifice Price. J. G. BANNERMAN, 117, COLOMBO STREETS BEATH'S SALE BARGAINS. SMART Dreas Lengths in all the' latest material; were 11s 6d, now only 5s lid. At Beath's Sale : __ T"ADIES' Ready-to-Wear Felt 3, very stylishJU ly trimmed; usually from 7s lid to 14s lia, now 2s lid. Beath'_B_Sale_. T ADIES' 69s 6d Tailor-made Costumes, with JU medium and long-fitting coats, going for 355. Beath's Sale. MEN'S KaiaDoi Mackintosh Coals ; were 655, now only 29s Cd. Beath's Sale. T ADIES' All-Wool Colonial Tweed Paletots, JU badly wanted this weather; 55s values now 37s 6d. Beath's. "IMTERCERISED Knitted Elbow Gloves, in lfj. white, beaver and cream ; were 2s 6d, now ls. Beath's Sale. ~A~LL-WOOL T'Bloomers, medium weights, A bought specially cheap; were 6s lid, now 4 S Hd. Beath's Sale. BS~/?D DINING-ROOM Ohair3, going at O4 8 9d; Bedroom Ware at 7s lid set, to clear. At Beath's. T AJJIES' Flannel Shirt Blouses, this sea-S-i son's stylos, all colouss; were 9s 6d to Its 6d, now from_3s_lld._Beafh's. 7"~ID~TURKISH Towels, going for 5Jd; 4s '2 lid Table Napkins for 4s 3d. Beath's | Sale. EiVS Merino Shirtß, were 2s lid. now ls lid ; 5s 6d Felt Hats, now 3a lid. Beath'sSale. ~fIHILDREN'S~ White Foxaline Ties and \J Necklets, 2s lid to 4 S lid, values now ls Sd and Is 6d_; ; PRETTYVelveteen, in ell wanted shades; usually 2g ild, now only ls. At Beath's Sale. ■ | *>Q S £ D LADIES' Paietots, in swing back £iv O and fitting styles, sacrificed now for 12s 6d. At Beath's. EVERY Article on the Premises is guaranteed reduced from 2s to 15s in the £L At Beath's Sale. 16 __ •T7rrANTED Known— -Yoa will find it otr«ry!VV. where. What? Why, DERBY TOBACCO, ' The Best of, All Sinokog. 1?/^Cnr/^— THE TONIC which Nev«* I! \JOIi.W Fails to Cure. COOK AND ROSS, Chemista. Christchnroh. WANTED, Boy« and Girls under 16 to read particulars of BENSDORFS COCOA and CHOCOLATE CONFECTIONERY COMPETITION on Another Page. OMI GREAT FARM BARGAIN. GREAT FARM BARGAIN. 1185 ACRES. 1186 ACRES. WELLINGTON PROVINCE. 2 Sheep wintering land. 800 Acres in grass, 650 acres ploughaible, well watered and su<b- . divided. Adjacent' to Railway, School, etc Good House and Complete Outbuildings. Recemt Valuation is equal to tho Price i Asked. nrr PER ACRE. Easy Terms. The Bulk 3* 1 1 of Purchase Money can remain on r Mortgage. J. G. 'BANNERMAN. 117 Colombo Street "R/f*INSON'S for Enamelled Ware — See our IVX 6£d Candlesticks, ls 3d Colanders, and 6d Coloured Plates as samples of our value.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 9305, 4 August 1908, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Star (Christchurch), Issue 9305, 4 August 1908, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Star (Christchurch), Issue 9305, 4 August 1908, Page 2