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T 7 EST ° H?^ C fc U H E O C O H L DISTKICT stated that, an sp lt e of a number ofchaS in the teaching staff, and a reduced Average attendance, due to influenza, the school had again had a most successful year No only was the Inspector's report of June last one of the finest in the history of the school, but tha numbers in the secondary department i were keeping up well. There were thirteen 1 candidates for matriculation, thirty for Junior Civil Service, two for Education Board senior, and four for Ediication Board junior scholarships. A feature of the proceedings was the unveiling of iho school honours board, which already had on it eight names, by Mr T S Foster Mr H. G. Ell, M.P., presented "the certihca.tea and prizes for athletics. Certificates of merit in the secondary department were presented as follows: —Class A— John Condliffe, Latin (headmaster's special prize), English, mathematics; James Watson, mathematics and English; Nellie Wenruoth, mathematics and arithmetic; Cbristance T. Smith, English; Eric Thompson, good attendance; Clara Broadley, bookkeeping; Henry Eochfort, mathematics and English. Class B— Harold Davidson, first in chemistry and arithmetic, senior chemistry and general proficiency; Charles White, special for chemistry and general improvement; Arthur Barnett, Latin and second in general proficiency; Percy Saville, third in general proficiency; Charles Bain, junior chemistry; Reginald Lamb, physical measurements; Edmund Bridgman and' Arthur Anderson, good attendance. Class C— Lilac Keith, first in general proficiency and Latjn; Bertha Lowe, second in general proficiency; Ethel Kinross, third in proficiency and special prize for improvement: Gwen Lamb, first in lower division general proficiency; Ruby M'Clelland, second lower division proficiency and improvement; Bertha Hanam, third lower division proficiency and improvement; Ethei Drake, first in commercial subjects; Annie Hopkinson, first in book-keeping; Ivy Taylor, second in commercial subjects; Madge Walker, first an commercial subjects (iower division). Glass D — B. Boniface, firat in general proficiency; Sydney Holland, second in general proficiency; Leonard Scott, first in .mathematics; Harry Fryer, second in mathematics; Arthur Maddison, commercial subjects; George Neill, good attendance; Ernest Hodgson, first in shorthand (lower division); Norman Thompson, first in bookkeeping (lower division). Class E — Lewis Williams, first in general proficiency ; M'Kay Gordon and Keith Butters, equal, second in general proficiency; Ina Pointon, fourth in general proficiency and writing; Clara Beattie, commercial subjects; Theresa Dolan, shorthand; Sydney Holland, good attendance; Robert Auton, good attendance.

PAPANUI SCHOOL. ' The annual presentation of prizes took place on Tuesday afternoon in the presenoe of a large number of parents and friends. The prizes were distributed by Mr T. Caverhill as follows:— Standard Vl.— Berkley Hopkins 1 medal, presented by Mr T. S. Weston), F. Ford and F. Adamson (prizes presented by Mr Hawke) equal 2; W. Hay (prize presented by Mts Bradley) 4. Standard W- T. Wilson 1,. W. Calder 2, M. Young- 8, H. Clark and D. Baiter equal 4. Standard IV. — James M'llroy 1, C. Somerset 2, M. Poulsen 3, E. Devemngr 4. Standard 111. — D. Procter 1, G. Hudson %J. Hodeson 3, M. Leaman 4. Standf»rd ll.—^G. Brandstater 1, R. Rosfliter 2, L. Adams 3-, E. Souiersei and Stanley Pye equal 4. Standard I.— L. Harris 1, G. Hodgson 2, A. Turton 3, E. Wilson 4. Each child in the Infant Department received a present. Sewing prizes (presented by Mesdamea A. S. ford, Brookes and Prichard) — Standard VI., G. Proctor ; Standard V., W. Oalder; Standard IV., D. Barnard; Standard 111., M. Hay ; Standard 11., L. Adams. General knowledge prizes (presented by Mr T. Caverhill) — James M'llroy 1, M. Lawry 2. Most improved writing during the year (presented by Mrs A. S. Ford) — Olive Reese (Standard IV:). Swimming' prizes — Boys: H. Bailey, W. Burborough, C. Reese, M. Bailey, S. Kruse, B. Claridge and J. Smith; Girls: R. Bateman, L Reese, E. Devening and G. Smith. Teachers' prizes. — Writing and drawinsr Ivy Borgieldfc, Standard IV. Grammar and composition—Standard VI., Bessie Palmer; Standard V., H. Clark and L. Hockey; Standard IV., E. Montgwrnery and J. M'llror; Stan- : dard 111., W. Chonery; Standard 11., F. l'oulsen.

KAIAPOI DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL. The prizes won by scholars of the Kaiapoi District High School were presented on Fridsy, in the presence >of a large gathering. The following is the prize-list:- — Attendance Prizes. — One year— Ella Capill George Evans, Lily Evans, John^Lewis, Duicie Allister, Stuart Tnrnbull, Leonard Parnham, Jessie Stark and Laurence Bate. Two years — Elsie Thome and Frank Packwood. Three- years — Irene Keetley, Crodeigh Paekwood, Jack Rollinson, Cecil Hcskin, Laura Knox, Frances Hayler and Mary Quick. F<rar years— Eileen Roljinsan, Lily Miles, Alfred Wilson. John Philips and Ivy Land. Five years— Thomas Oajpstick, Lawrence Mellor,,

Roland Packwood r*d May Knight. Six year*-^lra Land aud Pansy Pearce. Seven years — Ernest Rollinson and Annie Phillips. Nine years — Myrtle Pearee. Proficiency Prizes.— Primer II.— Boys: Leslie Forrest 1, G. Evans 2, Claude Hoskin 3, A. M'lntosh 4. Girls: Merle Sullivan 1. Dorothy Ma/llasoh 2, Molly Brocklebank 3, Mary Parnham 4. Primer III.— Boys: Eric Brocklebank 1, George Capstick 2/ Harry Miller 3, Frank BrundeH 4. Girls: Flossie Morley 1, R >se Fisk 2, Gwen Mably 3, Emily Fisk 4. Standard I.— Boys : C. Alexander 1, Milton Murray 2, John Forrest 3, Ernest Forrest and Solomon Pohio 4. Girls: Ina Jeffrey 1, Hilda Parnham % Irene Jones 3, , Grace M'lntosh 4. Standard II.— Boys: T.* 4 Parnham 1, T. Lydster 2, Cecil Hoskin 3, Phil Wylie 4. Girls; Tessie HisJop 1, Ida Taylor 2. Ivy Land 3 Eisie Blakley 4. Standard 111. — Boys: Wilfred Harrison 1, Exnest Stone 2, Fred Taylor 3. Girls: Jessie Stark 1, Rose Sullivan 2,. Frances Hayler 3. Stan-, dard IV. — Boys: Laurence Simpson 1, Owen Lydster 2, Joseph Logan. 3. Girls: Jessie M'Fall 1, Laura Giles 2, Annie Stark 3. S+andaTd V.— Boys: James Simpson 1, A. Forrest 2, Isaao Miles 3. GMs: Jessie Kidd 1, Jennie Young 3. Ivy Horniblow 3. Standard VI. — Boys: Frank Packwood 1,- Hairy Moore 2, Ednc Reed 3. Girls: Amy Moore 1. Linda Drabble 2. High School Depart ment, Upper Division — Boys: Roland Packwood 1. Girls: Myrtle Peaa-oe 1. Lower Division — Boys: Albert Barnes L Caledonian prizes for composition — Primary Department — Boys: Edric Reid 1, Frank Packwood 2. Girls: Margaret Sullivan 1, Mary Stark 2. High School Departmdnt— Boys: Roland Packwood 1, Albert Basrnes 2. Girls: Ada Flac 1, Myrtle Pearce 2. Sewing prizes. — Primer II. — Tottie Mallasch 1, Freda Johnson 2. Alioe Johnson 3, Lily Evans 4. Primer 11. —Rose Fisk 1, Gwen Mably 2, Lizzie Hall 3. Standard I.— Elsie Orchard 1, Hilda Parnham 2, Irene Jones 3. Standard II. — Tessie Hislop 1, Ethel Reid 2, Ida Taylor 3, Agnes Blackwell 4. Standard lll.— Mabel Brundei 1, Winnie Murphy 2, Rose Sullivan 3. Standard IV. — May Goldthorpe 1, May Keetley 2, Jeasie Brundell 8. Standard V.-^Ethel Tayior 1, Ivy Brierly 2, Eileen Rollison 3. Standard VI. — Amy Moore 1, Maggie Sullivan 2, Eileen Doubleday 3. Technical Prizes. — Woodwork — Morning class : Ralph Bean 1, Harry Moore 2, Leonard Leo 3, Herbert Manning 4. Afternoon class: Charles Fisher 1, Ernest Penwell 2, Carl Mailasch 3, Ernest Rollinson 4. CookingMorning dlass— Theory : Ethel Murray 1, jMmie Hart 2. Practice: Avis Lancaster 1, Jessie Kidd 2. Most improvement — Mary Stark. Afternoon class — Practice : , Irene Richards and Jessie Clothier fequal) 1, Ivy Clothier 3. Queen's medallion for swimming —Roland Manning. Headmaster's special prizes— Standard VI., geography— Ella Brundell. High Sohool Department, book-keeping — Mabel Woodham.

I EAST CHRISTCHURCH SOHOOL. M|r J. Jamieson, chairman of the East Christchurch Sohool Committee, with Messrs Aitken and Andrews, presented the prizes for regailai attendance and also the prizes won at the recent sports gathering at Lancaster P«rki The following received Regular Attendance prizes: — Artlnir Bowden, Leonard Casbolt, Fred Chinnery, George Casbolt, Herbert Dent, Robert Elston. Arthur Gordon, Fred Harris, George Hall, Robert Rose. John Slatter, Charles Smith. . Sydney A. Smith, Matthew Woodward, Gladys Munro, Gladys Bradley, Ivy Edwards, Dorothy Mably, Violet Oldridge, Elsie Thome and Madeline White. Drill prizes for Sergeants were presented to Sergeants Rose, Nimmo, Collie., and Coburn. Mr Aitken, on behalf of the competitors, presented Mr A. R. Blank with a clJbck, in appreciation of his services in connection -with the sports. " "

TEMUKA DISTRICT HIGH. SCHOOL. The distribution of prises at the Temuka District High School topK place on Friday afternoon. An elocution contest was held and twelve children competed, the prizewinners being Edith Hancox (senior) and. John Fraser (junior). Mrs D. M'lnnes. wife of the Mayor of Temuka, presented the prizes, ,and the -Revs C. Macdonald, T. Coatsworth and J. H. Haalam delivered brief addresses to . the children. The following is the prizelist:—Dux (gold medal) High Sohool— Eric Mile3. Dux (gold medal) Primary School— E^ifch Hancox. Standard Vl.— Boys: Xeslie M'Ca.lum 1, Vivian Morris 2. Girls:. Edith Hancox 1, Alma Cook 2. Standard V.— Boys : Clarence Wright 1, N. Scrimshaw 2. Girls: Georgina Thompson 1, Ida Bryan 2. Standard TV.— Boys: Edward 3jaylor 1, "A.. Brown 2. Girla: Jessie Monahan 1, JJottie Bambridge 2. Standard III.— Boys: S. Wintexburn 1, D. Nicholas 2. Girls: V. Norton 1. Maudd Martin 2. Standard II.— Boys: Harold Walker 1, Stanley Highet 2: * Girls :- G. Langridge 1, A. Bambridge 2. ' Standard

L— Boys: 6. Fildes'l, B. Cooper 2. Girls: B. Scrimshaw 1, M. Niles 2. Prices wen also given to the preparatory classes, and special prizes were given for attendance, spelling, writing and sewing. The. District High School prizes were as follow :— Advanced class — Isa Iverach, first in English history, German and Latin ; Mary Miles, first in algebraa, geometry, heat "and trigonometry.. Third year — Eric Miles, first in arithmetic, Algebra, chemistry and trigonometry; : o*s. berfc Hanoox, first in Latin; Ahnie Simpson, first in English and algebra; Ruby Mitea* first in geometry Second year — Hettie Simi. equal first in Latin; W. M*Clintbck,' 'first in French; Violet Jessep, equal first in Latin. First year— Margaret Goy' first io English, geometry, Latin and chemistry; Stanley Davey, first in ; Jamea , Bennett, first in French; Maurice Austin, first in alerebra.

• ASHBURTON SCHOOL. - The annual breaking-up and presentation of prizes in connection with the Aahbartdn Borough and Allenton Schools took pwi on Thursday, the chairman of the oommSSr (Mr T. Hayes) being in the choir, v Tit* teaching staff and scholars were congratulated on their success during the past year, whicfc, it was stated, had been » most trying o&« in consequence of the prevalence of meaaleft, influenza and whooping cough. The piiM were distributed by Mr Hi Davis (Mayor of Aahburton). Bach of the infants received a present. '..-■"

TUAHIWI SCHOOL. On Wednesday the children of the Tuahiwi Native School, together with member* of the committee and parents, met for th* breaking-tip ceremony in. the sahool grounds. The school gardens were much, admired and the master was warmly congratulated o« the practical result of his teaching in agriculture. There are nine garden plots, eaoh in charge of two pupils. Cash prizes wera given for garden work, and the mon«y w« distributed as follows: — Jfo. 1 plot 7a Hb. fl plot 8s 6d, No. 3 plot la, Mo. 6 pOot I* So. 7 plot lls, No. 8 plot 3a. The thanks of the parents and committee were conveyed to the teachers for their very successful training of the pupils for the school poncert. A hearty vote of thanks was given to tha Rev C. A. Fraer and the members of ih* committee for their assistance in judging the gardens. Each pupil received a DotiS for' general diligence in school-work, and the following prizes were awarded for garde* plots:— Three rows of potatoes — G. Woods 1 % W. Pitama and G. Maaka S3, John Wain* 5, Bow of carrots— W- Pitama and <x. Mml^ 1, G. Woods '2. Louisa Kelly and M. M'Quif lan 3. Row or parsnips— W. Haretai and P, McQuillan 1, G. Woods 2, W. Pitama «n* G-. Maaka 3. Two rows of cabbage — G-. W*>od«* 1, W. Pitama and G. Maaka 2, Louise Kelly' and Mary McQuillan 3. Bow of beans--W. Pitama and G. Maaka 1, W. Karotai and P. H'Quillan 2, Louise Kelly and HL M'Quillan 8. . Row of eechalots— W. Pitaoa. «ad -(Si"Maaka 1; W. . Karetai and ! F. M'Qui&HFlt John Reuben 3. . Cbre of plcrt— W. Ks*«W' and F. M'Quinan I,' <J.wW«boa» S. .J& Pltwaa and G. MaaiaS, . ' ' ; v '^

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 9116, 23 December 1907, Page 1

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PRIZE DISTRIBUTIONS. Star (Christchurch), Issue 9116, 23 December 1907, Page 1

PRIZE DISTRIBUTIONS. Star (Christchurch), Issue 9116, 23 December 1907, Page 1