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GRAND NATIONAL MEETING. SECOND DAY. Stewards-Messrs A. Boyle, P. Cam pbeil, C. G. Dalgety, -J. C. N. Grigg, H. A. fnight, P. H. f-yne, J. B. Keid, A. E G. Khodes, B. Heaton Rhodes, D. Ruth«£ ? «d, \™r maker and the Hon L. Walker, M.L.C ,, hon. treosurer-MrcG. Stead; hon aurgeon"Hr T C. Palmer* hon. veterinary surgeon— & J. iSon! IM.P,CV.S,1 M.P,CV.S, bon time-keepeiv-Mr H. Kohn; }? d BV^ wL„T" Harigill; haadicapper-Mr J. E. Henrys, startSr-kr H. Pip«; clerk of scales-Mr Alfred Evan*. cleri :/>* co^ s ?T W*t£' Thompson, secretary- Mr W. H. E. Wa-nk-The Grand National meeting was continued at Riccarton 10-day. The x*un during tne nLht had made the courae very heavy, but the ™Lhar was fin* wben the racing commenced. Thera was a good attendance, &™S\ it sufteS%jrS«uLi«m wi*h that of Tuesday. The following are'the details of the racing :- HUNT CLUB CUP, a handicap steeplechase of 100 soys: second horse 20 soys and third horvetZk fiom the stake. About two 10?M^s d I. a B a and C. K. £ Tf ohau, by Duke i**"*?**** . aged, lOst 131 b . t <S. Howie) 1 264 Messrs Elworthy Bros.'** eh g Kowta*, by Hanlan-Rambow, -^g^ , \ _ Messrs Elworthy Bros,', b g C™gmare, by Kulnine— Makomako, 6yre, list &b (coupled with Rowlock^ h Eiway) g 97 Mr* W H. P. Woodroffe'a br g Gam-"~<w.«-'*/=***£_£k, 19 Mr W. E. Simes's blk g Baxlock, aged, ion 121 b * ( J * Boyd) 0 Rattlesnake and Te Kohau were first to show out, but Balfour soon joined them, and before tho straight was reached he was m front. Passing the stand Baifour and Rowlock were running bjx lengths clear ofyßmAMesnake and Te Kohau. Barlock fell at the first oi tho stand double, and at the second fence Craigmore hit hard, but his rider made a good recovery. Running round- by Cutis s* Rowlock took up the running from Rattlesnake and T**» Kohau, Balfour falling back. At the seven furlong post Rowlock and Te Kohau drew out from Rattlesnake. They ran in company till ihe last fence was crossed;, when Te Kohau came away, aad -won by six lengths from Rowlock, with Craigmor© a similar distance away "third, and Rattlesnake fourth. Time— smin 29 8-seec. Dividend— £s 3s. SUMNER HANDICAP, of 100 sovb* seoond horse 20 soys, ond third horse 5 aova from tho stake. One mile and a half. 170 Mr G. Murray-Aynsley's b g The Mohican, by Mauser — Adventuress, 4yrs, Hat j Sib (F. .navies) 1 70 Mr T. Sheenan'a b h Bayonet, by Musketry—Payohe, 4yrs, 9st (R. Derrett) 2 94 Mr H. V&! lance' s m g Shellfiie, by Lakeehel-l— Culverin, 6yrs, 9*>t (L. Roden) 8 86 Mr J. Wilson's eh h Bombaido, Syrs, lOst 9lb (L. L. King) 0 175 Mr J. A. Holmes's br h Royal Crown, 4yr-s, lOst 3l*b (R. King) 0 29S Mr C. Raynor'a br g Talune, Syra, 9sfc lllb o>. Watt) 0 68 Mr S. Brown's eh m Fairy Rose, aged, 9»t 71b (C. Suasey) 0 90 Mr W. J. "Wood's b h Reliance, aged, fiat 61b CW. Wood) 0 82 Mr \V. J. Jorgensen's eh g Coxswain syrs, 9st Blb (J. Burns) 0 85 Mr W. Ralhbone's eh g Bombaates, 4yrs, 9st (T. Wilson) 0 37 Mr C. J. Sloman's eh m Gold Bangle, aged, 9st (D. Moraghan) 0 62 Mr H. M'Miaaiaway'a eh. g Moeraki, aged, 9st (G. Byrne) 0 Bayonet and: The Mohican, were the first to show out, Sheliftre -aaid Talune being slowest to move. Running out of iihe straight Bayonet was piloting the way from Moeraki and The Mohionn, who were following Gold Bangle and Reliance. Turning into the back stretch The Mohican fell back into sixth place. At the six furlong po3t Bayonet held an advantage of two lengths, the rest of the field being in close order,, except Coxswain and Bombardo, who were some lengths away. Roimding the turn for home Bayonet wae -still well clear of the field. Once into the straight, The Mohican, Talune, Bombaatos and Royal Crown i made a move. At the dietanoe The Mohioan J drew out &om "the others, and, catching Bayo- , net twenty yards from the post, he won- by - ' two lengths. Shellflre was five lengths away third, a length in fromt df Bombastes and Talune. Time— 2min 54sec. Dividends— The Mohicai £5 ss. Bayonet £i ss. AUGUST HANDICAP, of 200 soys; second horse 80 sovb, and third horse 10 soys from j the slake. Six furlongs I 159 Messrs Ellis Bros.'s eh h Brighton, by j Euroolydon— Mr Belle, 4yrs, 9s t 6lb (W. M'Kay) r, 191 Mr R. M'Donald's b m Flower o' Clutha, 'by Trump Card— Stockflower, syrs, lOst 10lb (I*. King) 2 81 Mr Grantley's eh g Ability, by Conaueror — Queen Bee, 4yrs, 9st (H. Donovan) 3 216 Mr D. Thomson's b g Kremlin, aged, j list 131 b (Lindsay) 0 j 121 Mr J. Jeffs's eh m Petpwrna, 6yrs, list j i 2lb (J- P {ne ) ° '<W3 Mr W. Smart's b g Shrapnel SheH, 6yrs, lOst 131 b (R- Derrett) 0 151 Hon J. D. Ormond's b g Repulse, aged, 9st 81b (Gallagher) 0 98 Mr E. Russell's br m Lady Soult, aged, 9st 61b ( c * C^ 8 , 8 ) ° 49 Mr E.Gav's br m Hinekoa, aged, 956 310 (T. Julian) 0 46 Mt J. Y. M'Cracken's blk g King Stork, Syrs, 9sb CR- King) 0 180 Mr D- M'Kendry's b g Manjess, syr.f, 9st (G. Price) 0 25 Mr J. Frank's b g Wot Blanket, aged, 9s t . (J. M'Cluskey) 0 Petrovna, Kremlin and Brighton were flrs*t to show out. and the three made the running round tho tot) turn, closely attended by Flower o* Clutha, Shrapnel Shell bringing up the rear. Turning into the straight there was , no change in the leading position, but once in lina for home Kremlin retired. A little further on Brighton and Flower o' Clutha singled themselves out, and. after a capital struFfjle, Brighton won by three parts of a length. Ability made a strong run from the distance, and gained'third placo, a lenerth in front of Mam'ea** and Lady Soult. Time— lmin 28seo. Dividends— Brighton £Q 10s Gd, Flower o' Clutha £1 10s 6d. 2JEW ZEALAND GRAND NATIONAL HURDLE HANDICAP, of 700 soys; second horso 150 soys, and third horse 50 soys froa. the stake. About two milea. 130 Mr G. B. Oman's b g Medallius, 'by Medallion—Rosebud, -aged, 9st 51b - (M'Connon) 1 •144 Mr J. Reginald's b g Hippowai, by Hippocampus—The Orphan, aged, 9*l. 181 b (M'Gregor) 2 47 Mr W. O. Rutherford's eh g- Scottish Minstrel, by danranald— Prima Donna, aged, 9st 91b (H. Oarr) 3 93 Mr J. O'Driscoll'a b g Waiwera, by Gipsy King— Starwater, aged, list 9lb (Cameron) 0 176 Mr I*. Marshall's-' eh h Spalpeen, by Gossoon— Windmill, Syrs, list Blb (F. Burns) 0 257 -Mt C. Machell'a b g Slow Tom, by. St Ives— Queen Bee, aged, lOat 7lb (A. Hall) 0 414 Mr F. Watson's b g Tupara, by Hotchkiss—Queen Cole, aged, lOst 6!b (P. Johnston) 0 178 Messrs Kidd and Parker's b g Tahae., by Recel— Mysterious, Syrs, lOst 2lb 3 ** - * . qg., Howard) 0 74 Mr R. Hannon'a b g Hautapu. by Mitiora—Lady Sarahj aged, 9st 12lb (O'Connell) 0 202 Mr A. Champion's b g Cavalry, by Light Artiitery-Sunningdale, aged, 9st lllb ■ (Cochrane) 0 359 Mr C. P. Mtfrray-Aynsley'B blk g Huku, by Vanguard— Spray, aged, 9st 9lb „ (Fergus) 0 289 Mr R.- W. Paterson's b g liiaaa. by Lethe— Miss Gertrude, 6yrs, 9st 81b (Telford) 0 35 Mt E. i>. Mackenzie's blk g Victor 11., . by Wellington— Little Louie, aged, 9st j 81b (Seoullar) 0 51 Mr H. Friedlandei's br m CathermeGordon, by Perkin Warbeck n.--Sprightly, aged, 9*t 4lb (Moraghan) 0 192 Mr D. Rutheribrd'a br m Zealous, by aged, 9st 4lb^ fl 55 Mr H. Quins b g Ranana, by Austra-iwm-Oaliope, 6yra, 9st Blb (S. Howie) 0 50 Mr O. Jeffeison'B br g Merry Boy, oj | Merrio England— Fathom mare, aged, 9st '- (C Whale) 0 31 Mr D. Hyland's gr g Hostage, by Wellesley — Lone Heart, aged, 9st . (W. Jarviß) 0 Hautapu led over the J&rst fences ahd entering the course proper he was ; showing ■ xbo way, with Slow Tom, to Scottieh Mjustrel, Cavalry and Victor 11., Waiwera and Hosta^* bringing up tho rear. Passing tne stana, Hautapu was a length in front of Slo s,H m : who in turn was two lengths clear of Vioior 11. and Cavalry. The lwt-named hit the fence in front 'of the stand and blundered on to his nose,„but his rider recov«jred himseif ana went on, though ho lost a lot of ffMund._ Running round by Cutts's, Hautapu and S.ow Tom were showing just cleaT of Victor *r, a , Hippowai, after whom came Scottish Mins*rei. , Tupara, Lissa, Catherine Gordon, Ranana *** •Zealous. At the mile post Slow Tom was baotaiu and Yiotax XL *£>*& Iff.n-n »«*"*- >* **"

! lead, three length b in front of Lissa, -Scottieh I Minstrel, Zealous and Tupara, witli Huku and J- ahae gradually closing up. Six furlongs ' from homo Victor 11. was in tho van, with : Zea.ons, Tupara. and Huku, closely attended ; by Lizza, Scottish Minstrel and Merry .tJcy. , At the top turn Tupara ran to -the front, followed by Tahae, Huku and Scottish Minstrel. ivf 01 ? ¥ P° int a great race resulted. At the last hurdle quiie half tho field possessed good chances. Tahae fell, and in a desperate struggle Medallius just got up in the last stride, and won by a head from Hippowai, who -was a similar distance in front oS Scottish Minstrol. Next in order, etill separated by heada only, came Tupara, Huku, Merry Boy and Catherine Gordon. Time— 4min 1 l-ssec. -Dividends—Medallius £U 3s, Hippowai £4. ss. The following are the winners of the race: —

Yoar -j Home. Weight. | Jtcider. | Time. ,o«« t ■ flfc lb m. g. IS9O Ixien 10 2 T. Stewart 4 5} 1891 Conranto 10 0 Redmond 353 Iffl2 Kulnine 11 s W. Clarke 4 0 18H3 Liburator 10 10 Powell 355 1>»94 Liberator 12 6 F. Holmes 4 of 1895 Donald : M'Kmmon 19 3 Aphdown 4 61 j 1596 Dummy 912 P. Johnsoa 3 «5i 1537 Umslopogaaß 9 5 B. Kingan 3 53} IS9B iSoc'al Past 10 13 W. Clarfeo 3 53 1889 pefiance 11 0 'Williams 3 56J ! 19U0 Eecord Beign 12 12 W. Clarke 3 46J ! 1901 Haydn U 0 W. Fahey 3 ftsi X902 Treßham 10 0 A. Juliftn 3 55* 1903 Waiwera 11 4 A. Hall 3 47 1904 Medallixis 9 5 ! M'Cocnon 4, 1\

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 8092, 18 August 1904, Page 3

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CANTERBURY JOCKEY CLUB. Star (Christchurch), Issue 8092, 18 August 1904, Page 3

CANTERBURY JOCKEY CLUB. Star (Christchurch), Issue 8092, 18 August 1904, Page 3