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tCh« td&nimng ■ia .»• eumniary; of news 'irihicb did not «fppear in Saturday's "Star":— •'•':■■■"■■ ' ' \ beneficial sains vte falling in Canada. ' ■.. ..■' • . . /. ■;'. %* • ? : General Eooropatkin. tko Russian Minister ■ ; bi W-ax, ia visiting Tokw. He is the Mikado's fofl • . ■ . % . •'. , . _■•• .. Mr Cratdheti "Walker, C.M.G., principal tTnderrSeoawtairy for New South Wales, is dead, »ged sixty-four. He (had !h«ldi Government positlone aince 1865. . • ■ v , Forty' <& !fcficihael Angelo'si drawings, representing. tlh« first *tihoug!hts of some of 'his best-. , mown works, fcaveoeen- discovered in tihel TJffiai Palace at Florence, . ' ' ■• - ...» ■•■ ■ - "■'■''*•*-• • .Jacob Reich 1 , "mho approached Emperor of Austria with «n upraised stick when his Majesty -was chiving through Vienna end was fcrfested. was found to be demented. ' ■■v-u- , ;.;--::■ ■■ *•• •■■■•■■:.. • / Iticm ■. Servian, army's nominee ia expected to fee elected. King. .Many civilians favour a SBepufrlio, and others': ate in favour of the jftlection. of Prince ICrko, of Montenegro. ,' Tfae -VjcejOhahoellors' -will represent Oxford &a 4 Cambridge at the allied Colonial TJniver¥ities > Conference to 'be held at Burlington House on> July 9. The promoters hope that „ «be tiuafcralian and iNew Zealand Universities * '.' Tlie ■ autopsy showed th ? at King Alexander Received 'thirty rihot wounds, and Queen Dr«ga numerous ebot. «nd sabre wounds. The body \ pi Ik* Queen, wua flung o«t of the. window to bouvasce the «oldiera&at the. deed (had been none. /Dhe.'orowd cheered' the assassins, and Bags were displayed froxni most of the- win- : •■■ .: V ■.%••''■ ■■■•■• ' ; < : - ' » The Bngliab 'lEners' Federation Conference toow being held at Bath (has ireaffirrned its conpdenoe in freetrade and condemned 'ithe vacillating policy ol Mr Balfour and Mr Ohaniber-jain'-s scheme. It 1 has 'also deprecated the •wanton dnsultsr'ia workers- and- trades Wxixiuißt?. :, ioonltwaed' da. Ministers' recent Whe. P^deral Government unofficially eugtested to Lord! Tennyson that' an extension pt'hia °''tenD\'of office would be approved by -. . JLufitraaia. - I«ord - Tennysorv stated that. h« waa obliged to adhere to his" previous detersnnWtaon. ' It is expected that the name' of bis ioccessor mil 'be announced 'before the . end' of July. ■'-•.- , : . '• :• •■%• ■ '■ .'■ "' r 'M.- Colomaa de Szell, -' ; <lhe Hungarian • PreTO«r, speaking . in. i!he. Lower House, expressed ti« .^orror iat the murder of King Alexander pf-Servia, and declared 1 that the consequences ■would be prbfoundl They were incalculable vmtil tbe artuation !h-ad become clearer, and he (would not hazard <e,n opinion.* M. Koerber, the Austrian Premier, addressing the Reichsyath, said that, thowevcr sad and tragic, the events at 'Belgrade were, every Servian Go.vernteent conld* rely upon general sympathy «p far as they shaped their policy in accordance with the peaceful disposition's of Europe. :. In the House . of. Commons, after a disJursive .debate, the Finance Bill was read a eecond iiine without division. Mr Ritohie *aid it was impossible" for the Government 'to -ignore "Uib • «ugmeniation of ■ •tho German and, American, fleets. The British Government would xegpiceiif the International League ' coujd keep down the awful expenditure upon fcavieS. but without that no decrease of the expenditure: was- possibly. The colonies, he '' added, •ough% to oohtribute more largely to the navy, as a very considerable proportion > e{f the expenditure .waa inourred in their protection. . ' ' ... - _. _ •- - %•• ' ■ • '*. Pnndß 'Saxajreorgevitcli,. when interviewed. deplored thut the Serviati ,army had resorted jo violence. Kinfr- 'Alexander's-- abdication would iave sufficed. He added :.— " If oaHed ip the throne, I will be- inspired. with Switzer'land's admirable institutaons. lam fn favour of th* w'bsolu.te liberty of •tihs Press, arid hope . to see. Servia. prosper under. «. Constttution "■ eimilar to that in Iforce in. 1899. Tt is unirue that I ami systematically hostOe to Austria. It is possible that I may have speoial sym- . pathy with UusfiMt, in<asmuch as I sent my eon • to '/be trained «t the ( Russian Court, hoping that ihe would; take service there." TW following i* lie text of Sir Harry (Rawwra's preferential Iliade derpatcth, mentioned 1 in- the; caWe messages: — "My Govern- ' tnent, recognising that preferential trade will bs directly iadvaaitageous to Australia, by scouring her » :market for her natural products, and believing that this policy is in the highest | ' degree conducive to the welfare and solidarity, of ifhe 'Eanpire and . the union of the Britiahapeaking peoples'; stoongly supportg your ptopo'3al :i to investigate .the practioability of such preference; also, ..realising .thai what is Canw eda's tarn 1 to-day may be" Auetrailia'e to-mor-row, it expresses great satisfaction at ihe declaration, by. the^Britisih Government that >very self-governing colony shall be secured n the free exercise of its rififht fo enter into iloeer* trade relations with the Mother Country." The Premier of New Soubh Wales states , Hhatiihe' Governor -sent the cable message at '•"- hia request. He and his colleagues are en■tirely responsible for its contents.' Sir. Harry Bawson was nimply asked to transmit the message, and did so. .;-..;_■■;;■' •;--•.•-. ■ :•• . Lord 'EosebfeTy, epeakin^r; at the dinner of - the lifberal League, «aid he 'believed' : - Mr . -Cbamberiaia was 'tih-e- unity of ihe Empire, but 31r Gh««nberlain. had not eufficiently thought out ihis •Dlah. Lord ■Rcsebery . did' not I>«4ieve. lihe poiioy foresTiadowed, if carriea,©^!*. would cement the Empire. If ; :" ii^were not, carried out. raising ihequtstion ■'.-.' in' *he manner, ft had been raised would do arrepantMe dauwge. So far -aa ho nuderstocd ■fee Govennnerit'B proposals he could conceive ajotfbing ab detrijn<»ntel to the Empire' » union ■nd prosperity. There were many, difficulties fo overcome, due- to distance and mutual ' jealousies. .He trembled to think of ihe effect ' <mi the Empire's delicate world-wide organisation. . ■ He added that « zotyverein <«wnjld itanly ffiscriminß+iner tariffsr wilh the Mptherkind to- meet the difficulty of .the. varvahg di«fiances of ■{lie c©in,-rie''insr colonies'. Mr i/Lsquiii strbnß'ly supported freetrade. The ..sttoposecl irrqiii^yiJhe eaid,-wa« apparently for . Jfeft excluaiye; benefit of Mr B'alfcur, who olone . amonig his colleagues (had unaettltd convictions r . '; : •?, ■"<■■■■ ' :.:'■•'■'".•-■ i

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 7731, 15 June 1903, Page 1

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BECBNTNEWS Star (Christchurch), Issue 7731, 15 June 1903, Page 1

BECBNTNEWS Star (Christchurch), Issue 7731, 15 June 1903, Page 1