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Business Notices Businesa Kotioea. TTAELEQUIN Tobacco is the Finest Dark M^^^^^^^^^^ lL M .M-i..-------»- M -.-!riii ■■■ ' Tobacco. X192, I AWARDED I JMHWS^l^i^gaSilß^Mi^^l. " 1 ONLY GOLD MEDAL, I I FIRST SILVER MEDAL! W §1 IN AUSTRALASIAN I ( COMPARE^ B I COMPETITION. I VV>unfMKty m i I PURETEAS. 1 i Oar constant; astention and ezpepience ftat mado oiu» n | TEAS THS BEST, whioh has created many imitations, if i Atik fop oup Teas and get thom. Doa't listen to those In I who beg yoa to try this and that, it ts only because Wt H they return nsope profit. Oars are better value and H| P quality than any In Australasia. H ABSOLUTELY F-KiEE. . ; ... __- ; -, ' ' EVEEY BESIDENT IN CANTEEBt'^Y mpmamt^m^mmßßma&Ußnß&mnnßam^mmmmmmammammmmmM^au^y Zealand flowers, aiid on the back panels are R_JiMliu«.-WIJIui)llillllJiil-.l I ■lIPI II mt some excellent epecimena of Maori Carvings. |WKMESjßl|jtij||jßiH^ It ranks As a centre-piece for the drawing-room*, man- H_fiH__BßßHß___Hnß^r t . tel or an ornament for an occaaiomal table it iff among ChOCOlateS Do ycu Avant to siend a cihariacterislio' pre- as Van Houten's Cocoa does sent t-o your friends at Homo?- *,*■ - '- JW .. . ..____.«_h_j »^^ Send them one- of these Beautiful Screens, . M among Cocoas :it IS unequalled I S^SftJ^^y K^oto!r^ y * f Wholesome, Nourishing & Digestible. This chamning object de yortu we are giv- , _-_.-_,-« *mm m v>B«n a ■ ■ ing this month to every purchaser of 20k ! and ffr GIVE HT A TRBAL I W^Wfffß m Sold in the following sizes _§_W J^MlMieM JP£ Ifi.ii_j2-^ Croquettes ... In Tins. JBBff are tho acknowledged leading remedy for lUteinal.-i*™- DrOOS ... In'TinS. jMjgmr V.sinti. hecommended by the -tcdical tsoulty. < 'lh« TBmffnfc ,-wSBKT feni>in« be»r the » enttur« oj «m. mabxw ( iwrtwe-a Sauare Tablets. ____m~W without whitih none »te j_.nulne_. Ko J t dy sboxflil b« . . cW^. oi_u_uc xauj.v.«., J_W-~W without them. OtUer of air-Lhetai»l»y»roujhoutthe\ty>ila : A .y "Rnr<s JKBtSr Pioprletor,MAßTlH,fhtrm.Chemist,SlUTHAMPTO»|NQ. oalSm JS9Sr Ap'sats:SHARLANDftCo. l Ud..Audllaud&Weiai^n WHUBJak * AB&ff * aad NEW ZIiALANO DRUd Co., CtrlatnhnrcU^* Give it ffßaff NOT even the Slightest Hopes of Re<^€ry Trial j__Ws&kW - are 'he'.-d put mow for those inf erior 'Iwgiii'ds . lamß^ J_fasssflr of whiskies that have dime so. much to.vaiate ff___Wj_f popul-ar ta_te. Their doom was foretold: on jffEßjj^r FERGUSON'S 10-YEAR-OLD P. and 6. The Purest and Mildieat Stimulant on. the- ■:_ .. T«SBr It -haa no equal." Try it. ' ; ' ' - . _- : * ' . ■ : : - : ■ ; r - - — '■ ' ■■'■. — — — — ; » : — ... . ■' -AVONDALE TEAS— Now Bear Coupes |k,._ 111 Jftl || II i',.J 111ll 11ll '** , T!!?^ l^ttii|QJ,iJl l %P i g^Sl^^ ■; " " y-A.yyuy^ «*- N^R^'^trßourishm rpHERE may bo bdtw 'J?«s than Tiger, ,;SfllLK /^^^Qfa^ _^^ ff & *) I AVONDALE TEAS— Pres'ema on 31st Janu- WHEAT f '^ ' WJm/M JF M M jff^jjL Hj 1 STEARNS' Gent'a Bicycle, .No. 1404, just *BARLEY' '__{__&• 0 m ff ff ff I been replwted .and enamelled, new tyres A/fAIT jffjff W mkmmm ff jffjff ff ff 8 and pedals fitted, bearings in first-class ordec ; IWI ALI*. AwAe ff'Jr ff Sm/ff tr Jf a H vT enlarged our Stock of Grlass\rare, and our f m *^ "*■ " J^m, display is replete. Call »nd eee. Minson and , mi — —^-* I*^^1 *^^ - B 00.. 220, Oolombo Street. ■ 4759 ! wt ___ . . ißMßiiini-MIWi -tX -faculties; but what, about reviving the _ _..._._. ... ... m.....-rm4 • i^r^T% ■*&'* F - e i% a£^ B THE BEST FOOD FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS IN ALL CL!MATB. T 10-year-old Whisky will do it, an_ right well, « *>»«-y*» • »» " , . y beoause it's- Khe Pmcst and: Mildest Stimulant f IM DAWni^R FORM '_%..__ ". inExisteucc. F3136 oO^ ST $Ai PU " UC rUBW¥I. Cli Efiff~ HOUSEHOLD Requisites of every descrip- .V^ V«NT«- '^ KEEPS _^ *-''«-.jKL°_. «. _?^ "' I . tiou at Minson's., Ohtoaware, Olassware, •; THEWORLD. . INIfILEffIH'&TEIA&L * r P*'%S m lt ■«. 1 Enamelware, Tinwaxe, Brushware, Plait-edwure, -^^^^^ r imm *^i^ Outcry, etc. Minson and Co:, 220, Ooloabo •■■■^ aa*m+*m miniMum ■ 6treet. ' ■ * — „ : : .■ ■ , ■" '-. r— — SPLENDID Range of Navy Prints in the 4gßSs& *<**>!■■>»________. ' I) T\ newest styles at 6Jd yard, for morning __#^^^SfflT \\ %aJa dresses and blouaM, at Ballantyne's, Dun- {wß^^^^Sl stable House, Ofe/istchurch. j G~YPLINQr~— New Cycling~Sweater3 7_~6d. jgS^^^^^^&^^k-- "^^i BWfWfc ■■|<|l| Latest Shapes in Gents' Panamas, all /^^^M^^^^^^^^^^^. £?& 'fi U_\ Ml E&9 S V U prices ; -Tennis Shirts, special line 3s lld, at w^r^^^P^^S^^^J^K^^ '""^ IP B% B" fin 1 ■ _rn m em • - n» PILOT Oonf o Bicyclo, No. 141*, had very mr .-J^^^^^l '' *^H_^lf ■'■?«' B llhillf ■■ little use, now tyres fitted, beaoings, etc., ''^^l/l^^^lfW '^__^Hf ; -^H ——«'"■■ ' ■ toual to new; £10 caah, easy teams arraaged. :_» -^*fel^^^r -mmiMim : '-W Adams' Sta.. Cycle Coy., 70, Manchester # im^^^^k *--*"#s smgQms : _m> _■_ «_h _■__ _^__HB_____a Street. Ohristchurch'. - f jl^M^JW^^^^ WiWarA S% BB fb Hi S" T 1 ft" X— OO to H. Atkinson's, 117, Manchestei § :<M^i£&^''sWl: : Wtiil « ■ ■■lll%J^riJ% Street, foz Dinner Sets and Toilet Sets. B .^^^^M^^l Wf** *^|' WIlvL I *V« AVONDALE TEAS-_idia__ Table Cloths, . AJ.U. MX9^K3k tt- x.^4- t,« ™„^ a „A„r* m v AMmM . etc., ricWy embroider- ■+■■ : %m^ln\lM Sl S ließ ** lonotirsßwardedwllol * Vo * ed in gold, silver and W^^^^*"»3^_@^^^aJJffl^ "R-stliihited silks. 9796 JiiilUDltea. rrUGER TEAS: None be*ter, few as good. — — — _ ■ 55»' 1™ UWfW PARIS, 1900, . X— Buyers for Violin, Case and Bow, £1. __«ilts\ Y\\\\ U UdB&MM&L. H. Atkinaon, 11). Manchester. Streei J^lglS\w\\\ >lmfsMß&SZm_\ _-_ a—*, aa n. ■ ■-*. W-^. W--__ 9 ~hM rpo Investpris— We have several groups of M^^^v\\' ■PrW^'W^ A. Properties for which we aro asking offers. TOTe^^lllW l ul'HiW^^^ I -____— They comprise. 8, 7, 5 oawi 3 Properties re- x^T) 1 to JiFj uWrtn&aa'^' 1 * Bpeckiv'ely. These axe most substantial in- $ tiMutlnilullvwz vestments, end will pay handsome interest. MMnilllßfiFW^L OBTAINABLE FROM • Call at once. Speirs and Wilson, 146, Cashel __mffrUSll!lru\^^\. Stre ! t .r : ''. - 1 — Mn/Imll '///// \\\l u\ ATT TTPATITTSm nPiPTPPfI TTCTANTED, Ladies amd Gentlemen visit us Jfillfll I IMK \\ AJjlj IjI!jA.JJAIM tr AJIXJArihAXO, VV, for best value in Boots, Shoes, Slippers, M^tllpllllllllii ffli*^==n etc. Ladies' W-alking Shco3 from 5s 6d. llMkufllullM __sMriK Wfa i im um ■Ghent's B&imomla (sewn) froan 6s lld. Uni- «MIJb_IB^IS™IHI ' W lfl versa. Boab Coy., 231, High Street. E257. W\ J«|fiß»| AM 111 HVM ATKINSON'S Cash Furniture Ware- , ffl 11111 111 I'll ftl 1 Varieties, Shat»eS, & Styles house is 117, Manchester Street. Fl?98 __■__ .; tEJ- 1 .?:.- ' " *•"»-"». UA .""jj * 1_ rpO Working Men. — Saddle Tweed Trousers m m A . £B* 9 ■ ■ §tt " FIRST Quality Grapes and Tomatoes, local ■iIWWBIww , W» V 'Vgrown, at ' Colombo a^Shefter Streets GREAT REBOCTIOH IN PRICES* Strawberries and • Cream 6d. A.26^S V^^^^^^^e m* unmoiDai now supplymachines art. built throughout by the Eadie T]y C ANDES OEBTT BTTBNEBB Coy., England, make.- 'of our weil-kns vn Star tut a ivrmT -wes Bicyoles. Adams Star Cycle Coy., 70, Man- MANTLES Chester Btreet, Christchurcn- . -8 GLOBES UMBLERS aud Table Glassware.— Fiet- CHIMNEYS cher Bros, are quoting special low price.3 PENDANTS, *flt6. for Tumblers, Wine Glasses and Table Glass--srH!C£L!l£lir3 at prices which defy competition. Stands from ls. Splendid show of glassware in windows. Everything marked in plai:: BPBOIAI. BfSDTJCTIONB .TOB WHO3UESALE QVAXVHIEB. figures. Fletcher Bros., Lower High Street X3Oll xSsrs=rs-TS=TBSSr« 8 i«E » WBITTEB mumE TH« MY HURTLES Ini£%sr».KU .irslhXS cs hot mmst «my pateit. ■ out by tho Eadie Coy., England, makers oi our woll-knswn Star Bicycles. Adams Star Cycle Ooy., 70, Manoheater Street, Chtisv m%. ■ "W A Bioycle, Eadie Sjustable handles, rol- | g g SB la SI il W ffl H i nSIOBCTf^IIIIDPU ler chain, machine in perfect order; ■ price ||S B_B W Vg& 11 B»B EE B7L M> B VII 111 di UllUliUfl £14. Adam9 Star Cyclo Coy., 198, Colombo _r Street, near Cathedral. . fF~you select your spirits carefully, you will ABiD 68 ( PBIS3CES STREETi OUS.£OIEIt A choosa tha Bert Whisky ur the market, FERGUSON'S P. Midi O. It ha* -the un- . . usual advaiubage of beine 10 years old, and! the MAHOTAjTOJJSEB AND EVtPORTKB OFdistiller's guarantee for purity on every bott.e. Prams, do-Carts, Wertheim Sewing Machine, Carpet Uqoaxaa, ttng% HBHCla_k - F3136 VTlt-Bgers, Portable Boilers, Bedsteads. Faa-den and txou, Chiaawara. *. *~" . ■ ■ -

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 7589, 24 December 1902, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7589, 24 December 1902, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7589, 24 December 1902, Page 1