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{^RECOMMENDS VI-COCOA TO HER FELLOW-SERVANTS." 1 MISS L, OXLEY writes:— •< Having tried Vi-Coeoa I lind I rt # » _-"" r ' te v it a most excellent iood beverage B Hi r f fcfljjttyr IJ and ol undiluted strength, and I; A X .r-^wr^-_T >fc _- - purity. It is lar in the front of I^MjiWNWiafflS^V*. <**_2_BBa3iES 19 * v >- any ot her cocoa that I have 1 MraM^P^^^S^y^^^^s^^ tasted: I shall ie very pleased 18-P*!^^^^m^i^m_ you will add my testimonial MM wswHt-^ZXa [ \\~^3~ i^ " You ean make 'what use you BH t&aafiki-S^cfilli tt^^S ' like oi thiß, and J shall reoom■Sfj J^PfT^^P^ WJIIP^L. mend it to all my fellow-ser-JHP ■ t 'aJLBL I I DAINTY SAMPLE ♦ OIL 1 ' ♦ aPS-wo-Ei- t • IbW%^ -^rXPS&i. ■\V > ' -*• I i H Wrlte at once <- postcard will do), T " JfSS^^^fflWftmUljSr *^\w. II ' 2 but mention this paper. ▼ »^^^P?{^( iVOjj ♦ vi-cocoA, ""£ta." f "" ♦ I**l*-^s:* *-'- : §''J! ( firSft ♦ 15 * 17 * oroswenor 8t«"08t T I *i I TDEFOBB PURCHASMWS A RANGI-* I \ INSPECT THB a o_Rioisr j jr _B=-_- B -|S si COOKING EANGE •■'WtSiFPlI!' ' 37.000 1 I |*feS»j| *^c-^^3 fe &a Setting Required. .. , _^^ f jStBM-M--t_ > Qfr giiES KEPI IN SSOC& ' t. 1 ! n — p^Hr-t-— *M"^--^g 10-pectioa Ibfittf, | AiTKEN & ROBERTS, Agents. . . - - . . • • SYDNEY H. JONES. SURGEON DENTIST pAHXATHA .-LATO. AdEN-CY. (Duly Qualified and Registered), 320 ACBES, all rich, limestoae country, all in Has Commenced Practice in Rhodes's Build S rass - £S 15s P 6r acre -* ings. corner Hereford and Mancheater Streets, 3000 ACRES, 24 paddocks, every convenience. , opoo-nite National Bank and N.Z. Express Co. good sheep country. £6 per acre. ! 61 '^% 1000 ACRES, lease, wiilb. right cf purohase, I o:ae Latest Modern Appliances and Anass- a t 12s 6d. Owner's intent £IW. \ thetica for Dental Operations. «,« .^no „«» - T^ t t x. u 1 Sntrtmce either at Hereford or Manchertw 2300 ACRES, 7<s m gnws. Pnce for freehold Street. 9797 30s per acre. 525 ACRES, 170 rioh flat, balance good hills, »■* , 2 every possible oonvenience. £7 10s. t - . 465 ACRES, 60 flat, balance limestone hills, ■"■' mo^aamamm^mmmmm^mmmmi^m hw every convenience. £7 10s. TP you We any Lead, Zino, Brasa, USO ACRES, part flat, balance low hills, _I_ Iron, Bottles, eto., for Sale, w» eaa freehold £5 5s «?e the highest price for them. Ad- .1™ „ f . ctress Canterbnry liottle J-xoh-u-ge, 2500 ACRES, all m grass, every convenience, ' Oolombo Street S., Ohristchnroh. freehold, £2 10s. Telephone 112. m ACRE . S> 999 lease, 160 in grass, every j -hh oHMHHH _KiH___B__Maa-M mat convenience, limestone country. Owner's j interest £700. j ■ ■ 1000 ACRES, half ploughable, E.R. Rent 1 ' ls per acre. Oompensartdon for all cvmr.provememte. Splendid country. Owner's JOHN WALLER AND SON »*«»' £i 12s **J? Mrc - TIMBER AND COAL MERCHANTS, x, T» UAPTJ" Jfr fin TUAMSTREET, %' ■»• : ."AJUS <B UU. HAVE IN STOCK overy description of 3C2279 BUILDING MATERIAL, including very large* stocks of SEASONED TIMBER, ' kept under cover, ready ior immediate use. - ■■ CEMENT, GALVANISED IRON w a v «w ww ,**. ~ ***. LEAD, DOORS, SASHES \AT 73. O «5% iG\ r ' BUILDERS' IRONMONGERY l£% Jt\ MTm. \*J \mJ • 1 ': .. PF-NCING MATERIALS, etc., etc. LOASBY'S. COALS AND FIREWOOD. - Building Materials, delivered in town or any GERTaIN CURE FOR inBIoESTIOn '^"'. ft " wb * AHD LIVER GIMPUHTS. ' ' [ __ _. TTrZCTTZ ~ b> As a General Invigorator of the System this gkICRVE, BLOOD, AND Medicine is Invaluable. ! 11l SKIN DISEASES — .. ' ' PERMANENTLY Cffi£22; Direcfaonsj^th Eaoh Bottle. HERR RASSMUSSEN'S price - -_ - 2s. ed.. i A,fa -ir bO !J^L?„r f fr die i ™ °**^ ™ «<» Tweaty Years and Q Cr-MSA VROT7OAin>S. B Wholesale Agents : Por the Nerves, fairine, Blood, Skin, ,Pilee, B _-^-_«^^.». . „^. -.-. j Liver, and Kidneys, KWnatism, &0., &c. I KEMPTHOENE, PEOSSEE AND CQ. | Bemedies »osted iu plain cover. H UCMITED. "XSIIB free S6oic sent on application. B ' f .. All CoBiiESPON_.KjfCB Sraswriv Pkivati. B ■__ **■ SuF™ J -r BS A s d Jo l u_L^v^'« at o*oz. I MUST COME THE GENTLEMEN. Herr Bassmnssen, g then they bring their wives. I 91. Lambton Quw. WELLINGTON! V ou ENJOY YOUR LUNCH AT 1 ' „S™ * m .^^u_u*M»mmMua U » t mAjS. I JONES'S CANDY STORE, [ ~r" m * m - wma^ mm l m 'Z=l --y^_. NEAR CATHEDRAL, ' ' And it Does you Good as Well. DENNIS BROS., • FISHMONGERS, POULTERERS, ETC., THE BEST SHILLING L'aNCH IN TOWN. HAVE Opened a BBiANCH SHOP in Oashel Street, in premises formerly oc- There is also a ple-htiful auppiy of FISH cupied by R. G. Wame, opposite G. L for those who mw prefer _it Boath and Co.'s, Drapers. Preab supplies of OKE SHILLING 2&,*d £"*" dßily ' All Vim Pr °^ tly HOT TEAS Aii~A PEATURE. 176, CASHkL STRBIT^and 55, VICTORIA. jTel^ionor. 674 and 712. "^7 — - _ ■ . ■ -_ Silver Grill Always at Work. ¥V^J^^¥^l /^s_f\__T_i« ni7 aO9, COLOMBO STREET. X3OSS FOR BACKACHE, RHEUMATISM, NOTIOE OP REMOVAL. moved to Apply this Splendid LubricMt and the effect will OOLO MBO STREET (Nearly opposite late premises), BOTTLES ■ » 2s. each.. Next Coates and Co., Jewellers. ' JUNE 1, .1900. X125 ALL CHEMISTS AND GBOCEBS. • ■ Wholes^Agents: pAINTER'S CYCLE EXOHANGE AND S *- RIDING SCHOOL, KEMPTHOENE, PROSSER AND CO., Mj OXFORD TERRACE, LIMITED. X3158 y Near Cashel Street Bridge. 4982 THE Selection of the Indian Army Omcer, /CURTAINS— New Guipure Lace ISs 3d, 19s that Prince of Connoisseurs, the delight 6d, 27s 6d, 42a pair; Ecru and White of the Clubmen, and the pick of sensible men Lace Is lld, 2s lld, 4s 6d, 7s 6d, 10s 6d. the world over, is FERGUSON'S P. and O. Beath's. 4 WHISKY. It is ten years old, and is with- _„.„ \ ~Z 7. out compeer in purity and mellowness and all- FTUGER TEAS axe always tiie -tame excellent round condition. •*■ __ TRY IT FIRST AND DRINK. IT quality. X1924 EVER AFTER. P3136 -pOR Tabl- Cutlery t-7 Minson'a. Poaitively ___ _ , — _ — X' no better a-tsortmenl to be seen ia OanterC OMPLETE STOCK of Wineor and New- bury. Our prioes have made our trade. Minton' s Artists' Material. aon and Co., 220. Colombo Street. smTH W^ <ao to ° mode9t t0 aay &**'!>«« Teas Tuam Street (near High Street). X3120 ' are the best, bwt they are* X1934 . .. __ mr T-._»-.^..--_^. T -A-CE Ties and Oollars in the newest afcap»« AS Memory treasure* U are well represented amongst the apUndid stock of Fashionable Lace Goods held by Impressions received, and repro- • *** C °" DUnßtable H ° U *'' duces them as occasion ocoura, —^ j — __ — ___ — clear, cairn, and coherent; so ttoa- T INWOOD, Unsurpassed Positvon.-A Resi- **'.'„ „;»,ri tha font that ■" dence built on a natural -terrace, giving sure in youi ' min .d th « » 'J« *J»* ft good view of surrounding district Th! Barraclough's Magic p^nda, 3-16 -acre, ere artistically laid out, nated King of all Toothache Cures. | ftr den, full-bearing fruit trees, in splendid order, hothouse, vinery, plants well trained, __, MBa « IBBM MaMM«aMMHHMKM»aHMBMM'iMA> { >>>| most varied selection of all shrubs and plants. A.fnriTV*nfs)Fl fft^nnfir&nLnO^ Chain railing3 and live fences, 6-rooined rw(/*iSl-Bi Lrei/^llirtll; l)1rllll : 6ll>fllC9^ House, plastered, bathroom, h. and c, veranrlLE*^2yLlUU«ulW^ '^M^*^ dah, washhouse, copper, large storeroom, fowl&P\/t_'A/^n/^ ==si -s^--^~ < '~^^^^ house and runs; £570. Small deposit, if KP L^J l/a.TSiy^ i^ — trv/jnirNlrS/ necessary. J. G. Bannerman, 174, Lichfield If Uv!w"^^^fsES3^y j 4vt-lrJß'> Street. X3030 *<^;;-^--^^p^^^ta^W,Ul,hl\J< m -pwiaARSLEY AND LANE, 207, Colombo ■ ■ AJ -Sfereet.— Cheep Suburban Property. St - # Albams, the favourito locality— Up-to-date new For RSSItIS TOOthaChe. residenoe containing 7 good rooms, w.p., etc., ° a connected with main sewer, sunny aspect, full . - i-acre; price <xnly £750. Grand Investments — Relief in one mincw. Arrestß tie- off Papanui Road— Cottage 4 rooms, waehoay. Kills the nerva. It makes house, over J-acre, excellent position, shows a the nerves aglow. Be sure it ia big return ; price £175, easiest of terms. Oity "Barraclough's." Take no other. Property, Christohurch north— House of 6 ■" - * 6 rooms, concrete foundation, verandah, W«Sh- „ house, copper, double-fronted Bectkin, fruit Price J./S aH Medicine Yendors. trees, ,etc. ; price £220. Dearsley and Lane, . ■ Estate Agents, 207, 'Colombo Street. X2581 SEWING Machines bought, spot cash; ma- TJ ICCARTON, LOWER, n-ear to ParE******ohineg cleaned and repaired ; work gua- X\> Modiern New Residsence of 6 rooms, with ranteed. two vera,ndiahe, bay -windows, hqt and- cold MACARTHY AND CLARK, water service, and up-^to-dute conveniences. 3668 Armagh Street. Valuable situation. Quarter-acre land. ; — 7 ~ I Z, „. , £750. £50 cash, balance can remain at 5 LADIES desiring Good Running Bicycles -^ cen t for hire should call on Adams' Star Cycle * PB ' J. G. BANNERMAN Coy., 70, Manchester Street, Cftriakhurch, xgogo 174 . Lichfield- Street: where ttoey can obtain new bicyoles by the p^kers-on Co., 191, Hereford Street, hour, day, week or month, at moderato Pol. 65, 7005 charg ? s : J?7«>A OITY, near Railway Station— New People to get Married. H. dfj I QXJf Jiouse of 6 rooms, with all modem jYYj Atkinson, 117, Manchester Street. FI9BB conveniencea -and oonnected witih eoweir

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 7589, 24 December 1902, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7589, 24 December 1902, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7589, 24 December 1902, Page 4