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Aching Joints In the fingers, toes, anas, and oilier parts of the body, are joints that ar* inflamed and swollen by rheumatism — that acid condition of the blood -which affects the musclee also. Sufferers dread to knove, especially after sitting or lying long, and their condition is commonly wone in wet weather. " I think it my daty to tell what a goo* friend Hood's Sarsaparißa bai been to me. . For more than ten yean I bad soflwed terribly Irom rheamatiam and poor condition of my blood. I found no relief onto X took Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills which have made me a new woman." M86.M49Y IjJJ^Soottem Crow Daur. Cob. *. Hood's Sarsaparitta Removes the cause of rheumatism— hrn outward application can. Take it. Sold by all chemists. Prepared by C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Masa^ U. 8. A. Spring Meeting contains three cycling events out of a total of twenty-one items. They are One-mile Novice Roadster Handicap (for One-mile Novice BoadWier Handicap , for club members only), and Two-anile Open Handicap. The programme does not stato whether the events are for cash or 'amateur riders, but following past custom they are probably for the latter. MissEosa Sympns recently accomplished a marvellous ride of 1860 miles in 18 days 23 hours 29 minutes. Her course was from London to John C^Groats, Lands End and back, and the ride was carried out under most unfavourable conditions as regards weather. Miss Symons is a' vegetarian. In New Zealand the two North Islanders, Maurice Randrup and Charlie Burton, were usually considered to be well matched. but Australian racing has developed Burton into a top-notcher and left Bandrup standing still. As a youngster the latter was a wonderfully well-developed lad and ona of the most promising riders we have had, but he never quite realised the expectations of his friends, though frequently showing very fine form, notably in the New Zealand Championships of 1900. .-■"'. S. CHAMBERLAIN , - '. Medical Clairvoyant and Psycho-t&era. peutdst. All diseases treated. Free coarat tation willingly extended to all enquirers. No. 260, Gloucester Street west. 7581 Don't buy a weddhig or engagement ring until you have visited Clarke- and Cp.'s sale, now going on. All goods absolutely one-third less than ordinary jeweller's prices. Eight-day striking' docks, i value 21s, sale price 12s 6d. Pirate alarnia, 61 6d. Gold bangles, brooches, electro-plate, etc., equally cheap. Clarke and Co., 148, Colombo Street. X3054 ; : TEN THOUSAND POX7NIDS PER AWNUM MAY BE EARNED at too . g?e*t a sacrifice, if we rum our health ard> fha^ypin«ss during its accumulation, . Although money is' a neces&aay article to possess in ' order to obtain tihe means of existence, it oaimoti .pmrdhsos love, friendship, or immunity from the daaigers and pangs of disease. Tlh« jniriooiaire has dlieo. enviedi the toiling laTxmirer his heoirby ajupetite *nd sturdy health, esn<Jt would gladly, have sacrificed ai large amount of his ■weaHfh in excSfaange for theM blessings. HoUoway's Pills, however, can give feealtfi to the jni&st dtelicate. Ttey «,re tihe precious fcey wfhich can open the door leading to iihe. smiling, valley of ihealtih. They purify the sy»tem amd give the essentials of strength for «he Wood. > - JS, MISSING PRIENDS. - ■ ■ m ■ ■'■ ■■■■-■■' Any information forwarded to tit* Ifampa sf the " Lyttfllton Tim«a "ia mpsot to miastaf friends will be duly ported to th* •drvrUMß. Corre«pondents are requested to 400W tts date of the paper ia which their name* »p» pur. If replies ax* required, the neceewy portage mnrt be forwarded. • . .. O'NEILL (THOMAS HOUSTON) »'»••■ quested to oommitndcate jaegixaw Hwnry, o«rs : of Tatchell, Solicitoi, BentSgb. 7J861 BANE.— Wanted known, tibe whsrea'bouto.ojl. . HELEN BAN'S, 35 years oi-ape; tart heard of ia Chri«tohuroh. Biotiher John, of Grey- ' mouth and late of the TJhamea, aaka. 7860 Information -wanted of the •whereabout* «l MRS ISAAC DOWN, nee GEISIEKINGv formerly of Greymouth, and late of Vfiiuam and Napier, Hawke's Bay. £in<dly forward in- ■ formation to the Editor. ' 7346 "WantedTto^iear of JOHN HOT>SON7~of Longridge, England. Last heard of ia Bur* Banta Ho&piital, discharged cured, 1881. Brother George asks. 7826 WHITTiAKER (DAVID), left Knet«sh«ii, Suffolk, witb his son Willie 40 years «go foe Hobari, Tasmania. Sister-in-law asks. L 8 Public Notices. FEDERAL COFFEE PAL A 03, VICTORIA SQUABE. TTISITORS to Ohristehuroh will find <m» V aoconunodartdan. equal to any Hotel in New Zealand Within 5 minutes' walk of the Post Office and Cathedral Square. Hot, cold and shower baiths. A first-class table. Luncheon from 12 till 2 p.m. Lottters and telegrams will receive prompt attention. MBS B. CLARK. Proprietress. Telephone No. 1040. • 8191 TTARLEQTJIN Tobacco ia tihe Finest Dark .. Tobacco. Xl 92* FIRE, Fire, Fire. — Maine Bros, axe making a Special Sale this week of Farmers' and Working Men's Boots. Roll up. Our prices j are- red hot. ' ■ -■ . X2868 P~ ARASOLS and En-tout-cas in. the tmarb: eat prevailing styles ; tucked self colours ia the (newest shades, with handles to match, a* Ball'antyne's, DUnttable Houae, Ohristchorch. ; WANTED to Sell, Gent's Second-hsnd American Bicycle, in good working order, two new tyres. Adams' Sun Cycle Depot, 136, Lower High Street. X3391 Buyers for Accordions, visit H. Atkinson, 117, Manchester Street; from 7s 6d. ;■ F 1998 TNFLUENZA, '' Influenia.— lf you have ib, X get sn once MarshaU's Famous Mixtures. I They are real ourers. ■ Pleasant to take. , Splendid for children, 3a. ChWisrts and Stores. '__^ X217 ? "XT "JAM i» made from the phoicett fruit XV grown in the Nelson District. It is absolutely pure, and is universally acknowledged as superior to any other Jam manufactured in New Zealand, or imported from. elsewhere. "K " Jam has no rivals. 10

! LEAGUE OF NEW ZEAI LAND WHEELMEN. I ♦ i THE GOVERNING BODY OF CYCLING IN NEW ZEALAND. (Official Organ— "THE STAR,") F. D. EJESTEYKtf, Chief Sooretairy, 7, Ohanoery Lane, Ghristcthunalh. AUCEELAND CENTRE— Cen-tre Seoretary— W. H. Cooke. Auckland A. A. and CO. ; F. J. Ohlgon, Seo. Auoklaind C.C; Peter A. Smith, S«o. Waiiihi CO.; A. Y. Rosa, Sec. Otalhuihu CO.; 8. J. M'Gonn.agle, Seo. Karangilhaike C.C. ; J. J. Soanlon, Seo. j HAWKE'S BAY CEINTRE— ! Centre Seoretary — J. H. Bdmumbon. Poverty Bay C.C; A. Cnuioksh'ank, Seo. Wanderers' 8.C.; P. Bear, Sec. , Damnevirke A. and CO.; H. Giass, See. WANG.ANUI OEOSTRE— Cenrtire Seoretary — W. R. Remington. Manaia Oddfellow*' aaud Cycling Sports A*> ■' •ooiaMon.; H. Wilston, Sew. Blttwan A. «md CO. ; F. E. H«rdy, Seo. Mamawatu (A.A. and C.C.; C. S. Rush, 6eo. WiELiLINGTON CENTRE— Chief Consul— F. B. Wilkins. NELSON CENTRE— Centre Secretary— W. N. Poole. Wetoon A. and CO.; W. N. Poole, Sep. Foshill A. and C.C; J. a Veysey, Sec. Richmond A. and C.C. ; G. Weairing, Sec. Waimea South Atihletio Association;: Dr' Fearless, Sec. . . WESTLAND CEINTRE— j Centre Secretary— E. J. Dorreen. . Weslport C.C ; F. L. Kenrick Seo. '"• Reef to- C.G; A. H. Lawn, Sec. HokMuica A. and 0.C.; E. J. Dorreen, Sec. NORTH CANTERBURY CENTRE— Centre Seoretary— R. W. Barry. Christohuroh O.C; F. E. Asquiith, Sec Can'tierbuxy A. and CO.; R. W. Barry, Seo. Pioneer A.B. and A.C.: J. E. Green, Seo. Union 0.C. ; A. T. Washer, Sec. Ohevioit GO.; H. Keig, Sec. Amberley CO:; John M'Leam, Seo. Kaisipoi CO., M. K. Temipleton, Sec. Ellesmere 0. and A.C., T. W. Dent, Seo. Ashburton A.C. and A.C; J. 1L Lymskey, Seo.. Camiterbury Laibour Day; G. S. White, Seo. Rangiora lAAJhletdo Association; W. J*. Wilson, Sec. l£ar»hland C.C; W. J. Wailier, Seo. SOUTH OANTEfRBURY CENTRE— / 1 Oon'ttre Secretary — R. Orwin. Tenmka 8.C.; J. A. M'Caskill, Sec. . Timaru Olub; R. Osrwin, Seo. Timaru Tourists' Club; E. Crawford, Sec ' Stai C.C. ; J. W. Manchester, Seo. Noi-Uh Otago C.C; J. E. Hood, Sec. 1 Oamaru Caledonian Society ; R. L. Rule, Seo. Waiznate Caledonian. Society; F. Buckley, Seo. , i OTAGO CENTRE— • I Centre Secretary— Georg« Oapstiok. I ' Roxburgh C.C; J. Tiamblyn, Seo. Dunediu CO.; &. D. Mann, Seo. OWo CO.; H. S. Russell, Seo. Bailclutlha C.C; J. W. Mitchell, Seo. , Caledonian Society of Otago; W. Reed, Seo. SOUTHLAND CENTRE— Centre Sacretaiy— Sj. A. Bone. ', Gore C.C.; A. Cuff, Sec. Riverion C.C; J. A. Christie, Seo. Inveroargill C. and A.C. ; Eu J. Taylor, Seo. Otaiuts-u CO. ; P. A. Aoheson, Sec. ' Irish Athletic Society; J. M'lntyre, Seci " Caledonian Society of Southland; J. Mao-. Gregor, Sec. » RACING FIXTURES. j Nov. 10— Foxton Sports. • j - Nov. 14— Pioneer Amateur Bioyole and Athletic Club's- Night Meeting. Entries close Nov. 8. Nov. 2»— Auckland A Jl. and C.C * Deo. 6— Pioneer Amateur Bicycle an<4 Mhl«tio Cubs Spring Meeting. Entries close Nov. 26. v Dec. 26— Waimaibe ■Oalodamiian, Society 1 Dec. 26— North Otago Olub's Sports, Oamaru. , Deo. 26— Feilding A'tlhletic Olub. 1803. ■•..■•■ • ■ • J«a 1 ahdi x 3— South Caniterburx Caledonian ; Sports, Timaru. . y . WHEEL NOTES. (By'ROVEiR.) It is reported that Messrs Fitzgerald , Bros.,* of circus fame, intend to lay down a w saucer " track in Melboune. ' i While- in. Auckland on 'his way back to ; Australia. Martin, said that he was not likely to come to New Zealand to race this season. . j There were 18>000 spectators at the Pare des Princes velodrome when. Michael created the new world's record for an hour's riding. There was a lengthy wait at last meeting of the League Council before the fifth member necessary to provide a quorum put in his appearance. The Ohristehuroh C.C. talks of holding ' meetings on both Anniversary and Boxing ! ' Days. The " looping the loop " experiment ' is being proceeded with. • , . . ■ ' A. C. Forbes, the ex-New Zealander, now \ at Bendigo, is having a motor built for pacing purposes It is to be capable of run--1 ning lmin lOsec if necessary. The membership of the recently-formed 1 Tourists' Amateur Cycling Club, Timaru, ! is now 150, a striking illustration of what can be accomplished by a few determined enthusiasts. 1 Many well-known European and Ameri- >: can racing cracks now wear costumes .of \ chamois leather undter their ordinary racing ' raits. It has been found! a great preventive 1 against peeling one's skin through falling on the racing track or road. "A Model Centre." This remark surely applies to the Southland Centre, which, forwarded the ; report of its annual- meeting to last Council meeting. The balance-sneet shows over £18 cash in balnd and the report details splendid work accomplished during the year. Now is the time for the New Zealand League to endeavour to get the cycle events to be decided at the Feilding Club's sports j on Boxing Day held under League rules. | This important club practically sets the lead for many other smaller bodies. About three months ago, at the suggestion of Mr .J. E. Green, the League Council decided to see if anything could be done to revive amateur cycling clubs in the Wanganui and Masterton districts. No more has been heard of the . matter. Has it been forgotten? 1 'The League Council is to be congratulated on securing the services of Mr F. S. M'Keohnie for a further term as chairman, j If he is backed np by a body of energetic ; councillors the coming season should be as successful as many that have passed, but . the present condition of the governing body is such that it cannot stand the strain 'of supporting a number of apathetic members. The programme of the Pioneer Club's

fLds^^jtißSp Spring is the season whAi your T^vl g^^^^^^BP^ system needs toning up. ...^^^^^^ HR^^^Vy In the Spring you niust have ne\v / V:~'. >// blood, just as the trees must have new V X Without new blood you will feel weary, /f( With new blood you will be sprightly, Xr^W W / And the one sure way to get new blood and rarogß k\\ 5: lifliams pink pills. m %. ' I They actually make new blood. They are JBKBSM j| j-^ / the greatest Spring tonic in the world. ' Jfli^H f / Dr. Williams' Pink Pills banish all Spring ire|||l i / Frottl LytteltOH.-" I was very weak.' 1 says Mr. J. Page, fiSglm&SM i ! / Pon-p qt Ivtteli i "Mt nerves were uiistninjr, and I wns W'T^ffll

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 7541, 25 October 1902, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 7 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7541, 25 October 1902, Page 6