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BEATH AND CO. ARE NOW SHOWING .'' , , ■• . , CHOICE DEESS AND BLOUSE PABEICS. I_lT_iST STOVELTIKS BST LADIES* NECKWEAR. STYLISH PANTIES. COSTUMES, BLOUSES. MILLINERr, EITQ, FOE PEESENT SEASON. , Sunshades and Bn-Tout-Cas in Bkck, White, Stripes and Spots, 3s lid, 5s lid, 7s 6d, 9s 6d, 12a 9a, 15s 6d. - Lovely Fichus in Lacs and Muslin, Craam, White and- Butter, Is lid, 2s 3d, 2s lid, &» 6d, 4s 6d,^ 6s lid . Empire Bella in Satin, Silk and Veivft, Sequin and Plain Is lid, 2s 6d, 2s lid, 3s 6d, 4s lid, 6s lid. . . • ■ Kid Gloves, " Trilby*" 2s 6d, " Queen "2s lid, " Marguenrrte " 3s lid, " Carnot ". 4s lid, " Victoria " 5s 6d : ; Choico Merkwns for Blouses, etc., lovely new designs, 9_d, Is, Is 3_d \., _. , «_' ' ' New Mercerised Surahs and Foulards, equal to silk in appearance, lljd, Is Bd, Is 6d, Is 9d French Cashmeres and Merinoes, a large range of Blues, 2s 3d, 2s lid. . Latest Shades in Washing Blouse Silks, Stripes and Checks, Is lid, 2s lid, 8s 3d. _. ..„.-._■ . - Beautiful Range of White Skirts, Trimmed Lace and Embroidery, 3s 9d, 5s 6d, 7s 9d to 29s 6d •• Very choice Cream Tunics and Pelisses, Trimmed Laco and Silk Embroidery. Muslin Costume Skirts/Floral Designs, newest Shapes 153 6d, 17s 6d, 19s lld. ; • 'i- • Ladiea' Silk and Lace Mantles, just landed, 32s 6d, 39s 6d, 455, 635, 84s. " . • ; ■ ■ Just open»d, Ch«rtaing Trimmed Hats, Toques and Bottnets» 189 6d, 21s, 255. ■■-... Infante' and Children's Millinery in endless variety, from 2s lid to 12s 6d. . DRESSMAKING by experienced staff, style, fit s.ud finish up-to-date. BEATH AND CO., THE POBUXjAE DEAPEE^, '".■'";' CASHBL STREET. CHRISTPEtpitCH. . :; — — — ■".. ;..; /';•'■•■• — ' '-'' /'■'.•■'/ ■■;■;•■ — - — ■■•;■-■•.■■ 'I'

1 Wanted Known. : HY 3o People Eat Hayward's Swert .Pickles? . ' TTTANTiSD, Buyers for Bedstead*; cleapsl yf than ever. H. Atkinaoii'a. ■ Blast W'ANXfiD, Buyers for Accordions, from 7* Gd. H. Atkinson's, 117, Makchest« Street. FI9OB \j£T ANTED, the PubUc to buy Flag Brard 11. Tomato Sauce; purest and bert. yTCQ . W "ANTED. Buyers Violin Cue and B*w, £1. Atkinson's, 117, Manchester StreeK F 1998 WANTED, People to got Married. H,» Atkinson's, 117, Manchester Street. F 1998 Y&T-ANTEiD, Buyers for Uedding, Suites, ■» * Carpets, Perambulators, xv Atkinson. Manchester Street. F 1998 OTANTEir, Buyers for l^onahanteaux, 11s T V. 6d. H. Atkinson, 117, Manchester Street - " ■ ■ • - FI9BB W'ANTEb to Sell, One Gent's Second-hand . BICYCLE; new lyre on back wheel,; new chain; price £5. Adams' Sun Cycl« Depot, 136,_Lower High Street. 52391 ' W ANTED Known— That . joe. can get • very nice Cash Bag or Brief Bag froia i.os 6d; also ail other kinds' of Bags or • Camera Cases made to order at Triggs anj Denton, 77, Maribhester Street. ' X2869 WANTEb, large families tired «f paying too much -for tEek Boots, . to Say* Money in Buying Direct from the Manufao* iurers. One single pair at wholesale prioe. Maine Bros . . X25i9 .-. WPA'NTE'D— You can get a good strong" set VV. of New Harness, silver-mounted, Hand* sewn, for £6 10s, oid harness pan payment.. Also, large assortment of Riding Saddl«#, from £2. Triggs and Denton, 77, Mahchestig Street. . 66DJ; TJSTA.NTED, the Travelling Public to call V ? and inspect our, large variety of Gladstone iiags and Travelling Goods; all - class's*''' of Bags and Trunks made to order at th»' shortest notice. Triggs and '-Denton, 77, MaachesteT Siraet. . • ' ' Sirfscellaneous^ jr. A FARM, ha .3y to Town, 20 minutes' frmsi Post Off. , C Acres, Opawa, for S*l*ii can also Lease 3 Acres adjoining, with sroomed House, with .outbuildings. Wheattey, Redfordßow. X2828 "DALLANTYNE'S are now showiiw_a wid« J3 range of Parisian Linens and Holland* {or smart seaside and holiday -wear. BARGAIN LINES AND SPECIAL PI7BCHASES FOR XMAS— Three Sple&aft Lines of Ladies' Hoaiery. Stwnge and Oasspaivr • " : ' BALLANTYNE'S make a Speciality *f Smart Millinery ait One Gmnsa, cautxa* , ing models, aiways being displayed at Exacts stable House, Christchurcli. r T^AST-COLOUR Oxford Zephyrs in aillshsidsi X at s§d yard, for children's dresses «ad overalls, at Ballantyno's, Dunstable Houa^j Christchnrch. ' /■• OS?7ETS, Jam Wishes, Batter Dishe^ eW W TV« have an suttraotive displa-T, speoiall* snrtad tor presentation. Minsos aud Co., 220, Colombo Street. 4759 fMTTItE'RY.— Our Stock of Knives, Forkfc w Spoons, Carvers, «tc, etc.,- is full attl varied, from the best English makers, *nd wm guarantee satisfaction. Call and see. . Minsoif .tid Co., 220, Coloaibo Street. " *1& /CENTRAL Offices to Let, splendidly light* Vj/ ed, moderate rental. Apply Beath amo % Co., Tailors and Clothiers, Cashel Street. 3 DELAYS are dangerous. Avoid Pneumonda, v Bronchitis, Asbhma and other severe after-effects of Influenza by taking Marshall* NO3. 1 and 2 Mixtures, the Great Cure. 3s. ChemisiUs and Stores. X2177 _. D IN^ER~Sets. Tea Sets, Toilet Sets.— l» this Depertaient we exce'i, owr assortment being so large nncl varied, ail thoroughly up--vdate, and cur values u&uuot he surpassed. Call and see. Minson ttnd Co.. 220. Colombo Street. 4759 _ nOR Sale, Aldwin's Soacf," off Perry Rosd, " house of 4 rooQw, tic, w*:!i 1-acre; jus* ho spot for a workicg it.? n. Price f 165. Ap:!y Knig-ht and Gheckic-y, 131, Colombo Slreet, OliriaficliurCfa. -_ __ ' ; >__ L^r>R~Sale, Linwood, house of 6 large toon*, i- bath, washhouse and cooper, wardrobas .nd cupboards, i-acre, nice orchard aied garden. -Price £400. Apply Knight and Checkley, '.31, Colombo Street^Christchurch. FOR Absolute SaTeTby^rder'of executress la Trust. Estate, HOUSE and IjAND, Ferry Road, Woolston, i-acre splendid lacd, two frontages; 8-roomed house, washhouse, ahed, water, etc., and room ior another houa» on Heathoote Street. Only £285.. Full particulars from F. 3. MALCOLM AND CO., iiou3e and Land Agents and' Auctioneers. f~i LASSWAiRE.— We have just considerably VX enlarged our Stock of Glassware, and out •visplay is replete. Call and sea. Minson an 4 Jo.. 220, Colombo Street 4759' IRE Bicycles— Ladies' and Gents' Firstcla&s Cycles. Adams' Star Cycle Co., 70* Manchester Street, Christchurch. 2 LIKE Sefton Butter best, and it certainly goes farthest of any. Buy " Sefton." L~~ ACE Ties and Collars in the newest shape* are well represented amongst the splendid stock of Fashionable Lace Goods held by, T. Ballantyne and Co., Dunstable Hotiss, Christchurch^ • ■___ . OFFICES to Let, splendidly lighted, central position, moderate rental. Apply to Beath and Co., Drapers and Outfitters, Caßhel Street. £^ ■jDARASOLS and En-tout-cas in the smart; L est prevailing styles; tucked self colours in the newest shades, with handles to match* aic Ballantyne's, Dunstable House, Christ- . clrnrch. - / TOLES that Bleed and BUnd Piles are boOi 1L curable by ihe New American method. This system of treatment gives ease very quickly and relieves the blood pressure; 5* for a month's treatment, at Health Supplieil Company, Cashel Street, Christchurcii._ X2177 &PLEN.DID Range of Navy Prints in the k"3 newest styles at 6Jd yard, for morning ciressea and blouses, at Ballautyne's, DunBiablo House, Christchurch; . OEWING Maohines of ah. kinds Repaired] D «ud Adjusted. No charge made unless satisfaction given. Minson and Co., 220, Co* ioinbo Stree^ ■___, 4789__ WANTED to Let, Offices on first floor of Beath and 1 Co.'s new Building, Cashel Street. Apply Beath and Co., Importers. 2 T' 6~LET, Offices on first floor of Beath and Co.'s new Building, Cashel Street. Ap« ply Beath and Co., Hatters and Mergers. .5^ rpO make a pair of v^parkhng eyes,, .show X them one oi.Butchej« Pretty Engagement Kings; 500 to »thoo3e ini>»- ...Buy , from,' tie msker and save 30 per oefct: Size' cards seJ^t free to any address. Butefcer, Jeweller • and Manufacturer, 210, High Street, Christchurch. IGER~TEAS: None better: few as good.' X1921 • rpiMBER " Trade— Wanted, " Carpenters t* i wear our "Working Boots. Bluchers 4s lid, Shooters 8s 6d,« Light Chromo Walking Boots lla Gd. All our own make. M&uit Broa., High Street. X25J% ri"*HE right man for Jewellery, Watohe3 and .L Wedding Rings is Butcher ; uamenaa variety up-to-date patterns; no old stock. Specially low prices for Jubilee season; satisfaction guaranteed. Butcher, Jeweller and Manufacturey^mJßEign Street, Christchurch. W~ ANTED, Ladies to Hire nearly new iicycles. " Evenings, 2s 6d; Sunday, ss. Adams' Star Cycle Co., 198j Colombo Street, near Cathedrav * •^TfrHEN you have Influenza you wamt i4t VV beat Medicine money can buy. YouS health before everything. Take Marshall* Mixtures, 1 and 2. Tbev do cure. Bs^ Cha» mists and Stores. X2I7Z

J.BALLANTTNE&CO. HOLD AN EXCEPTIONALLY CHOICE STOCK OF ' Silk and Muslin Shins and Blouses IN THE NEWEST STYLES. EVENING BLOUSES i In Mousseleine de Soie, Silk and Chiffon, Lace-trimmed ; in all - fashionable evening tints. \ • • ___-__—_ — BLOUSINGS IN ALL THE LEADING STYLES, Including Inserted and Tucked Muslins. ' \ . .'' ■ . ■ i PLAIN AND FANCY WASHING SILKS, Etc DITNSTABLE HOtTSE, CHBISTCHUKCH 1982 NEW YEA R 1902 AND . WEDDING GIFTS. FURTHER NOVELTIES NOW OPENED UP. All specially selected for Novelty of Design, and with an eye to Utility and Value. • NEW LINES IN SILVER PLATE, Choice Table Appointments __e_____P^™-^-s?'” )?3 Unique Nick-nacks in Gold Clocks, Watches, Chains, &c. Five o'clock Tea Kettles, and j^^f^ Other Novelties in Brass and Copper in Great Variety Leather Goods, ; Comprising Purses, Card Cases, Wallets, Dressing Cases, Fitting Bags, &c. Tennis Racquets, Croquet Sets, Cricket Sets, " Ping Pong," and other Games. Air Guns, Saloon Rifles, &c, for Boys. VISIT OUR SHOWROOMS AND INSPECT THE GOODS. i< ■ ■ " ■ w COLOMBO STo, CHRISTCHURCH. BARG-AIN LINES AND SPECIAL PURCHASES FOR XMAS— Black and Navy Coating Serges, Fancy Black Mohair Lustres. Prices : Both now offered at the special prices HAJ_I«ENSTEIN Bit o 3. °{ la 6^ d 7 &J &, 9s lid the dress length. N.B.— Tneae goods are wortih double. Strangsand Com- ■ ■ ■ . paJiy. BARGAIN LINES AND SPECIAL PTJR-fcjn~~.-w.~- .K,*, v,*, *— CHASES FOR XMAS— 'Summer Muslin PJiiiMlSilS, Boxed Robe Dresses in the' very latest and mc&i 3tyli£h designs. Usual prices 32s 6d, Under th« Management of a FiraUiw* 37a Gd, 425, 47s 6d each, special prices 21s, Cuwar. 2as, 29a 6d, 37s 6d. Strange and Company. BARGAIN LINES AND SPECIAL PURCHASES FOR XMAS— Ladies' Fancy Check Summer Tweeds, silk-lined, withsemiWe «r* now Freely Stocked with a Grai»4 sac and tight-fitting coais. Usual price 49s 6d Range of each, sale price 32s 6d each. Strange and HEW TWEEDS Company. NEW COATINGS NEW SERGES . *»ii*V 'XJiOUSiiiSINGS. ,^^ *^==sl§g|^ HALLENSTEIN BROS. _jL^^^ BARGAIN LINES ANiD SPECIAL PUR-- *$^mEBg&SW CiIASES FOjK XJtAiS—, A Templing hot Vail at special prices), comprising Ladies' + |=~ .s&^ "White Skinia (wide, tucked friJ) 3s 6d, Ladies' ~ White Trimmed Skirts 2s lid no 6s lid, Ladies' O ]\ I■,]? >Q A\"D" CIO Cotton Bodices, long sleeves, Is 9d, la lid, °* lO Ax\U Ss lid, Ladies' Co-louracl Cambric Slip9.(to wear DENTISTS, wh'h blouses) 2s lid, Ladies' Tropical Corsets (for hot days) 2s lid, Oliiidren's Wlifoe Sun CORNER OF HIGH AND CASHEL Bommets Is Gd, Is lid, 2s 6d, 2s lid, Children's STREETS, CHRISTCHURCH. White Sun Haas (frilled and embroidered) Is And at Dunedin and Invercargill. 6d to 3s lid," Children's Washing Overalls at ARTIFICIAL TEETH— Highest Ciftoa Work 2d lid, 3a lid, 4s lid, Ladies' Washing Wrap- at the very ioweadees. pers (fasi colours, full sizes) ait 7s lid, 8s lid, OXYGEN IN CoMßli\axlON WITH \os 6d. Strange and Company. NITROUS OXIDE. BARGAIN LINES AND SPECIAL PUR- thSh>ts Ve^eSf dayf ha™°definltely CHASES FOB XMAS — Ladies' Summer proved beyond doubt, atter some years of careClotdi Jackets. .Extraordinary bargains. There tul stndy and niucn experience, that the cojuare only about 100 &i these Jackets. They bination of OXYGbN with Nitrous Oxide Gas are very smart. Ir Black Cloth, Eton and xb a most decided improvement, giving the tigh't-fiuing shapes, in Grey and Fawn. Covert [ ansssthetio the most pleasing effect, a, periecs Coating, Summer Weights, Short, Tight-iiuting eafeguard without reducing in any possible S'hftpes in Fawn and Drab Coaifcings, with Vel- way the full ansesthetic properties of Nitrou» vet and Plain Oollars, Short, Tight-fitting t Oxide Gas We have introduced the aecesShapes, It?. Corded Eton, and .Tight-fiuting i *ary apparatus for the administration of this Shapes with New Wide Silk Collars (light, i latest, safest and most acientmc ansesthetic of drab Beaver coatdng3). Usual prioes: Lot 1— the present century. Consultation free. ±iour« 69a 6d to 84s, special price all 30s each; Lot of attendance 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays, 9 2— Usual price 27s 6d to 35s each, special *.m. to 8.30P m. Telephony tri. XIBB2 price all at. 12s 6d each; Lot 3— Usual price T>ARixAIN LINES AN.U .SPECIAL PUR--B'2s 6d to 37s 6d each, special price all at J3 CHASES FOR XMAS—Ladies' Feather 17s 6d eftcH; Lot 4 — Usual price 49s 6d eacih, Necklets in osirich feathers, la. shades of grey, special price all at 21s eacn. Strange and cream, natural and black. Special prices, Company. 21s, 27s 6d, 37s *■•* Afi ~- ■Rwange amd ComB ARGAIN LINES AND SPECIAL PUR- P a " y ' . . = CHAJSES FOR XMiAS— AII the above rpEAPOTS— We have just received a grand lines are exceptionally attractive and excep- i- New Lot oi Novelties; call and see iliem. kidmaHy cheap.- Soranse and CoaxroanT. Minson and Co., 220, Colombo btreet. 4703

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 7293, 4 January 1902, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7293, 4 January 1902, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7293, 4 January 1902, Page 7