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Late AdvVftmeineiws. vosxPcxiiiENr or aaotao ■. <-T o; tat TCiJh^pftU, Ct» 'flllßM $»m* hCJK.dren's" SaurtkinznoM jT qhtvMoiaß PO>STPO-.\*-Kl^ u^Jl * fohare iw», «•'•• np,T - -. ■ >. ■ ■ <&k ■ CiZvPßllßriEf TOSHMfT'^Sf' ;. . ■.. AS?O<HA.Tlaxf. : ' ; ;'|VrOXiCJß^*''it.reby'"fcWi' A*V *y «IM><-i-7 .nients.wittf Executive! of .*ii© »bo 7« Association,, ALL •ilEl\i> iJ j.RS of the CA2iTER. •lll'Ry "EiIPLOYE-RS* ASSOCIATION ar» .hereby held covered for • their LLItHLITX" uiidsr THE WORKERS' COMPENiSATIO^ 'ACT, .^ending arrangement* *s to sixm -tneir respective -industries: . ' ■-•- 1 : V B> FAIfiLIE'3fOBSO:C .-' ■.....'■ : : • Disfriot 3ft;ni%sr,. ' 0««r Acoi^ti,, and G»ay*n'lee Oferporaficm, ■ '-. y ... : ' .'I»ro?ted ? : .':'.■ -"'_ ; '.'."' '.. ' Christcliuriri. • •'"- •' , "!^SS ~ SPJiGLAii-NOTICE TO~ia£PIiOYEaS. " . COMPENSATION i^T-- ' . *«T.E34TI(OYER OP LABOUR-- wiil be held covered for the a>ove Act for one week, pending arrangements; as 'to xatts, ou notifying 'tne undereignod by letter or pett card at' once. ,- „•■ ». PAIRLIE HOBSON, [ .■.■.''> •-. UJstrict a|i»ager,V Ocean .Accident and Guarantee ;. Corporati«a» • ' ■ , Limited, — 5929 _i^ s '_9* tie^ rai^!? vu * re > Christcaurch. . OCEAN ACCIDENT AND "GUAKANxEiS >■-'• CORPORATION, LIMITED, OF LOtf. • DON. ,' .• : ':■' > Authorised Capital ; . *1,0p0,030 ' •■■' Iccoipe .-■-.■ . ... . £&s,*&' '-'-:; Gross ; Assets ..;- ".•.-' '. ' : . 'iei,%e4;iS?iP'.Over £160,000. Invested in Colonial fQoveja. - :■ I• ■ -..-nie.nt. feelurities. ■ ... V Thi* Wealthiest and : 3tfost Progressive' C^m. ''•"■• ' '•' ' pany in'-the'W'prid. - ■■■•■'-■. " i CHARiitS 3f.- MONT£Fl6ifrß,' .-.-■.•..• ,- -, General Manager- fori-N.Z:; . • : : ';'-•••■■ • • ■•• • "Weflisgt'oib ALL 'bi-IENTS holding Policies witii "tit* . , .* bo y e Corporation, covering their ieg«i littbiliiy,i are hereby notified -that "*tli»- : Work"lneb's ,Cpmpensatipn Act, 1900.' corner utt» •force ou the seVent/h of. JTJNB NEXT, mod •that 'they will all be held protected «nd tk»is :.pplici63 extended;- cover theirjiability undet .the s'a.i.d ; . Act, pending arrangements" »s -ta i 'ratea, etq. . • : . .: ■. , ' Any iniorinatipnand Copies of the Act cia iba obtained from '• ' ■■ ..■.■■..'■ .■-.•'■•. R. PAIRLIE HOBSON, . . • ■'?..:. District- Manager, ■ :■ 5928 ,iZ, Cathedral Square, Chriavrhurcli. ; -WA.N^D,- Lady's ; Bicycle. State : nukr J^jftnd^pricg to L.8., " Star Office. jStt • -^fTANTE^ ;o "Sell, Exeelior.t German Con- • T T cert Plute (13-key), £3. Flautist, '" Siar " Office.^.. ___ ...;-..■•' _ • 5954 WANTED,. SeverafWoiking Holiiekeepeii :town and . Counify. - Miss> jajiss's R« jgistry Office, Chancery Lafao. > ■ 595 ft Enlargements io Frime, in' Siuch Gilt, lit 9-inch by 2ft 3-inch, front : 43 to. ss. ;F> W.'.(Diivey,.Pictrjro Framer.-e?, Lower High. S:reet . '. . ' ; ' : .o9M TTtTANTED, by. rnari-icd . lady, fU'ome for •«- .- ;. * ■■»'■■ couchement. Apply Mrs Smart,' IS"7 St Asaph' Street. .' ■■' ' '■' S94B' AMAGE'S Sell Lyceti Saddles 7s M, Biookes's 8s 6d, Genuine J. si. Brooks'* .13a 6d;. Middlemore from 9s6d, Saddle' Sprisr "Coil. Is, Is 6d; BiOani BSS 'Springs, 6s M, fitted. Get Gamage's iPtice .-liist, See «ot< • windows. Every' arxicle marked ia fi*iti ...sgurea-._ .•' ."' ; " '' FOR Saie, Gloucester Street, isSnwood, "% acre, nice garden and orchard,' new rem> dsnee of. 6 rooms, plastered, 3 bay windows^ bath (h. and c), Venetians, and a!i out 6ffice«i cheap. Tonki, Norton and Co., Herefsttt ■'■ Street. , , ' . ' T^OR Sale, iire-proof and Buiglar-prooi Iroa V A- Safes; all sizes in atock. Tonks, Nort'oa 'Co.. /Auctioneers. Hereford Strest.: 5 U ■'• F~ OR Saie, Billiard Table, J-aize, in goo 4 order; a .bargain. Toaks'/ ; Norton »sd J faad Oo^g Auctioneers; .Hereford Streej... ,*.:'• : T7IURNISHED Rooms, .mariied couple;- witk •;JC twdydaughters; uss of kitchen, J«B.;A> ply,.., ";S»r" C-ffice. ■ ] 6945 . FtTRNITURE.Lent on Mire, Votti&ltJQopp.ers, Stretchers, iJedding, Peram6n!l»t6r«, Chairs.__ Pike, Ara:ag2t. .3rr«#. S9S& FOR Sale, Addfngton, close to TlfnritTn "Rraej- — New House, 5 rooms, verandan, bathroom, plastered and iaii convenience*, 4-acre, good drainage; cheap, euy terms. Took*, Norton and Co., H.ereford\ Stroet. I[\OUND, .in Gloucester . Street. . a Lady/» Purse. Owner can have same.- Apply Cunnicgton, Oxtord. Terrace. 5956 J~SNiSLiU, ~ Oaktertury ~3ottli~~EioliaM% » Colombo Street aonMa, Waste Produrt and Bottle Mercbast, Cash. Purchuer of Biau Tailors' Cuttings, Rope, BotA», Lead.' 'ffiS Lead, Zinc, Brass, Oopper, Iroa, Tlmt, Gl«»», Iron U«»P>, Oil Diuflwi, c*»., «to. Every description of Bottles Boagfct, Said at Eicjianged. Telephone No. SB5l < rpHE ROiAi VISIT.— Our Tailoring JHJt Bitsy Baokirg; . Orders for Dreas, Suits, in anticipation of the -visit of T.R.H. the Duke' and ;Duckessvoi>Ci>inwilL We are. famous for bur dross suits. •, For.'iti cut, style' aid appearance tlioyare un«xoeli#i anywhere.. ..We can offer, piitroha-fft .iuperV range of materials froir. --sviue'li to mak» ititit aclectiogs. Strange and Co. . ; .''..''• rpYKES! Tyres! Gam Rg %' s Siivertown acd -I- Bates' 3 best quality rubber tvtes, guiirantecd 12' months, 20s ; Reliance. \aA ■ Idefrl, best quality tyres, guantatesd 1$ months, %Z» "6d; secoijd quality tyres, 15s; beat -.quality Tubes,' with. Durlop valves, 7s 6d'. Gainag» Cash Cyc.e Company, High. • Street, Christchurch. ; (■ .."''• ' j- ACETYLENE Gas - Cycle Lamps-^-Ga-a---.A age's xedueoil prices: Roman's 9sy«d, Nevr Psthfinder 10s 6sl, N«y> Pben'omeaoa. li* i*. latest Pattern Fireball 14s 6d r r l*uca»'» "New Ate:ylcne ICs fd. L-jh»s'« New Lomim•*tor l"s 6a% othti *»-**ri £ ;C ni 7s 'Bd 1 . BeH ctuality ;carbide, J 3 tin. ...-..• :.•,.-■■ ICX^JLE Mudguards, "to fit any -m»k»^. Blttem«i's Cehuloid Guards, 7s 6d;vfitted; best rubber Guards, 7s ed, fitted ; best •teel Gnatds; 7s6d, fitted. Ganißge's, SHSgn Street. Ghe*pM» and best «bop in. colony for-- *51 cycie gopdV See prices *in window. : TySTANTED.- Wording Men •••to^.«*U, : - and i«« 11 spect the xew shipment cf-New Htj4« .so.a . Cyc'.es., ex s.s..^iimt*tajki., i .. Tie; -195$ -pitfHp. Ie built" xriili' aii motf«rnriais*ov«n'fjit», pl*tc4 rims, l-iuca' pitch, -ci«'in9,:/4fttta MrW inisaea. :-.Th*-'-New Hudson fConssßny;.^** ...» ' ; ' jpecimUto of n»anufiw/urijig •»VOjßgj-i«t.T < see» - able : bwyeles .in .one jrad» only ..rti^bw?). Ad»ißS Sun Cycte i>«ppf/ liOK«f Higk : Jtoetl (oppo>it* iV 4 '3^'WM^'i».'*' ■^^■JB^-. TTtrANTED, irf'-^fe B^ioui^ v «i i'VYv twd«o! Bfrry^ Llt«- , v^i Xiii^.|fis> . ture, 2»'Sd, will r«mbv* your tirad, «*«MuyAid feeling. J. Berry, Chaniit, 146, gtrtel, . ■».-•.. ■ T*rANTEIJ-r:Toothacli» vaaifht* ia*iM*|»V if T.iiely by using Berry 1 * laiiaat 3>U»! V ;1«. H«diches cured by taking Betry'i IntatedtsAj Headache Cachets (12 in a '*<»» 1 «)»J»? *J* after effects. J. 3«-7i Chtmist, 3.46, CplM*» Street, OhristchurcL. FLgSB» ■AUCTION SAIiES. , FS. MALCOLM AJMD CO. hold Sales g| • Furniture and Effects, Mei&nandfte, «ta. ( EVERY WEDNES2>A X and SATURDAY, In their CENTRAL AUCTION ROOIiS. •. jie:og.ia.ta.» : .bfU> of. tae city, :l»it«>«ud> e&ues attend every sale, and best- prkiM Mr .obtained. Clients bavin? Goods oc Ch»tUi« ";o dispose of trill kindly: tomniunioate with ua. ! - Cash Advances Made-if; Required.' - Outdoor Sales are conducted on {«t)»iXßtsl ♦Ibvsup^ivised.^lfe^fthrdlm,^..^; 1,;, - , ; , ;' Aui:tr»a«ers;-,»t«.' ■ ; . „. — ■: ..-jtt — y^""*"' — -. J..' '' •* tjiOß P R-J ViA T-S ; >-S ASL.B^ - American Org«it-, ia ' WalnuJ, : very ktßiiaaw ■ Case and Superb Itu^xumem. 13 SOML " cbst£so. ' " :J: - -■'••■- r--' ■ Upright jSrand Piauo, by Milner and Xbrtfcp sob, almo3C new, cost £75 ctsh. ; : 30 Full-size Brass-mouutatt > Bisdsttadi,- s#v d«sigas, at maaufacturars' co»t, wiwj irefgat and ohcrges added. . : F. S. MALCOLM AND CO., Comdiisaxoh Agents 'aJdAßctiPaeeri. XASMANIAN FOU GOODS, v ' ; ' FOR PRIVATE SALII...r V ' , - Jl 09 . 231*0k aad GrtyOpojsum. Rugs, - Capia, Mats, Heartantgs, Foot T7&rmer>, , C*pl, Necklet^.Bnss, MuSs and;SundriM. OH? Silrß-FS^VJ^LY'iX^yuoU^Ml» ' v^ec •7;»'^l^a^vßESKß>\^ pKies. ■'-*■■■ , • ' -...;. F«r;*jl;sw,Bay ! svQ^y ; v .....;•,.,,.-.• Fintef t:on»ifaJatoi- : «Te^ih(Ert|rc' 'ik Ciijii* •' : V^---> V?--"-. ' , „"'liUCT.t^ • .-<-V- .■>■ VvVw...... ;AU Spwrnta ,6kin* atd OuatfcaV«d Uiife 'rxeof. - ' ••••• ' -■■ .■•--.•■• •..■..■■:V , /-: F. 8. MALCOLM AJH) 00. 1 OBWXRIL AXTOTION BOOlfi*.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 7119, 7 June 1901, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7119, 7 June 1901, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7119, 7 June 1901, Page 3