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Art the "firslfc four .ships'' that br<oug!hifc.| the emdg<riaiHlb3 of the Canterbury Associa-tion to our Chores hay« become (historical, and a great deal flias been said about thedn duringthe last fifty years, as weJl as about the passengers who arrived with them, aad as doubtless a good deal more will be heard during tihese Jubilee times, ib may not be cub of .place to devote a little space to some account of them. The four vessel earned in all 746 passengers, summarised as under, with the tonnage of the vessels, their masters, and dates of arrival:— CharCotte Jane, 720 tons, Captain Lawrence. 26 cabin., 24 iiitenmediate aud 104 steerage passengers I —total 154. Randolph., 761 'ton's, Captain. i Dale, 34 eaibin, 15 iaitermediate and 161 steerage passengers— total 210. Arrived, Dec. 16, 1850. Sir George Seymour, 850 tons, Captain Goodson, 40 cabin. 23 intermediate and 164 steerage-— total 227/ Anrived Dee. 17. Cressy (barque), 720 'tons, Captain Bell, 27 cabin, 23 intermediate and 105 steerage — total 155. Awi've'cl! Dec. 27, The late Sir George Grey wais Governor of i the colony when the Canterbury colonisation movement began, a& ! d he came down the coast in her 'Majesty's sloop of war Fly ;to welcome their arrival. He, wiili Lady Gney, was i>n t.he harbour w^ien- tlhe Charlot't-e Jane, the Ra.iidolp'b audi the Sk George Sey* ! mour ai'iived; but as the Fly leflb on Dee. I 18 for the north, he did not witness the ar- ! rival of the Cressy, as t!he vessel did not reach Lyirtel'ton. till Eec. 27. The following are the uccoun'U of tlhe voyages of the four shdpsi repiriLited from the first number of t'hs "Lvt'teiton Tiinfea,'' published on; Jan. 11, 1851 : — THE CHARLOTTE JANE. The Charlotte Jane, Captain Alexander Lawrence, commander, lefc Plymouth Sound at midnight on Saturday, Sept. 17. She sighted "Stewart Island on Wednesday.. Dec. 11,' and cast anchor off Port- Lyttelton on Monday, Dec. 16, at ten o'clock — thus making her voyage in 93 days from land to land, or 99 days from poit to port. She carried 26 chief cabin. 19 intermediate, and 80 steerage passengers. (Witlr- the official- shipping list, of the paper these figures do not; agree. The shipping list figures are chosen in estimating the total aiumber of passengers by the four ships.) The Rev Mr Kingdon, chaplain ; Alfred Barker, Esq., suigeonsuperintendent. During the voyage, the usual domestic occurrences of tin emigrant ship "occurred^-of births 1, marriages 1, death* 3"-the last being cases of very young children, who embarked with the seal of,

death upon' their foreheads ; one even died before the ship took her departure, and was buried on shore at Plymouth; The course of the Charlotte Jane lay inside the Madeira and Canary Islands. She sighted Porto Santa, one of the Madeiras, on Sept. 17, and on Sept. 19, Teneriffe and Palma, steering close to the latter. Here she met the north-east trades, which, gave her but feeble assistance, and left her in about latitude 18 N. Her course was then south-easterly ; and in about 6 N. she was driven by currents and foul winds to the eastward as far as longitude 16 W. Here she met a north-west wind, under which she again stood to the southward, crossing the line on Oct. 9, in longitude W» In latitude 2-28 she entered the sontJheasti trades, which earned her rapidly over twenty degrees of latitude. On Oet 12 she spoke tfoe Zeno^ ;of ; Richmond. Her course was then speedily run southward and south-easterly. On Oct. 28, nearing Tristan d'Acunha, she made 250 miles In the twenty-four hours, the largest d&y'a run during the voyage. From Tristaaa d'Acunha, whioh, to the disappointment of many, she did not approach near enough to sight, she steered! S.S.E., witfli a fresh northwest wind, and crossed the meridian of Greenwich on Oct. 29. South-eastward, still to Desolation Island, with strong gales, a dreary time of three weeks in cold and rain, with no perceptible change in the sea, the sky or the Cape pigeons in the wake. Desolation Island passed, she encountered the first foul wind from -the eastward, amd [ ran south. Bearing up again, she ran beautifully on, promising a rapid: voyage, till the 110 deg of east longitude. Here, for : a week e&sfc and worth-east, winds prevailed, and; drove her to the south- ward, not only out of her course, .biit to the extreme cold of latitude 52.36— the furthest point of southing reached. Here, beta which had previously been freely given an favour of 95 and 98 days from port to port were now freely taken about 105, 110, or even 120 days, she being then 88 days out. However, the wind sooo changed, and after a splendid run abreast of the Australian coast, she at last made the land in the afternoon of Dec. 11. Passing jclose inside the Traps, she was becalmed and baffledi for four days on the coast, giving <the delighted passengers, as she. stood off and on, glimpses of the coast, at Fovemix Strait, Molyneux, and Taieri RiveTs, Otago, and .Bank's Peninsula. On Monday morning early she stood into Port Victoria, and earned the proud distinction of being the first ship to land emigrants oin the shores of the Canterbury settlement. From henceforward 'the age of tho colony will be described at dating from the arrival of the Charlotte Jane. Little need be said beyond this sketch) of the ship's course to describe the voyage. The passengers had their share of the manifold discomforts which go to make a sea voyage a by-word for discomfort. Extreme heat, extreme cold, confinement and ennui, are the lot of every Australasian, voyager. Bxit wetlfer it was that, with, this courageous little band!, a spirit of hope prophesied better things beyond, or the colonist spirit was strong, disregarding petty present evilsj while greater menaced, at a distance— or whether it was that the increasing attention to the wants of all, which characterised the management of the Charlotte Jane, smoothed everything, it may. be safely said, that by no party of passengers have discomforts been more patiently endured, by none more easily forgotten;.' Of amusements, two manuscript newspapers, or weekly magazines, " The. Cockroach " and 1 " The Sea Pie," conducted with much spirit and ability, afforded a fund throughout. The wonders of the deep as they successivly presented themselves, were unfailing in. interest and delight, interspersed^ as they were by a-u enthusia^ftic naturalist, the excellent sur-geon-superintendent. Then there, was tho maritime, if not manly gayva of " shuffle-taty," the foil and) single-stick, the piano, and the song, and, during the fine weather, " the light fantastic, toe." At one time a passion for building model colonial • houses animated %he ship ; designs and! models were in'.' everyone's hands, and the subject on every one's lip ; jafc another, ship building was in vogue, and craft designed on the most courageously ingenious principles, to sxipersede all existing theories, were modelled an& calmly lecture^ on. Thus, as probably with every ship that .makes the voyage, time flew rapidly a.way ; anxious and, more anxious grew the daily investigation of the chart ; mpre and more impatient the expectations of the land-sick passengers. At last the breeze 'became softer, and to the sanguine seemed to smell of land; and one afternoon, while all were eageily on the look-out, " the loom " was seen by several at once. New Zealand was made, and the voyage was done. " How gladly then, Sick o! the uncomfortable ocean, ■ The impatient passengers approach the shore, Escaping from the sense of endless motionTo feel firm earth beneath, their feet once more, To breathe again the air, With laint of bilge and cordage undefiled, And drink of Jiving springs— if these they may— And with Jresh fruits and wholesome food repair Their spirits, weary of the ; wateiy way. Aud, oh! how beautiful the thing 3of earth appear ■ To eyes that tfar and near, For many a week have seen Only the circle of the restless sea ! With what a fresh delight they gaze again On fields and forests green, hovel, or whatsoe'er • . May wear ithe trace of man's industrious hand ; . How grateful to their sight the shore of shelving sand; As the light boat moves joyfully to land." . — SOUTH'GY. The only general observation that occurs to us as suggested- by the voyage is that of pronouncing it highly injudicious for emigrant vessels to run so far to the southward as the latitude in which the Charlotte Jane made her east course ! The temptation of thus gaining a rapid passage; is doubtless very great, but the utmost speed cannot compensate to poor emigrants for the miseries thereby inflicted on them. It ia almost impossible on board ship to escape from cold, and from rain and B P ra y ; the only refuge is by huddling under hatches in dirt and darkness. The beds can never be properly aired on deck ; and this single consideration should b& sufficient to induce the authorities at Home to prescribe a rule on the subject. A grievous loss to the colony was in 'this instance caused by the extreme cold to which the ship was exposed. Out of six; .couples of partridges andi four couples of pheasants, which Had up to that time continued -healthy and lively, only one couple of pheasants and one partridge survived" the damp and dreary climate of Desolation Island. Our excellent captain, in this instance, tried the southern passage, •having a comfortable and not overcrowded 1 vessel, and succeeded in accomplishing a j rapid passage ; but in his own opinion" the preferable course for emigrant ships bound for Lyttelton would be along the latitude of Bass's Straits, through Cook Strait, and down the coast with the prevailing northwest wind. Very few more years will set the question, at rest for ever. THE RANDOLPH, " Forsaia et hac olim meminisse juvabit." The Randolph left Plymouth on the niszhfc of Saturday, Sept, 7, 1850, a few hours after the Charlotte Jane, having on board 217 passengers. The officers of the ship were Captain Dale, commander: Mr Scott, chief officer; Mr Puckle j -.^^ Willock, officiating ministers; and Mr Earl'e, supgeon-jTiperiri.tendent. Her course lay outside Madeira, ianfd crossing the line in 'I'ong. 24.20 W. sfhe proceeded as far to the westward as long. 36.60 on Oct. 23, being then in lat. 23.46 S. On Nov. 14 hey latitude was 46.55 S, long-. 44.40. On Dee. 1, lat. 48.26 S, long 109.1 E. On Dec. 7 she wars driven by foul wind to lat. 50 S. On Dec. 11 slhe was in *he longitude of the Snares, in lat. 48.33, and -after a most dei%h't£ul run up the ooas/t, she entered Port Victoria at half-past three o'clock in the afternoon of Doc. 16, liavimg accomplished the voyage au 99 days. On ttoe anchor being diippped. " God Save the Queen ". was sung by all the pasyemgera on iih& poop. The RaiwMph spoke an \intt»\KtTly 'large nmrfbei? of vessels dSurtnig the eairO;ier panto of .iiea* voyage, and on Ocfc. 4 fell in wi'tli the Sir George Seymour, which had left Plymouth aho'uJt ;fcwelve houra after her, briojriDia a^

passenger .who had arrived at Plym 011 *" after t£e sarong of the Randolph. &?* bembned Iftwo days in, company wiva Fsremdh. tecme, having on boaaid an operate compaary -wiao were pmoceedfeg to Mkuiwus. On «he fir^fc d&y some of 'the SRaatfolpn | passengers ipulleld to the French vessel, ana kivi'bed a 'Jaxge paa'ty Ifco 'ddlne wit!a thena, a/nd on, the second they kept a piwmise exacted by tlnear visitors on QeavSmg tlhe day before, iby dßning on iboard itihe 'FiFencbman 5 the toast drinking on botlh sides •■was m'os o aamnsimgi. A great deal of Etalan music was aung in really fir^t-rate style. On there was aimosfc a mutiny on board 1 , Vf®-' by (the mercy of God, was suppressed by , the proanp-tness of the cajitiain, Sttpipoiited. by his officers taad the passengers. On f*ov. 25 was performed Sheridan's jplay of J** " Rivals,^ the female ytaradtei-s being PW" ed by gesnitlemen. Tlio diameters were <aip-po-rted! 'iv a 'miamner tOiat gave H'nivei«a.L sa,td9fiaeti'oii. To the I'adiies 'on b'oardi Wio area/test pnaise is, due for the effective in Trbidh tile dharaoters were " got ttp J the wonder was where all .the dresses could! hkiive dome iromi, and it was very curious to iiean> o 1 ! iw(ha* -tliey. were composed. The repre^aHbaition iodk place b6'tnvee« decks before an overflowing «,u!dience, aaul a second p&tfonmaace wias askodior by miany wei« .<u.n!abla 'L'o ®aim ad'onii'titan'ce. There ■\veve five deatfe (all children), andi nine )stvtfos on boaird. The voyage/i s dedaredl, by comimion consent, to Shave 'been m'osib j agreeable, the "only unpleasant pait of it being thia* w3ii«(h was 'passed' in tbe lotv Jsutdtud'es between t3ie Gape and New Zealand, on account of iflie cold and fog, wh'ichproved fatal to aTm'ost iaTl tHie game on boai'd>. .-••*.■ THE SIR GEORGE SEYMOUR. The Sir George Seymour weighed auchor at Plymouth about 11 o'clock a. in. on Sunday, Sept. 8. She was the last, by several hours, to leave the shores of Old England. Her companions were all out of sight, and two out of the three were mot seen again till she met them in tills harbour. Like the rest), she made an excellent run out of Channel, and by Sept. 13 was abreast Cape, Finnisterre. On Sunday, Sept. 15, the passen- [ gerg assembled for the first, time for Divine : worship, which was celebrated on the poop. [ " All hands aft to rig the church " was a new sound to landsmen ; but what church could be grander than that which had the sky for its roof, the ocean for its floor, and | God himself for its architect. Great was the -thankfulness of most who, after a week of sicikmess and discomfort, were thus assembled together for the first, xime to adore and pjrafce aim iwiho " Sitteth above the wate» floods." Prom that day forward the morning and evening services were celebrated, .with few exceptions, throughout tho voyage, and the Holy Communion was thrice ad-, ministered, first on. Sunday, Sept, 22, again on Sunday, o<rt. 20, amd Ifeusbly on Advenlo Sunday. The weather during the first part of the voyage was very delightful. On Wednesday, the 18th, we had a beautiful view of Porto Santo, one of the Madeira group, Madeira itself being afterwards seen more dimly in the distance. On the same morning we were startled by an alarm of fire i» the after-hold, which, though it wa* speedily extinguished, was sufficient to cause a. thrill of horror in the minds of lno^t, succeeded by <a feeling of thankfulness of being delivered from so great a peril. It was broad daylight, land was, in sight, though at a distance ; but, even if the lives of all bad been spared-, whioh could hardly have been expected, to ihave lost all and landed on a foreign soil had 1 been a bad disaster. On ithe Friday following we iadt a clear view, though! at a great' distance- (as much as 90 miles) of the ifai* famed peats of Tene•riffe, Palma, with its bold and rugged outline, and its many smoke wreaths, the signs of its industry and commerce, divided with the lofty and majestic peak, which stands as it were ithe mother of the group amongst lier graceful offspring, "the interest of that lovely morning. Ferro, the. southernmost of the Canaries-, was im sight the following day. On. the 26th we passed St Antonio, the westernmost of. the Cape Verds, andfrom that time we saw no land for eleven weeksv-that which we nexfc saw being a part of our beautifuLcorat -oi this 'our/ southern Britain. Oh th^ACh'ol October an incident occurred which we nrusfc ' not pass over. A sail came in sight which proved t o be the Randolph. Nothing could have happened more fortunately, since it gave an opportunity to our friend Mr Davi& to pass the rest of the voyage in his own ship. Hehad narrowly escaped missing lis passage altogether, having arrived at Plymouth tpo late to embark on board the Randolph, and was. with difficulty permitted to take his passage with us. An ©pportunity.- was now afforded, iwost unexpectedly, of putting Mm in possession of his own cabin, in Ms own. ship;'. There was not one, it mvay be safely said, who Was not soray to lose him (from amongst us; still ■we could not but congratulate (him om t3ie now probable recovery of Ms cabin ailid'.'Bds oulffit. The expectation was realised- a boat was lowered from tie ' Raudolpih, antl tllie ■Ausi officer, .the two clengyaneai), onid some other passengers eaina on boafd to visit us, and after a short sit^v returned in company with our friend, who lias thus succeeded in a-ecompMshireg a fea.c onore often talked of than perfoMnsfcii— manisly, itiliat of sailing in two ships, an Itoriouir * supposed to be reserved only for tlhe mvosb distinguished pea^sottag^s. We sailed in companiy witlh our friends of the Randolph for the two following days, and did not finally part with them till the Thursday following, Oct. 10. On Sunday, Oct. 12, at about 10 p.m., we crossed the live, witlrin five weeks of the day on which we left England. On the day following, the bodies of two infants, who had died the nig-ht before, were committed to the deep, and here we must notforget to express our thankfulness that no death of any adult, and so little of anything like serious illness or accident occurred throughout the vgyage. From the line to the Cape we inaae a splendid run. On the 23i'd, in about the latitude of Rio Janeiro, wa reached the westernmost point of our ; course, about 33 west longitude, and then first began to turn our faces in the direction of our new home. On Nov. Iwe crossed the meridian of Greenwich, by- Nov. 5 wjp were abreast of the Cape. '■•■'• Though we experienced some rough weather about this time, and occasionally afterwards, yet all, we believe, whose first voyage this was, are agreeably disappointed In having escaped in this respect so much better than they had anticipated ; and it must be a cold heart in. deed which would not feel thankful for the speedy and favourable voyage which was granted to us. Bub little remains to be told. We passed about half-way between St Paul's and Desolation Island on Nov. 20, making gradually southward, til on Dec. 7 we were nearly in the parallel of 49deg. On Wednesday, Dec. 11, about four o'clock in the morning, we sighted Stewart Is--1 an, earlier, it appears, that either the Charlotte Jane or the Randolph, though on the same day with them, and ninety-four days from the time of leaving Plymouth. We are surely not presumptuous in viewing it as vt signal proof of tho Divine blessing upon" our undertaking, that, three ships, starting at the same time, but not. intentionally keepj ing together, and running, indeed, in very | different tracks, and passing over so im-' j niense a space of ocean, and not coming in sight of one another (with the exception of the time above mentioned, when a specialobject, was answered' by the meeting), for the -space. of three months, should, at the end of that time, come in sight of the promised land on the same day. So nearly did -three out of the four vessels which composed the ever-to-be-rememberecl First Canterbury Fleet arrive together, that the one of the three which oaine into the harbour last was the first to see the land, and that also was ■the one which had started last. Few will ever forget the. joyous excitement and flow of spirits which prevailed on that beautiful day when we first beheld the noble harbours and magnificent mountain-peaka-of the Southern Island of New Zealand ; and on the following day, when. we ran in so close, and almost longed to land on the lovely sea beach backed by the low cliffs; and again on the Sunday following, when the snowy peaks" of our own . mountain range first became ' visible.and afterwards shone so grandly in the glorious sunset, on that evening. Monday arid Tuesday were brilliant days, and it is impossible to describe the pleasure we de_rired as we passed) &>nai the eastern nvfl

( northern coast and Banks Peninsula, descrying continually fresh beauties, reoognisimg spots known before by name, and comparing the veritable landi itself with the maps with which ire had been so long familiar. And when at length Godley Head came in sight, and the 'harbour of Port Victoria opened before us, and when at length we entered, and sailed, as it were, into the bosom of its encircling hills, who was there that did not feel at *he time that lie could have gone through the fatigues of the whole voyage, if it were only to enjoy the keen and pure gratification, and the life-lomg memories of those few last days. The Sir George Seymour came to anchor about ten o'clock on Tuesday, Dec. 17, being one hun~ ,dred days, almost to the very hour, from the time she left Plymouth. THE CRESSY. Oil the morning of Sept. 4, 1850, the barque Cressy, J. D. 8011, master, left Gravesend, and Avas •towed down tlhe river. She sailed down the Channel, was nearly becalmed off the Isle of Wight, and dad; not drop anchor in Plymouth Sound before three in the morning of Sept. 7. At midnight she left Plymouth, and had an exce nelltgS-ghligiai BTHM and had an excellent run. out of Channel. Pn the 10th she was almost clear of the Bay of Biscay, the nearest land being C&runna — the antipodes t>f Lyttelton — but far from her. Five days of very light winds succeeded, and on the 18th we mad© Madeira and passed! to the westward of\ it* on the 20th made Palma and Teneriffe y on the morning of the 26th, made Sajf Antonio, passed to west of all the islands, and' sun as far as 26.26 W. We had no 10. trades, and on tlTe 20th, after crossing the parallel of 10 N., j met a breeze from the southward!, were fifteen days beating against it, and at length crossed the line in about 25 W. The S.E. trade came more and more from the eastward, and the extreme westing of the ship was 32.54 on Oct. 24, in lat. 20.51 S. For five days made a course nearly due south, then began to make some easting, with strong and fair winds. We passed above sixty miles to the north of Tristan d'Acunha, sighting the showy summit of the mountain over the clouds on Nov. 6. From the 3r&j to. the Bth made little way, and then commenced a good run. From Nov. 9to Dec. 5 ran down 100 degrees of longitude between the parallels of 37.50 and 40 S., passing about six miles to the southward of St Paul's on Dec. 1. After a good run, found ourselves in lat. 47.30 S., 162.43 E., on Dec. 21, and stood on between the Snares and Traps; had no sight on the 22nd' or 23rd, but rough and bad weathei:. Made land on the evening of the 23rd, and stood more to the north; made Cape Molyneux on the 24th. Stood out for Banks Peninsula, and at last anchored in Porb "Victoria before noon on Dec. 27, being 110 days from Plymouth Sound. The fore-topmast having been badly sprung south of the Cape will account in a great measure for the length of the pas- " sage; no confidence could be placed in it; the fore-topsail was reefed whenever the breeze freshened. The ship had now landed 214 emigrants. More than ninety children had embarked in her, but two who were brought aboard in a most sickly state did not survive many days. One, child was born as we entered the Pacific. During the greater part of the passage it was necessary to watch one gentleman and keep him. under constant restraint, his mind being evidently deranged, and he has been safely landed, as we would fain hope, in a better state of mind. Such is a rough sketch of the " Cressy's " passage and the melancholy event which cast a gloom over our little party. The details of many incidents which are faithfully recorded in the " Cressy Times" would have little interest for the general reader 1 . We were dull at Gravesend; the dinner given to the emigrants was followed by too many parting scenes to allow any merriment and it was with gloomy thoughts and low spirits that ono passenger at least took possession of a comfortable cabin aboard the Cressy. But when the ship dropped down the river, ..feeling .of being .gflwfl ,„ 3^4 its . Ctisual exhilarating influence * the tiefi c.f Old England were forgotten, by the least sanguine, as they cherished the ; prospect of a better country, and ii a thought of Home would occasionally veturn there was little time for these contending emotions. One new feeling soon absorbed all others. We rounded the North Foreland and sentiment gave way to; sea-sick-ness. What •& spectacle does an emigrairtship present on suclr occasions/ <and how particularly dismal was the " Cressy " wi til her youthful family of ninety! Bub the distress was temporary. In a few. d'aya after touching at Plym'outli we were on the broad Atlantic, with the wonders • of. the ocean before us, and a few, if any, of our passengers, viewed them with indifference. We passed near Madeira, in most lovely, weather, and were equally fortunate off the Canaries, having a clear view of the distant peak. On the 30th a boat from H.M. Brig Mariner, boarded us, and took our letter-s for Home. In a few days the bank agent, who had been the most Jively guest at the cuddy- table, showed great excitement, and a fixed antipathy to one of the passengers. On Oct. 9, it became necessary to secure him, and for some weeks he was watched by iris fellow passengers. As he bscame less violent his wife was- enabled to stay with him, and under her control lie hasj become quiet. But one fesling of sympathy exists for the lady under so sudden, and awful a visitation. We had 1 little merriment to welcome Neptune when we crossed the line, but fair winds in south latitudes soon put us in good 'humour with our vessel." All became nautical, and the passengers who did not know the ship's longitude and the distance run daily was viewed with some contempt by his companions. We had sights of the sun nearly every day until we neared our new country, but thick weather, when we most needed a elea>r sky for two successive days, a bad specimen of our future climate. How 1 wretched was the longest day ! . Then how variable the weatherreefed topsails at nine, the ship becalmed at noon;, in short, we took the 'English privilege of a " good growl." But we had reason -to be most thankful for the escape of a midshipman -who fell overboard when a high sea was " running. A boat was lowered, and he was picked up a long way astern. We did not know that he had been caved until we saw him nearly lifeless in the boat on. its return. We spent Christmas Day most pleasantly at* sea, and on the 27th came into Port Victoria, with as good grace as the last in a race can show to his competitors. Two circumstances may have contributed to preserve the general health on board the Cressy. The ship was not becalmed in the tropics, and in the hottest part of the world th a foul breeze which delayed her" was too strong to allow any great heat- to be felt cm board. Again, the Captain deserves our thanks for consulting the health and comfort of Ms passengera in not running further to the southward -Wl^en a shorter passage might have been made in colder latitudes. LIST OF PAS&ENOERS. ' The following is ai list of the passenger* ■who came, by the first four ships. It is hot by any means 'complete, hut»in the absence of special m,eans for secitfih? a complete list itmust suffice:— Mr arid Mrs John Anderson and son John, M- and Mrs Alhvright and family, Mr aiicL Mrs Abrahams and daughter, 'Mr and Mrs G. Allan and famliy, Mr and Mrs Allpress, Mr and Mrs Alfrey and family, Mr j o hn Ashby, Mrs M. Atkinson, Mr F. Allan, Mr and Mrs Charles Bowen, two sons and two daughters, Dr'and j Mrs Barker and three sons, Mr E. B. BishQp, Mr P.- A. Bishop, Miss Bishop, Miss Emma Bishop, Mr and Mrs Charles Wellington Bishc\p and family, Mr Bealby, Mr B.anchard, Mr Batterfield. Mr Arthur and Mrs Bayfieldand son Arthur, Mr Boby, Mr Vt at Willi am Guise Brittan and family, Mrs Michael Burke, Mr Alfred Beecham, Mr John Bilton, Mr John Birch, Mr G. C. Beard, Mr J. Broughton, Mr Charles Bourne. Mr and Mrs James Bakes and fam}J' £■ and -M»'J. Bennett and four children Mr and Mr 3 Bjyan and two daughters, t w I i VS °' Bl Tenton, Mr Bridge, Mr \fr?W T?-W and Mr S- Burrell, Mr and t£UV ?A lhm ' M r Blackinore, Mi- W. Beaten and M rJ . Beaveli, Mr T. D. Baiv ker, Mr and Mr* Charles Brown ahd&Wga--

ter, Mr Sanunel Bisley, Mr and 1 Mds H» a^* ley and two daughters, Mr George BygE, Mr and, Mrs T. BradiW, Mr W. Bennett, Mr J. J. Buchanan, Mar Thxflnas CSholmondeley and Mr Charles Oholinondieley, Mr Leonard Cook, Mr C. J. Wentworth. Cookson, Mr Thomas Crompton, Mr and Mrs Cleaver and two sons, Mr and Mrs John Chainey and family, Mr and Mrs Qoeter and family, Mr and Mora Clothier and eon, Mr and Mrs W. Chisnall, Mr David Outtang, Mr and Mrs Joseph Childs and son, Mr and Mrs Samuel Cox amd) family, Mr and Mrs Campbell and family r Mr Cochrane (Riccaisfcon), Mr Charles Dunsfoud, Mr and Mrs T. S. Duncan and daughter, Mr Joseph Dicken, Mr Cyrus Davie, Mr end. Mrs Denton and family, Eev B. W. Dudley, Mrs Dudley and family, Mr Edward Dobsom and two sons, Mr Joseph' Dixon and Mrs Dixon, Mi- and Mrs W. H. Derry, Mr and 1 Mrs W. DufEell and family, Mr and Mrs W. Dun-foi-d; and family, Mr and Mrs G. Druiy and family, Mr and Mrs Jehn Dilloway and family, Mr and Mrs Denton and son, Miss Phoebe Dunbav, Mr and Mrs Balton, Mr Edward Dunford, Dr Earle (suijgeori-Buper-intendent of the Randolph), Mrs Earle amdj family, Mr and Mrs R. Evans and family, Mr Robert Ewen, Mr Eyre, Mr James Edward Fitzgerald and Mrs Fitzgerald;, Mr Fitch, Mr and Mrs Fawcett, Mr Ferguson and Miss Ferguson, Mr Walpole C. FendaH, Mr Peter Fox, Mr and Mi^s Rober* Fleming and family, Mr J. T. Fisher and Mr» Fisher, Mr Stephen Fisher, Mr ami Mrs W. J. Frost and; family, Mr and Mr^ William Free and family, Mr William Ambrose Ford, Miss Mary Ann Ford, Miss Emily Ford end Mr Richard Ford and wife, Mr John Falkneor, Mr and Mra Thomas Free, Mr and Mrs Hamilton Gale and family, Mrs Gmbb and three daughters, Mr and: Mrs Goodwin and family, Mr and Mrs Griffin, Mr Williani Griffiths, Mr and Mrs Gosling and family, Mr Jam® Gaamnack, Mr and Mra James Guildford and two sons, Miss Hooper, Mr Smith Howard and family, Mr Harrison, Mr R.-J. S. Harraan, Mr James Hill and M* John Hill, Mr W. HaiTey, Mr and Mrs| Michael Brennan Hart and ttfo icos, Ms and Mrs Halladay and family, Mr J. Harmer> Mr aad Mrs John Hill aud family, Mr and! Mrs Hughes and family, Mr and MraJohn Harper, and two sons, Mr Charlea HeW«tt, Mr 'James Heaton, Mts Heaton and son and daughter, Mr Robert Harrison, 'Mr and Mrs Charles Howard, Mr William Hurry, Mr and. Mrs William Higham and fanriiy, Me Thomas Hewitt, Mi- George HanlbKn, Mr and Mrg S. Hewitt, Mr James Hoob, Mr and Mrs James Horrell, Mr T. Hopwcodi Mi- and Mrs C. Hodgkinson, Alias Anne Kaffenden, Mr and^ Mrs D. Lrwood and) family, Miss Susannah Ireland, Rev Henry Jacobs and Mrs Jacobs, Mr and 1 Mrs H. Jones, Mi- and Mrs B. Jeffs and son Mr and Mrs C. J«ffs son Irederick Jenkins, Mr Jones, Msss Jones, Rev G. T B. Kingdon and mA Kingdon Mr T. B. Keele, Mre ] Martha W, tiiree daughters and son, ! Mr- and Mrs Kent and, son, Mr Geor«e Kerridge, Mr Lee, M>r 6 ' , Mr Wiliam Laurence, I Air and Mrs Leslie and ramily, Mfcs Eliba- ' beth Lewis, Mr and Mts Lewis, Mr Jribn ! Lee, Mr Henay Little, Mr and Mrs B W Mountfort, Mr and Mra 0. J. Mountfoi* Miss Mountfort, Lieutenant Dugald Macfarlane, Mi's Macfaatene and family, Mr and Mrs Mouldey and family, Mr and Mrs George Millar, and faindiy, Mr and Mrs WH. Marley aud daughter. Mi' and Mrs Msiiriott, Aliss Kate Milne, Mr and Mrs James Main, Mr and Mrs David Main, Mr and Mrs Samuel Long and son, Mr Stephen Moule, Mr Christopher Moore, Miss . Sophia Mouldey, Mr and Mrs ' Munn, Mr and Mrs M'Cormack, Mr Join M'Gilveray, Mr and Mrs W. Morjnan and the present Mrs Norman), Mr Newenham and son, Mr and Mrs William NeiE, Mr George Oakenfield, Mr Hemy Oakenfield, Mr WiHiam Oldfield, Mr' Henry Orchard, Mr Purseglova and Mrs Panseglove, Rev E, and Mra Puckle aiidl five children, Mr Fred Phillips, Mr and Mrs H. Phillips and family, Mr- Horatio Parkes, Mr G. W, Pickering, Mr David Porter, Mr Conyers Peach, Mr Peel, itr John Parish, Mr and Mrs WiDiam Parish and! family, My and Mi v s John Philpott and family, Mr and! ties Isaac Philpott and family, Mi' and Mr» Patonv Mr Jolm Pye,- Mr George Pearce, Dr Parkes, Mr James, Purvis, Mr and Mrs Prestney and family, and Mr J. Prestney, Mr Edward Pavitt, Mr and Mra J.- Quaite, Miss Ransom, Mr Watts Russell and ! Mrs Watts Russell, Mr Joseph Richards, and Dr H. and Mra Richards, Mr Wl. H. Read, Mr George Rankm, Mr and Mrs Peter Rossiter, MU» Rattray, Mr and Mm H. Rose and family, Mr Rooke, Mr Rise, Mr A. Rhodes, Mr W..H. Rayworth, Mr, Henry Resley, . Messrs John, and Walter Shrimpton (first printers of "Lyttetton Time*,") Mr Stoddart aad Mrs Stoddtot, Mr. atod Mrs Stoddtot and daughter,- %ft and Mrs Stanley, Mr andi Mrs J. B, Stout, Mr and Mrs Eli Salt end two sons, Mr and Mta William Smart and family. Mr and Mrs: Stoke and family, Mr and Mrs, Hugh Stace andi family, Mr Charlea Smith,/ Mr T. StUbbs, Mr and Mrs John Stace, Mr William Saffory, Mr Henry Stace, Mr Edward Storer, Mr J. Ttfllooh, Mr and Mrs Taylor, Mr andi Mrs James Townend aod family, Mr Edward Too-ma-tb, Mr. and Mrs J. C. Thacker, Mr George Tayler, Mr Jabez Thornton, Mr and Mrs Thomas Taylor and son, Mr R. TurnbuU, Mr W. R. Taylor, Mr and Mra Vaiyer and son, and two daughters, Mr and Mrs John Viekery and. two sons, Mr'E. R. Wardi and Mr Hemy Ward, Mr Hamilton- Ward, Hen J. Stuart Wortley, Ret W. W. and Mis Willock and two daughters, Mr and Mrs Theodore Williams and family, Mr W. D. Wood, Mr Charles S. Ward, Dr Fred. Wilkinson, Mr and Mrs Henry Washboume and family, Mr David Welsh, Mr Benjamin Wyatt, Dr and 'Mrs Watkins and family, Mr and Mrs John Whitemore and family, Mr and: Mrs John Willis, Mr and Mrs Joihn Williams and family, Mr Winchester, Mr Charles Waghofn, Sir and Mi's John, Wright and family, Mr and Mrs R. WoodfOrd and family, Mr Charles White, Mr Edward Wright, Mr H. Wagstaff, Mr George Willis, Mr and Mrs Samuel Wornald and) family, Mrs Roger C. Walker, Mr and; MnS Rolwrt Wilson and family.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 6977, 15 December 1900, Page 9

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THE FIRST FOUR SHIPS. Star (Christchurch), Issue 6977, 15 December 1900, Page 9

THE FIRST FOUR SHIPS. Star (Christchurch), Issue 6977, 15 December 1900, Page 9