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GRAND SHOW OP I ' • ■' I ■ ■% LATEST NOVELTIES. I BEATH AND CO. { BT } HEaTH 4ND 00. 1 $ SPECIAL LINES. SPECIAL PRICES. SPECIAL VALUE. f| » ''{.■: a Pretty Shot Sunshades, 4s lid to 18s 6d Ladies' White Skirts, 2s 6d to 21b % Stylish Fall Nets, 6d to Is I Id Children's Galatea Hata, Is 8d to 7s 6d : $ Ladies' Kid Gloves, " The Trilby,"*2s 6d New Washing Prints, 4f d, 6_d, 7*Jd \-ty Chiffons, " all colours," 6*d to Is 3d BJouse Cambrics, 6sd, 7_d, lOJd -| Gossamers " newest spots," Is to Is lid Galateas, " a lovely range," 6_d to lOJd r i Ribbons, a lovely selection Boys' and Youths' Straw Hats, 1b to 4b 6d';^ New Summer Tweeds, 2s 6d yard Men's ditto 1b lid to 6b 6d 3 Choice Robes, "no two alike," 17s 6d to 3gs Men's S.B. Sao Kaiapoi Suits, 26b 6d Vigeureux Serges, "all colours," 17s 6d Cashmere Shirts, 4s lid to 6s 6d v> | dress Kaiapoi Tweed Trousers, 6s lid to 80 lid; >% Foulles Is lid, Lustres 2s 3d yard White Shirts, " bands," 4b 6d to 00 6ft •:'■.- 1 Coating and Estamene Serges, Is 4£d Kaiapoi Crioketing Trousers, 11b 6d WOtmX^'f Wide Pongee Silks, Is lid 14 8 6d ___, Club Colours, Belts, Mufflers, Hat Band* >$ PERFECTION IN DRESSMAKING. &o. .4 Ladies' Shirt Blouses, 3s lid Fancy Washing Vests, from Ib lid '■•* French and English Millinery Solent Shirts, " fanoy fronts," and plain, 60 --/ Ladies' Cloth Capes, 8s 6d to 21s 6d 1 Children's Sailor Tunics, 7s 6d to 21s Kaiapoi Trousers and Vests, 12b 6d to 180 Ladies' Costumes, 18s 6d to 35s ' 6d C.B. and P.D. Corsets, 3s lid to 13s 6d White Shirts, " collars attaohed," 6s 6d to Ladies' Trimmed Sailors, Is to 6s 6d 7a 6d Elegant J-Mantles, 45s to 63s Fancy Silkand Cashmere Shirts, 10b 6da_d , Ladies' and Children's Trimmed Hats and 12s 6d Bonnets Regatta Shirts, 4s 6d to 7s 6d "; BEATH & CO. BEATH & CQ. - •'<■ "■:■s CASHEL STREET, CHKI,TCHURCH. J - ■ 1 .;, ' '.k : .'i

*.?.« Advertisements.: I . ' i ***__■« IH_A TB E BOTA L. | ME3SBB WILLIAM; OS k MUBGBOVB 1 Beg to announce on ■' WEDNbISDAY NEXT, JAN. 12, :.' Tho First Production in Cbrißtchuroh of Wilson Barrett's Noble Play, THE SIGN ft — — ' : "M OF THE CROSS , > 'VJ - • 'v.l Interpreted by a Most Powerful Cast. , ;' , tf MAGNIFICENT SCENEBY. -V. GORGEOUS COBTUIUn.. Box Plan at Milner and Thompson's. 67 M ADAME HELLER, PHYSIOGNOMIST, INSPIBaTIONAL Mfc iy DIUM, Cambridge Terrace (179, second •/.;■,. house from Manchester Bridge). Questions SKI. < swered on everything— Health, Marriage, Bunt- , ness, Ac. Short senaon Oulv. 8228 JUST A 8 GOOD ~. "; i ( IS what interested retailors will toll yottAbonfc ■ certain lines they wish yon to buy. " jJtutas good " means " taking chances." " TAWof ' v ohanoes" in business is a bad policy, but takltaf chances with your health is downright foolishness. ' You don't tuke any chances when Buffering from .• Indigeßtion, Constipation, Sluggish Liver Or ,' Deranged Kidneys if you aak for V LOASBY'S WAHOO, . , -i And insist upon having it.' ■ ; ' j WANTED, 2or 8 young Lady Boardersjii :}} private family j terms moderate. A. P., ■:% -Star" Office. 10a .',^ WANTED, situation as Lady Help and i ;■_ Companion. Address, Hilda, 'MSto", ? Office. _ m -fl WANTED, two or three meu or girls that . i are engaged day, as Boarders; a good A borne for working men or women. 128, Barbadoes Street. : 110 •; WANTED, in small private famby, one ;'' Gentleman i'oardor*. terms modSMite. V 1 Address, Linwood. ■' _^ -^ 11. , : , WANI'ED. a Boy clear of sohool duties for .J. general purposes. Corner Barbour and ' . Charles Screets. IU. „ i ~s' ■ ..' • ANNUAL Meeting Onnterbury Freethougbt.'A^ Association on January 18th. Important '?* busireas. 110 ''._ Buy t Wanted— Just from Sohool preferred. Apply Bobert Malcolm and Co. Bi'62 CONSTIPATION and Piles cured by Jxiasby'e " Wahoo," a tried and reliable remedy. Ask "£ for "Loasby's" Wahoo, . a T OST, oetween East Belt ond Colombo Street, 1 Mi Gold Torqnoise Brooch. Reward. 105, ■, 'fl Salisbury Btr<*et. 106 | T OST, Black aud Tan Cuttle Dog. collar \ Li registered Solwyn 2702. Finder apply "Times "office. ' 121 LOST, on Saturday, Gold Brooch, *ith nameon back, containing white hair, fceward On returning same to " Star " Office. 190 OST, bjtween North Belt aud Port HUIb, pcobably in tram, a Lady's Silver Watch Guard, with charms. Finder rewarded on returning uatto to the office of this paper. 12i . SICK Heiidnclie and Bilioußnesß cured immediately by Loasby's " Waboo." Don't be deceived by imitations. Get Loasby's. NAIL Brand" Ointment; Heals Wounds, '• allays irritation, cures sunburn, delight* f nllv cooling to skin ; Is 3d. t—emists, Groeen. f|^_d -*ei<b, tv pieces, 12b tfd, Mb 6d| the !_ oheapest in N.Z. Minson's Cheap De Ob ONE" POUND OF PALM BBAND INDIAN TEA an 2s 4d Makes 256 Cups of fragrant Tea with first water ■ t How many will it make with the second water. Leading Grocers^ ____ ■yrmr ant e~l> ~k n o wnI WILL NOT BE EF.SPONSIBLE for the DEBTS OF MY WIFE unlesß they are oontraotwu i n the PUBCHASE of | JOKO TEA, which I know she cannot live withont HOCB y. VISITOBS TO OUB BHOWBOOMB Are Surprised at our j_|uPERB OTOCK, OP PIANOS & ORGANS PIANOB & ORGANS PIANOS & ORGANS PIANOS & OiE-GANS BEST SELECTION IN OANTEBBUBxV '"•' CASH or TEEMS. * Inspect our Stock before purchaaing elsewhere D.LC. ~" D.LC. D.I.C. D.I.C. Cashel Street, Christchuroh. H. HEABFIELD, J. OSMENT, Late Cutter for Lately with Lonargan and Co. H. B. Uamblin. OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT. JUL EABFIELD & OsMENT,, TAILOBS & HABITMAKEBB, Beg to announce that they have oo _ menoed business in those premises, 135, Colombo Street, next' Lonargan and Co., where they will be gladtoßee all their old friondc. F 2187 J. C. CU>ACK (Ten Years with Davies and Lamb), -rTAIBDBESSEB AND TOBACCONIST 191, HIGH STREET _2186 (Opposite Clock Tower, . Ghriatchuroh). _3 MYEBS& CO., Surgeon Dentists, the Christn, church Dental Surgery, Cashel Street, Cnristohurch j Octagon, Dunedin. " Quod Faoimue Valde Facimus." Ask for Messrs Myers* Antiseptic Mouth Wasb, specially prepared for thorough oleansing of Artificial Teeth and Dentures. We have now administered Nitrous Oxide Gas in Christchurch several > times daily for the past ten years, positively prov--1 ing its safety and its thorough efficacy for the Extraction of Teeth without pain. Artificial Teeth adapted to the mouth by the newest and most scientific methods, combining strength, durability* lightness and comfort, at tho very Lowest Fees. 1 We guarantee all work leaving onr Surgery perfect for eating and Bpeaking. A Single Artifioiol Tooth, from ss. . m __T iflvnj __D^. S— * too COMFORTABLE. a The'Losßof Teeth meanß the Lobb of Health.. comfort nnd appearance. Hours of attendance— 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Telephone 279. Other hours and Sundays— Private residence, corutr cf Cashel and. Barbadoes Streets. Telephone 508

late Advertisements. TO-MOBBOW, at 2.30 p.m. AYEKS. BEAUCHAMP A- CO. will SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at their rooms, ■for: CASES Nelson Tomatres, Apricots, J.q»«_> _*] nm a> Peaches, Island Oranges, Lemons, Cherries, Bananas, &c. New Potatoes, Onions, „c, &c, AYEBS, BEAUCHAMP & CO., . 132 Auctioneer?. WANTED to Bell, Spring Dray, in Rood order, cheap. .Tas. Webley, Blacksmith and Wheelwright, Durham Street north. 130 WANTED, a Btrong Boy, for sawmill work. Apply to 23, Colombo Street south, Christchuroh. 126 WANTED, a strong, young Girl, for general housework. Apply, 109, Montreal Street, Sydenham. . 127 WANTED, a Boy. to make himself useful about the place. Apply, A. Asworth, Lincoln Boad. 128 WANTED, situation as Nursery Governess, or Companion ; English, music, small salary, town, country. Student, "Times" Office. 125 ANTED, a Lad, with a knowledge of drawing*. Apply, in first instance, to Drawing, Box 340, P.O. 129 WANTED Known— Yoa can buy a Man*, really useful Kaiapoi Tweed Suit tor 21b at SL-W. Bobinson and Co.'c. 213, Cashel Street. WANTED Known— We are selling New Season's Sailor Straw Hats from 94 each. Bhaw, Bobinson and Co., 213, Cashel Street. , WANTE U Known— We are selling Art Muslim* in plain colours, at 1b Ud per doz. yards. Bhaw, Bobinson and Co., 213, CashelStreet. ANTE D, Tidy Girl, - to~asßist~in~house sleep at home. Apply, 32, Cashel Street between 10 and 11 a.m. 133 ANTED, a Strong Girl. Apply, alter 6 p.m., to 249, Tuam Street W. 131 WANTED Known— You can buy a useful Summer Tweed DreßS, 4a 6d for 7yds, at Bhaw, Bobinson and Co.'s, 213, Cashel Stroat. ANTED Known— We are Balling "Shot Lustres, new fashionable goods, at 10b 6d the dress ot 7yds. Shaw, BobinflOn and Co,, 213 Cashel dtreet. ANTED Known— That Mogul Tea ie thi best nerve invigorator in the market.Flsß* WANTED, a good Qjneral Servant, highest wages io suitable girl. Apply, by letter, or personally betweeu 4 and 5 p.m., to Mrs Kennedy, I-lington. 131 WANTED to tell you, Mrs M., where I bought ass doll for 2s 6d, also fancy and useful crockery, tea-set ir- cold 7s 6d, wringing machines 8s 6d each, ladies summer hats from 6d each, boys' summer hats Is, worth 3s ; in fact, the cheapest shop m town is Mrs M'Donald's, 150, Lower High Stteet. EST END BEST AUB ANT, Confeotiouery, Choice Lollie and Fruit Shop, opposib' Ayers, Beanchamp and Co , Auctioneers. First* class meals ala carte, customers paying only for that ordered, for instance— Soup, per plate 3d Fish, boiled or fried 6d ; Grills, viz., Bump Sfcea 4d, Mutton Chops 4d, Pork Chops and apple sauoe 6d, Kidneys and Bacon 4d, Porter House Steak 6d, Ham or Bacon 4d; Stewed Bheep's Tongues with parsley butter 4d j New-laid Eggs, two boiled, 3d Cold Boiled Ham, per plate 4d; Fruit, per plate with fresh cream, 3d. Open daily from 7 a.m WILLIAM FOBSTEB. ~2081 g^i BILLI Sociable Bicycle. Machines of this \Jf novel construction, carrying two persons, and convertible at pleasure into an ordinary up-to-date single safety, are now procurable, either for sale or hire, upon most reasonable terms. Catalogues and particulars post-free. Nind-Ward and Co., 132, Lichfield Street. 2_ INDIGESTION cured permanently by Loaßby's •* Wahoo." It dispels pains and sickness after meals. Ask for Loaßby's. PENCEB VINCENT keeps up with the pro* cession,and has laid in a atook of Wahoo. SPECIAL. Try U N F O B D ' FOX DINNER SETS TEA SETS VASES FLOWEB BOWLS TABLE DECOBATIONS BBETBY ABT POBCELAIN TABLE & HANGING LAMPS A Large Variety of Goods specially suitable for PRESENTATION PUBPOSES. Visitors are requested to inspect our Stock. DUNFORD & CO., 156, COLOMBO STBEET, CHBISTCHUBCH. 6D WHY WASTE YOUB MONEY IN fiD PAYINIi CUSTOMS DUTIES P " WILTON'S STOMACHLIVER PILLS Are MADE IN THE COLONY and do not pay he 40 per cent ot duty which is charged on Imported Pills. You can Buy at any Chemist's a 6d or is Boj EQUAL TO IMPOBTED PItLS sold at lfl an Is 9d. If your Chemist has not got then* in Stock, asl him to procure them from H. . STEVENS, Wholesale Druggißt, Christchurch. GEO. W. WILTON, Manufacturing Chemist, Adelaido Boad and WiH*9 Street, We'l;ngt:n NINE CUPS of DELICIOUS TEA FOB _ PENNY, firßt water. Test the truth of this statemont by experiment-.! ou Half apound 2s 4d Palm Brand India n. Leading Grocers. F 6810 T OST, a PuUJSD OF JOKO TEA, packed ii lead,, marked 2s. Will gladly give 2s Gd for it.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 6074, 11 January 1898, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6074, 11 January 1898, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6074, 11 January 1898, Page 3