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BAIiLANTTNB & CO, THE LEADING DRAPERS, TAILOES, CLOTHIERS, HABITMAKBES, TJPHOLSTEEEES, CABIjTETMAKEIiS, BEDDING MANUFACTUEEBS and CAEPET WAEEHOUSEMEN, CHARGE SHIPMENTS JUST LANDED FOB THB FURBISHING DEPARTMENT, COMPBISINQ SINGLE and DOUBLE- WIDTH CRETONNES from-6d to Is 6d per yard,.maxVellorxS valne New Designs in FLOOBCLOTHB and LINOLEUMS, all widthaand iiricea A Large Variety of TAPKSTBIES, VELVETS, PLUSHES, &c, suitablo for CUBTAlNfi'«an* FUBNITUBE COVEBINGS, ART BLINDS, MUSLINS, TABLE-COVEBS, Ac.. &NX . 500 Poire of LACE and GUEPUBE CUETAINS, Stylish, Up4»date Patterns, !from 6a fid^4o 3 guineas per pair. A CHOICE COLLECTION OF AEfTISTIQ FfJENrrUBE OIT VIEW. _ SEE THE ONE SHILLING OFF EVEET POUND DISCOUNT FOE <SASH. CASHEL STREET, CHRISTCHUROH. Late Advertisements, late Advertisemeitts- : ■ L__: WANTED. Cyclists to hire out Indies' and XJTrAsrrEI), Smart Girl to mind baby. Applj. gentlemen's bicycles. Adams' Star Cycle V V at " Star" Office. 6u Company, 70, Manchester Street, Christchurch. 50 *^-_ r _ . ..^=r_r — — — -• x -. x -n" * « - T ANTED ' Youn K M™ Boarder, prrvato l -WJfT ANTED to Let, Five-roomed House. J. VV family ; both, piano, olean, comfortalfle. VT Fuller, corner Worcester Stroot and Central, "-star" Offloe u» ■uuuwm.-uww. Stanmore Boad, Linwood. 66 z±—— .>, m „„ .. *- ■ — -- -«--gT-AT<priFTT~- •- 1 - 1 — ~i — F- — T~-H Vir A J' TJ; ** D ' Aobvo Girl, about fifteen, for ■"Cl|T- ANTED, m private family, frmgle Man as V \ housework, sleep at homo, two in family.. V* . B ? ft^ d S , I 5 ?.° '3 bjl,areil s terms ver y moaa - Mrs Litolff, 293, Bt Asaph Streot. 67 "rate. Apply " Star " Office. 65 •vrarr a -Kwin-n «• 1 v x .»-> — , .- —'^ _ . .... — : ■ WT a;i; : te D, a Girl about 17, for housework. *■* *4/%A HBN m doubt piay trumps," iri an old ■. V w Apply, Mrs Bealo, Clydesdale Lodge. V T rule— it applies well to many things. Crescent Boad, St Albans , 65 You may perhaps want a remedy for some ailmout, A-WT-pn m. a «.™* c i_ — T~z r* caused by a defective action of the Liver,.and ore W S^^f ii We , ot tto™™***f o ™™*** in doubt just what to get-Try Walker's Vegetable JLI I|M . B ~* * B p"i\-i Jn 1 ,™ 1 ? 8^* 1 }? OIA Syrup ;" •■ it's always trumps " when you " give P^" eB » coraer Caßhel and Colombo Streota. it a turn." '•» *r ANTED Known— You can buy a Mim'B WHEN you read that Walker's Vegetable «A? - Syrup is a "genuine remedy for Liver & l su -"> Bol»PBon and 00/s, 218, Caahel Btreet. Complaints," it does sell, medicine, because its the \\T ANTED Known— We are selling New' simple truth. V V Benson's Sailor Straw Hats fromM«araho A FEW crumbs of comfort may be gathered S -^' Bobinßoa ttnd °°v l^ Oaahel Street. here nnd there, bnt if you want the whole kyfAy ANTE D Known— Wo aro Belling Art Mualinß { loaf of satisfaction, use Walker's Vegetable Syrup XV V in plain colours, at ls lld per doa. yorda. I for all ailmenta caused by a disordered liver. Shaw, Bobinson and Co., 213, Cashel Street. ADJECTIVES of tho strongest meaning utterly "\l\f ANTED Known— You oan buy a useful fail to convey to the mind the Wonderful T T Summer Tweed Dress, 4b 6d for 7yds. at Curative Power of Walker's Vegetable Syrup. Havo Shaw, Bobinson and Co.'s, 213, Caahel Street you ever given it a turn? If not, do so now. -"ocrANTii'i. — v nnm , -ar. .-*. ...iii** — srrr ChemistsandSWsellit. Pricels6d. W S^^^*^^S BOARDER wanted in privato family, six o , dreßS of fyas, Shaw, Bobinson and *Co« 81$ minutes' walk from Post Office, west. Cashel ritreet. Address Housewife, *^Ster " Office. 88 _ V^T ANTKD Known-That Mogul Tm te tfi -OONSTIPATION and Pilos cured by Loasby's T T best nerve invigorator in the max*ei«i , I 5 fV«'L^lte•*Waho^ andrelial,le^eliedy • ABk W A r ffi P t0 ten y° u ' «•"■ M - whe»-i 1 or - .^ggjoys wahoo. y y a sb doU for liaM _ an J FOB Sale, 4-Boomed House, verandah, Sand- useful crockery, tea-stt in cold 7s 6d, wringingridge, Sydenham, £170; £0 deposit. Forest machines 8s 6d each, ladies- summer hai B from 6s' andPerkins. 7J each, boys' summor hats Is, worth 3s jin fact, the OUSES to Let-4 Booms, 6s ; 5 Booms, Bs, 9b LoZ-18-AStreet* 0 " 11 iB **** M,Uo,mlji ' B 150 ' and lis. Forest and Perkins, Sydenham! !*77 yXXT g c ' . TVjTD-AME ZENOBIA, the greatest palnTIsTS W B cLi^ D L-?me B «d^x^ , S^n ,^^^ ■nri-S™" 1 at the Ma ° n Eeßtaurant "a«dens, New oiagg mealB 4 k^ oußtomers payinT^oniytS •">**??: M _ &at ordered, for m-rtanoe-SoupVper ptot? 8A fc Tl/TAN and wife" both agree, "there's f^! b ?x iled J?? Wed6dj Grills, via., Bump Stea lj_L health in every drop " of Walker's ™» Cotton Chops M, Pork Chopaajiaapplaßauot Vegetable Syrup. *' Give it a turn." £», Kidneys and Bacon 4d, Porter Houbo Bteak 6<L *-,^ nnv ' T . — ttt . . ■./'■ . j . . . Ham or Bacon 4d< Stewed Bheop'B Tonguea trtth ■» OOM to Let, with use of kitchen, uufurmshed, parsley bntter 4d ,• New-laid Eggs, two \&L\\_L ML !S%n l 0i S l J° °!i!!£-?-U g ,°^ d gar^ n * "Id Boiled Ham, per pteto 4T, Fruit. p«- piato Bosewood Villa, Junotion Street, Woolston. 62 with freah OTeam/ld. Open daily itamTtm I QICK Headache and Biliousness cured imme- WILLIAM FOBSTEB. XBoffl I • d i a^ , Loaßb y'" "Wahoo." Don't bo -i ACBE Good Land, -jnst oil' St Albans Lmml f, deceived by imitations. Get Loasby's. J[ £120. H. L. Bowker, Market Place. 33 ' T°, I,1 5V lf f c ™ ed ?,'" 8 ?'. wi * h ™PV*l- J2&K -CONFECTION fcBY BnsineßS, stooir . Apply Wm. Jamieson, 17, Livingstone Street, and fittings, shop and C rooms ; ren Lmwood. 64_ 15s. M. L. Bowker, Market Place. 33 THEBE are others. Yes, ninny othors, but O prT o^-PHOVISION Business, stock.fittingß. none so good a medicine for to stimulatei S&OU &c, shop and 4 rooms ; 17s 5 centrat Bluggish hver as Walker's Vegetable Syrup. •• Qiv H. L. Bowker, Market Place. Bait a turn." Obtainable at chemists and stores. ' . T^ — i— — » •-_-„., . . . . ... . , -. — -j A DVEBTISING olono won't sell a medicine. fTOE-neatest pleasure of Wew to enjoy good There has to besometlrfng in tho advertJseJ health. Walker's .Vegetable Syrup not«lonr mont bosides apace and big words, There has to* makes you healthy, but keeps you bo. Why ?be . be truth in it. cause it stimulates tho liver, regulates the — _ stomaoh, purifies the blood.and assists digestion. iTl 0 x. T ajirTintil you realise that if you gofmv " Give it a turn." JLP thor-tls possible you williaro worso. Yoa Ire.TTT..i,Tj.o r — ? 1^ r-s Inav nofc y l - 31,1 "ttdUy to-persuasion, but you'll find nnHEKE'S some part of yoiir anatomy put of it difiicnlt to resist the evidence of your oyes oa X order, maybe the Liver, Stomaoh or Blood- seeing the difference in your appoaranoo after its there, anyway. It lacks Bomethin.g ; probably a having used Walker's Vegetable Syrup. I stimulant. Walker's Vegetable Syrup is a Bplondid --,-■■„„,. 0 -„,;; — v ~X-r- *; 5 stimulant, especially for the liver; it also regnlatoß /J.BILLI Soomble Bicycle. Mnohmes of thie thestomacli aud purifies the blood. "Give it a novel construcbon, carrying two persona, turn." Chemistß and Stores. and convertible at pleasure into an ordinary np-to» — — — — — — - date single safety, aro now procurable, either for Hi. greatest good to the greatest number sale or hiro, upon most reasonable terms. Catois not merely a stereotyped expression, bu logues and particulars post-free Niud- Ward aud one of the most powerful principles of the age. Co., 132, Liohfleld Street. 2 Walker's Vegetable Syrupdoes " the greatest good '— ■ .mT/nw^.. "i rr - ; ** — to the greatest number" of those who •' give it a TNTOGESnON cured permanently by Loasby*» turn," because its powerful principles appeal JL Watooo. It dispelß pains and sickness after directly to every Liver. meals. Ask for Loasby's. YOU may not change your medicine simply T l ' is just as easy, aud very muoh more satisfacbecause you read advertisements about -*- tory* *<> uay ? t** 6 test wuon the best costs noWalker's Vegetable Syrup, but the advertisements ™ or s P l -" 111 the inferior. •• The Beat j" Medioino for may lead you to aßk someone who has URod ife tne Liver, at Uttle cost, is wlrnVs offered when yott their opinion of it. That's what is aimed at. areasked^tobuy Walker's Vegetable Syrup. "Givr When people doso they are pretty sure to '* giveit it a turn. a turn;" try it and see. -|^- LONDYKE.— Do not allow yourself to bo WANTED Known-BICYCLES for HIBE. -i\ pe^ijded to go to KloDidyko without a fuU A. BEED, Victoria Street. «jpply ot Walker b Vegetable Syrap • it's " better „.„„„.„_„„_„„_„ „ „ , , „ than gold" for nil disoiders arising from a torpid CHBISTMAS PBESENTS from England, Ger Liver. Chemists and Stores sell it. Price Is tid. m 93oo an 1 ' A. BEED, Victoria Street. TIM the now famous IGondyko Goldfields, .im 'cr^^m.n — ?r -*~i Walker's Vegetable Syrup rewai-ds thoßowhe. EW AND SECOND-HAND FUENIT E have Bought and found it. Comprising Every Bequisite for the Q NA^ L B: t? n 1 l" Ointment- Heals Woundfl. Household. X-? aUays irritation, cures sunburn, delight- .. „„„^ „. . „, fuUy cooling to skin} ls 3d. Chemists, Grooera. 9300 BEED, Victoria Street. - .. ' - XSS PftmJ n nn Tn g n .m* a . -i" C'PENOEB VINCENT keeps up with the pro* OST, a POUND OF JOKO TEA, packed is fo ceßsJon^nd has laid in a atacfc of Wahoof lead, marked 2s. fIIBA Seta, 40 pieces, ?12s 6d, 14a fldj tb« i_ oheapest in N.Z. Minson's Cheap Do ot. Will gladly give 2s 6d for it. ' -—■ , ,— . ■VTR'TALKEB'S Vegetable Syrup ninkeß bealtliy W customers, bocanso it's a -hcalthfnl msdiIt is the best Tea at the price. 8 10 cine, and satisfied customors, because it's a fair "f — JZ — _r.rr__ , * /~it7- price. IS 6d per bottle. " Give it a turn." At J. -U. UUBAL/Ji. Chemißts and Stores. i(^|7'O r Jmay have scon bottor days," but you (Ten Years with Davies and Lamb), „ X Ijave novor used a hotter medicine for a disordered Liver thau Walker s Vegetable Syrup, " Give it a turn " At Chemists and Stores. HAIBDBESSEB AND TOBACCONIST " ±L^LX '. „ SPEOIAL 191, HIGH STBEET lc !- L ••-''^'xajj. K2186 (Opposite Clock Tower, Chrißtchnrch). ._. U N F O E D * VISITOBS TO OUE SHOWBOOMS Jj Are Surpriijed at our roa SO DINNER SETS UPEBB^TOCK TEA BETS 0F VASES PIANOS & ORGANS flower bowls t>i i WAO o ADniliO TABLE DECOBATIONS PIANOS & ORGANS bretbyaut. PORCELAIN PIANOS & ORGANS TABLE & HANGING LAMPS PIANOS & ORGANS a Large Variety of Goods Bpeoially Biiitablfl — — for BEST SELECTION W CANTEBBUBY. PBESENTATION PUBPOSES. Inspect our Stock beforo purchasing elsewhere _ _. _ _. Visitors are requested to inspect our Stook. D.I.C. D.I.C. — Cash'oi Street, Christeburch. DUNFORD & (10., PRESERVING SUGAR, ' 156 . Colombo stbeet, chbistchubch. — * 6D WHT WASTE YOUB MONEY IN /*-D PAYJNU OUbTOMS DUIIKSP O WILTON'S STOMACH— T TVI7R Pi I T K CBUSHEDLOAF.perIb ' *** 3id AreMADElNTHECO^Yaiiddonot pay h, ONE CWT CASK, per lb \ » r _ 40 P« oent ot duty whioh is ohargod on 1 tiCI. Imported Pills. CANELOAFSUGAB,COLO N IAL,per,b 3 { ,^I^YmP^ED^KI MVZs^* Do Do Do ENGLISH, per lh gl d lB v % nr Cn6mirt hnß not , ot Btook> STABCBYSTALS,e S tralargegrain,pcrlb g^ 8 ™ S ' NO 1 TRYSTALS ncr lb 0 1 J GE0 * w * WILTON, NO. 1 CBYSIAxiB, pel il) 2M Manufacturing Chemist, Adelaido Boad and WHITE CRYSTALS, per lb ol J Willi- Street, Wo*.lhigt:n Or 2d with Tea, any brand Is 4d &_ tl " ~~ ~~ ' to 2s 4d per lb. C 3 M YEBS A CO., Surgeon Dontistß, tho Christf^» oburch Dental Surgery, Caahel Street, Christchurch ; Octagon, Dunedin. " Quod Faoiniua TmAYIiOB, having secured the Valde Facimus." • JL Smithfield Dairies of Butter, is Ask for Messrs Myers' Antisoptjo Mouth Waah, prepared to Supply them. Also, the More- Bpecially preparod for thorough cleansing of Artifipork Hams and Bacon, with Groceries and Clal Teeth and Dentures. Wo havo now adminis. Provisions of First Quality, at tered Nitrous o*ddo Gas iv Chrißtohurch Bevoral CASHEL STEEET, times daily for tho past ten years, positively provOpposite the Cafe de Paris. ing ita safety and its thorough eflicaoy for the Extraction of Teeth without pnin. ArtiflelalTeeth adapted to the mouth by the nowost and most MOBEPOBK CUBE BACON and HA MS, scientific methods, combining strength, durability, perlb K A to QA Jightnesß and comfort, at the. vory Lowest Fees. OQ oQ We guarantee all work loaving our Surgery perfect OUB OWN MILD SUGAB-CUBED, per f(>r eating and Bpeaking. A Singlo Artificial Tooth lb 5d to 8d troms8 ' r . _- . HAMS, PALE or SMOKED, per lb ... OJ y^^^^^^Ds. FIBST-PBIZE DAIRY BUTTER, per lb ... n 3 FBESH DAIRY BUTTEB, per lb, 6d,7d or CJ |4 flffi jgwy^jg § TAI TAPU or FEENLEAF FACTOBY, IQJ g ffl I | CANDY'S CHEESE '.'.'. O J % W JfC___[ x ] I g FACTOBY 5d or 6d R *«s3Ri \ SHIP'S LIMEJUICE j JSL^^iBSL j EASPBEEEY and OTHEB SYBUPS, per j g COMFOBTABLE. <-T| T-FWON SQUASH 1 oi 1 Tho Loss of Teeth means tho Loss of Hoalth, LLMUJN byuaaii j g 2^ ; com f or t nnd appeaiance. Houra of attendanoe-I 19 luui. to 6 p.m. Telephone 279. Other houra and Sundays— Private residence cornor -of Casual and Barhadoeß-Streatß, Tolcphono.6oß

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 6072, 8 January 1898, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 4 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6072, 8 January 1898, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 4 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6072, 8 January 1898, Page 5