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Busineeg Notices, * ' CHRISTMA^HfIIUIT. ~^ —^ \. . : -^E HAVE JUST RECEIVED, _ * *A*AIA. 0 tf . FIBST SHIPMENT ■ OP - NEW SEASON'S W&UVES; ' 5 WTiich we quote below U NewSe^n'lsultS ."' Z '" '" sijs ij fe 1 ?* L ° mon Candied Feel ....' ... 7d { Pricß*-NatioH(tfl^Tm& ,,. _._ New Season's Valencia Bais_i£ SK S&, '", " !■« ' Englfeh Wutod'lWK ~ "* Good Old Valencia 8 ... ,S finest Jordan Almonds ... 2 s4d Pinesif Tapioca * "• ... ... 6d New Season's Muscatels... ... _q1 Pl & 8 ' D «ed Peaches, &c; Finest Sago „ ,": ;;; "' ••• •» JM Good Dessert Muscatels... i '" m — —. i ' Brown's Cbrnflovrs... '" • S»S_s_r :. •-. - •■• -1 ?SilKlSlSffi' :::■ = % _tllaSV.^ ' New Season Dates... ." " "' - .S MILLAVpJIIf J5FQ__J y LargoJarsPreservedGinge.... W. i!! 2,0* | Colonial Candles ... _. ... m g. S J^T. '■ ' • \ ' _ '' ' ■.■■■"■'" ' WABDELL BBOS. & CO.

advertißemeuts nnderrhlß Jitad, -otexdfedln , 'onrte«n words wfl] he o\»aw>d 8Kn»BiroB, — — ■- ■ . „ .. *^JI(WiF ' XOT-AKTED Kur.wn-^Saxon Tea is delioiOTM ' Gentlemen to eeeoun Tailor .mad<* "WSTANI ISD Known— New Spring and Snnmer n/r~,T -Dpsßes mafia to. order, 25b cotople'BiA YT. MoOleaand Co., Beady Cash Drapers 210?Hte_ atreet - Psof_ "¥^rANTED,6oo6Laaießto Purchase the-Nei» »,Y«T 1 M wcoi,. g^ by Doctor Byder. Beatf Bdjg, WA^TJKIJ, iadiea to inspeoc Riatli and C'o. : b" . r« m -h*i /& New Dress Matemls, PitatßCambnea, Oxfords, Galateas, Cnains (»S'. onnea ' " ■ . -|*r_AT about that corn P Still keeping V for XT ft weatiier guide? Badpoliey. Get Mm* 1 '/■ ggV-nraKW, a sure cor£k_&. i. ' W"__MT_i_» &uo— a — Ano_a«_ b_apm«m ol fc -ri^ Eucalyptus Soap, Platvpuß Brwid, huj -mved. Sold everywhew arf 9, fJatSedn. Bqnare ' 8866 .', W ANTED, Lndies to understand that Beath ■ ; ♦l. i._ nd C P>*B, -Drapery ERta«ishment'i_. ; arrived BP BinCe °" r " ew P nrta «" ' - ' XoLZ ■ . W" ANTED Known — Just landed,. LWierf- ,' -V n* r Costumes,! DreßS Skirts. G9ribftldw».~ '■• n 3^? p ? Qwernßeys, Fall Net Corsets. Gill's, «£ ; Colombo Boad, B.ydenhain. 294 J W*ANT_iD, any person not nt»e to proour* cate with Saxon Tea Coy., who will arrange with an agent to supply them TPl3w^ W'A«TEi» i_nown — cuotayptuß Jujubea, , ia«t Aiirn* jrp % Bra ? d « A -«sepllo andrtta?., "">^.an d 9.C-^to, . W-HAT.novw heard of PhytolaooaP W-y-i . . is^tae only genuine romedj for- makifa Btout peoplfc thin j no speah Ifetthg reaniradf absolntely safe for male a <a Ss^mT iv ctißmistß. XISBB A/IT* ll '_i l>< _ nffer ~« ' ' readaohe, Tudl. T-lK gestion, &0., to tarn / Baßßafras _•__■, Platypus Brand, are a B -^ Sold every. where, and the office* ' 9, «3mthed__l «mara. W 1 TIP-ANTED Known- -.tisfaotory dnm. . ! -3i^j Mak '^ it, is nei 'r o have Fit, Styte and Eeasonablo Prices. T «n and C&> does, it. Summer Dresses 25s comi •. makin» 10s63 f nu sundries. F 567 • Miscellaneous. A CHOICE Lot Children's Cots In — -ions bUm and qualities. Ballantyne and Go. X1357 A SPLENDID Assortment of Tkonaerincii t\. Coatings and Suitings to seleot fiom, BaUantyne and Co. XIBS7 A MAGNIFrCENT Assortment- of Gents' Silk _T_. Ties and: Scarves, suitable forXtnas presents, rom 6d to 2s 6d each, Kenneth Matfleson and Co., The HrII. A GENTLEMAN, when writing for a fresh supply of Phytolaeca, said) one bottle reduced my father seven pounds in less than a week.' 2s 6d, at all chemistß. X1566 ABE you stout? Do you have, difficulty in breathing after exertion? If so you should take Phytolaeca, the new and saf » anti-fat— a really marvellonß remedy ; 2b 6d , all ctemuwts. Xlsw ' C^JHOICE Colouring's and Dsngns in JJroseel / and A_ininster Carpets in large variety, ' j:-1 BallantyneandCo. . X1857 • • Salo now on. ifargains in allde- £> Kj nartments. Kenneiih Matheßon and Co,, '•'!■ The Hall. X1517 v /CHOICE Colourings and Peßigns in, Urasseto ■ JJ and Axminster Carpetß in large varie^r. "i BallantyneandCo. XISS7 ;'i XTBAOKDINARV Pnrchaae of Corsets at ' ] Phenomenal Inscownt, all at 2s lid, ccc ' window. Kenneth Matheson and Co.'s Remnant Sale. 11517 T7IYESIGHTS Soientiflcally Tested Free of fU Charge. ' Acknowledged to be the best Opticians in New Zealand. Spectacles from Is. G. and C. H. Jones, Watchmakers and Jewellers, Cashel " Street (opposite Cafd),' Christchurch. X2137 FOBTY pounds of superfluous fat wero taken off a Dunedin merchant m less than three , months by using Phytolncca. He remarked thet ■ it made him feel as sprightly as a young man. 2s 63, all chemists. XISB6 _ H ATKINSON has for Sale Walnut Suite, sll_ . damask, cost £50. sell £15. FIB9B . ATKINSON'S Furniture Warehouse for : , Wedding Furniture. Come and see our stock. 204_ :t . H ATKINSON has for Bale, Thick Linoleum, » just arrived, 2b square yard. F2204_ HEADACHES make the best tempered cnvw and irritable. C' you want to bo rapidly 'cured use Dr Crosslaud's headache powders. IbOo, atanychomists. Xls6fi H ATKINSON has for Sale, Beautiful Dinner « Sets for Wefldinpr Presents. F 2204 Ti' you think your case is hopeless, call and Bee I Mr Palmer, whose remody cures when all others fail. See advertisement. At E. W. Hall's, Armagh Street. Xl6Bl F you are stout use Phytolaeca, it reduces the waist lnoasuro of ladieß by inches in a few weeks. Absolutely safe for main cr female. 2s 6d, all chemists. X1566 '; TMMENSE Keduction in Gold and Silver JL Watches, Engagement Rings, Chains, Brooches, Clocks, Spectacles, Ac, at Clarke and Co.'s, Sale now on. Open To-night until 8.30. , Come and see for yourself. fc3. Clarke and Co., 148, ■ Colombo Street. X137 MULLET Cd per tin, Sand Soap 4d per <•■.•* W. E. Qoode, 103, Victoria Street. 7M4 TMfACKKITOSHES made to order for Ladies Of J_fJL Gentlemen any shape. Ballantyne ant Co. X1357 ONE Lady, who had not been able to gee her hands up to her head to do her hair for 10 years through rheumatism in the arms and shoulders, was completely cured by Phytolaeca. 2s '>■ 6d, all chemists. X1566 PHYTOLACCA was discovered by observing that birds which fed on the berries kept in perfect health, but lost all their fat. Stout people should not fail to try it. 2a 6d. all chemists. X1566 AISINS— 2O boxes Valencia Raisins, 3idpei lb. W. E.Goode, 108, Victoria 3treet. 7644 _ MOKE Cameron's Latest Production, the New Vonue Dark Aromatic To^ftcao. 2263 AFETY Matcheß— so gross Safety ?«lat-._eß per doz. W. E. Goode, 103. Victoriß-ffr ' EVEBAL hundred dozens ot tne uuce -8 ou Wearwell Gloves in Browns and Tans. BallaniyiKs anu Co. fe;_r_ BEAUTIFUL Xinns and New Yoar .Cards, , O\J assorted in fancy packets, 9d per packet. .; Kenneth Mattes on nml Co., The Hnli, High i Street. -1 -| KA DOZKN MusIi Pinafo es, 1b 3d, Is6d : L O\J Is 9d, all at Is ; 00 doz Linen Cooking Aprons, full size, all at Is. Kenneth Mathesonand CoVTho Ha 1. _ __^ \ ■* KT^DOZfiFMusiin Piuafores, lfi 3d, Is Od, \ LOU lsOd, nil lit Is; 00 .ddz Linen Cooking Aprons, full size, ill) at In. Kenneth MatUoson and Co., The Hall. ELJBCTRINK-Thelatoßt triumph m Klectrical Science. 'L'his wonderful, compound will resilver Spoone, Forks, Cruots, Bicycles, ana, iv fact, all kinclß r,f Hniss and Copper Wnre: also, a marvellous Plato and Silver Cleaner. Sold by nil Grocers, Ironmongers, Chemists, Fancy Boposi. Tories, &c. SVholesnle only. -, W i-xt 3523 SAEGOOD, SON & EWEN

BEE WHAT THE WBWCT_PEBS SAY 1 ABMJT GAWNE'S WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. •'SOUTKLAND TIMES," 3_»7,. 1889, aayszedtohaSto_«t^T»S °i^ BCOTeo / c/e /r onO3ai y. A case » point occurs to us. Mr Gawne, oT_>uii. fa_?ous'WorS intended io- supply.tbe place of th Mm OTeciHM* tifa a^T^ f pc " rl ? a - Mr Qawne's product goes underthe same name, and is got XZZttS^ 1 ! 1 aa ?^ every *e«pect it issoUkethe origiaal that it may be donated FBOM AIL STOBEKBEPEBS, AN3> WHOLESALE _?B©_ THE MANITFAGT-ÜBBBS. W.GAWNE&CO., GEORGE STREET, DUNEDIN, HENRY IVEY & CO., AGENTS, GLOUCESTER STREET. WELLINGTON A. AND P. SHOW. NOVEMBER 18th and 19th, 1896.. . . RESULTS OF THE HAM AND BACON EXHIBITS. KINCAID'S EXHIBITS CAEEIED AWAY ALL THE Ist PEIZES. LITERALLY SWJEPT THE BOARD. ALSO, SPECIAL PEIZE FOE MOST POINTS* Hams 1 Hams ■ Bacon Sides Bacon Sides I Bacon Holls \ Bacon Bolls Smoked. | Unsmoked. ] Smoked. Unsmoked.. Smoked. Unsmoked. KINCAID'S G.I.C. Ist Prize Ist Prize Ist Prize Ist Prize Ist Prize Ist Prize WABDIiLLBBOS. 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd and WABDELL BROS. 0 0 0 0 0 0 WABDELLBBOS. 0 0_ (> 0 0 <) . EXTRACT FBOM " THE NEW ZEALAND TIMES," Wellington, Nov. 18 and 19, 1896— _ "There were Six Classes for Hams, Flitch and Boiled Bacon. Messrs. Wardell Bros, had ~" three Entries in each ciass, and Kincaiu's G.I.C. ONLY ONK ENTRY in-each olaes." ' EXTRACT FROM THE WELLINGTON "EVENING POST," Nov. 19th»1896— '; " The display of produce is better than last year ; still, it is not as large as it should have been. The Kincaid G.I.C, of Christchurch, has Swept the Board in Hams and. Bacon, the only other competitors being Messrs Wardell Bros. Kincaid's G.I.C. has 'secured First Prizes in all the classes. The Judge speaks highly of Kincaid's Exhibits." ' KINCAID'S G.I.C. WAS ALSO AWABDED THE SPECIAL. PBIZE FOR MOST POINTS IN HAMS AND BACON- -« ST PBIZE SIDES BACON gp PEB LB ■t ST PRIZE BOLLED BACON ... gJ_D PER LB •J ST PRIZE HAMS „. «. MD PER LB KINCAID'S G.1.C.. ' 161, COLOMBO STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. IMPORTANT. READ THIS. TVTEW SPRING and SUMMER GOODS now to "m/rEN'S KAUPOI TWEED SUITS 19s lid, ij\ hand in alltheleadinpr shades and colourings. i5_L 26s 9ct, 32s 6d and 39s Gd. • tn xr -m xr wiv -kt MEN'S KAIAPOI TWEED TROUSERS-Gs lid, New Dresses, New Blouses, New Millinery, New 8s lOd, 10s 9d and 12s lid. i Hats, New Bonnets, New Flowers and Feathers, New Capes, New YOUTHS* ALL-WOOL SUITS 10s 9d, 18s 9d, 21 Corsets, &c., &c. 6d,2556d. TWEED DBESSES J_A__TO OR DEB, 25s BOYS' K^SUITS. from 4s9d to Gs 9d, ? s ffd, 10a COMPLETE, MEN'S HARD FELT HATS-3s lid, 4s lid, 5s OR SELECT YOUB OWN MATERIALS, S lld and 6s lld# AU sizeSl and we will MEN'S SOFT FELT HATS-2s 6d, 2s lld, 3s lld MAKE YOUii DRESS FOR 10s 6d. and49Ud - A " BiZe8 ' No sundries Charged. BOYS' AND YOUTHS' STEAW HATS-ls, is 6d, Is lld, 2s 6d. STYLE, FINISH, FIT AND WORK SUITS MADE TO ORDER, all- Wool Tweeds, 455, GUAEANTEED i 555 « 65a » 75s - SEE OUR NEW MILLINERY AT READY All Work done on the Premises by CASH PRICES. -^oriencedOperators. W. M'CLEA & CO., W. M'CLEA & CO., READY CASH DRAPERS, READY CASK CLOTHIERS, 210, HIGH STEEET. 210, HIGH STREET. QOOD NEWS FOR CORPULENT PEOPLE)} PHYTOLACCA TABLETS AND JUICE. ▲ BATS _E__l>T IK THE TBEATHENT OP OBESITY OR COBPULE^CY. NOT A FATENT MEDICINE. From time immemorial it h&a be«n noticed that birds feeding- on the Ph ytoUcco Berries became ver.x •e_a, yet ret__ ed their health perfectly. :' The e— -U—t mentiou in Medical Warka we can find of the remedy _in Hal e'l "New Remedies," 'p. 561s — "lonceßUf^ested the Phytolacca ao a remedy in fatty degeneration of the heart and fatty heart (birds which feed on the berries lose all tbeir adipose tissue)." / ToBrW. H. Griffith,* regular practitioner in Penssylrania, belongs the honour of having introduced ' the remedy in practice. In 1889 he published an article on tbe subject in the " Medical Summary ," oi ( Philadelphia, aad expresses surprise that the Phytolacca Berry Treatment of so distressing a condition I continues to be neglected. From this paper we erttact the following :— I " The doee is one t» two tablets bef okb eacfe meal, Rometimeß increased to four. They diminish th* appetite to some extent. In some caaea the reduction of weightig remarkable, as much as 15 to 2(>pound«| j I a month. Tbe vedncttaa _ frequently apparent the first week : a feeling of lightness and comfort follows ! their adnriirigtrationu One pati out lost 40 pountlß in three months, and suffarod no inconvenience ; th« •rerajfe is from 10 to 15 pound* a month. • • • lam somewhat surprised that this treatment has not irooeived the attention it merits. Phytolacca seems analogous to lodide of Potash, and actß in chronic [rheumatism sim—trly. I hare found it efficaoiona in that painful form of rheumatism of the arms and ; ahoulders, of which so —any com__ia. It does not constipate the bowels, but rather acts as an aperient. _t seems to hare tbe power of causing sbsorption of adipose tisane in a great degree." PHYTO-ACOA BEBBY TABLETS AND JUICE hare passed throuch their experimental stage. tßeadwhaiDr Wise has to ear about this remedy :— ' " My experiesce _-thafc about 75 per cent of corpulent people who t_c« it reduce tl «ir — rfßht. AH leorp— eat people an more or less in danger at apoplexy and heart failure, Ac, as well as from rheamat_m,areclninßy andheaTyabont tbe joints and Umbs. Now, Phytolacca will every time reduce the. jfattr degeneration about the heart, thereby facilitating a free circulation. It bas the power of dissolrtag the fat, and thereby the patient will feel light . md active, it— ill often cure rheumatism that has icsMted treatmeatfor years, particnlarly the kind that affects the shoulders and arms. Personally, I wan report reductions of fiesh that would seem almost incredible. For instance. I knew & _taa who i«_£hedSsolb reduced to^»lb in three xaonttw, 1 also kaow of a numser of __et who kave reduced r__ir wa— t _easms 9 toli ____** PHTTOLACCA IS AN ABSOLUTELY SAFE REMEDY IttowH-iTßfcte— .prto*-)****-* Abo ths Pure J_oa,_«i and <b« »Bo#»% _j«9 SOIiD BY ALL CHEMISTS IN NEW ZEALAND. DRESSMAKING PRlCES.— Material Dresses v "TTSTALKER'S VEGETABLE SYRUP, made from 8s 6d to 10s 6d, Prints and Tea V V Cures " Torpid Liver," " Biliousness," Gowds from 6s 6d; by the Day 3s; fit and style " Sick Headache,"" Indigestion," " Flatuloney," guaranteed.' MBS and MISS MOUNTAIN, 269, "Acidity," " Constipation," nnd Removes all Colombo Street north, sixth house over bridge, " Blood Impurities." Price Is Cd, at "Tholledi-_s____li_________i_______J__HflT-A sgfifl nhn»t." High Street, Christchurch. XIBO3

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 5748, 17 December 1896, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5748, 17 December 1896, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5748, 17 December 1896, Page 1