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i. " 1 1MPORTANT NOTICE. " ~' : ; ; JTJST OPENED DIRECT FROM THE BEST CONTINENTIAL AND COLONIA * MANUJPACTUEEES. CLOTHING. MERCERY. Men's Sac Suits— Choice range of Colonial Tweeds New Tennis Shirts, with collars and pookots, a 22s 6d, 255, 27s 6d, 29s 6d the suit. large variety in matted cloth, silk stripe and Fancy Ceylons, 4b 6d, 4s lid, 5s (id and 6s 3d, Men's Tweed Trousere-A complete ranpe of New Shetland Merino Pants from 2s 9a. English and Colonial Tweeds at 7s 6d, 8s 6d, New shet , and Mer ino Shirts from 2s 6d. . 9s 6d, 10s 6d upwards. New Ribbed Cotton Pants from Is 6d. n • •■>■ i -ii «-x j. an. r oj. o New Plain Cotton Panto from Is 6d. 5 ?to9 r ° m earß> New Plain Cotton Shirts from is 3d. S " S * Toflt Boys 8 1 10 year v 9s to 10s. New Fancy Merino Half-Hose 6d, 6Jd, 7Jd per pair To fit Boys 10 to 12 years, 10s to Us. •• » • .» Seamless double heels, and Soxs, B|d, very special, Tl ,ese are all Colonial Tweeds, and Wonderfully New Sh "P ea in Block and Coloured Flexible Felt cheap. Bring your boys along at once. Hats. ' New Black and Coloured Soft Felt Hata. a Boys' Galatea Washing Suits from 5s 6d. Boys', Youths 1 and Men's Bathing Drawers, all at Bojs'HeavySergeSailorSuitsfromZslld, A Large Variety of White and Speckled Straw 0 Boj s' Navy Twill Maritime Suits from 9s 6d. Hats, lOd, Is, Is 6d, Is Ud, 2s 3d, 2s Od. g New Braces, New Ties, Now. Collars, all marked The Be are New Stylish Goods, and a Bargain. exceptionally cheap. 3 KENNETH MATHESON & CO.. SPOT CASH CLOTHIERS, TAILORS AND GENTS' MERCERS, I THE HALL, c ■ £26, 22 d, HIGH STREET, CHEISTCHUECH.

A<ate Advertisements. LOST, on Frit'ay, between Strange and Co.'s snd < ashel Street, East Belt, a Gold Bar I Brooch with a large Amethyst in the centre. I Finder rcwiirrted on returning same to this office. ! \\[ ANTED, First-class Dreßß and Mantle ?! Makers. Apply early. D.I.C. 2465 I W/ ANTED/ Girl" to look after baby in the I v *. afternoons. Apply 25, Gloucester Street, j Linwood. 2466 W "ANTED, by young Student, a Conch for Freup.h. Apply, Btating terms, 'to Merci, "Times" Office. 2410 W~ANTMJD, Dr Kyder'a Health Lectures in brief. Call, or post, Health Supplies Company, 245, Cashel Street, and get " 'I'okology," 12s 6d, or that and " New Method," On« Guinea instead of 255. F 1823 W'ANTB n Known— l will not be responßiblo for the debts of my wife, unless they are contracted in the Purchase of Joko Tea, whichr know she cannot live without. ! FI3OB WANTED, Purchaser for House of 9 rooms, bathroom and kitchen offices, ihree-eighths acre section planted. Pleasantly Bituate on the banks of the Avon. For further particulars apply Allan Hopkins, Eptate Agent, Cathedral Square. WANTRp] Two Cooks for gentlemen's familioH. £40 yearly each j also Laundress £35; Cook, town hotel; also, for country hotel, Dairymaid able to make cheese; several Genera's for town- nnd corintry, good wnges ; Young Girls to asHist in housework. Apply to Matron, New Zealand Labour Exchange, Manchester Street. Ladies in waut of competent servants with references should apply at this office, where bona fide orders receive prompt attention. Telephone 256. ANTED Known— That, Mogul Tea is the best rarvre invigorator in the market.Flsßß WT JO g^OOKli, Chemißt, has large W.« 'JKia Kj stock WibyV'WAHpO;" best remedy made disordered Stomach, Liver Comploints, Piles. 2263 ALBUMS, workboxos, writing desks, vbogs, purse*, inkstands, Japanese goods, &o. On view at Minsou's, 220, Colombo Btreet. 7047 rf^HOIOJfi Colourings awi Designs in Brußseli V.'' and AxTnineter Carpets in large variety, Ballantyne and Co. 51357 Sale now on. Jiargainß in allde. VJ partments. Kenneth Matheson and Co.. The Hall. X1517 DO yon want to get a present for one of your friend ? Call and walk round at No. 220, Colombo Street. Slinson's. 70*7 X> URGLARB, Burglars, Burglars.— Should these _53 gentlemen x>ay you a visit you can keep them in a good humour by giving thorn a cup of the now Celebrn'ted Jnki Tea. FI3OB, F- BIGGS, Chemist, High Street, Bells Wahoo t —the great Remedy for Indigestion." H ATKINSON has for Bale'Steel'Trnnkß and » Poytmanteaux, cheap. FIBBB EALTH MAWNESIA challenges every other brand. Local scientific industry. The ' Laboratory of Health Supplies Company. F 1823 SNBLL, Colombo Street ISouth, Chrißt.j church, Waste Product and Bottle Merchant! Cash Purchaser of Rags, Tailors' Cuttings, Kope, Bnnew, Load, Zinc, Brass, Copper, Iron, Flin Glass, Paper, Tron (scrap), Oil Drums, &c, jsc. Every description of bottles bought, sold, or exchanged. ( 255 MINSON'S Depot for every article required in the kitchen. China/ glass, earthenware, ironmongery, enamelled ware and brußhwore. 220, Colombo Btreet. ■ 7047' PALMAM qm meruit ferat, which, freely translated, means : Palm brand tea takes the cake, and surpasses all other teas fpr excellence nnd flsvonr. SoWby.allerocfirs. FI3OB 'ON AIL Brand *' Ointment j heals wound*. (^ allays irritation, euros sunburn, delight. f"Uy cooling to skin; Is 3d. Chemists, Grocers.' JEWING Machines of any make can be satißfactorily repaired and put in order by skilled workmen. Call at Minson's, 220, Colombo Street. Nn nbnrgft linloiß Btitigfnntory. 7047 ff\ miAYLOB, Srorekeepor, always stocks JL • JL LOASBY'S" WAHOO," 2s 6a.- cares Indigestion, Flatuleuce, Palpitation, Nervousness, Sick Hendacbes, Sluggish Livers. 2263 Tf /■INCAID, Storekeeper, for " Wahoo," . JtV. 2s (Id; best remedy made General debility. Costiveness, Piles, Sick Headaches, Nenrnigia. Henrthnrn. 2263 Ka. .-eCH, 40 piecos.froin 10s6d") MINSON'S Dinner Sets from 21s [ DEPOT, BMraoin Sots from 10s 9d, full Bets; 220, Colombo St nnO LET, Two comfortable, Furnished Rooms, JL 6s. 32, Gloucester Street, Linwood, just over >'a ß t Belt. 2463 NEW BOOK S. Jude the Obscure, by T. Hardy, 2s 6d and 3b 6d; While the Billy. Boils, by Lawson, 5s j Fellow Travellers, by Graham Travers. 6s j Maid Marion, by Peacock, 8s 6dj The Christmas Hirelings, by Miss Brnddon, 3s 6d i Sons of Fire, by Miss Braddon, 28 fid ; My Happy Half Century, by Miss WilInrd, 3b 6d ; On the Verge, by Francis Prevost, 2s 6d; A Summer in a Canon, by Mrs Wiggin, 3b 6d ; Tom Grogan. by F. H. Smith, 2s 6d and3s6d; Heart of the World, by Eider Haggard, 2s 6d and 3s 6d; The Bishop's Amazement, by Christie Murray. 3s Gd; Maßter Wilberforce, by Bita, 2s Q& and 3s 6d ; Views and Opinions, by Ouida, 3s 6d; Doctor Conpalton's Legacy, by Henry Johnston, 2s6dand3s6d. W. G. CHABTBES, White Hart Buildings, High Street. F 1993 GARDEN TOOLS. A MANUFACTUEEE'S Special Bet of • SAMPLES. CLEAN, BRIGHT, GOOD AND CHEAP. NOW O"N SALE. XX !U D S O N ft KJ O. S.P.Q.B STORES, XI6BI Colombo and Gloucester Streots, Cliristliurch. nnHE CHOICEST FKUIT IN TOWN IS AT HICKMOTT'S. 83- The Best Bananas, the Bent Passion Fruit, The Best Pines, the Best Seville Oranges (for marmalade), and the Best Lemons are ALL CHEAP AT HICKMOTT'S, Opposite Press" Office. Telephone44s. i _ ' SPECIAL DISPLAY OF WALKING-STICKS. f>{ OLD AND SILVER MOUNTED. The Finest Selection ever seen in the Colony. Now on View in Window. ESLICK BROS., TOBACCONISTS. I

c ; Late Aavertisements. TO-MORROW i (THURSDAY), at 11 o'clock. A. Ex s.s. Walcatipu and TJpolu. niABKE & CO. WILL V SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, Ac their room?, Lichfield Street, A(\t\ Casea CHOICE SYDNEY FEUIT, 3 -W assorted 200 CaEes BaNANAS - ' All in prime condition. i. 2i7i Hj Gl CLAKKE » Auctioneer. >- |~| DD FELLOWS' HALL. TO-NIGHT at 7.30. Lacture on FULFILLED PKOPHECY, BT C. H. HINMAN, OF WELLINGTON, t Synopsis— Babylon, Egypt, Paleßtiae. 2i68 B. ~ 8.A.0.8] ' A MEETING of all Members will bd held on J J%. THURSDAY EVENING NEXT, Oct. Bth. 1 (\tßp.m., Royal Hotel, Christchurch. Business: ; Important. ' 3970 D. GBUBB, G. Sect. l ~tTT^7"ANTED Known— Ballance Liberal AssociaS VV tion, by ppecial request, Pound Social, p Lyceum, To-morrow (Thursday), 8 p.m. Adtnis--1 sionj^ 2464 ! TT OST, a Sable-aud-white Collie Pup. Reward. JU Balhnßros. 2469 , TTJOR NERVOUSNESS, GENERAL DJSBILITY, CONSTIPATION, SLUGGISH LIVER, PILES, INDIGESTION, • Take LOASBY'S WAHOO, The Great Herbal Remedy. Never Fails. r 1 Wholesale Agents— » Kempthorne, Pros ; er aud Co.'s N.Z. Drug Coy. J "T7T7" ANTED, a Range Fitter. Crown Ironworks i VV Company, Armagh Street. . 247X ' XT^ANTEDTTwoToTThreeUnfurnlphed Kdoms L VV in centre city ; moderate. X.Y.Z. 2472 WANTRD, a GirVJS,. to Asßist in House■work. Apply 148, Cambridge, Terrace. 3402 r "TIfTT ANTED, Mother's Help, aw about 14 ; > W must be fond of children. Apply "Star" Office. g-HSI I WANTED, First - class ("oachsmith and Striker ; also, a Bodymaker. George D. • Croniu, Cashel Street. 2477 I XTtT ANTED, by thoroughly trustworthy re--1 VV *pectnble' woman, Care of Offices or as ; Caretaker. Apply Care, " Star " Office. 2473 W "ANTED, all interested Temple of Truth Evangelical Sunday Services, Christian Singers and Workers, meet Mr Corrio Johnston, Hall, next tram stables, Thursday, 7.80 p.m. 2t76 WANTED, seasonable, superb, Health Magnesia, lOoz bottle Is, -straight from our Laboratory. Ask your grocer, or send post card. Health Supplies Company, 245. Cashel Street. F 1823 CARRIERS' and Cabmen's Benefit Society.— The Annual Meetim? of the above Society takes place at the Terminus Hall, on Oct. 10th. at 7.30 p.m. 2475 EOK Sale, the fast and safe Little Yacht "Queen Mab," twenty pounds cash. Address P. Blakesley.-care " Times "-Office. 2457 EDCALYfTUS! largest and best shilling bottle in New Zealand!! Imported direct, no middlemen. Free trial. E. B. Allpress, 239, Cashel Street West. 9710 jTtO e1) Gauntlet," test household ointment in _O) the world I Instant Cure for all Sores, &c. E. R. Allptcss, 239, Cashel Street west. 9710 ff^HE Best Specs in the Market are Palm and 1 Joko Teas direct from the gardens. They 1 don't require mixing with other tiM to bring them up or tone them do\7n. . FI3CB AINTERS— Wanted anian used papering and painting. L. Howard. 56, Colombo Roid, Sydenhain. . 2470^ TO Hairdressers' Assistants— Wanted, an lin» prover. Apply to Hairdresser, "Times" Office, Christchurch. , 2459 TO LADY CYCLISTS ak» oENTLEMEN CYCLISTS. fTJHE D.I.C. have accepted the Agemy of TWO OF THE BE«T MACHINES In the whole World:— , The Colebrated " TOWNEND " and the Luxurious " uSMOND. " First Arrivals are only just opened and , 1 already only a few are left. The "TOWNEND" has the reputation of being the "best value in the world, and Tho "OSMOND" holds many of the European ; Amateur Records. ' Every Machine Guaranteed. t Orders should be booked at once to secure one L of these splendid for the incoming cycling . season. [ p. i. a I PRINTING I 1 Of «11 kinds In BLACK and COLOURED INKS, »d«? in any variety of style, Ornamental and Plain, r executed witn rapidily, aconraoy, nndpanotaalitp - and at reasonable prices, at the 1 GENERAL r STEA.M POWEi PRINTING WORKS ! OONHJICTBD WITH THB I Lyttelfcon Times" Office, 1 Gloucester 3croec. Oliri tsaurob. I LEGAL PRINTING— Briefs, -identnres. Schedule! Articles of Association, Partnership Deadb > Noticeo, &o. '. COMMERCIAL PRINTING — Trade Cironlftra ' Lists of Goods,' Catalogues, Aoooaat Headings I Memorandam Form 9, Rotnrns and Statements 1 Tickete, Cards and Labels, Handbills and Ci* cnlars, Cheques, Billheads, &c. > BOOK PRINTING in all ntyJes, Reports scd P»n>. ) pblota, Sermons and Leotares, Essays, roams, l *°- • PLACARDS, POSTERS, and HANDBILLS, ant • tize and co!"ur. i i ROGRAMMES— Books of Worde, Card ofAdrai* [ eion for Bolls, Concerts, Leotures, and Pubho and 1 rrivato Entertainments. : Engraving & Lithography


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Star (Christchurch), Issue 5689, 7 October 1896, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5689, 7 October 1896, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5689, 7 October 1896, Page 3