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«i§t§fi k HmSa >k.^^^Si^ Kxhibition, bnt twenty-four honra pri m. WpWrxxtFwmH y^^>m^^ s j'^ *° f^ st even * " ■wmed; impoefible for ■ MMrXi \ ¥ - TOUr Ptctoralnefmd after takisV** wiiaau mumrrwiiMiaarm doiea I wan so far beneltcd m to b« kM PK B H iTOi^BWB HfEPT IB^jflg^ *« *' n ? with more than n»n«3 »neo««». „-.,.,_ ''ohrUt^hn^h.slDt. s! IBM. ' /

Business Notices. ANNUAL STOCK - TAKING. SEDUCTIONS DUBING THIS MONTH. THE WHOLE STOCK WILL BE REDUCED ' TO PRICES WHICH OUGHT TO COMMAND A SPEEDY CLEARANCE. 1 • W. 'M'CLEA & CO., READY CA^H DKAPERS AND CLOTHIERS, 210, HIGH STEEET, CHKISTCHURCH. THE LATEST INVENTION.O KULL'S OKONITE TRUSSES FOB HERNIA (HUPTUBE) {especially for Travellers, Coloniß kj> and Resident em Tropical Climates). AWARDS— GoId Modal, Paris Exhibition (1889). Gold Medal, " World's IV Chicago (1893). Skull'B Okonite Trusses for Rupture are in all I "Brit Medical Journal."— "They are scion respects the most perfect and unique instruments 'tiflcally constructed, aad give perfect support in all ever offered to the public as mechanical supports Gftseß." and remedial appliances for any form of Rupture or " Medical Press and Circular." —" WiQ no doubt Internal Prolapse. These trusses are of the beot come into general use." possible manufaoturo, they are sel^adjusting, light "Illustrate Medical News." — "We can with and comfortable. Tho external surface being com- every confidence recommend them to all sufferers pletely covered witu a non-absorbent material from hernia (rupture) and prolapsus." (Okonite), of afiesh colour, resembling ivory obey Thousands of unsolicited testimonials from al cannot be detectod when batluug j they aro abso- parts of tho world, lutoly impervious to moisture, persDimtion and vtnmrn the acid excretions of the 3kin, cannot rust or get NOTICE.— I ompicy no travellers or agents, and out of order, cause no cutanoous irritation, will they aro only eiipphed direct, packed in wood casos, hold securely any size protrusion without pain, " mth . plain addrosa labels, by return of moil on may be washed when necessary with impunity, and i w.eipt of P.O. order or bank draft made payable can therefore be worn any length ot time in any THEODORE SKULL, Shaftesbury Avenue, W. climate without becoming offensive, us is She case . Skulls New Okonite Trusses are anufactured With those constructed with leather, elastic and m.tiiree distinct qualities, following other objectionable materials of a porous P IICO •'"" „ character B "«* Sled. C Skull's Okonite Trusses ior Rupture weigh only , qlty. qlty. qlty a few ounces, and b Q ing practically indestructible Single -Truss, w ngu« can be ytiaranteed to as t a lifetime, thus involving orleitßide 45&6 d 3556 d 2536deacb no urtner expense to tho nurobaser boyond first Double Truss to both cost, and me undoubted advantages they possess each ... 91s 71s SJ.H over every other Truss oxtant constitute them as Measurements required. — The entire circumfer absolutely the best, and therefore the cheapest, ence round the body two inches below the top of *h can bo procured. The following aro a few the hips ,in a line wifth tho protrusion. State ifthe extorts from tho leading Medicarjousnals:— rupture is on the right, left or both sides, or at tho L'fce Lancet."— "Skull's Okonite Trusses are navel, and about the sizo of protrusion, and any tho mwt effective c ha^ 0 <sver noticed. specia characteristics of the displacement. THEODOtii SKULL, S7EGICAL INSTRUMENT AND APPLIANCE MANUFACTURES, SHAFTESBUBY AVENUE, LONDON, W. ENGLAND (Two minutes' walk from Piccadilly, Oxford and Cambridge Cir uses). (Established 1863.) j Mannfaotui er of all kinds of Surgica Instruments, Trusses, Belts, Obstetric Binders, Blastio ; Stockings'. Knee Caps, Anklets .Suspensory Bandages, Emmas, Syringes, : Pflfmari h BubV>o- (5-vv'e. An. Full orjtioulara r. -iil<>d frea. 5C12J0 _E » . ■-. • Wfrff tT^W^V&fc & IHOACf ME NT RINCS^<\ ( S L^'^ /as, fflGrt ST CHRlStC^M^OgT^^^ OOOD NEWS FOR CORPULENT PEOPLE. PHTTOLACCA TABLKTS AND JUICE. A SAFE EEMEDY IN THE TREATMENT OP OBESITY OR CORPULENCY. NOT A PATENT MEDICINE. From time immemorial it has been noticed that birds feeding on the Phytolacco Berries became vet. lean, yet retained their health perfectly. The earliest mention in Medical Works we can find of the remedy 13 in Bale's "New Remed'es," X). 561 : — " I once «Jggosted tho Phytolacca as a remedy in fatty degeneration of the heart and fatty lieart (birds which feed on the berries lose all their adipose tissue)." To DrVf. M. Griffith, a regular practitioner in Pcnssylvania, belongs the honour of having introduced the remedy in practice. In 1889 he published an article on tbe subject in the " Medical Summary," ot Philadelphia, and expresses surprise that the Phytolacca Berry Treatment of bo distressing a condit oni continues to be neglected. From this paper wo extract the following :— " The dose is one to two tablets befo>*e each meal, sometimes increased to four. They diminish the, appetite to some extent. In some cased the reduction of weight is remarkable, as much as 15 to 2Upouud9 a month. The reduction is frequently apparent the first week : a feeling of lightntss and comfort follows their administration. One patient lost 40 pounrtH in three months, and suffered no inconvenience; the : average is from 10 to 15 pounds a. month. • * * lam somewhat surprised thatthistreatmenthas not received the attention it merits. Phytolacca seems analogous to lodide of Potash, and acts in cbronic rheumatism similarly. I have found it efficacious in that painful form of rheumatism of the armsand . shoulders, of which so z»any complain. It does not constipate the bowels, but rather acts as an aperient. .It seems to have the power o£ causing absorption of adipose tissue in a isreat degree.". PHYTOLAC^A BEREY TABLETS AND JUlCfcj have passed through their experimental stage. Read what Dr Wise has to say about this remedy ;— _ "My experience is that about 75 per cent of corpulent people who tak« it reduce their weight. All corpulent people are more or less in clanger of apoplexy and benrt failure, &c., as well as from rheumatism, are clumsy and heavy about the joints and limbs. Now, Phytolacca will every time reduce the fatty degeneration about the heart, thereby facilitating a free circulation. It has the power of dissolving the fat, and thereby the patient will feel light and active. It will often cure rheumatism that has resisted treatment for years, particularly the kind that affects the shoulders and arms. Personally, I can report reductions of flesh that would seem almost incredible. For instance, I knew a man who weighed 3501 b reduced to 1801 bin three months. 1 also know of a number of ladies who have reduced their waist measure 9 to 12 inches." PHYTOLA.COA IS AN ABSOLUTELY SAFE REMEDY It feeoMfai Tablets, price 2a 6d* box. Also the Pnre Juice, 2s 6d and 4e S a Bottle. 21829 SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS IN NEW ZEALAND. Premier Candles mks.b.s™b. Are Pure Stearine. MESSRS SeTMOUR & SoN Made in New Zealand from New Zealand Stearine. SUPPORT YOUR ~OWN INDUSTRIES. DEiNTISj-b, 215, COLOMBO STREET, — CHRISTCHURCH. jP<HEAP "PROVISIONS & /"I ROCERIES. Telephone 189. XI TAI TAPU BUTTER JjDPerlb "RTTTTER FRESH FACTORY FRESH DAIRY <JD and -J^jDPerlb CANDY'S CHEESE ... ' gDPerlb P £ RN LEAF FACTORY FACTORY CHEESE gD per lb -t * j) per LB. DAIRY 4 Bor 5 DPerlb FACTORY STILTON, Cut IS fiDPerlb ± A1 Aii-JTU XAUJLV/lix X " 11DPERLB. STILTON, 31b jars gS CjD 11 GORGONZOLA, 31b jars ... gS 3D TOI-TOI FACTORY GRUFERE, 3Ib tins 5 S 3 D If 13 PEE LB - rETs^D A R X op"suGlß.. 2S 9 !Dp cribe rib MERCANTILE FACTORY PEARL SAGO... j|DPerlb X1 D PER LB. TAPIOCA iWrlb OATMEAL NEW FIGS :. 9D PER BAG. pZ D E nrC I I fr,lT FINEST BNOWDBOP TOMATO SAUCE, Imperial Half fiD SUGAR - 2^ Pints ... " WAX CANDLES g ID Per 150 TEST KEROSENE, per tin ... gS KINCAID'S Gf.I.C Complete Price-List on application, xi-10 T TAYLOR CASHEL STREET, CHRISTCHUBCH. Sole Proprietors of the Celebrated (Opposite the Cafd.) rf^EYLINDO m E A. Notice op_ Removal. kesch Speem Candies 0. PANNELL, Are Equal to English, TAILOR, &c, In addition to being 25 per cent Cheaper. S9ll Beg 3to announce that, owins to the increase in his business, he has liKAIOVED TO LAEGEE PREMISES, — No. IS, MANCHESTER STREET SOAP DEFER3ED (Opposite Burke s Hotel). AChoiceAss)rtmentofTwceas, Ser o ei, Tft/ITAKETH THE DIRT STICK, Coatings, Ac. Z15&2 JjJL ■ FT-TT!? n-.w :-.-. \ Tv ! -1 1 . I ' TRY SILKSfONT.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 5655, 28 August 1896, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5655, 28 August 1896, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5655, 28 August 1896, Page 1