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" PRICES LOWEST. ' ' '1 | : QUALITT THE BEST, | ; CLOTHING AND HOUSEHOLD DRAPERY, f ['■■ MERCERY..- . - ■—...' :^ Blankets, our special quality, a'i wool, Colonial ;• — 19s lid pair, full sizes. . ':? Sample Hearthrngs, Carpet Squnres, Mats and % | 100' Pairs Men's Strong-WorMng Trousers, Colonial marked very low to clear. .? Tweed, 15s 6d, now 108 6a. . ,Amuri Cloth, all.- colours, 5s lld F dress, very .'■>'% 75 S.B. Sac Suits, excellent va/lue,.Colonial Tweed, Bi..fnL.j 1 t »' ■ . _ „ , , '''■■'■$ our special price,22s Cd, 27s 6d, 3Us 6d suit. hnot Cheviot Tweeds, 6s Ud dress, grand winter- ."| GC I4«S£K »ew^W BBnd . Pla keTwe e *from7sll d .to-| Men'B Knitted Socks, 6d, 9id, lOJd pair. fwrr nnvN-a wa /.i7THmn O Trnh „ , ''" r M Heavy Cardigan Jackets 9d,sslid,7s6deacH. N S MA <«nraoSHß^«U sizes. special :g Men's Working Shirts, Is lid, 2s 3di 2s 9d each. Ladies' Mackintoshes 27s 6d now 12s fld each. ; Boy pirslS2a^eeqXS: Und^ M^^Sr^tf^^-«i;;| erSPECIAL-DBESSES MADE IN FIBST-BATE STYLE FEOM 12s 60, FIT GUAHMUBfflfc .'.'-' f|| : Special 1 attention given to Letter Orders. ./"'M ' ; KENNETH MATHESON & ca, ' I ' " " ■ • ■■:■.■■."■■ ■ . ... ■ ■ -jVi THE HALL, HIGH STREET, CHRISTCHUECH. V. 4 Jim — —^ ■ ' • ';-'

_jate Advertisementg^ I "T^ANTED, Board and Lodgings, near Canter- .:S oßfi * bury CoUe E c Preferred. D. L., Bo*. r M '"' ■ ' 0056' '" l " : "t%s '■ANTKD-T. H. Pappsfor Paragonia. LateB >: cure for colds, inflncnza, &o. 4175 W^AJfVKI) Known— That JUo^ul Tea:i» ijt'-^M best nerve invigorator in the market FISSO \jM W ANTED, Girt about fifteen, to asst-fc'witb -M housework and children. 44, Conference : *W f reet. p^ o , . ■ : i *°" *° P^^onia from chends^ y§ Y/&/-AMTi!)i>-flßun o y, iniiuouatt, i>rouciuuJ' -^M jrr ory aloud for Paragonia. Chemisbr . i l% grocers. • S94S '^ ; j "VV A^ TE , D *<> L earu, Trade, Coachbuilding or* V Sj^tar-'offlcr 11 V"**™*'*™ 16. A^y.V:| * aw ChiU, Bronchitis or PnoumonU; 'twill 1 '• m eaveyou man y a doctor's Bill if you try Paragonto. : -, : VV AN J^ tO t?ls d ' vorio n8 Bims of money on M j^S q u£e! hOldßeCtirity - All ™H°PMg* ! 1| TDONNINQTON'S for " Wahoo," the new ■M BONNINGTON," Chemißt, ke?p B Loasby^ 01 'J Wthoo, the certain cure for Indigestion. Sluggish Liver, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sick Headaches. CIUAMBEB Bets, 9s 6d. Oheapost in N?W ; Zealand. Mmson's Cheap Depot. < 7047 CIBICKET and Tennis Goods; great variety. ) lowest prices, vjison's Cheap DepAt, 704? { CBUETS, &c, jeplated j old Silver made into ■'<'' useful articles. F. White, 84, Madras •' ;: stre et.- 9842 ;:f : \ ' V T^OLIiS— See our Pretty Dolls, 6Jd; remartabU ' ? JLF cheap. Minsor'a nheap Depot, r047 v ■ ■ ■jIVERY Grocer and Chemist keeps Wood's , ' '■!'« JL2J « r e<lt Peppermint Cure for Coughs nnd Colds, Is 6d and 2b 6d. . 9053 Vy<| FOUND, a half-brrd Botriever Dog, black and ■■'?*>% tan. Apply, Carter, F. A. Cook,.Chiisl* v^ -P* church. , ■ .Xttß.p:£i% TAB! .litre, a■' sorts, ail size*, from to dojV )■ •« M Minson's Cheap Depdt, 220,, ColomlS : 4| Strfte k • . . ,■' 7047 '?::?■§ OASBrs "v.ahoo' imparta health anA I i vigour to wholo system, strangthens inte*. ' M tinea. 2s 6d, Chemiats and Storefceopflre. ."" ■', :'??¥, IOASBY'S "Snail Brand Ointment," "tha ' :^| I Certain Healer," Is" 3d; cures all skin "'.sa emptloKn. "Wnhoo/' Chemleta and Grooers. *& I" ORT. a Pearl-and-Dinmond Brooch. Finder .'*J J rewarded on returning it to the office of this ■.■•}-' P ilTl< "'- , 9955 : ';!s IVI ** aLiXiXj, ut »Vaiuuiuiii», Buueiea nve year* / i.TJL- from Indigestion. One bottle "Wahoo" cared him. 2s 6d. Chemists and Orooera. "VTEVEE negleot a Cou?h or Cold. Take Wood'« JLI Great Peppermint Cure, la 6d and 23 6d. 9053 WOOD'S Great Peppermint Cure for Cotnrha and Colds, price 1b 6d and 2s 6d, neva fails. 9058 , vj "ALLACE & CO. 7" ' ? ■'■**.. WAHOO, ■'■:; fc * TTffTAHOO" cures Indigestion, Sick Head '' ft aohes, Constipation, Piles. 2s 6d. . ChomistaandGroeers. ■:■ OHOE Brushes, Is sec, romarkabie valu» ■ >n Minsnn's Cheap Datiflt. . 7047 " ±trana ' oiutmum,; iimUit wonn^e iTy allays irritation, oures sunburn, delight fully cooling to skin ; Is 3d. Chemists, Grocers. O PORTS and School Committees receive Speoia I O Terms at Minson's Cheap DepAt, 220, Colombo Street. - • 7047 OAVn Doctors' Bilia. xaka wood'B Oreat (J Peppermint Cure for Coughs and Colds, Is 6d Q.PHAP iron, aino, lead, rags, fa*, rope, paper „. kZJ Backing, bones, brass, copper, glass, horse hair, oil drums. Highest prices. Cash on de» uvery at Snell's, Colombo ptreet south, Christ ohurch. -•-•■.. , 255 ; ■*• T7|7"AHOO" purifies the Blood; positiv» TT ' cure Indigestion. 2s 6d. Chemist* Grocers. TABLE Knives 5s doz t Teaspoons 2s 6d do« Minson'B Cheap Depot. 7047 TEA Sets (40 pieces) 10s 6d, 12s 6d. Minson 1 * Cheap Depot. 7047 I jnnUMBLEBS, great variety, from 2s 6d doz JL Minson's Cheap DepAt. 7047 CHAIRS AND LOUNGES. D.I.C. JUST DECEIVED J) <LC^ Japanese Battan Cone LADIES' SEWING AND EASY CHAIBS, GENTLEMEN'S BEADING AND , LOUNGING CHAIRS. DBAWING-ROOM, CORNER & OCCASIONAIi CHAIBS. All New Designs, most, Comfortable, of great strength and best value ever Been .' 1415P r-pHE gHOICiSSl 1 FBUIX IN TOWN 18 AT HrOKIVfOTTS. MY GBAPES, at Is per lb, unrivalled. Bananas, 6d per d6z. 1 12 Sweet Island Oranges for Is. " HICKMOTT, Tnlephone 44?, Caahrt Rtrant Just A. bbi vc d WINGFIELD'S CELEBBATED CUTIiEBY, TABLE AND . DESSEBT KNIVES, Steels, Bread Knives, Pocket Knives, ScissorsBread Forks, Butter, E.P. Cruets, &c, &c. . ■ JUMBO Cups and Sauoers. ' ■ CHEESE STANDS, BEAUTIFUL DECOBA- , TIONS, &o. Third Shipment of PETAL DUST, The Grea Floral Air Purifier and invalaabta requisite for the sick room, destructive of insect life. HUDSO>N & CO., •8.P.Q8., CHBISTCHUBCH. Xl 6

SPORTING. ; . * , [Per Press Association.! MELBOURNE, Mat ls. It is understood that .Mr. Gollan's string, Sternchaser, The Possible, Mousquetaire and Pounamu, will shortly be sent to England. The first printing press is claimed for ' Copenhagen, in 1493. ■■■ Late Advertisements. .i: : _ : II HEA TB E Xil OTA L, ■ Lessee and Manager ... „. Mr Tom Pollard. • Treasurer Mr W. O'Sullivan : . TO-NIGHT, FBIDAY, MAT 15th. POLLARD'S OPBKA COMPANY LA FILLE DU TAMBOUR MAJOR. Griolet (A Drummer Boy) ... Miss Lily Everett Grand Finale, THE FRENCH ARMY ENTERING MILAN. Full Brass Band. « , • SATURDAY, MAY 16th, One Night Only, UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. Late Trams to New Brighton. MONDAY AND TUESDAY, May 18th and 19th, LA MASCOTTiS. Musical Director ... Mb H. T. HARRISON. ' POLLIRD'S POPULAR PRICES: . Dress Circle 3s, Stalls 2s, Pi.t Is ; Orchestra Stalls 4s. Dress Circle and Orchestra Stall seats can he Beserved at Milner and Thompson's. Day Silos at Eslick's and Walker's, tohac- . couists: ' FRED W. DUVAL. Business Manager. AMKKTINu is called of the Parishioners and Friends' of St John's Church, Latimer Square, for This Evenin < ,• with a vie » of forming a "Lii dies' Committee toco-operate with the Vestry, at 8 o'clock. • 9961 O~T~ AND R E.W'S CHUECa ANNIVERSARY SERVICES. SUNDAY FIRST, 17th INST. REV JAMES GIBB. First Church, Dunedin, will preach morning and evening. Service for the Young in the Afternoon, At 3 o'clock, . 9960 By the Rev James Paterson, Wellington. Special «'ollectiou in Aid of Church Funds. PUBiiLY HERBAL. AN EXAMINATION of the eamole of " WAHOO," or DIGESTIVE SYRUP, prepared hy A. M. LOASBY, Chemist, Dunedin, shows it to be free from Mineral Drugs of any description, and to he a very highly-concentrated Medicinal Vegetable Extract. (Signed) A. J. BICKERTON, Colonial Analyst and Professor of Chemistry, Canterbury College. Christchurch, January 6th, 1896. . " WAI*OO," price 2s 6d from all chemißts and storekeepers. Wholesale Agents, KEMPTHORNE, PROSSEB & CO.'S NEW ZEALAND DRUG COMPANY _ ' LIMITED. WANTED, Tenders for Carpenters' Work; also, Lime Washing. J. Smith, Victoria Street, opposite Baxter's, Chemist, sharp. 9954 "VAr'ANTED, Two or Three Boarders, in private VY family, single or double rooms; terms most moderate. Apply 128, Barbadoes Street; 9963 stroni? Boy, must be 16; wages 4s V \ per week ; references indispensable. Boy, this office. ' 9965 WANTED, .Employers in want of Govtrnesses, Ladies' Maidßand Helps, Parlourmaids, Cooks, Housekeepers, Laundresses, Housemnids and Generals ; also Hotel Servants, Barmaids, Waitresses, &c, to apply to the Matron at the New Zealand Labour Exchange, Manchester Street. Only servants with good references selected. Competent country servants will find this of'ice the best, to apply to for bona fide situations, at the highest rates of wages. Postal address, The Matron, Box 7, P. 0., Christchurch. Telephone No. 256. BOOT Patching Machine (Singer's), For Sale cheap. Clark, Armagh Street, next O'Brien's. • 9915 . OR SALP— Three young Cows, calve within fortnight, milk them without leg rope. J. Davies, St Albans. 9951 LOS I', St Bernard Dog ; 10s reward on returning same to 83, Chester Street, Christchurch. 9962 LOST, from 04, Cashel Street east, Cocker Spaniel. Answers' to the name of Butt. Finder rewarded. ■ "^t" OS 1 ! 1 , a New Boot, between East Belt and I 1 Cookham House. Finder kindly return to Cookham House. Christchurch. 9964 LOST, yesterday morniug, be i ween Lower High Street and Conference Street, Lady's Silver Geneva Witch; black chain. Finder rewarded by returning the same to 117, Lower High Street; SEWING Machines cleaned, repaired and adjusted ; work guaranteed. Clark, Armagh Street, next O'Brien's. 9916 BST Shilling Perfumes in New Zealand 1! Opopanax, jockey Club, Lavender, &c. Bottle open for free trial!! E. R. Allpress, 239, Cashel Street West. 9710 R FIDHLER'S " Wild Cherry " ! Rawei, the earnest young Maori Evangelist, sings its praises ; Is 6d. ifi. B. Allpress, 239, Cashel Street west. ■ _____-_. EUCALYPTUS ! Largest and best shilling bottle in New Zealand!! Imported direct, no middlemen. Free trial. E. B. Allpress, 239, Cashel Street West. • • 9710 T IfE Choicest Fruit in town is at Hickmott's ; another large shipment of Fiji Oranges and Bananas in prime condition. Hickmott, Cashel Street. Telephone 445. - . . 9957 TAKE Wood's Great Peppermint Cure for Coughs aud Colds, Is 6d and 2s 6d. Grocers and Chemists. 9053 rfIAKE Wood's Great Peppermint Cure for I Coughs and Colds, Is 6d and 2s 6d. Grocers and Chemists. 9053 _ C" ARBOLIC Snnd Soap 4*d per cake. W. E. Goode, 103, Victoria Street. 7644_ 0 LET, Kilmoro Street, Eleven Booms, stable &c. ; Hereford Street west, 8 Booms , Onslow Street. 6 Rooms, aud in Montreal, Sc Asaph and Gloucester Streets, St Albans and Richmond. Houses for Sale Salisbury Street, Merivale, Paponui, Linwood, and Sections in various localities. Representative P. Bock and Co. H. B. RICH, House, Laud aiidGeueral Commission Agency, &•., • 3, Chancery Lane, Cathedral Square.


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Star (Christchurch), Issue 5566, 15 May 1896, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5566, 15 May 1896, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5566, 15 May 1896, Page 3