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Late Advertisements, I ANTED to Sell, cheap, Building Site in the I City of Christchurch, 10s per foot. Apply I immediately to Isaac Pentecost, 133, Colombo I Street. 6899 ANTED Known— Grand Christmas Fair commences to-day. Shop early. All goods reduced. Kenneth, Matheson and Co., The Hall. X1517 SCBAP iron, zinc, lead, rags, fat, rope, papersacking, bones, brass, copper, glass, horsehair, oil drums. Highest prices. Cash on delivery at Snell's, Colombo Streot sonth, Christchurch. 255 " £_NAIL Brand" Ointment; heals wounds £5 allays irritation/cures sunburn, delightfully cooliugtoskin; ls 3d. Chemists, Grocers. TABLE Knives ss, 7s, 9s, 12s doz; Tea Spoons 2s 6d, 3s 6d, 4s 6d, 6s doz, at Minson's Cheap Depot, 220, Colombo Street. X1364 LOASBY'S "Wahoo" imparts health and vigour to whole system, strengthens intestines. 2s 6d, Chemists and Storekeepers. ■ TT> EMEMBEB— Grand Christmas Fair for 30 __Laj days only. The event of the year. Kenneth, Matheson and Co., Tho Hall, 226, 228, 230. High Street. X1517 SPENDING 2s 6d at Beath's secures you a Handsome Present. XB39HJ £{EWING Machines Bepaired and Adjusted by j^ Skilled Workmen. Clark, Armagh Street, nest O'Brien's. 6887 TO Let, a Six-roomed House, No. 8, Allen Street. Apply next door. 6891 ** " 1 571i7' AH00 " cnres Indigestion, Sick HeadVV aches, Constipation, Piles. 2s 6d. Chemists and Grocers. TO LET— Large Brick Warehouse of two storeys, concrete flooring; also, smaller 1 Brick Building, adjoining, together or separately, situated Colombo Street N. Very suitable for Grain ore or any manufacturing business. Bent low to tenant. Apply Nind-Ward and Co., Lichfield t. Fl7 WALLACE & CO. A, * WAHOO, * b "f7fTAHOO" purifies the Blood; positive yfyf cure Indigestion. 2s 6d. Chemists, Grocers. ASK YOUB GBOCEB GILLESPIE'S ESSENCE OF COFFER We allow 2d Each on Empty Bottle • : NOTICE TO THE TEADE. V ! WE beg to intimate that we are prepared <.' i undertake Comwissions of any natur Indents or other Business, for Execution byorit Mr Peroy Nind-Ward while in England. NIND-WABD & CO., ' j NIND-WABD & CO. Lichfield Street, F 1317 And at 12, Lawrence Pountney Lane, London. \ PIANOFOBTE MISS LUCY M. NOBTH is prepared to reoelva PUPILS for thePIANOFOBTE at the following address— l4B, AEMAGH ST., near Manchestp St. Special care and interest taken with beginner Moderate termi. FU THE BEST THE WOBLD PBODUCES Ladies' Boots and Shoes, Glace" Kid, Tan, , in all Shades, from Wolfe, Bostock and other noted manufacturers. 1358 F JNO. THOBNTON, High Street. WHITE, BLACK, BBOWN, BLUE T ADD3S' and CHILDBEN'S CANVAS SHOES, M i good and cheap, and plenty of them. 1358 F JNO. THOBNTON. High Street. BBOWN OOZE, the Most Durahle and De lightfully Easy Material for Summer Wear IN GENTS' BOOTS AND SHOES. t 35 JNO. THOBNTON, High Street. T7IOUND !— The long lost pound of Joko Tea, marked 2s. The finder drank it, as she considered 7069 the Tea worth more than the reward effered, 2s 6d. I COULD not afford to 'entertain my friends until I found that the "Palm" brand Teas are so economical. The 2s 4d Indian produces 200 large cups of delicious Tea to tho pound, first water. ■■ .-' 7069 __? 6 tt S A LE, OTTO LIESKE, LAND BBOKEB AND LAND AGENT, No. 55, Cathedral Square, i Opposite Post Office (Upstairs). PABK BOAD, Linwood.— Entirely new House 8 large rooms, bathroom, storeroom, pantry, scul- , lery, washhonse, &c. ; quarter-acre corner section, well fenced ; £600. CHUBCH STEEET, off Ferry Eoad.— House 6 ' rooms, scullery, washhouse, stable, &c„ threeeighth acre corner section ; £400. [ BABBADOES STEEET, St Albans.— New House I 4 rooms, pantry, scullery, good outhouses, be., quarter-acre section, facing two streets ; £330. I NOBTH AVON EOAD.— House 6 rooms, out- , houses, be., eighth-acre ; £190. HOEATIO STEEET (City).— Two-storey House ; 7 rooms, outhouses, &c. , £200. TBAVEES STBEET, Linwood— House 6 rooms, ' stable, &c. ; three-eighths acre land; £175. QUEEN STBEET, Sydenham— Houso 4 rooms, • outhouses, &c., eighth-acre ; any offer. GENEBAL STOBE (City).— Shop with shelves and all necessary fittings, and 4 dwelling rooms, " stable and outhouses; excellent neighbourhood; ; price £440, only £40 cash wanted. A splendid chance to make a good living f OTHEE PBOPEBTIES For Sale everywhere, - and of every description tpo numerous to pari ticularise. ; OTTO TIESEE, , LICENSED LAND BBOKEB, Over 25 years* practical legal experience. X1437 r ■ -T,O II E % • Bf ■ H. L. BOWKER, ESTATE AGENT, ( 258, Colombo Street, Market Place. Telephone 604, 4 and 5 BOOMS. 1 Kilmore Streot E. (5 rooms, copper 10s) ; Clyde > Street (5 rooms 8s : Durham Street N. (4 rooms, 1 9s) ; Crescent Boad (4 rooms, Ss 6d) ; Salisbury Street (4 roonis, 9s 6d); Madras Street (4 rooms, i 8s). 6 and 7BOOMS. Crescent Boad (6 rooms, 10s) ; Durham Street N. 1 (6 rooms, 12s) ; Albert Street,- Linwood (7 rooms, 13s); Bligh's Eoad (7 rooms, 15s); Montreal Street, ', Sydenham (7 rooms, 15s); Stanmore Boad (6 rooms, 12s) ; Colombo Eoad (6 rooms) ; Stanmore Eoad (7 rooms, £40); New Brighton, Sea View • Boad (6 rooms, £30). 8 BOOMS. "• •• Madras Street N. (£45 per annum) • Aldrcd Street | (15s) ; Aikman's Boad (14s). . ( SUPEEIOB DWELLINGS (With all modern conveniences). Upper Eiccarton, 7 acres, 7 rooms, large stabling ; Peterborough Street W. (near Park Terrace), 7 rooms; Loner Biccarton, 6 rooms (new) ; Colombo . Street N., 7 rooms; Norman's Eoad, 3£ acres, 12 rooms; Hereford Street E., 8 rooms; Papanui 1 Boad, 1J acres, 11 rooms ; Gloucester Street W., 9 rooms; Upper Biccarton, I(>£ acres, 11 rooms; . . Gloucester Street E, 8 rooms ; corner Chester ana i Madras Streets, 11 rooms, stables, be. ; Opawa, 12i acres, 15 rooms; Wilsoa's Bridge, 2£ acres, 8 rooms. , SHOPS. Colombo Street N., Victoria Street, corner Colombo and Elizabeth Street, Sydenham, Tuam Street City, Courtenay and others. Particulars at office. '

1 late Advertisements,WANTED Known-Cameron'B rrmte-rfTfuo. cess is the New Venus Dark Aromatta | Tobacco. 2268 A TKINSON'S Banges the heaviest made, "sift. jHL copper boilers, £4 15s; verandah castings. Colombo Street. 6803 " XJONNINGTON," Chemist, keeps Loaßby*** J3 " Wahoo, the certain cure for Indigestion, Sluggish Liver, Heartburn, Flatulence, Side Headaches. EATH'S First Display of Xmas Presents, Venetian and Bohemian Glass. ■ XSSsT COUPONS, COUPONS, Tl EATH'S. '-"-' OUPONS, I^OUPONS, .DEATH'S, XBB9 CLOTHES, Books, Furniture, Bought in aay . quantity. Clark, Armagh Steeet, a«fc 0 Bnen's. 6888T HAMBEBSets, IPs Bd, the Cheapest in New Zealand. Minson's Cheap Depot,' «__. Colombo Street. 3188t OLLS-See our Pretty Dolls at 6Jd. MiSUoßri Cheap Depot. 220, Colombo Street. X1864 DON'T Fail to visit tho Christmas Fair aVfli i S al1 * Everything reduced, for one month only. Kenneth, Matheson and Co. _Sol 7 BEE Gifts for the MilUon. Every Cust6m.r receives a Handsome Present at Beath's. X8» W AHO P»" JP 1 f ?*& ""-l owe for Indlgegtito" „ ..- -?^ e ; 2B6a -WaUaceimd Co., Chemist*. Also, " Snail Brand " Ointment. va ™» 1B 'f« > BONNINGTON'S for « Wahoo." _b» _S remedy for all stomach, liver andf Uduv troubles> soST ANDSOME Fire Screens, 6M each; Ghta m Su^ rs Butters, 6Jd each; Jam Gliuun cSLSgaa, M ' at Minson,B chelp °waS OASBY'S "Snail Brand Ointment;," «' the Certain Healer," ls 3d; cureß all skin eruptions. "Wahoo.". Chemists and Grocers. r\ AWNE'S Worcester Sauce. For Fish. M__T XT or Fowl. The most appetising and oh-toSfc i^the market. Ask your olroosr for i£_Sff everywhere 148T B AULD, of Waitahnna, suffered five'y_in from Indigestion. One bottle "WahoS*" cured him. 2s 6d. Chemists and Grooers, XMAS CARDS. F^OVfiMOElf^ H ° me P ■A .'.'/ VERY SELECT W3PJ&J£ or ALTOGETHEB NEW DESIONS AT THB D, I. C. „*«» EXTBA EXTBA 'EXTRA EXTBA EXTBA EXTBA PAIE OF TBOUSEBS. WTTB SUIT TO MEASUBE,' "^ 65 s - BEST VALUE US NEW ZEALAND CASH TAILORING CO., HIGH STBEE*, TBIANGLB, F 1585 NVALIDS are recommended by their Doctors to Drink the PALM BBAND TEAS im preference to any other, on account of their Absolute Purity. Wholesome, Economical, DeH. cions. 7Q69> mHE Straight Tip for the Cup is * JOKO." Speculate freely on it, and you will \e satisfied it is the beßt 2s Tea in the market. 7069 THE NEW CANADIAN REMEDIES. HATHAWAY'S CANADIAN OIL. For Rheumatism, Sprains, be. MASSAGE CBEAM, For Premature Wrinkles and Skin Diseu MASCABINE, the Great Canadiaa Cure For Sea-sickness and Ne**rous Hoadfoha. DE COUBCErs"~FEMALE PILLS (They nefer fail). MASSAGE AND ELECTEIO BATHS For Chronic Complaints. Special Treatmen for Skin Disease. _ MB HATHAWAY, M.P.S. (Begistered), 183, Cambridge Terrace. 56T TnEMALE COMPLAINTS, ASTHMA, LTVEB SKIN, KIDNEY, BLADDEB DISEASES, 4c. 17,000 Physioians' Prescriptions, colleoted dnrinv 35 years. A Selection Carefully Made to Suit your Caseaa Medicines supplied. From 2 s gD, CHILDBEN'S from *| S. Countey correspondence, contaiting detaile symptoms, promptly and confidentially replied to E. B. ALLPBESS, "THE PEOPLE'S" Chemisti 39. Cashel Street West. THE "PONONGA" ELECTRIO BELT, TpiOß CONVEYING-" ELECTBICITY TO THE BODY, And thereby INVIGOBATING and STBENGTH ENINGthe WHOLE NEBVOUS SYSTEM, Is now Manufactured in Chxistchuroh. Full particulars of the Agents, HUDSON & CO., 1 S.P.Q.B. Stores. EVEEYONE SHOULD SEE THIS. N.B.— Good Canvassers Wanted. ..< CHOICE ISLAND FEUITS. A SPLENDID SHIPMENT OF FLU BANANAS and PINES, just landed, to be SOLD CHEAP. My STBAWBEBEIES are simply perfection. See them. HICKMOTT, Telephone 445, : Cashel Street,

• cM«i*nomrmwrMiiMinin ,^...i*t«ai»*Mi«^ CHRISTMAS PAIS. '' • 'COMMENCING FRIDAY NEXT, NOVEMBER 29 % * 1 AT 9 O'CLOCK. 1 VAST QUANTITIES OF LOVELY GOODS, ALL AT ASTONISHINGLY CHEAP PRIOES. ■J^O BOYS' ALL-WOOL TEOUSEB SUITS, from ... „, .„ ... J* a J Aft BOys ' KAUPOI KNICKEE SUITS, from , , 4, 1 1 930 MEN'S ALL-WOOL COLONIAL SUITS, from 90 /» 70 Pairs MEN'S SUPEEIOB ALL-WOOL TEOUSEES, from " m /» •J 20 Dozen BEAUTIFUL GLASS VASES. &c., from i\ o Each ,1Q Dozen LADIES' SAILOE HATS, from , ... „ \€\\. E«»h -JfjQ GOOD QUALITY DEESS PIECES, from "I 1 1 Per full 9763 Yards P-^T-WASHING PEINT, from ... ... q g£ ***' 7^ Dozen LADIES' UMBBELLAS, from , , j q £__ . TBIMMED MILLINEBY AT HALF-PBICE MANTLES AND JACKETS, TO CLEAE, AT HALF-PBICE i-i/^a- - ~.?-r#&i '■ AND THOUSANDS OP OTHER LINES AT TEMPTING BARGAIN RATES, . LONARGAN &' COMPANY,' 1 ' . • ■:■.. .:,.'■■.;• '.:f !: •.■ ■ ,

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 5427, 30 November 1895, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5427, 30 November 1895, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5427, 30 November 1895, Page 5