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■■■' ♦ The half-yearly meeting of the Ly ttelton District 1.0.0. F. was held on Thursday, at the Oddfellows' Hall, Barnard Street, Timaru. The meeting was opened by Prov. G.M. Bro E. W. Harris, of Hand of Friendship, of Okain's Bay, and there were present Dep. Pro?. G.M. Griffiths, Prov. O.S. J. L. Carrell, District Tyler P.P.G.M. Liggott, and deputies from the following Lodges—Loyal City of Norwich, P.G.s Prioe and Lurch; Good Intent, P.G. Strack (appointed); Timaru, P.P.G.M.'s Hutton, Grand i and Mills, P.G. Dineen 5 Hand of Friendship. P.G. W. G. Harris ; Perseverance, P.S. Macintosh (appointed) ; Heart of Friendship, P.G. Inkster and P.S. Butcher; Pleasant Point, P.G. Gibson; Hand and Heart, P.P.G.M. Scott. The Prov. G.M.s address stated that the returns from the district ebowed a decrease of twenty-eight members. He trusted that better times were in store for all; and that at the annual meeting they would have &gum recovered their numerical strength. The Sick and Funeral Funds had increased by $700, but the indebtedness of ifche Management Fand of Lodges had increased. . The death rate had been heavy, 'showing £110 for four deaths, three of which had occurred in Timaru. The goods possessed by the diatrict had been insured for .£IOO. The balance-sheet and auditors' reports were read and received, and a large amount of correspondence was read and received, the majority being in connection with the clearance question. It was resolved that the fine inflicted! upon Good Intent Lodge should he refnnded, and that the district should Bend deputies to the conference proposed by North Canterbury District. Dep. Prov. G.M. Griffiths, Prov. C.S. Carrell, D.P.G.M.'e Futney and Derbidge and P.G. Brice ware appointed. It was resolved to grant the usual privileges to Lodges on the Peninsula in reference to siok certificates. Nominations of officers w«re taken, Deputy Prov. G.M. Griffith* being nominated for Prov. G.M. ; P.G.s Earl, Strack and Tie Compte for Deputy Prov. G.M. Bros Rooney, Baficaud and Dineen received the degree of P.V.G.; Broß Bascaud and Dineen the P.N.G.* and the Paat Grand Lodge was opened in due form and the Purple Degree conferred upon P.G.'b G. Washington, Lavien, Dineen, Harris, lukstcr, Strack and P.S. Batcher. The officers and deputies then adjourned to the Old Bank Hotel, where a Bumptnous banquet was provided. Tbe chair waa taken by f.P.G.M. Grandi, supported by Prov. G.M. Harris and Prov. O.S. Carrell ; the vice-chair by P.P.G.M. Mills, supported by Deputy Prov. G.M. Griffiths and P.P.G.M. Hilton. Oq resuming business, the passing of accounts and voteß of thanks to the district officers brought the meeting to a close. An adjourned summoned meeting of the Loyal Adding ton Lodge, No. 6544, M.U.1.0.0.F., was held on Monday last to receive the balance-sheet and auditors' report, and for the installation of officers. Sick pay was passed to two brethren. The officers for the ensuing term were : — G.M. and L.M., Bro J". Donaldson; N.G., Bro W. Johnson; V.G., Bro J. o'<Mlaghan ; E.S., P.P.G.M. Bro Clarke; E.S. to N.G., P.G. Bro Manhire; L.S.»to N.G., Bro Free; B.S. to V.G., P.G. Bro Lester; L.S. to Y.Q., P.O. Bro G. Plumridge; tyler, Bro "W. Thompson (re-elected) ; warden, P.G. Bro Harris (re-elected). The balancesheet and auditorß* report were received and adopted, showing the amount bf the Sick and Funeral Fund of the Lodge to be £1140 \ia 4d. P.P.G.M, Bro Winny> P.P.G.M. Bro Clarke and P.G. Bro Caterer were elected delegates to tbe special district meeting to be held! oh July 18. It was decided to plane P.JG. Bro G. Plumridge's name on the respect board. Receipts for the evening, £7 14s 9d.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 5310, 15 July 1895, Page 1

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ODDFELLOWSHIP. Star (Christchurch), Issue 5310, 15 July 1895, Page 1

ODDFELLOWSHIP. Star (Christchurch), Issue 5310, 15 July 1895, Page 1