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Local & CTeneraL

Christchurch Magistbatk's Court. — "There were no civil cases at the Christchurch Magistrate's Court to-day. * Obituabt.— Dr Fi«b, of Gsraldine, died yesterday at his residence, aged Bixty-four. The funeral is to take place at three o'clock to-morrow afternoon.

Sufbeme Court. — No intimation has yet been received as to .when his. Honor Mr Justice Dennieton will return from the Court of Appeal sittings at Wellington, but it is expected that he will come back about the end of this week.

Southbeidgb.— The first football match of the season between Southbridge and IrweJl Cluba was played at Southbridge on Saturday afternoon, and after a wellcontested game, ended in favour of the Irwall team, who scored one try and a goal to nil.

Cuer. — Yesterday, bis Lordship Bishop Julius held a Confinnntion service at Sb James's Church. A number of candidates were presented by the vicar, the Rev M'Kotzie Gibson, and the Bishop gave a moat impressive address. There were very large congregations at both morning and evening services, and' the discourses of Bishop Julius were much appreciated.


School— Yesterday special services were .Jheldr q,t; the Karigibra' Free Methodist OhurcTi in celebration oF the Sunday .school anniversary, the Rev J. Edwards occupying the pulpit. In the afiernoon the choir and scholars gave an exceedingly pretty service of song entitled " Tho Voice of the 2?lowerp," the pros>e portions being read by Mr Edwards. All the eeryicts attracted large congregations.

St James's Chubch, Southbridge. — On Friday evening the Right; Eev Bishop Julius visited South bridge for the purpose of inducting the Rev J. P. Cocks to the charge of the parochial district of Ellesmerp. OwingN to the inclemency of the weather there was, only a moderate congregation. On Sunday morning the .Rev J, P. Coclcs preached to a large congregation, and held services at Ksjiincby and Sedgemere during the day. ,

Pbjmixivb Mbthpd'ist Chuech. — The 4>weniy-third anniversary of the Primitive

Methodist Church, Cambridge Terrace, was

-celebrated yesterday* when there were ■large congregations' arf: .'all the eervicss. The EevW. Scorgie, pcefcehed in the morn-

ing, the Rev J. J. Doke in the afternoon,

and the Rev R. Erwin in the evening. The annual soil cc will be held to-morrow

evening at six o'clock.

TftESBNTATION AT SOUTHBBIDOIE. — It the invitation cf a large number of friends.

'Mr W. L. Butt, who , was accountant in the Union -Bank of Australia at South-

bridge, was entertained at tho Southbridge

Hotel on Thursday evening, and pre-

sented with a handsome silver-mounted

pipe. The presentation was made by Mr S. Moore. Mr Butt suitably responded.

During the evening several songs were sung, and a pleasant time was spent.

The Museum. — The moa skeletons at the museum are to be protected by being rput intd a gigantic glass case. For this purpose the place in the New Zealand room devoted to them is being enclosed by means of frames fitted into the spaces between" the posts supporting the gallery. About twenty feet by sixteen feet will be thus enclosed, and will, moreover, be covered with glass on the top. This protection for these valuable skeletons has long been much needed.

Oxfobd Working Men's Club.— On "Thursday evening last a most successful smoke concert took place in the billiard loom of the club, the occasion being the presentation of a gold albert with pendant attached, suitably inscribed, to Mr Charles ■Gorton, late president of the club, and wishing him lon voyage upon his taking a trip to the Old Country. In spite of the bad weather there was a large attendance. The chair waß taken by Mr Hawker, who, in happy terms, referred to the great interest Mr Gorton had always exhibited in the club. Mr Gorton feeliugly returned thanks. During the evening various members contributed songs and recitations.

Political.— Mr D. Buddo, member for Kaianoi, addressed a meeting of hia constituents at Fern side on Thuraday evenine The unfavourable nature ot the weather affected the attendance to some extent Mr T. E. Keetley was voted to the chair. At the conclusion of the address Mr Buddo was accorded a vote of thanks and confidence proposed by Mr Arnot and seconded by Mr Grey. Mr Buddo addressed the Carleton eleetora at the hall on Saturday eveniDg and received a unanimous vote of ttanfes and confidence on the motion of Mr A. Bennett, seconded by Mr G. Cowan. The chair was taken by Mr H. Seed.-Mr Bnddo addressed the Carleton electora at the Hall, on Saturday evening, and received a unanimous vote !7?Wkft and confidence on the motion of MrTßen^Becondedby^MrG Cowan. The chair was taken by Mr H. Seed. The Ofbba House.— The Opera House will be Sened to-night by the Cunard T?»milv fora season of three nights. Their Wormance will include song and dance, and mandolin, whilst Bong and dance will bepSformedbythe Cicero e.sters, Nellie and Alice. E BATTBBT MOBEIS-TtTBB CLASS.—me annual mVeting of this claas was held in ??rordS-room on Thuraday evening, r 8 e S™EBS TE X J OKO i T 28

Avon Eoad Boabd. -Mr Charles Burgess, after three yeftr£ " Chairman of the Avon Road Board, ret red to-day, and is succeeded by Mr William Dunlop, of Marshlands.

Centbal MiesioN.—Last evening there woB a large congregation at -jtof entral Mission, service held in the Oddfellows* Hall, Lichfleld Street. Misses Higgs and Midgley, and Messrs Bastion and Jones gavo solos, and the choir, under the leadership of Mr Jonee, sang sacred selections. Pastor Birch preached from the words " Add to yonr faith^ virtue." Thkosophical Sccibit.— The regular ! Sanday afternoon meeting cf this Sooiety was held yesterday at the Lodge-room, Opera House, at 3 p.m. The paper read on "Universal Brotherhood" created an, animated discussion between members and some of the public. St Saviour's Church, Temoka. — At a parishioners' meeting of this church, help on Friday evening, Mr B. Whitehead was j elected parishioners' church warden, in the , place of Mr Inwood, resigned. The atten- I dance was only moderate. The incumbent (Mr Farley) was in the chair. ' : St AiBANS Weslbtan Chubch. — The dedicatory services in connection ■with the new Wesleyan Church in St Albans were continued yesterday. The services were conducted by the Rev W. Baumber, late paßtor of the church. In the morning the preacher took his text from Psalm 100, 4 and 5, and in the evening from Colosaiana L. 28.

Sunday Lectures. — Mr W. W. Collins gave in the Lyceum lest night; the second of a series of biological lectures "From Monad to Man," dealing with the various forma of micro-organism?. The limelight lantern was used to show the different farms of microscopic life, including *& number of disease germs. Several selections were given by the orchestra. Mr J. Stokes occupied the chair. Ra^qioba Methodist Sunday School— -Yesterday special services were held at the Bangiora Free Methodist Church in ceUbralion of the Sunday School anniversaty, the Rev J. Edwards occupying the pulpit. In the afternoon the choir and scholars gave a pretty service of BODg, entitled "The Voice of the ' Flowers," the prose portion being read by Mr Edwards. All the services attracted large congregations. Obanoeism. — The 'monthly meeting of No 24, L.0.L., was held ia the Orange Hall, Worcester Street, on Thursday

evening last, tho W.M. in the chair. The G.fla. (Bro TollertoD) was present. A debate took place regarding the work of the Order in breaking down error acd superstition. It was decided that the District Executive should meet to formulate plans for the Twelfth of July celebration. Several matters were discusted, after which the Lodge was closed in due form' by the W.M. Bubwood Libkahy.— & meeting of those interested in the public library was held in the schoolroom on Thursday evening for the purpose of appointing a Committee of Management. Mr Richardson occupied the chair, and explained the reasons that had led to the closing of the library. The following gentlemen were elected a committee for the ensuing year: — Messrs J. F. Roberts, E. H. Banks, Corser, Richardson, Maddison, Grant and Davidson. The committee subsequently appointed Mr Banks chairman and Mr Davidson secretary and treasurer, and fixed the subscription atone shilling per quarter. The hours during which the library will be open for the issue of books were arranged.

I Rifle Shooting.— The match Kaiapoi v. RaDgiora — conditions, seven shots at 200, 300 and 500jds— resulted in a win for Kaiapoi by forty-seven* points. The following are tho pcares: — Kaiapoi—Lieutenant Simpson 89, Private Hayman 87, Private. Wright 87, Private N. G. Robilliard 84, Private Bate 81, Private Simpson 79, Private Condon 76, Private Templeton 69, Sergeant Pearee 66, Corporal M'Gregor 57 ; total 775. Bangiora — Private Geddis 86, Corporal Jones 82, Sergeant D'Auvergn* 82, Corporal Whittam 80, Corporal Gulliver 79, Lieutenant D'Auvergne 75, Private fiayman 75, Sergeant Gulliver 71, Colonr-Sergeant 58, Private Whatman^; total 728. -

Mount- Peel Road Boaed. — The annual meeting of this Board was held on May 7, there being only a bare quorum present. 'The Hon J B. A. Acland read the annual report. The credit balance on March 31 was J86833 9a Gd, of which sum .£6OOO was at fisdd deposit. The total expenditure for the year had been £1023 15s 4d. The report and balance-sheet were adopted. Mr Tripp brought up the question of local government, but after discussion no result was arrived at. Mr Tripp moved that that for the coming year no rate should be struck. The motion was carried. Votes of thanks were paased to the attending ratepayers, to the Chairman and to the Clerk and Overseer.

Southbridgje Town Boabd.— A special meeting of this Board was held on Thursday evening, for the purpose of confirming the rate for J the ensuing year ; present— Messrs. Webßter (chairman), Burns, Eilbjride. Hill, Paddy and Slater. It waß resolved that a general rate of three farthings in the £ Bhould be struck on the rateable value ®f properties in the district. The ordinary meeting of the Board was then held. Mr J. E. Boyce wrote asking for a reduction in the rent of the hall for the recent "social" held in aid of the Brigade. A reduction was granted. Mrs Park and Messrs White and Co. wrote asking to have their names taken oS the rate roll. The Secretary of the St John Ambulanoa Association, Christchurcb, wrote ' asking for the use of the Board's room for the purpose of explaining the objects of the Association, with a view to forming a branch in Southbridge. The Chairman stated that he had made arrangements with the Bank of New Zealand to take over the Board's account. Accounts amounting to jBl4 7a were passed for payment.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 5257, 13 May 1895, Page 3

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Local & CTeneraL Star (Christchurch), Issue 5257, 13 May 1895, Page 3

Local & CTeneraL Star (Christchurch), Issue 5257, 13 May 1895, Page 3