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■ I Mli—HU mil 111 nro"" _ Wanted. Gash advertisements under this head, , not exceeding fourteen words wiß be ohatged SIXPENCE. WANTED, Parents and Guardians should see Beath and Co.'s New Kaiapoi Suits for Boys; wonderful valuoforcaslu X27 WANTED, Men find. Boys to Buy our Kaiapoi Overcoats with Capes, from 25s 6rt; Boys according to size. W. McClea and Co., 210, High Street. xa37 WANTED Known — Another Shipmant of Eucalypti' 3 Soap, Platypus Brand, baa arrived. Sold everywhere and 9, Cathedral Bquare. WANTED, Sufferers from Headache, Indigestion, &0., to know that Sassafras Pills, Platypus Brand, are a sure cure. Sold everywhere, and tho offices, No. 9, Cathedral "^ square. . 8865 ANTED, Mothers to see Splendid Lot Boys' Navy Blue Blouses, sailor make, catty shapes, 3s lld, 6a fid, 73 6d, all wool serge. W. McClea and Co., 210, -Xigh Street. X537 ,_ WANTED Known — Eucalyptus Jujubes, Platypus Brand, Antiseptic and stimu. lant. All Chcnii-t- and Grocers, and 9, Cathedral quare, noxt Po„t Office. 53 65 W~ ANTED Known— Kaiapoi Tweed Suits 26a 6d, 29a 6d, 355, 39s 6d,455; cheapest goods ever sold by Beath and Co. X27_ W~ "__NTEiri_no'.vn— W. McClea nnd Co. Sell for Cash Only. Study economy and buy there, whero you can get it cheapest. No bad debts. 210, High Struct. X537 WANTED Known— Gear's Ox Tongues, 41b tins 43 6d, 61b 6s; roast mutton, corned or boiled beef, 21b tins Is; sheep's tongues, lib tin 3 Is, 21b Is lCd, rabbit and bacon laid; roes of ling or cod fish, 7d; kippered mackerel Is; bloater paste 4d por tin, at Taylor's. %?13 WANTED Known— Baspberry jam in 21b glass jars Is 4d; Strawberry conserve in 21b glass jars Is 6d; white crystal sugar 2*d per lb; good Elemo raisins 4_tl per lb; Sultanas SM; a sack of Bharo3 4s cl; bran 3s, at 1. Taylor 8, opposite the Caf-. X7lo W "ANTED, Men and Boys to See our Hard Felt Hats, new shapes, 2s lld, 3s lld, 4s lld, 5s lld; Soft Felt Hats, Is 6d, Is lld, 2s 6d, Ss 6d • Men's and Boya' Caps, 7^d, 9d, Is, Is Cd. W. McClea and Co., 210, High Streot. X537 WANTED Known—" Aramatti" Ceylon Tea, tbo finest imported, lib packets in lead 2s 6d;" Houqua" Ceylon Tea, lib packets in lead 2s 4d or2s; "Houqua" Blended Tea 3 2s or 2s 4d; Blend " Eastchea-o " IsSd; China Box Teas 12- 6 d, 143 6d, 16s 6d, 183*6 d, 203, at T. Taylor's. X.13 WANTED Known— During Sydney depression J. F. Stratz has purchased Watches, Clocka and Jewellery of every description for from--5s to 10s in the £, and is selling German Alarms, Nickel, ct 4s 6d ; Piratododo, 5s 6d; Peep-o'-Day Alarms 6s 6d. £100 reward if not genuine. Sent to any part 01 New Zealand j postage extra. AU other articles equally clieap. J. F. Stratz, 261, High Street, Christchurcli. X428 Hise-Uansons. , AT BOBINSON'S — A great slaughter of Bananas, Tomatoes and Plums. Look at the fruit and then at the price. 241 b of Best Plums for 3s 6d. Morton's Buildings. X982 ACONUNDBUM.— To thoso requiring a Pinuo. Can anyone ezplain why in the3e times people pay more for a Piano when thoy can buy from BOWMAN & SON a splendid instrument for £35 or £40, which other Amis are selling at £45 and £50 ; the Pianos aro exactly alike : we challenge tha trade to show thoir Pianos alongsido of ours. Bowman and Son, -OQ-20G, Hereford Street. X277 , ALLIANCE EOX CO., Plain and Fancy Box ' Manufacturers. Direct importers straw- j boards, papers, bags, tailors* and drapers* fittings, J &c. Boxc3for drapers, tailor 3, cigarette makers, : hatters, and others at prices which defy competi- , tion. Moray Place, Dunedin. 5515 i BALLANTYNE & CO. are Manufacturers of j Every Description of Mackintosh Coats, j None but best, materials used. Xl 9 , j BOAs_> aaic. Beaidenoe fos two or three gentle. 1 xqvic. 570, HoiM-ord street went. 3536 | FIEST Display of the World's Choicest Pro- i due-ions in Dresses, Mantles and Millinery. ! J. Ballantyne and Co. Xl 9 ! jTi AWNE'S Worcester Sauce. For Fish, Meat ■ VJT or Fowl. Tho most appetising and cheapest in the market. Ask yonr Grocer for it. Sold everywhere. 1 AIAPOI Tweed Suits for Boys at 4a lld, at , be had only at Beath and Co.'s— Depot for j Sale of Kaiapoi Manufactures^ X27 i L"^ASE espiring~b llildin - 3 ceming down, sell- j ing out. K. Atkinson, Bootmaker and Im- | porter, 203, Cashel Steeet. j S" T GEOBGE JAM.— Onco used, always used. 1 All Grocers. 9952 S' TQEOBGE JAM.— The Purest in tho Market AL' Grocers. 9952 ALE of Boots— Compulsory Clearing Sale at 203, Cashel Street. K. Atkinson, Bootmaker and Importer. T GEOBGE JAM.- Selected Fruit and Best Sugar. AU Grocers. 9952 BIX GaUons of Herbal Beer for 7d from a bottle j of i'o -ter's Herb Extract. Sold by all grocora, ! wholesale and retail from Arthur H. Fletcher, j Grocer, Lower High Street, Christchurch. 2653 2 T GEOEGE JAM.— Ask for and see that you j get it. All Grocers. -952 T GEOEGE JAM. — Best in the market. All j Grocers. 9952 TOLUNTEEES find Blanco matchless for j whitening military equipments, white helmets, cricket and tennis shoes, baUs, gloves, j . Ac. Wholesvile and retail from Arthur H. j Fletcher, Grocer, Lower High Street, Christ- j church. 2553 ~A /_ C_ CA&'ES Fashionable Autumn and j J_-~l_o Wiirter Novelties opened up. J. J Ballantyne and Cb. Xl 9 i jT*/^/f>,^\ PA7BS of Boots and Shoes that I OvJOU' munt bo sold right olf. K. Atkinson, Bootmaker and Importer, t_o3, Cashel street, j !"7_n__ r ~- — ALL-WOOL Colonial Tweed at 2s 6id, j a %j\3 better th_n sold elsewhere at 23 lld. j Beath and C ___ %73 j £sopa*t_©s for Sal® ov To Let. ja DDINGTON.— For Sale, in Oli-tan Btreet, 1 J3&. closa to Lincoln zoa_, WelMrailfc Eoaso ol BroomE', hall, verandah, so-dlaiy, wsah^honae, oopper f oroa-pnmp, ftc., good eection, 5290; £49 n cash, balance cda remain, or ba paid by instal. 1 mento. Bagsrn a_id Dnfiy. 131, Oolomho straat. ■' ■ ! -BJIABM of 133 Acres very fair land, weU fenoe. fli and divided anil in grasg; good 4-roomed j house and outbuildinga; situated near Templeton. Price £7 per acre, favourable terms. Apply Baggtf ■ and Dufiy, 131, Colombo street. X335 '■ TCTOB Sale, a bargain-— WeU built House of 4 Bj rooms, haU, &c r J*id nice seotion at Willowfcank; £105. Terma £5 cash, balance Bsperwo._ afterwards, or caaji right out at any time. Bagga and Duffy, 131 Colombo street. M" __B_.B BAG„3 I's £>n#_'Y, aoTisa an [ Estate Agents, 131, Colombo etreet, wil] j ab.all particulars of any Proportio- thoy i have (or salo, on application ot ofiloes. Now \ Lista reaay for distribution. X33S j MIOHMONB— Glosa to North Belli, _o_ sal.— }-aore (abont) well fenoe- 0 anil good Isad j a of 3 roomg, ko„ prica 61.C', Bagga anq Dully, 181,' Colombo afcregi". ANTED to Piu-chase, for Cash, about 20 | Acres fairly good Land, with Besi- ! flence; easy distance Christchurch. About £500. ] Peckover and Swain, 192, Hereford Street, Christchurch. X933 WANTED to SeU, at Avonside, nearly Two Acres Land, on which ia erected a comfortablo House of 6 rooms, scullery, sheds and every convenience. Apply Allan Hopkins, Cathedral Square. (293) 1£_205 WANTED to Soil— l2-H.P. Portable Engine, by Clayton and Shuttleworth, in capital Order and condition ; bargain. Price and partica- \ lara of W. B. Harding (associated with Bowman | and Son), 200-206. Hereford Street. X367 jj WANTED to SeU, at HalsweU, 50 acros first- \ class Cropping Land, subdivided into 6 pad- j docks; House of 5 rooms, dairy, stabling, piggeries \ and other outbuUdings ; everything in perfect | order. This i 3 a first-class proporty, and well 1 worth enquiry. Apply Allan Hopkins, Cathedral j Square. (485) X205 WANTED to Sell, Sydenham, Lytton Street— 1 One of the nicest Cottage Ee3idences J oilcring, 5 rooms, plastered throughout, detached j wash -houso with boiler, iron roof, concrete founda- i tions. House is remarkably well fitted up, good ! garden with fruit trco_. The whole in capital con- ! dition. Owner, who is going into the country, will I accent £210 ; a decided bargain. W. E. Harding • (associated with Bowman and Son), 200-206, Hereford Streot. XSO7 ] ~%J5T ANTED Known— l havo for Sale, at Sockvjvf burn, 7_ Acres vory fair Land, fenced I and watored by wn.ier-race; Cottago of two I rooms and usual farm outbuildings. Prico very 1 moderate. Apply Allan Hopkins, Cathedral j Square^ » j ~¥r / vr7"A-\TED to Sell, on Lower Flat Boad, handy ! VV to town, Two Acres very rich land, well I fenced, and watered. Title, Land Transfer Act. j This is a very good place, and will bo sold cheap, j Apnly Allan" Hopl-ins, Cathedral Square. X205 j "^7i^--N~TED to Sell, well -situated. City Property, ] "j v J>_-bado_3 Street, 7-roomed House, with j gnrden; largo soction. _._• chains deep. W. E, j Harding (associated, with Bowman and Son), 200- ( 20i!, Hereford Street. X367 : ANTED to 8011, cloao to tram, Three- 1 ri-rhths acre, with choice fruit garden and ' Cottage, iiOO. Also, Quarter-acre, Cottago, outside j wi'ib-hou!/ 1 , £230 ; excellent garden. Peckover and Swain, ID.!, Hereford Street. X933 ANTED to Sell, Chriatchurch SuburbanGeneral Store, doing good business. Double-fronted shop, good dwcUing-house. Bake- J house and stablo easily added if required. Owner j iTomg into a fjrm will sacrifice. W. E. Harding j (associated with Bowman and Son), 200-206, ' Hereford Street^ X367 j ~KWJ~ ANTED to Sell, City Property, Chester ] V 7 Street, Tv/o d-roomed Houses and Sections, always let; exceptionaUy good return for investment. Owner must realise at onco, and wiU sacrifice for £205 tbo lot. W. B. Harding (associated with Bowman and Son), 200-206, Hereford Street. | nKn^iVNTEb to~S.U, Waltham— Good Four- \ VY bonse, rerandab, stabling and outbuildings; quarter or half-acre; two good orchards. •yy. B. Harding (associated with Bowman and Son), 200-200, Hereford Street. X367 . WANTED Known — I hava for Salo in St Albans, good position, Two Comfortable Houses, each containing 8 rooms, together with soppers and usual outbuildings, ono acre land in orchard and paddock. No reasonable offer will be eofused for this valuable property. Apply Allan lopkins, Cathedra. Squwc, (384>. X2QS i

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4914, 2 April 1894, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4914, 2 April 1894, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4914, 2 April 1894, Page 4