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' BESPOKE TAILOEB&V^' BEPAKTMEST. GENTLEMEN, " We ore now uniting Ul9 LAEGEST SHOW OF WOOLLENS Ever exhibited in this Colony. For Style and Value v?o certainly cieeV SPECIAL ATTENTION Is drawn to our splendid Range of Hiph-cla Goods in Scotch Tweeds, Indigo and Black Eoug'h Serges, Hopsackand Vicuna. Suiting's. See Window and Showroom. , "W". Stbange&' Co,

Wanted. W-iNTEO, everyone to call cud bos W. WCtea Ana Co.'s new Bfcop, 210, Hijrh etraet, nert MOaer and ITaomiyoa'a. 7056 W "ANTED People to grt married and Buy their Furniture at H. Atdrinocn's, M«u»i oboster street. ' -. . ... $895 Wl ANTED Known — Another Shipment of wy Eucalyptus Soap, Platypus Brand, has • arrived. Sold everywhere and 9, Cathedral square. 8865 ■. \fc rANTED, Buyers f&r all-vsroolColonial Tweed ¥T Suits; new patterns: men's 2Bs 9i, 325 6 d, 39s 6d; Youths ICs Gd, rise 1b 6d- Boys 6s -lid, rise Od per saze. W. M'Clea and Co., 210, High street. ' X537 ' W" ANTED Known— Pure China Blaclr Tea, unblended, 2s per lb ; " Honqua," blended, Tea, 2s per lb; " Belgravia," 2a 4d ; " Eastchcap," Is Cd in packets, or 61b n_d 121 b tins, or 401 b half chests ; 121 b tins 2d per lb rednction, Imif-chesta 3d per lb. at T. Taylor's. , • X713 "OS7" ANTED Known— One pound prints of Tarn". V V naki Butter are now selling ok Ed per lb* White Crystal Sugar, 2sd per lb; at 'J?. Taylor's', Caahel street. • . X713 \FW ANTED Known— Eoyal Kerosene, 5s Cd the U tin ; Luseno, 5s 6d ; • White Rose, 5s 3d ; Light of the Age, 5s 3d each ; with patent taps, at T. Taylor's, opposite the CafcL X713 W "ANTED to Sell, Prints, Fast Colours, 2Jd, 3|d, 4|d, 5Jd ; Flannelettes, good patterns, 3|d, 4|d, 5Jd, 6£d ; Summer Sbirtm?s, lovely patterns, 4£d, 5Jd, GJd, splemlid value. W. M'Clea and Co., 210, High street. X537 W "ANTED Kno^vn— Mrs Stewavc, PaWbrolier, ■ has removed to Brick Building in right-of-way between Lichfield etrcot and Cashel 'street (formerly Sorensen's auction rooms). ' Entrance . between Messrs Bntterworth and King's buildings, Licliiield street. 9011 ..-; W" ANTED Known— Great E«duction in Prices. Brooch Pins from 3d, ,Watch Glasses from 3d, WattehKeys from 3d, Clocks Cleaned trom 2u, ■ Watches Cleaned from 3s Cd. Why pay twice or three times these prices when you can get them done by the best and most popular Watehmnker in . New Zealand? Spectacles, best quality, at J. IV Stratz's, 261, High street, Chriatchurch. Xi2B ; "ANTED, everyone who hag Umbrella that " . require Covering or Bepairing- to take . them to Lethaby, 64, Hobbs* Buildings, Cathedral square, who obtained First and Second Awards at the. New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition, '' Umbrellas re-covered with Italian Cloth 3s 6d, , Twill Silk Cs 6d ; Umbrellas made to order fvom 5b '. 6d. Ladie3 can have their parasols covered or made to order to match their costumes. Glass and China' neatly riveted. Scissprs sharpened, 3d, at Letliaby's, Umbrella Manufacturer, G<l, Hobbs 1 Buildings, Cathedral square. . ■ 281 • . Hisoell&neons. > AUCTIONEERS. "O OWMAN AND SON. I .Auctioneers. Jqowman and son. A NOTHER Shipment of Fruit. Large Lemons 12 a Is or 8s Cd per case, Seville Oranges 6s per case, marmalade recipe given ; Ripe Bananas i 16 a Is,' Sweet Oranges ,6s Gd- per case, Large ! Mandarins 20 a Is at Robinson's, Morton's Buildings. . ' XSB2 BALLANTYNE & CO. aro Showing the"ir NewSpring Dresses. - Xl 9 OWMAN AND SON, -^T-ALUEKS~X277 OWMAN AND SON, VALUERS. BOaED and uo-smebOto tor two or tbrea frantic < mon. 270, Wnrsford »tr»'t weat '5033 . - BOARD AND RESlDENCE.— Sttperiori*coom. ' modation for Ladies and ' Gentlemen ; hot ; ! and cold water baths; every homo comfort, Mrs Truckle, Cambridge House, 12, Peterborough street east.' - ■ COMFORTABLE Home for Gentlemen •■ Bis: \j minutes from Post Office : 15s week.. Address, ■ at "Star "Office. '497 SALEI-Wonted Known^The vIV Great Clearing Sale Clothing, &c., is now on at M. D. Barsht and Co., 245, High [street (Triangle) Christchurch. . 9058 C RILLS and Oyster Snppers Od, from 3 p.m. till VJT midnight, at the Palace Restaurant. .101, Colombo street, ijwo doors •gast Lichfieldstreet.92l3 ' V 3f sa\x want a good Iron Hedet>m<i or a bp?in«f JL Mattrees, H. At]iiii!:on'B, Ks.ilway stroet, lolz eldo as you oonie from the Railway .EMutiou. 5395 J~BALLANTYNE~& CO. Give One Shillhig off • the Pound Discount for Cash. Xl 9 */■ .i.r.U.IHb,.tJN, noottuafeoi:, . atM, yr^jaol a?3v.«> eMflst: that, id the ptcoa te'gct Ohiap A-iJiINHuN, for \jheaj) Jioons~~!2o!ii • O aahel streoft. flf ■• AI'KINSUW, for Wen'fi, *VomßQ'6 «urt 53k. • Ohlldren'a Canvas Shoes; vulae tihnqnilied. , ■ , KAIAPOi~Tweed Suits for Boys at 4sTid7to be had only at Beath and Co.'s— Depot for Sale of Kaiapoi Manufactures. X27 "RvTEW Spring Drapery in all Departments at J3I Ballantyne's, Dimstablc House. Xlfl T^TiiiW Zsahtndera just rer,urmnir irom Vial;orla A_*t or Sydney will find Cheap Furoitura nt H. Atkinson's Warehouso, Mar!oh««tar stroat, left irida as von oootb froto !f n,f l w,v Station. 8596 PiAlt'jU. >i b 6 W ft. •> W a «.'OJS, TA ■ ()*. rfenwTVTAtt A 'SON-. Xi!s7 T GEORGE JAM^The Pnrest^m LVoW^rketl All Grocers. 5H>52 SOCKS I— Wanted Known, best quality Bisumrck^^ Merino Socks at Cd pair, at M. D. Barshfc and Co.'a, 245, High Btreet (Triangle), Cbristchurch. 8T GEORGE JAM.— Once need, always used. All Grocers. 0952 TAILORING !— Wanted Known, Trousers to> Measure New Zealand Tweeds, 13s Gd, Suits •JOs, guaranteed shrunk, at M. D. Barfjht and Co.'s, 245, High street (Triangle), Chriatchwch. . : 8058 T GEORGE JAM.— As& for and see that you get it. All Grocers. 5952 - fT\lES !— Wanted Known, best Ties hi Christ--1 church, and most fashionable shapes, at Is each ; see window for samples -at M. D, Barsfct and Co.'s, 245, High street (Triangle), Christebimili. 8T GEORGE JAM.— Best in the market. AH Grocers. W52 RY the Palace Restaurant for the best Dinners, Teas, and Oyster Snppers in town, Ninepence. 101, Colombo street, iwo doors past LichJield street. ' 0575 . ( ST GEORGE JAM.— Selected Fruit ami Bet^ Sugar. All Grocers. 9952 WM'CLEA & CO. Stocktaking this Month. . 36in White Calico 2s lid per dozen, 72in White Sheeting lOJd per yard, best quality Is 4d , per yard, at 210, High street.^ 537 _ |"7/\r\ ALL-WOOL Colonial Tweed at2sOJd, c \-T\J better than sold elsewhere at l!s lid. > Beath and Co. X72 Tor Sal© sad To Lett. a DDTNGTON.— For fc'ftle, m Clifton utw>f 3 .^3L oloeo to liinooln road, ■Welt-built of 5 Iraoms, hall, verandah, scullevy, wMSi-iionse, copper force-)3ump, &0., good Bcotion, £21?;); £40 5a cash, balance can remain, or be imid ty )nstrimanfca. Brwts and Oriffy, IHI. Colombo gftrfifeft. TT?ABM of 133 Acres very fair land, well, fenced JP and divided and in grass; good 4-voomca house and outbuildings; situatod near Tenn»3eton. Price £7 per acre, favourable terms. Apply Baggs p.nd Duffy, 131, Colombo streqt. XSSS XHOE Sain, a barg«Cx— Well built Hoaxe of 4 JJ rooms, hall, &c- ■'ad nice section at Willowbank; £105, Terms £5 cash, balance 8s per wor * afterwards, or cash right out at any time. Baggs and Duffy, 131 Colombo street. Ik/» tc-oitij b&UtfU * L'Ut'. (, xOttcu an izft. Bstate Agents, 181, />!ombo t-toer,, *iVA Fnrn'ißh full p&rUonlara of zr.y . Propertii-ii, feoy havo tav sala, on application «.t tbotr nfficei', Now Upts roadv for dietrib^fcW^ • __, j_^ 5 _ A jkiuiimOtiß— .ilOiie t«.« i<Oi-t£i oilX+ixtt •iulo-<-J2® i-ftore (about) weU fcaioau. sM »ooA Ituii j tjousa oi.S rooms, Ac, prioe il4o, h^tn sM fVnflfv, UH.'^oliwnbo «*niet. ' ... "ANTED to Sell, full Quarter-acre; Itousb 6 rooms, iucluding scullery, running artesian, rich soil, well drained. , 31, Sfc Jauics street, Linwood. Part cash, balance ns rent ; liberal concessions for improvements. - 9396 ANTED to Sell, close to a ra^vnystation, a three-story Mill in good working order ; House of six rooms; twelve and .a kilt^ aores of, Land. In order to effect an immediate mile, tho.' • price has been greatly reduced. Apply, AJlaa Hopkins. . .'■':. ':■■': '■ " J ) WANTED to Sell, at Linwooa, convenient to tram, a wcll-fitied Verandah Houbo. of 5 good rooms, scullery, and copper in briek 1 , 2 roode 13 perches land, stabling and outhouses ; jiotothe price £-150, only small amount required in cosh. Cards to view from Allan Hopkins, Estate Ageiiti, Cathedral square. (225) , ' 1" ■\MT ANTED to Sell, at the corner of Swiugfleld /> W road and St Albans. roodv a first-eLtCT _ Corner Section containing half -anracre of land, wcU , fenced ; splendid position for a good ouildiug s no reasonable offer will be refused for this choice property. Apply Allan Hopfcns, Cathedral aqtiare. (3o> ■ ■ ' ANTED Known— That I havo for immediate sale, 277 acres fe-utclass land, situate close , to the Temuka Railway Station, Cottage of C rooms, ' stable and other outbuildings. For price and ' > further particulars apply to Allan Hopkins, Lund , .' Agent, Cathedral square. (545) ■ } ANTED to Sell, in St James street, Lvi- < wood, a choice Quarter-acre ■ Building ' Section, well fencedandlevellett ; Bplenrli'lposHiottj ' ,v, price £ 115. Apply A-Uan Hopkina, Laatl Agent, *' M Cathedral square. (18)^' , W "ANTED tok. Sell, a? iLinwood, on .the tram route, a. CflunfortrJKl© T Houbo of i> rooms, partly i)lastere3, stAbk, ah'c!d,' &c,, ctwi'tcv-acre section, planted,; not*;.4be price £1:25. Ajyiy Allan Hopkins, Cathedraitirißaiv. : _ l WANTED to Selli at Woolston, ou tho r trato ,\ rouie, a Comfortable Cottage of •!■ rooms, . $ scullervi lofc, &c, lialf-acre Bection nicely planted $ in garden anA orchard j price very modci ate, amd • * easy terms can bo arranged, Ams'iy Alliai Hoi)tiJ«, 'l i Cathedral square, (183) "" ? ,J

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4765, 4 October 1893, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4765, 4 October 1893, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4765, 4 October 1893, Page 1