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"H7iEji.THEI{S CJeanud, Curled and Dyed. Mr .fi EATHX.KS Dyson, -245, Cashel street. OS<35 SriGGS! Eyaa! Eirgr) ! - Forllg^s ao to Smith's J Golden Teapot, 05, Victoria street. 1»3&5_ IJ^ELT ILTrTTST'Teancd, DveTaud Altered any' JL 1 £LT JO.ATS shape. Dyson's, 243, Cashel street. 1*365 FOR SALE, IT WelUinker^T Plant. Apply, 24tJ, Tuain sstre&t west. 9370 InOR SALE, St*d Potutoe-i, also Onions and ) Derweiits; uny quantity. J. Yates, Harper 'street, Sydenham. 9558 . RILLS and Oyster SuppeiTsd, from 3 p.m. till \3r midnight, at ths Palace Restaurant. 101, Colombo street, two doors past Liobf.eldstreet.92l3 J~& yon a good Iron Jfctedstead or a tpriojj ' . itf.ttrog-3, K. Atk:asoa's, Bailway streat, laf !; B'.aa n.3 yon corao from tho Railway Stitio'n. r;395 TLLUMINATINO"! .— presentation Addresses JL Artistically prepared. A. H. Hart, Illuminating Artist. -255, Colombo street, Christoimrch. 7532 J3ALLANTYNE~&"CO. Give One ShilUng oif o the Pound Discount for Cash. Sl9 ~H" LOGIE'S Boot Shop, 233, Cashel street, ia QJt « the Cheapest in Christchurch for quality, workmanship, &c. 8359 "F TyiSON. Jo:nop., Tailor, 64, Colombo %J? c A.\ road, Sydenham. Suits to .order las 3 than City prices: good workmanship ; truil solicited. Seven years' tuition in cutting under J. Nixon, Christchurch. (Mention "Star.") 8229 §/" iiTIU.£J6viH, bootuialrov, 203^ useti&l .«^.» 8tioot; that is the plaea to yat Cheap BiJOtB. 1Z" ATEINSyH, foe Cheap Boots, 203, J£Sk.© Caehel streafe. "57" ATKINSOH, for Men's, Women's and -?ca.« Cfeildrsn'a Canvas Shoes; VRlua nnpqnailed. TB/TEERSCIiAUM Pipe 3, Wood Pipes, SilverXyJo. mounted: Cigarette - holders, Walking Sticks, 3 Packets Cigarettes (including Old Judge, &c.) for Is ; nil scoods reduced during our annual sals, nt OaV.ey'a Variety Ba::iar. "TR/ITAcTnTOSHES! — '.Wanted known — Men's .IvJ.ACINTOSKES! Guaranteed Waterproof. Macintoshe3 ,sewn ssams, with extra larire eape3 20?. at M. y. Barsht and Co., 2-i5, Hi?h street (Triangle) Cnri3tchui'ch. 9053 "J^TEV/ Spring Drapery in all Departments at JL.M Ballantync-'s, Dnnstable Hocsa. Xl 9 TS^TiiT?' Zealindera jaw; rer.nxxiinz from Vietoris AW or Syd-noy will find Cheap Furaitnre at H. Atkinson's Warehouse, Kauohestor otreet, left ?W'> «s von oomt» from ■Rail-^ ■» R'aM^n. 5595 OUR New Slippers do not Slip at the Heel. H. Corrick, Boot Manufacturer. 783*5 /OiPALS i'-iimed. Prices to suit everybody.— \jf Jesse Hollobon, 52, Colombo road| Syilenham, over railway crossing. 5224 ~W& "HZS-^P^K f Lamps, Squeege?", and Ji. o^_y» JsTAPER ~{ other photo goods arri%--ing per Copti-jat Walter Sncklinsr'a, Manchester street. POINTING 4^fcUT f Cabinet size" EIKTIHG \JTJT (matt orglaes" p.t Walter Suckling's, • G035 "OATENTS!— Patents obtained and Trade"Marks JL registered. A. H. Hart, Registered Patent Agent, 258, Colombo street, Christchuroh. PI.V2Trv l 3!"w^6wNAN"'.«/"eO». Bacon, Prime Cheese, and Gonerul w Groceries. Get these ut Smith's Goldsa Teapot, Go, Victoria street. <>SGo TpICE 51b Is! Sago 2a, Tapioca 2d. Candles 5Jd, .JS.&J Plaids 4?d. Courtney and Courtner, 12.5, High street. '6618 jOvUAIFE'S Bacon, Prime Cheese, and General Groceries. Get these at Smith's, Golden Teapot, 65, Victoria street. • 5363 0 HIETS. Ties, Hosiery ; Best Vulue.— G. Wilson, nest Tonks, Norton, Colombo street, Christchurch. 8223 SUGAR ?.svl, Finest Crygtal L'Jd. Courtney and ___CoKi-tney, 125, Kig-h street. Sfel3 Ol TSAv'.^^fJ-ATS Cleaned. Dyed and Altered K.3TRAW .O-ATS any shape. Dyson's. f ils, Cashel strest. $)865 SECURE refreshing sleep, freedom from coua-h- - by using Cough Linctus. la Gd bottle. X9ICI QPEOIAL Value~liTGenti'euiea'3 Hats. Shirta, ki3 Tio;j. Hosiery, &o ; tailor made suits from 59a, at G. Wilson's, 167, Colombo street. THORNTON~?ICKARD SHUTTERS7^iw"TIf Bit Camera, Ch°:nicnla. &c. e:c Coptic, at Walter Suckling's Photo Stock Warehouse. i)QSS mßY~the "our~own" Is lOd Tea. Ask for JL sample gratis. Courtney and Courtney. SBIS ra^RY Conick's Seady~Money Boots, and Sore _a_ Pounds in the year. 157, Colombo street.7SS6 THAT hacking Cough can be Banished with one 13 Cd bottle Cough Linctus. All chemists. XOl6 ■^7^r~M 7 CLEA"& CO. Stocktaking this Month. V V <■ SSin White Calico 2s lid per dozen, 72in White Sheeting 10?, d per yard, best quality Is 4d per yard, at 210, High street. 'Xf.37 '\]RT g7 BURNS," by" appointment Military V V » Tilaor to tho E Battery, Hon Reserve and other Corps. 84, Oxford terrace west. 7740 "OrrOOD'S- Roller Flour, 251 b 2s~3d, 501 b 4s -l>d! V V 1001 b Ss fid, 2001 b 16s. Courtney and Courtney, 125, High street. SSIS WALKER TDJROS!! Opposite Burkes ALKER . JOROS:, Hotel, High street, Hat Manufacturers und Men's Mercers. SJSB WHY" Pay High Priceo when you can buy direct from Corrick, Ready Money Manufacturer. " 7856 T K(Th KEROSENE; Water-white, Patent 1 e3\J/ Tap; Tins 5s 2d, Cases 10s 2d. Courtney nnd Courtney; 125, High street. SSIS E UHRMANN'S > For Superior nnd Cheap UHRMANN'S/ Furniture. 795J *B7(U.KRMANN'S7For Pianos, Overmantles, Jl) UHRMANN'S )_ Cnrpets. 7&52_ TT7HTHRMANN'S}ForEamboo Furniture, CabiJJj UHEMANN'_S/ nats/Tables, Bmckets,_&c. TCIUHEMANN'S) For O'ccasioMPchairiT^cck UHRM ANIh ' S ; Cha irs, Writing Desks. &c. FTTrT!%TAMNr'<3")For Toilet Ware-^A special Ts~qTTTip\r * vrvj'd'l For Woven Wire Maltrc=s<?3, FuSmannl} r %f;^ tres?es ' Flock For Sal© ffind T*o I«eti a DDTHGTON.— For Male, m CJifton Htroat, idu clos? to Lincoln road. Well-built House ot 5 rooma, iu.ll, verandah, scullovy, -waeh-hoasa, capper force-pump, &0.. good osotien. J8290; £4,0 in oash, bals.nce eati reraain, or ba paid by instal. "BTIAHM of 133 Acres very fair land, well fenced JaJ and divided and in grass; good 4-roomed house and oufcbuildinga; situated near Templeton. Price £7 per acre, favo\irable terms. Apply 'Basrga and DuJfy, 131, Colombo street. X333 FOR Sain, a bargain.— Well built House of 1 rooms, hall, &c., nnd nice section at. Willowbank ; .-ClO5. Terms £i> cash, balauce Ss per week afterwards, or cash right out at any time. Baggs and Dutt'y, 101/ Colombo street. %757* ANTED, for cash down, Comer Section, V v with or without house. Section, this offipo. 98-55 ANTED to Let, a two-roomed Lean-to~j suitable for n buchclor. Apply, 235, St Asaj(h street. * 9263 WANTED to Let, Two l?Mm7,l^lsheJFf>r.'.u'nished, use of kitchen. Awlv IS6, Manchester street. ' 9SGI WANTED to Let, Six-roomed House, wash"house and ccpj.>er. Apply I. Robinson, Yorkshire Store, Walker strest. £H2l ~%7%T ANTED to Sell, Now S-roomed Villa, inodpru ' . V v conveniences, half -aero, Linwood, bargain ; 8-rooraed Villa,, Here ford' street, ±75 cash, balauce remain, let £42. J. Peckover, Estate Agent, 196, Hereford street. ' ' X963 ■^TSr ANTED to Sail, close to"a""railway~station, V V a three-story Mill in good v. orking order ; House of sir. rooms; twelve nnd a hali: acres of land. In order to effect an immediate sale, the price has heeu greatly reduced. Aj.iply, Allan Hopkins. WANTED to Sell, at tho corner of Springfield road and St A] buna road, a first-class Corner Section containing half-an-acre of land, well fenced ; splendid position for a good building ; no reasonable offer will ba refused for this choice property. Apply Allan Hopkins, Cathedral square. (35j • . ANTED Known— That I have for immediate sale, 277 acres first-class land, situate close to the Temuka Railway Station, Cottage of G rooms, stable and oilier outbuildings. For price and further particulars apply to Allan Hopkins, Land Agent, Cathedral square (545) ..„[ •.•.iti.Hiu k> aaiia ao Acreo ot upienoio #\y .TiMid with two cottagoo thoreoD, and omial Gatbaildsngs B oifraato at Eangiora. Tho nbove ia for stile at a low rirloe, and easy terms oaoa to arianssa, Appljr W n O, S'leming. Inella' »si:'Aißg». XMO WANTED to Sell, nt Liuwood,' convenient to tram, a well-fittsd Verandah House of 5 good rooms, scullery, aud copper in brick, 2 roods 13 perches land, stabling mid outhouses,- note the liiice £-150, only small amount required in cash. ••Cards to view from Allan Hopkins, Estate Agent, Cathedral square. (225) ANTED to Sell, iv St James street. Linwood, a choice Quarter-acre Buildin? Section, well fenced and levelled; splendid position"; price £115. Apply Allau Hopkins, Land Agent, Cathedral square. (18) WANTED to Scil, at Woolston, on the tram route, a Comfortable Cottage of 4 rooms, scullery, loft, &c, half-acre section nicely plynted in garden and orchard ; price very moderate, and easy terms can be arranged. Apply Allan Hopkins, Cathedral square. (IS!) WANTED to Sell, at Linwood, on the tram route, a Comfortable T Houso of C rooms, partly plastered, stable, shed, &c, quarter-acre section, planted ; note the price, £'425. Apply Allan Hopkins, Cathedral square. FOR S A L *E. PAPANUI ROAD (just o!?)— Charming Viiln Resideuce, containing Five Largo Lofty Rooms, beside AVide Hall, Scullery, Pantry. Laundry, Conservatory, Verandah and Outbuildings ; about Three-eighths Acre in Lawn, Fruit, Vegetable aud Flower Gardens; all wellstocked ; the whole iv capital condition. Owner coming into town. ; CHRISTCHURCH CITY-A Four-roomed House and Section for AGO. Send for particulars. LINWOOD— Five-roomed House, Stabling, Cartshed, &c. : Quarter-acre Section, £'175; or with extra section, about Half-acre, £230. Would sell section sepavatelv. Offer open for one week only. ' W. R. HARDING, Associated with Bowman and Son, ; X3G7 ;:00, Hereford street, CUristsbureh, i

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4739, 2 September 1893, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4739, 2 September 1893, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4739, 2 September 1893, Page 7