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Wanted. Cosh advertisements under this head, not exceeding fourteen words, will be charged SIXPENCE. WANTED, a Barmaid for the Dive, Lyttelton. 8896 ANTED, a Cook. Apply L., P.O. Box <J5, Christchurch. 8403 ANTED, Sell Useful Horse, syrs ; trial given double harneßa. S. Q. Unwin. 8458 ANTED, comfortable Lodgings by young man. Apply, sending particulars to U.T.S., "Star "Office. ' 8425 TnrT ANTED, Boy, must bo good milker, willing "wi to make liiuiself generally useful. Samuel Sparks, Halswell. 8417_ "CTTrANTED, Buyers for Fenders and Coal Vases, y/j just received. H. Atkinson's Furniture Warehouse, 117, Manchester street. XB2B w,& t aim x &_> — .nu wn— w v ou> wia uoia ana W Silver for caah. s. Clarke and Co. ISO 3 AN'l'»~> uj bun, eumo UOOa VlOHu , cheap. H. Atkinson's. Manoheater Btreet. 6305 *VMr_tiT£l> People to g t m»rriod aud Buy W their Furniture at H. Atkinson's, Man* ohoater street. 63 'S WAhiau _<iir~a — furniture in Uouboi Bought Out, Best Priooß. J. Bowman, Victoria Btwet. X277 WANTED Known — Tailoring — Suits to Measure at 52s Cd, C9s 6d and 84s. 300 Patterns Now Tweeds. G. L. Beath and Co. X27 ~_ mr A«Ttiu iiuL.wu— i'lauoooa nuefor aoclaia, fr f Baliß, Conoarte, *o. Bowman and Boa, Hereford street^ X877 _ "my*/ all «■-_> Known, Uoet Value in Ja-carav ff Gold Wedding aud Engagement Binga. B» Clarke and 0., 148, Colombo street. X602 'ANTED Known— See B9ath's Advertised Blankets. Blue fsom 5s Ud, White from 8b lid per pair. This week. X27 WAJNT-U, liuyera fox iron Bedsitjudb and Hprins Mattresses. H. Atkinson's, Kail, way street. 5395 WANf-I> Known— Tcwnend** Bilious asd Liver Villa oars sioi heaaaohe, want of appetite, depression. of spirit— Sold©, priofl Is. Look for oonpon. W "ANTED Known— See Beath's New Tweeds and Coatings. Magnificent Assortment. Trousers to order from 13s 9d. Suite to order from .523 60. G. L. Beath and Co. X27 WANTftU, uvnryu>:e Co oau avd see W. M'Citft and Oo.'a now shop, 810, High Barest, next Milc»r nnd TJw.niT'HOn*«. 7066 ~v.«# »tuciu jmuwu- .unueua'a i>lltoun a_u V 7 Livor FUle cure torpid liver, bilious afleotiovß, constipation, Ac Bom prioe Is. Xook tor oonrcn. 5303 "ANTED Known— Tailoring — Trousers to Measure 13s 9d, 15s 9d, 17s 9d and 21s the pair. 300 Patterns of New Tweeds. G. L. Beath and Co. X27 "K - . -tt I'C'XS ivnv."»u— X >wuuad'a uiliuus a_o Tf Lirer Pills care general lassitude, nervous prostration, fetSalo ■weaku_» 8-iM everywhere, prica Is. ■ Look to*- o--ir.pop. <303 -ANTED, 150 Hen to Buy one each 42s 6d Kaiapoi Tweed Suits for S2fl 6d. W. _TClea and Co., 210, High street. X537 ~».» RANTED Knwrii— One pound prints of Taraf n;;ki Butter are now selling at Bdper lb; White Crystal Sugar, 2Jd per lb; at T.Taylor's, Cashel street. X713 i~_»r ANTED Known— Eoyal Kerosene, 6s Cd tho : fV tin; Luxene, 5b Cd; White Eose, 5s 3d; Xight of the Age, os 3d each ; with, patent taps, at T. Taylor's, opposite the Cafe. . X713 '"ANTED Known— Pure China Black Tea, unblended, 2s per lb ; " Houqua," blended,' Tea, 2s per lb;" Bolgravia," 2s 4d; "Easteheap,"Is 6d in packets, or 61b and 121 b tins, or 401 b half chests ; 121 b tins 2d per lb reduction, half-chests 3d per lb, at T. Taylor's. X713 W "ANTED Known — Ladies' Three-quarter Jackets, 19s lid for lls od, 29s 6d for 16s Ud and 33s Cd for 19s lid, well made and nicely trimmed. W. M'Clea and Co., 210, High street. ~_7f7"ANTED Known— Men's All-wool Colonial \ \ Tweed Sui ts 29s 6d and SGs Cd, now 19s lid and 26s lid. Boys' and Youths' Clofhing of every description at very low prices. W. M'Cloa and Co., 210, High street.. ' X537 W "ANTED Known — .Ladies' Hosiery, best value in the city, prices s|d, S*d, lljd and ttpwards; Ladies' Umbrellas Is lid and 2s9d,ex- . oeptional value ; a really good Glove for 7Jd, lOJd, . . Is ljd. W. ]M'Clea and 00.. S10 t High street. X537 1 » * r ANTED Known— l heard that several j[j Jewellers rumoured I, J. F. Stratz, Marks . Gobcls Less than Cost Price. They are not aware I Buy for Cash and Save all Discounts. J. F, Stratz, 261, High Btreet, Christchnrch. X428 MiiOGZloneoas. '*B3AMiANTYNJB & CO. are giving exceptional J_F value in Blankets, Flannels and general Household Furnishing. Xl 9 BOA&Il and Ke>i«:n;iOe lor t— y or itmti gunu~ men. 270, H<>roford etarart weat. 3936 XJALLANTYNE _ CO. moke a speciality of B ■ Ladies' and Gentlemen's Woollen Underwear for Autumn and Winter. ,Xl 9 *n ALLANTYNE _ CO. have a most Extensive JL> Stock of Coatings, Tweeds and Suitings, Overcoats and Mackintoshes. Xl 9 _^<OMFOBTABLE Home for Gentlemen, 15s; \j piano. 118, South belt, near Colombo street.347 _^<OMFOBTABLE Private Home for one or two \_/ Boarders. Apply, 201, Kilmore street west. COBBICK'S E«ady-Money Boot Factory is the Cheapost. 157, Colombo street. 7886 ""■ Jf ;uu (taut n good lruu twascead or a bpring JL Mattreas, H. AtkLißon's, Bailway street, left Bide as you come frim the Railway Stitioo. 6395 ; aT&IaSuN, Hootmaker, 2flii oasuel • street; that is the place ta get Cheap Boots. '■ ATKINSON, Cheap Boots, 803, .» Caahol street. • ATKINSON, for Men's, Women's asd • Children'd Canvas Shoes; value un> egnaUed. , '. ■_" EWIS, Brady and Co., Drapers (late Gabites), 1 A 41, Victoria street, have opened with new Stock General Drapery. Small expenses enable them to Sell at low prices. 8168 T OST, a Butcher's Cart Book on South Belt. ■ A Finder rewarded. N. Brown, High street. 52 Tf~ OST at Lancaster Park on Saturday, a dark 1 A • Tweed Overcoat with cape. Address, James Kinley, High street, St Albons. Finder Will be rewarded. 8446 XX W _o_Uinders juit returning irom Victoria or Sydney will find Cheap Furniture at H. Atkinson's Warehouse, Manchester street, left Bide as you come from Bailwav Station. 5395 P' IZziuti. s»owm_n _ sow. .■ ■ 1A.N03. OOWMAN & SON. X277 For Sale and To Let. ADDINGTON.— For Sals, in Clifton street, close to Lincoln road, Well-buiU House of 5 rooms, h&ll, verandah, scullery, — ißh-houae, copper force-pump, &0., good Beotion. £280; £40 ia oaeh, balance can remain, or be paid by in3t_U mantß. Bagss and Duffy, 131, Colombo street. : "M7!ABM of 133 Acrea very fair land, well fenced 1* and divided and in grass; good 4-roomed house and outbuildings; situated near Templeton. Price £7 per acre, favourable terms. Apply Baggs and Duffy, 131, Colombo street. X335 "IjlOß Sale, a bargain.— Well built House of 4 ■j rooms, hall, &c., and nice section at WillowDank ; £105. Terms £5 cash, balance 8s per week afterwards, or cash, right out at any time. Baggs and Duffy, 131, Colombo street. -n_«_s>BKt3 HAliiiS & DUtfi X, aoaso ana _UL Estate Agents. 131. Colombo street, will Furnish full particulars of any Properties they hftvo for sale, on application at thiir offioes. New loata ready for distribution. X335 T^TEW BBIGHTON. — For Sale, close to I^l beach and tram, a comfortable Cottage of 4 rooms, scullery, pantry, _c. ; stabling and trapshed; half-acre land, with a good frontage; price £300 on easy terma. I have also a number of choice Building Sites at prices from £15 per half -acre. Full information at office. Apply, Allan Hopkins, Cathedral square. _aiUHm.uNl>— uioee to flortn oeit,ror *_u>jLl) iraxxe (zbovb) well fenced, and good land: Eoose of S rooms, _&, prioe -140. Baggrs and Dnffy, 131. Colombo street, W "ANTED to Sell, in Sydenhom, a nearly new House of 6 rooms, &c. ; ample shedding and outhouses, quarter-acre section; price £300. Aflaa Hopkins, Land Agent. (178) ■ ~\mjAHTn:D to Sell, a Good House oC four T v rooms anu wasnhouae, situated ia Horatio street. Price £145; £35 cash, balance very easy terma. Apply W. C. Fleming, Inglia' Buildings. W "ANTED Known— l have for Sale, at Waltham, a comfortable Cottage of 4 roojps, &c. ; stabling and sheds ; half-acre section of land; price £350. Apply, Allan Hopkins, Cathedral square. (242) WAM'iJfiU to ball, torn tioou nouses in Kontreal street south. For prioe, apply I W. O. Fleming, Ingli»* Bnildinga. XliO J W "ANTED, for a permanent tenant, a Comfortable House of 4or 5 rooms ; convenient to j town ; will go to 14s for a suitable place. Apply, Allan Hopkins, Cathedral Squnre. '%fkf ANT " I) t0 Sell, a faw i hoica Building ' f 7 /llotmeiits near Lanoasi-er Pirt; price low, terrae v&ay. Apply W. C. Fleming, ln«lia' Bail dings. _657 ANTED to Bell, a Wall-flaialied Uooa^ ot 4 rooms and wseh-houso, situated in Montreal street; price -175, Apply W. C. Fleming, Inglis' Baildinga. X4lO W _«'!_£> to aeii, a Weii-Dunt nouao or aix rooma tathroom aud pantry, large anad, ■waahhotise, twa coaoh-housea and two loose boxes, ■ Bitasted In Eichmond. £pply, W. O. FZern'mr. i Icglia' Fnildings. 410* ' W_J»T_;u to bell, a Good 11-.nsa yi 6 ruouia, pantry and wash.houso, about one-eighth aore, well fenced, situated in Yogel street, Kiohmond; prioe very low; teru_ easy. Apply W. C. Hamiig. inglis' Boildaga. *»_• a ..rjij w. oau, au Aor«.i oi opiauaia vv Land with two oottages thereon, and nsual outbuildings, situate at Bangiora. The i above is for sale at a low srlce, asd eisy terms can be s*ra_sred. A?pJy W. C. Fleming, Inglia' ' Bnildipgo. X4lO W "ANTED to Sell, at Bangiora, 30 acres good Land, well fenced and subdivided; nice House of 7 rooms, scullery, &c. There is a splendid orchard attached to this property, and everything is in thorongh repnir. Satisfactory reasons can be given for selling. Apply, Allan Hopkins, Cathedra square. (491) . . . W "ANTED Known— That I have been instructed to sell, close to Papanui, 50 acres very fair Land, well fenced and subdivided ; wellbuilt bouse and out-btrildinga. The price of tUg convenient property is very low. Apply. Allan Hopkins, Land Agent. (490)

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4676, 21 June 1893, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4676, 21 June 1893, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4676, 21 June 1893, Page 4