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Btwinen Wotloeai PATENT o, 8088. DEEP ARTESIAN WELLS FBOM £25. Windmills, Pnmps. Hydraulic Bame, Gas • Chandeliers, A'o. Every Article required in the Gasfltting, Flnnifc 1 * ing, and Engineer-in? trades, Pipe work of eveJ? description nfc iowost rates. Twonty-flve Artesian* Wells already aunk by my Patent Maohinery. THOM ASD A-NKS,.. INGINEEK, 4c, . ISS and 200, Liohfield r.treet Money. SION.KT '.ro LHHD OK AFPBOVEX* JTBEfiIHOIiD SECUBITT. In fctxms frora C^tf uto JteKaW'k&\ /.TOusanMH UtAKD * LOUaHHA-xV, foilfl-uvs , Hereford Kireov :niriai*«h*Ai:o't VICTORIA LOAN AND^ISCoIjntTqENCT Hiiuol'.eater gtreet, uext Queen's Hotel. 18 PBKPARED to Advanoo h'.-.mß of Money from £20 upwards, npon Deeds, Mortgageo Bills of Sale. Lite Policies, Shares, Bond War* r'iiiCß, Legacies, Liens on Crops, and other securities at Current ratea, Wlls discounted dnily and renewals effected. All applications aro • strictly privato and confidential, nnd as there are no directors, tho loan cin ba negotiated irithont dolay. 73S MONEX TO LEND. TBS Undnrsigned has for Investment v&rfrmo sums trom £100 to £15,000 at Loweat B&teo of IntoroHt on Mortgage of Town, Country, {■.ul.'iirban Properties. to^Toivers can pay oS tho wnole or portion tt the moneys advanced on g-ivin? Bhort novice. Sums undor £100 for Investment on terms. I*:DWD. B. DEACON.Soh citor, Bereford stroot Chambers Chriatohurch, THE MUTUAL BENEFITBUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOOIETY OF CANTEBBUBT (PEBMANENT) CAPITAL, ... „, £100,000, Oflicos : DUNCAN'S BUILDINGS, 142, CASHED. STBEET, CHEISTCHUECH, DinECTOES s William Harris, Esq., Chairman, ) John Connal. Esq.. W. H. Hargreaves, Esq ■ M. Murphy, Eaq. Henry Hookham, Esq, Samuel Manning, Esq. LOANS panted in any sums on FBEEHOLD FABa LANDS and HOUSE PBOPEB. TiEB, either fcr FIXED PEBIOD or on the monthly repayment eyetem. Applications for - lioaus are considered daily by the Survey Committee of tho Board of Directors. Monoy reoeived on Depositfor ohort or long periods at highest onrrent raterf of interext. 4528 EDWABD L. WALLACE Rw-retaxr. LOAN AND DISCOUNT COMPANY (Box 94, P.0.).| IMPOBTANT PUBLIC NOTICE. fTHHE above C*. **ipany are now prepared to ADVANCE MONEY IN SUMS FEOM | £10 to £10,000, i On Personal Security, Bills of Sale, MortiTssco, Uoveraion*ry Interest nnder WUIb, or any tangible seonrity of any kind. Having Agents in Australia and London, we erae prepared to make Advances on Wills a speciality* BUls Disoonnted Daily and Benewals Effected, V. HABBIS, Manege*. OFFICES-172 LICHFIELD BtßEH*i. EstabUshed ISS*,). MedioaL B AINBOW'S INVIGOBATOK— It purifies tho • Blood, Cures Liver Complaiutu, Creates Appetite and Cures Indigestion, Disperses Wind, Prevents Deprossion, and, iu oue word, invigoratesthe whoie syetem, making* yeu feel yourselt again.. It is without doubt the best family phyeic ever discovered. It remove* all obstructions to the natural functions in oither eex without any unpleasant effects. lhe Cure Cortain. Don't Delay. Price ls 6d per bottle. 5954 DON'T BE DECEIVED, or try Faith Healing, when troubled with Coughs, Colds, Uheumatism, &c„ but use Coleman and Bon's Eucalypte Extract, which is the best MedicinA the world bas evor producod. It is one of Nature's, greatest gifts to maukiud. Fevers of all kinds are banished by itß nse. It is tho purest and hest and strongest extraot in the market. Ask youi ohemist or grocer tor it. W. J. ALEXANDEB, 142. Cashel street, Wholesale Agent. 542. STOP THE EXHIBITION OP SO MANV QUACK MEDICINEB for the Cure of all Evils, as moat of them aie no> thing elso bnt disguised turpeutine, SLfiSINGEB'S BHEUMATIC BALSJAMis theonly Genuine and Soientiflo Preparation tor the Cnre of Gout, Bhenmatism, Soiatioa, te. Thon. sands have testified to the ouree offeoted, (Sea pamphlets.) SLESINGEB'S HOBBE, CATTLE, and DOQ MEDICINES are approved of by all Owners it Horses, Cattle, and Dogs all throngh New Zealand and Anstralian Colonies, Every person who nsed them was pleased, anfl not a einglo complaint made these forty years, SOLD BT J, S. COOKE, Chemist, Cashel streett C. S. HOWELL, Saddler, Caahel street KINCAID, G.LC.. Colombo street* W. PIBBIB, Fan- er, Cashel streett W. H. TBAVIS, Siddlor, St Asaph street WALLACE k CO., Chemiste, High streeta. AU of Christchuroh. S. SLESINGER VETEEINj&Bx" BUBGEON, DUNEDIN FEMALE PILLS. HEVEB_FAIL. MRS DR STUART'S.; Sold Everywhere; 2s Cd pet box; poaVJaSd. Wholesalo Agents, N.Z. Drng Company* KEDICAIi SXTKBn r mrTbbtrmmrtaTmun' PnMU TruOmmU -.>' Melbenrnet J Ae only Legally Qnalified Jfaa Affi ■ttlf^fc IN NHVOUS APPECTIOHSI IN THE DISEASES OF TOUTHH , IN THE DISEASES AND OlfitßlfilTll Of MABBIBn LITEUt / •senltotions by Letter DaUy QaomfAaeAiSEOa Oolonieai ' •diolsas farpftrprtvtely paeked) fmauM 4 through the Coloniee mma. Ladi*, Db li. 11. Shot. v*A4 kc fto, ' il, COLLINS STREET MELBOURNE. Consnltettonß by Letter, Tmm MU Fersonal Consultations, £1 la. (Includiiif Twa Daya* Mmliatmml tenant* WaiMMg and ContnlHnur Boewßaf Ladies and Gentlemen. DH L, L. SMITH, 41, COLLINS STBKBi; Mklboueki, ate Befiideno* of Hia -fixeeUenay tk* Ooramasi. Correspoud6uoo answered by retain ol Taati listtora answered ia Qarmaa, Franak, *«■_,

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 7055, 6 January 1891, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7055, 6 January 1891, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7055, 6 January 1891, Page 4