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Money. UONKY TO LEND ON APPBOVSL JBEEHOLD SEOUBITT, In Bums from •P^nnO ATorauanr *W v 3uO\Jf\Jij9 BATBB, IZABD * LOUGHNAN, aollffiiw , Hereford street, Chriatohank VICTOiiIA LOAN AND DIBCUUMT AGENCY Manchester street, next Queen's Hotel f S PREPARED to Advanoe Sums of Money JL from £20 upwards, upon Deeds, Mortgagee Bills of Sale. Life Polioies, Bhares, Bond^far. rants, Legacies, Lienß on Cropa, and otha* securities at Current rates. Bills discounted daily and renewals effected All applications are etnctly private and confidential, and as there are no directors, the loon can be negotiated without da T- _7M MONEY TO LEND, FPHE Undersigned has for Investment various JL sums from £100 to £16,000 at Lowest BatM of Interest on Mortgage of Town. Country. Suburban Properties. Borrowers can pay off the whole or portioa • the moneys advanced on giving short notice. Sums under £100 for Investment on terms, EDWD. B. DEACON.SoIi Hereford street Chambers Christohuroh. THE MUTUAL BENEFIT BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY o . t,?JT CAMTEBBUBY (PEBMANENT) CAPITAL £100,000. Offices : DUNCAN'S BUILDINGB, 142. CASHBL BTBEET, CHBIBTOHUBCH. Diekctobs : William Harris. Esq., Chairman. John Connal. Esq. W. S. Hargreaves, Ewj M, Murphy, Esq. Henry Hookham, «S. Samnel Manning, £aq. T OANB grantodin any sums onFEEEHOLD JLJ FABM LANDS and HOUSE FBOPRB. TIES, either for FIXED PEBIOD or on tt« monthly repayment system. Applications fo» Loans are considered daily by the Survey Comnrib* teeofthe Board of Dirootors. Money reoeivedon Dopositfor short or long periods athigbestourrent rates of interest. 4328 EDWARD L. WALLACE Booretarr. LOAN AND DISCOUNT COMPANT (80x94,P.0.).1 IMPOBTANT PUBLIC NOTICE, fin HE above Cfipany are now prepared to ADVANCE MONEY IN SUMS PEOM £10 to £10,000, On Personal Seourity, Bills of Sale, Mortwefc Hevereionary Interest under Wills, or any tangible seonrity of any kind. Having Agents in Australia and London, we an preparod to make Advances on Wills a speciality. Bills Discounted Daily and Renewals Effected* V. HABBIS, Mansntt. OFFICEB-172 LICHFIELD BTBEHi. Established 1864). Insurance Companies THE COLONIAL INBUBANCE OOMPANT OF NEW ZEALAND, FIBE ANDMABINB. Capital £2,000,000, Effects every description ot Fire and Marin Insurance at Loweßt Current Bates. Being a purely local institution, Claims are settled wit promptitude. CUFF ft GEAHAM, Managers for Canterbury, 181. Lichfleld street, Ohristohuxsh 702 Agrata wanted in unrepresented districts. MedioaL A PEBFECT CUBE FOE CONSUMPTION. First and Seoond Stages, C. COOK, specialist and medical herbalist. MVAbmaoh Street, CHBISTCHUBOH. 7348 ASUFFEBEB from Nervous and Wasting Debility, Loss of Vigour, &0., was restored to health in such a EtUAEKiBLE MANN KB after all else had FAILED, that he will, on reoeipt of a aelf-addreßsed, stamped envelope, send tna mode of cure FUSE to all fellow-sufferers. Addteas, A. Miner, G.P.O. Sydney. 19 BECBETS OF LIFE AND HEALTH, "gjIEEE BY POST for six (N.Z.) penny stamps, a JD Medioal Treatise by an eminent Frenoh Hospital Physioian, thirty years a Parisian specialist (now retired) showing sufferers how they may owe thsmselves of Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, bo., &&, without consulting a medioal man. Address— Parisian, P.O. Box 766, Sydney. " A boon to all doßiring ' solf-oure.' "—"Medioal 1459 Beview. TVON'T BE DECEIVED, or try Faith Heal\J ing, when troubled with Coughs, Colds, Bheumatism, &c, but use Coleman and Bon's Euoslypte Extract, which is the best Medioine the world has ever produced. It is one of Nature's greateat gifts to mankind. Fevers of allkindßare banished by ita use. It is the pnrest and best and strongest extraot in the market. Ask your ohemut or grocer for it, W. J; ALEXANDER 142, Cashel street, Wholesale Agent. 642 STOP THE EXHIBITION OF SO MANY QUACK MEDICINES for the Cure ot all Evils, as most of them are nothing elao but disguised turpentine, SLESIKGEB'S BHEUMATIC BALSAM laths only Genuine and Soientiflo Preparation for the Cure of Gout, Bheumatism, Soiatioa. 4to. Thou* Bands have testified to the ourea efleotod. (3e« pamphlets.) SLESINGEB'B HOB9E, CATTLE, and DOG MEDICINES are approved of by all Owners • ! Horses, Cattle, and Dogs all through New Zealand and Australian Colonies, Every person who used them was pleased, and not a single complaint made these forty years. SOLD BY J. S. COOKE, Chemist, Cashel street; C. B. HOWELL, Saddler, Cashel street KINCAID, G.LC. C W. PD2BIE. Farr er, 'Cashelstreetf W. H, TBAVIS, Saddler, StAsaph street WALLACE & CO., Chemists, Highstreeb AllofChristohurolu S. SLESINGEE VETEBINABY SUBGEON. DUNEDIN EEMALE PILLS. NEYER_FAIL. MRS DR STUART'S. Bold Everywhere; 2s fid per box; post, 2s 94, Wholesale Agents, N.Z. Drug Companyi KEDICAL EXPXBTI ' trTMrtys wa YaanF Fnfcßs gruUsrta Melbwrna! ; AeCTlyLtnßyQujaifledllaaAamttatsA. , IN HBEVOUS AFFBOTIONSI IN THE DISEASES OF YOUTH!! Itf THB DISEASES AJHD DiajLMILXXXaM O ]f KittRTEO LITSIU •unltatiensPT Letter DaQy fhtcagkont aS As Ooloniaal •dloinsa (approprUtely paekeA forward** aflj through w« ColoßiM «ad ladia. Db li* L« Smith, uu^ *o. fto. \ 41, COLLINS STBBJa; MELBOtTENE. Consultatfoni by Letter, Fe« «tl Personal Conaultationa, £1 la. (ißoluding Twa Daya* MedfaiiassJ Beparats WaiHig and Contulfctn* Boeaaato* l Ladies and Gentlsnuuu '>. DIl L. L. SMITH, 41, COLLINS STREET, MiLßOtrciN*, ate Besidenoe of His EzeaUen«y th» Govctmc^ Correspondence answered by return of Poafc T**i«ro maif exod ia Gtnaaa. Fwach, ht, j ■ ■ /

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 7037, 17 December 1890, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7037, 17 December 1890, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7037, 17 December 1890, Page 4