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Business Notices : ~ttj E bog to announco the arrival of our WINTEK SHIPMENTS, Bi S.S. DORIC, TAINUI, GKUTA, &c, Conai6tiu|{ of NEW DRESS MA.TEEIALS, TRIMMED AISD UNTEIMMED MILLINERY, MILLINERY MATERIALS, RIBBONS, HOSIERY, MANCHESTER GOODS, FURS, MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, And a full assor'in'fr.t of eoods suitable for th coming winter seuson; As wo have special facilities of importing from Home, bailiff r-.-preeonted by Mr Arrastronir, Ben., p.ud being ereinptisd from the enormous central shop rents of clhristclmrcb, we contidt-ntly promise the best valuo in tho city for hII clasata ot general drapery and men's and boys' clotbiug. Special Lino-100 Ladies' Ulsters. 10s 6d, 15s, 19b 6d. '2Ss. ICO Jliiidr," Uistecs, 4u tid, 6a 6d, 8i Cd, all nt one-third discount. 2CO Trimmed Hatu, lateßt London models, 5s CJ, 8a tid, 10s 6d, Us 6d. 85 Picce3 I'hm-uel, 7^d to Is Gd. 20 Pieces CaEhmero, from 7s 6d ihe dress. Homespuns and Twaeds, from 5b Gd to 14s 6d tho ttruss Depob for Kaiajoi Manufactures. Alai'vellous Yulue. Gents' Suits, latest Btyle, to order, 50a. Specinlity Line of Full-trimmed Dr^BEo3, latest fuahiou, made to ordor, compldte, 2oa. ; Kindly call and inspect materials. THE PEOPLE'S DRAPERS. T. ABMSTRONG AND CO., No. 1 Depot— COENEB HIGH HTuEET AND FEERY UOAD. No. 2 Depot— MABEET TLACE, COLOMBO STESET. •rrada. Cash ailT-irtisoicanta rmder this head, not atoeadinx fpurteon wordg, will be ohorired SIXPENCE. ARRIVED to-day, ex Wairarapa, Stewart Island Oysters, 3d per dozen, 6J opened. Crawford's, Canterbury street. COMB nnd takoawav Sale, Clothing. Umbrellas, Hats, Boots, boya' Bnili.?. N.Z, Tweed u'ompany, Uißhstraßt. 2437 /p) KWAT Realisation S-ala-Cl'.thing, Shirts, Boys' t-nits, lioots, unheard of baigains. N.Z. Tweed Company, High street. 2iS7 MUST Cloar Out in 6ix weeks, Clothing, Shirts, Hlnnkdta, Uoots. N,Z. Tweed Company. High street. 2487 TpiXPtRATrON <,f Leaeo — Great Realisation JOi Sale, Clotlunir. Overcoam, | !iutOßlleß, Ho)to. N.Z. Twjed Company, High street. 2187 fB^HE J. ftnrlerson'a Bo.nVrnpt Stock is 5 poin I.'1 .' on this day, consisting of Wntchea, Gold Chaino, Rings, • locus, Jowellory, Spuctnclea, &2. Good" almost given a nay. a. Clarke aud Co . US, Colombostieot. 2579 TAILORING nt economic chimres; choice solection Tweeds and Coatings. Blnclr, Benttie and Co, 3203 WANTED Known — For Uressintr nnd Tea Gowns and Keady-mado Costumes, try Beath and Co.'b. 2951 WANTED, Buyura for Morocco-covered Music Stools; ISs 6d. H. Alkinou'a. Manchester street. 6G65 WANTED, Hnyers for Tapestry Carpets, 13x13,403. ;H. Athinson'e, Manchester Btrertt. 6635 ANTED 1,0 Buy, Second-hand Furnituro, in any quantity ■ host cash prices. J, Bowman. Victoria trout. 7773 WANTED Known— Bnslish Jlubber Wheol Perambulator 3, £i 10s. A. Reed, HiK'n grrnnj;. 1223 WANTi-P Known — beautiful Tapestry Carpnts at la Sid, worth 2a 3dj Speninl value. Beath and Co. 2951 WANTED Known— S'x-Clasp Ki'l Gloves 2a lid. flow Shipment, Beath and Co.'s^ . 2951 W'ANTBO, Purchasers for a splftndid lotof Seoond.harid Furniture. A. Reed, 142 to 146, High Btreet. 2223 WANTED, Everybody to-we Dutoh and Bull's Photographs. Popular prices. 113, Vie torin,s(,r«er. 9!'" WANTBI) Knovfii — That J. I'owiannar.d Son, Auctionn^rs, charga lowest commission for condocting sales. >3 WANTED Knowu— Anrin's St-wo Poiisb ia qnichnr, cleaner and choapar than blackload. Prom all croccrp. 21U8 "ViST"ANTKD Known— That the B?Ht Mauritiua 71 Sugtiv for proKervinsr can be had at the lowest price ; also Urown Browing Sugar, at T. H. Papps', Hiirh Ktreat. 9124 W~~ ANTKD Known— Further reduction in the . price of Roller Flour, Oatmeal, Colonial » Candles, Sago and Tapioca at T. H. Papps', Hiph street. !H3i W-ANTHD Known— Tlint; tho Morris-Tube Ransto, Oddfellows' Hall, Lincoln road, is Open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thutodn.v Evanini?* for mutches or practice. C 377 WANTSD. pernona to save money by baying their Furnitnro from Heed's Furnishing Warohousa, A. RBSd, from 142 to 146, High Btreot. 22^3 WANTED Known— For s.icond-band Furnituro at half the rosfi of new, try Reed's Furnishing Warehouse, High street, from 14-2 to 146. 2223 ANTKD to Purchase, Sacoud-band ture. H. Atkinson's New aud Sooondhand Furuitnro Warohonso, Mnnchoater Btraet.OSS v ■prfANTED Known— That T. H. Papps ha 3 Vw Taken over tho business In tely curried ou by Tnylor, Pappg and Co,, and is sailing cheaper than ovor. , 9421 WAKTMJ, everyone to try our Tea at 2s and compare it with any othar at 2s 4'l, nnd wo know what tho result will bo. T. H. Papps, ;- igh street. 9t24 WANTED Known— High-class ailvfir Rothorhani, Ehrhardt, nnd otlior Englixh I.ever ■Watolio^ liQloiiijiiig to Andersen's bankrupt stork, aronoiv boiugsold at about half-price, by S. Clarkn and Co., 118, Colombo street, ( 2857 WANTED, Workinp'rnnn and others to sco our NioVel Clocltß, 3a Gd ; Alarums, from ss. Rattler Alarums, Pcep.o'day. and othftr 1 classes of good 3 beloneing to Andersau'd binV--1 rupt stock. B. Clarko and Co., ÜB, Colombo street. 2897 l %Wf ANTEI> Known- £0 to £10,000 to London , V s " enOoTsed pToraiasoTy notes, or amy tangible Ecenrity. Applications received daily botwecn ten and one and threo and five o'clock. D. .Strnnnghiin, Manager Ulbtar Loan Company, 22-1, Hereford sttoot. 9770 1 TOTTANTED Kaown— That I have Cleaned and w V Warranted Watches for Four Shillings, Clocks for 2a Cd for the past eight years. My workmanship givin? universal satisfaction, have now the largest repairing trado. R. Kennott, 183 High street, two doors from Barrett's Hotel. Caution 1 Our only shoo is the above, our price 1 " and address beiui; closely imitated. 3597 Lost and Found. LOST, Green Pocket Boolr, nameinoide. Finder kindly return to office of this paper. 2536 T" OST, Gold-rimmed Spp.ctaslos. between Cashol J stroat and Sunnysido. Finder rewarded. 207, Cashol street, 254G I* OST, Gold Watch Pendnnt, with pros«ntation J inscription ou one side and Golf Clubs on other, either in 4.15 p.m. tram car to Snmner on the 7fch, or bnt.ween Ferry road and Memorinl J Homo. Reward at offioa of this pipar. 2542 Board and Residence. CaEhadvert'jwmentn under thishnad.notoxoeailinsr fourteen words, will bo ohArgod SIXPHIT K COMFORTARLB Board and Rpßidonco for one or two gentlemen. 13, Ventnor Villpp, Petorborongh Btreot. 2527 if"i OOD -private Board and ResWonoa. all fnr\Jf nished apartments. Mrs ffoatreo, IS, Prnnmer cqnara. \ 5254 For Sale and To Lot. Csah advertisement!) under this hoad, notaioeodlns fourteen wordE, will bo ohanr,od SIXPBNCE. FOR SAT/E— Chestnut Horse Charlie,' snitable for cxpresß work. Price £5, 157, Victoria street. 2490 SUMNER.— For Sale, new Two-room Cottnen. on Lenoli. £12. Apply Watson's Store. 2599 WANI'KD to Sell. Sprint? Carts, Batchers', Bakers' or Grocers', new or ceaondhind; also. Spring Drays, now or second-hand. E. Jones. Colombo load, Sydonbam. 2127 WANTKD to Sell, Several Sections of Good Land near Now Brighton, in blocks of 5 to 10 Acres ; also Sections sear Belfast, nnd in Grafton street, Ferry road, Cheap, Apply George Bwann. Solicitor. __5130 fTfflO T'ET— A tfurnisbed House, or part of it JL Washhonße, stables, garden, &0., 4c. Apply 104, Colombo street. 2508 m A. NEELEY, D.D.S., (DOCTOR OP DENTAL BtTRGESY), From the Vanderbilt University, U.S.A., 318, High Street, Christchurch. Office Hoars, 8 a.m, to 6 p,m, 6667

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 6847, 8 May 1890, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6847, 8 May 1890, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6847, 8 May 1890, Page 2