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DUNEDIN EXHIBITION. JJ mm num ««» izPACKET TEAS= HAVE BEATEN ALL OTHEE BRANDS, HAYING GAINED FIRST PRIZE -Two-Shilling Tea. FIRST PRIZE— Two-and-Four Tea. FIRST PRIZE— Two-and-Six Tea. •^ «r m v v «v y ' IS" These Teas have been awarded the HIGHEST PRIZE in every instance where they competed. IMPORTED AND PACKED BY WARDELL, BROS, d CO., DTJNEDIN AND CHRISTCHTTRCH.

on the resolution of Mr T. Kincaid, seconded by Mr W. Thomson, it was unanimously resolved — "That the members of the Canterbury Grocers' Association agree to close their respective places of business at bix o'clock every day, including Saturdays, commencing on May 1." A vote of thanks to the Chairman closed the proceedings. Insurance Companies. THE COLONIAL INSURANCE COMPANY Of NEW ZEALAND. FIB IS ANrTIHAEINE. Capital £2,000,000. Effects every description of Fire and Marine Insnrunce at Lowest Current Kates. Being a purely local institution. Claims ar<3 settled with promptitude. CUFF & GEAHAW, .Maunders for Canterbnry, ISI, Lichfleld street, Ohristchur Jh 702 Asrcnts wanted in unrepresented districts. Money. HONEY TO LEND ON APPBOVEIk rUEEHOLD BECUBITT, In bams crom -£?PC*T&to ATcuEßinra <3&€>^J iv «&OOsJ\J> BATES, IZABD k L'JUGHNAN, tolioitors, Hereford street. Chrwtchurah YiCaOnlA jloaN AND DISCOUNT AttKNOY Manchester street, next Queon's Hotel, IS I'BuPAEED to Aovance bums of Money, from £20 upwards, upon Deeds, Mortgages, Bills of Sale. Life Policies, Shares, Bond Warrants, Legacies, Liens on Crops, and other securities at Current rate?. Bills discounted daily and renewals eifecttd All applications are strictly private nud confidential, and as there are no directors, the loan can be negotiated without delay. 751 MONET TO LEND. THE Undersigned hoa for Investment various snuis from £100 to £15,000 at Lowest Hates of Interest on Mortgage of Town, Country, or ■suburban Properties. Boirowerß enn puy off the whole or portion of theroonejs ad-vascfid on giving short notice. Sums under £ICO fot InToßtmenc on reasonable terms. HDWD, E. DEACON, Solicitor. Hereford street Chambers Ohristohurch. CHEiaiOUU^OU BUILDING AND I»ANI> SOCIET? (PEEMANENT). y OAN3 GEANTED IN ANY SUMS For Fixed Periods or on Vonthly Bepayment System, AT CwEKSNT BATE OF INTEREST. J. H. SEAGSB, Secretary, 213, Hereford street, 782 Owofritu tTmon Hank, Cbriatohuroh. TxlE CHEISI'CHUKOU i-'INANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Incorporated under Tub Companies Act, 18S2. CAPITAL ... £50,000. Office: 103, HEREFORD STKKfeST, CHRTSTCRUECH (Opposite the Bank of Now South Wales). nnHIS COMPANY HAS MONET TO LEND JL IN LARGE OK SRIALIi SUMS AT CDB.Ti2NT HATJ3tJ OP INTEREST, Unou Kreolmld Seoui-itius, Daposit of Deeds and Mills of Lading-, Liens upon Wool, Live Stook, Working Plunt, and (Jrowing Crops, or on any other cities of Security. Also, i rude and Approved Bills Discounted ou Easy Terms with JDespato and AlfcolutG tccreny. KOUWRT HißniE, MYwaKor. MONEY TO LEND ON FREEHOLD FAKM LANDS AND HOUSE PROPERTIES. THE MUTUAL BENEFIT . BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY OFCAKTEHBUBr (PERMANENT) TS Prepared to advance Money ar. Lowest Current JL l-'atea of Intercut on FREEHOLD FAuM LANDS and HOUSE PEOPERTIES.'eithor for a FIXKD TKRMor in nionthly repayment a to suit borrowors. No nomuiieKioa charged on lonns, nor fees of any deßcription when properties aro within a renKonablo distance of Christchurch. Applications received and dealt with daily at tho Offices of the Socioty — DUNCAN'S BUILDINGS, 142, OABHEL fcTKRKT. CHKISTCUUKCH. 4528 EJnVAHI) L. WALLACE, secretary. LOAN AND DISCOUNT COMPANY (Bos n, P. 0.). IMPORTANT PUBMC NOTICE, fTnUE aboro Compauy aro now prepared to ADYANGE MONEY IN SUMS FKOM £10 to £10,000, On Personal Security, Bills of Sale, Mortgages, 'levorsionnry /nterest under Wills, or any tangible soaurity of any kind. Having Agonts in Australia aud London, wo aro proparod to make Advauces on Wills a apeoiality. Bills Discounted Daily and Renewals tffeotod. V. HABBIS, Manager. KS-172, LICHFIET.D &TBEET. (Ufitablished JSG4). 3007 Business Notloos. N. A. NEELEY, D.D.8., (DOCTOR OF RENTAL BUBGERY), from the Vnnderbilt University, U.S.A 218, Hi ? li btreot, ChriKiohurch. OiCco Hours, to 6 p.m. . 6567 BIGWOOD AND SMART, IMPOETEES AND MANUFACTUEEES 101, Colombo street. "O AiTS, PU.MPF, -PIPBS and ovory description Afti o£ Uaslitters" and numbers' Hequlsites on Siild. Eeiairs of every Desoxiption done at tbo shortest notice. Our PATKNT HYDUAULIO J' ASIS aro tho beab n the market. Write fcr par. tinolnrs. Toh-phone 3GO. Noarly oppotite Mason StrnthprHund Hob. 210 | -O • BUTT ON, HOUSE DKCOEATOR, &c. BEMCVED.TO 210, CA3HRL STREET, Next "Press" Office. WOOD AND LAURIE, COAL & TIMBER MERCHANTS. . ■XT O W L AN DIN GBALTrC ni'AT S, 2in aud lin, first qsialitv BAKBIiD WIRE 7 No. 8 FENCING "WISE . TO LAND-AMEEICAN CLEA.E PINE. Our conutry eustomnr.) are reminded that we Inyvo Jarfte stucis of flrst-class 'limber at tho Littlo iiires: fetation. WOOD & XAUBIE.

Business Notices. ABCHITECTUBE, DESIQNS for CBTJRCHEB, VILLAS. FABM BUILDINGi and HOUSIiS ot every da. scrip tion are supplied by JAMES GLANVILLE, 127, Manchester street. Builders' Accounts Adjusted. DRESS-CUTTING. MISS KEAIjifG (Agent for tha lendon Scientific Drain . catting Association, Teaoher of Dreßs-cntting, Girls' High School. Christoburch. &o.) HOLDS CI-ASSES DAILY, at 55, Worcester street East. Dressmaking in all its branches. Paper patterns out to measure. Bodice cut and fitted, prioa 3s. SCKAP^ZINC. npHE VERY BEST PEICE GIVEN FOB GOOD CLEAN ZINC? crown imm works. 2802 LYTTELTON. R. M. GRIFFITHS, CUSTOM HOUSE. SHIPfING. INSUBANCE, AND COMMISSION AGENT. Fire and Lifo Insurances effected. Loauß negotiated. Properties valued. Pianos selected for purchasers. HoTtses for isale and to Let; further entries invited. Bents collected. Absentees represented. BOOKS KEPT. AGENT:— Union Printing Office Phoenix Insurance Company Australian Mutual Provident Society. AUCTION SALES CONDUCTED On tho Moat Favourable Terras. Coinmieaions of Every Description Undertaken, and every attention given. Address: 5910 CANTERBUEIf BTREET, LYTTELTON NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC AND ALL VALUED FRIENDS AND SUPPOBTEES JOHN GOODMAN & CO. HAVE Resumed Business At the old Home and well-known Premises, 135, COLOMBO STREET, EE-OPENED ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, ISS9, With an ENTIRELY NEW AND VARIED STOCK : BOOTS ANDISHOES. Ordersaausuil received aud promptly attended to KtPAIBB NEATLY EXECUTED. "Pnocitvuality aucl Doapntjoh" our" MoSCa.S j t T. TAYLOB Esapooifnlly announces that ka baa PURCHASED VHB GROCERY BUSINESS t># MR E. W. MABBIOTT, InG/USHKL BTBEET,.CHRISTCHUBCH, Whioh will still be Condnoted nnder the immediate Supervision of KB MAKBIOTT, as heretofore Alf BNTIBELY NEW STOCK, BOUQH7 ON THE BEST TESMS, That U to eay.Por CASH, onAin Lorgs Lines, To be Offered to tbo Pnblio AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PBOPIT, Consistent with Fair Trading, Will to a guarftntea th»M Purchaser* may obtaix tho Beet POSSIBLE VALUE FOB TOEIB MONET AT THB CASH TEA AND ITALIAN WAREHOUSE, O3?PO8ITE THJB CAFE. T. TAYLOR WILL BTILL CONDUCT HIS BUSINESS 93, COLOMBO STREET, AHD TB> TRIANGLE, HIGH ST. Knesi Snowdrop Sugar, Finest Hauritiua, PreaerviDg Sogasr ■jwkllng Loaf, Yellow Cryatali and Brown Eaw riogar A. 0p«oial Line ot Ceylon Ten, blendod in Ceylon, put np in 51b boxes, lls per box Ilk Tins ot Indian Tea, Calcutta blond, 2s 6d Xiapsaag Souchong, iv Isad-lined .basksta, Blb torl2s6d Patent Holler Flour, Turner*! or Wood's, at redveed ratei Otairo Oatmeal, fr^ah every week CnaiXo'a Exhibition Fiwt Prise H&mi anA Boiled fiaoon Bkeepa' Tongueß, Lamb»' Tongneg, OxTonfuet Boiled Babbit and Potted Meats, new oatoh Salmon, Canoe brand, Cuttings' befit brand K. Bar Fish, Albeifa Gardinea, Kippered Mackerel, finest Ling Fish, small nrkuu Bait Herrings, splendid value Bkip's Limejnice-Montssrrat Limejuioe Lemon Jnico, Ginger Wine, Dandelion Wine 1 lUapberry aud Lemon Syrup, JBnglisli and Colonial Peiilan Sherbet XiSJiKdale'B, Burnett'*, and Crof se and Blaokwell's Essences Kennet, Hanson's, Yisser's, Bamikow 11 * aad Ghristophereon's Patent Cleaned Froits Hew Currants, .Uaißins, and Sultanas, \rubed and dried ready for me by improved maohinery, choice new box Piif* Tmperial French Plums, in 21b and 41b bottfao Priino O\A Cheese, ohoioe dairies ot now cheese, Loaf Choese, 91b to 121 b Vilkstoco *o*p, liaundrine and Savolio ' Chlokwheat, bbarps, ttnn, At nviUws' prio«s American Brooms and Buckets All kinds of Colonial and English Bnunwate, at nuannf aoturerd' prioes Tobacoos— Juno, Navy, Naikod, Twist, Bnby, Gold Bar, aud Sponge Cak« Ifolaon and Calif otnian Hops Blngerbeer and Wine Corks Beet English* Pickling Vinegar Beat Dairies of. Freeh Butter dally, Ooodt DeMT«red In Town or Sabnrbi •very d»T,

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 6829, 17 April 1890, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6829, 17 April 1890, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6829, 17 April 1890, Page 4