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Business Notices VERY SPECIAL BARGAINS. TUSI■"OE C E I V E D. ljCrtsa 4-But'on Tan Kid Gloves, stitched baoka Is lid pair Lisle Olovcg, 61 pair I adi V strong Ribbed Hose, 7d ; Maids', 6d 1 Jtfa.le Strong Twilled Calico, pure make, wide, 4s 3d doz 400 L itsst Fashion Trimmed Hats and Bonnets, half-price TTrmonuted Roses, Is doz Warehousemen's of Superior Sunshades — 12s 6(1 ones for <ls Cd ; bluck satin nnd lace, 25s ones for 8s Gu ; long-handles for 4s lid EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS IN DRESS MATERIAL. At Half-Price-All-Wool Beige. 9J.1 Doublo Cashmeres, la 3d 6.0 Uutrimuied New Straw Hats at half-Drioe— 6d 13,13 63,23 61 c ' Satin Cloth Umbrellas. 1b 6d 10u Knicfcer b'tiirs at is fid up 50 Dozen flleu'« Felt Hutß, 2a Sd, 3a 61, 6s 61 mos'u Super Straw Hats, Is 9d; Cloth Caps, 6d. Wo are dotermined to be THE CHEAPEST DRAPERS IN NEW ZEALAND, SO COME FOE THE BARGAINS. V?o hnve Donb?e Quint i.'.r of Goods this Season, and WE MUST CLiKAE THEM. T. ARMSTRONG AND CO., COKNEB HIGH STREET AND FEEEY EOAD; _^ ALSO, MARKET PLACE. ■.Trade. Cad) aiivortisoniflutsnTifler this head, not Brneodiu? fourteen words, will bo ohanced SIXPSHCT3. ALL Chemists and Grocers Soil Colemane and •""oil's Eucalypti. A- k for circulars. 502 BAI.LANTYNK & (JO. alwnys loud tho fashion in importing His»h Class Dresses, Mantles, and Millinery. St-e tlin windows. Prizes nt Scblesinger's. Goand \j tee them in the window. CHINA -Mattin-.'s, larg« shipment just lindod; also . I. nee" nnd (.luipnro i^ur'nins, Liberty, Mualina and Cretonnes. Ballantvne * Co. MANTLES and Jacket* just opened ex Taiimi. Black, licittie nn-l Co. 1208 MSS E. SMITH, Feather Dresser. Glovos and Hat? Cleaned. Hats dyad, 159, Armaeh rttraeteast. 6763 f\ t ■ D SORKS, Bad Breasts, Bad Legs, Skin \JP Diseases, completely cured with Uolomane and 'Oil's Eucalypti Victory Ointment. 5C2, TOST, Hundreds of Sore Thijoais and Colds b/ J using Columano'a Eucalypti H:uey and I.oz •n««'fi. 502 fiRKE GIFTST^C: Lnito"n7Draper7223, Ciishol street, is giving away Handsome Preheats to nil who spend 5a an-1 upwards, equal to 2b in every pound spent. 613 TAYLOR, PAPPS 4; CO. Dissolution of Partnership. For Salp. Two Lame Plato Gl.iss Mirrors, Bft 6iu by 3ft 6in and 7ft by 2ft Oin. Will ba sold hulf noat. 4451 TAYLOR, PAPP.S & CO. Dissolution of Partnership. For Two argo Plate Olain Mirror*. Sft Cm by 3ft 6in and 7ft by 2ft Sin Will be sold half cost. 4461 mATLOE, PaPPS & CO. Dissolution of JL Partnership. For S:i>. Tn-o Lnr.-e P'nta Ola** Mirrors, Sf 1 6in by 3ft Gin and 7ft by 2£t Oin. Will be sold half cost. 4461 FOITND, a Certain Cure for Rbeumatiem, Diphtheria, Kronchitis, Asthma. Colds, *c., hy usiug Coleuiane and Son's Eucalypti Oil. 502 LADfEß'.Tncketo, Newest GoodsT^t 9? Cd, 10s 6d, 12s 6d up, ex Taiuui. Blaok, Beattio nud C°.« 1203 WOTrCK to Bnilders and Contractors. — S VtCTOE, Glazier. Paperhnn?er, and .Pnintor, is now prepared to do P.-iininef and GlaKing from 3Jd per foot, Pap-»rharffin?s at 4d i-er pine- 1 , and other work at equally low rntns. 130, Gloucester stront. WANTKD, Huyers for Portnnnteaux! H. Atkinson's, Manehestarstreet. 6G35 WANTED Known— ■Purnituro Bouxht, best prices, by J. Hovrimn, Victoria ttreet. 73 WA«TKD Known— sooo yards Dross Fnbnc3; Most Beautiful Goods ever shown at Ar«yle House. Beath and Co. 2751 WANTED Known— Millinory, Pnria Models, just opened, Bonth and Co. 2751 W ■ANTED. Buyers for Iron 'I riivnllh-g Trunks. li. Atkinson's, Manchester street. 03.15 WANTI2D to Buy. Seoond-hnud Fnrnituro, in any quantity; best cash prices. J, Bowman. Victoria street. 7773 G^J CASKS Mew Goods just opened out ex £d 4 Tainui. Black, Ueattio aud 00. 120S mAYLOE. PAPPa"t"ca Di fis olution of JL Partnership. luimen'e Eoductiona. 4161 WANI 1 . [> Known— Two Casos Musliu and Zophyr liobos, now Btyles and very chiice. (Jr. li, Beath and Co. 2751 WTANTED Known —50 Casos Eibbons, Flowers, Feather*. Straw Goods, &c, refreshingly new, ex Aorantfi, &o. G. L. Beath «n<l On. o-jj "ANTKD Known— Knzlish itnbbor W'Ebbl Perambulators, £i 10s. A. Kead. Higli B'rfrtt. ]._( 2 : "r^STANTED to Sail, Spl.mdid Firewood, 15s a \ V cord. Apply T. Calvort, ironmonprnr. Colombo streot, 4733 WILLIAMS' Juno Tobncoo 4» lOd per Ib. White Sago 21, Brown Sago ljd. Taylor, Papps and Co. 443 ILL! A MS' Juno Tobacco 4s lOd per Ib White Snfo 2d, Brown ?ngo ltd; TayV.r. Papp3 and Co. 4^61 \I\T ANTED Known— J. Spilor Ims I'.emoved to V V Oxford Terroo^ West, close to Cashel street bridge. Midgets, 2s 6d par dozen. 5781 W "ANTED— Proud Mothers of Protty Babies to call and inspect our stock of Periitnbulators, A. Reed, from I*2, to 1 16, Hip h street. SS23 W "ANTED Known— Wardell Bros, and Co. have reduced the price of Wood'u Imperial Roller Flour. W "ANTED, Everybody tosee Dutch and Bull's Photographs. Popular prices. 113, Victona street. . w; %jir ANTED Known— Spectacles to suit all YT sights. Is; Piibbles, 6s 6d por pair. Tho Kxcelaior 181, Lower Hieh atreet. W "ANTED Known that tho cheapest route to Akaroa is via Pigeon Bay. lJeturn fares, coaoh and steamer, 12s. Any enquiries anßweret it Warner's Hotel. £oijs WANTED Known— Pure New Milk and Cream delivered twice daily to any part nf town. H. Gninafcrd and Bon, Christchurch Dairy. Cashol Btreot. 677.^ Board and Residence. -aehadvertisoments under this head, notoxoeodsuv fGurteen words, will be ohargod SIXPENCE LADT desires to Adopt Baby Boy. Write particulars aud address to Mrs Edmonds, 'Star" Office. 8151 pvUIET, central, Quarters two or three Youn? \y. Ladies in business ; no others. Moderate erins. lzion, "Star" Office. 8150 OXFOBD HO7«K— Board and Beßidence. Beasonable terms; single rooms, Faniiiies ccomuaoiiated, 37, Madras street, near the Hail, ray Station. 6701 r7r7"ANTED, two respectable Young Men VV Boardors; private rooms. Apply for infoifmtion at J. A. Redpath'fl, East belt. 8148 ffTITTANTJeD, Gentleman in private fomilv: VV Btablin? and paddock if required. Apply, 'endalton. Poet Office, Chriitchurch. 8155 for Sale and To Let. asb advertisements under this head, notaxoaodin* foorwen words, will ba ohax?ed SIXPBNCB. EO LET, cheap, House six raoms, 22*. Gloucester street West. Apply Ollivier and rrierson, Hereford Btreet. 6372 rTrT-AN'I'KD, to Lot. 6-roomed House, garden, VV md out-bnildxngsj paddock if required, pply H. Hoffe, Addington. 8134 rO LET, comfortable Cottages, 5s 6d per week. Apply. 18, Stewart street, off Bt Asaph ;reet W<at. 8154 ' rTTT-ANTED to Let— Centre of towu. good ' \ V Easiness, no goodwill ; stock and fittings 1 b valuation, on terms ; this is a rare chance for , lan with small capital. For sale, good Hotel, 34 ] joins, with about 35 acres land, in good and " iriving district; this is without a doubt a bar- \ lin ; very M" 8 capital required. 8-roomed House 3 nd Shop. l- ac , r o^ ft land » 1 nice Burden, every conve. , ience, prica £300 on terms. To let, or for sale, laoksmith'B Business and Grocery, doing a first- 1 lass trade, no Rcodwill, B tock at valnation, or for lie cheap, » nd °\ vef y «a"y terms. I have a few ac and two-acre Sections for sale near town, cheap 1 id very e»*y terms, very suitable for gardeners. 4 lso, several cheap Bouses and Sections in New ' righton an* all pnrts of the tewn. Porfnllpar- i cularfl. WP 1 ? to . w - Stonyer, 185, Morten's BuiM- 1 ige, Heretord atreet. 7785

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 6714, 29 November 1889, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6714, 29 November 1889, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6714, 29 November 1889, Page 2