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Business Notices GREAT BARGAINS PREVIOUS TO ' Stock-Taking. 46 Pieces French Twill Flannel, new colours, la Old yard 500 Gross Drees Bnttons. 2d card of three dozen 1 Bale Grey Calico, 3lin wiae, 2a lid dozan 1 Bale Pure Twilled G ey, 4-* 6d dozen 3 Kales White, from 3a 6d dozen 30 Boxes Bupar Flowera, Blitfhtly crushed in packing. Si spray Lsdies* and Girls' Bibbed Hose, 6d pair Out Own Make of Hose, su^er wool, to order,' much reduced Onr Own Make Gentlemen's Socks, donl>l<» toes and heels, bast wool, • everlasting," Is 6d THE REMAINDER OF OU3 FRENCH MILLINERY. ' 19s 6d Hats for 7s 6d ; 15a Bonnets for 4s 114 : SCO v arda Mr>v6 Antiqu--, l«4i yard S< 0 Ta^da Striped Sutin, Is fid Floorcloth, Syardswido, lo lid; lyard, lsj jyaia, d 2000 Yards Dross Wttteriilsi, half-prico Our Own Make of Gentlemen's Fashionable Felt Batß, instwttd of 10a 6d, will ha sold at 7fl 6d Coloured I'aianslc Tat>l« Covers, 13 lid Chi 1z f'ea C'leies l>-s*d Ladies' New Tweed, froah supply, super. Is 100 Pairs Thick Dork Ksiapoi Tweed Trousers, 9s 3d pair SO Doz^n Mrtu'a Merino SocVs, sid Twill Sheeting, wbit^ opg^rey, double width, Q\i Women's Corsets, la pair. ALL SURPLUS STOCK MUST BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY, IEEESPECTIVE OF COST, AND THE Best Value in the City WILL EX GIVEN. T. ARMSTRONG AND CO., MAEKET PLACE AND HIGH STEEET. Trade, Cert: advertisements trader this haad, notexoaaaing fourteen words, will be charged SIXPENCE, "OATXANTTNE'S Juvenile Clothin* has J£j> reached a standard of excellence for qna'.ity, style, and finiah rarely to be met with. BAIiI.ANTYNE'S Boy's and Youth's Clotbin? made from bast Colonial TwobcU will compare favourably witb. bospoke garments. OALLANTYNfc'S Mackintoshes, best make*, g.3 owin? to tho dry eeaVon will be sold at rednoed price. 1 ?. _____ FOE SAIjP, Ladies' 15-carat Gold Albert, original cost £7 ; pric, .£2 15i; silver Rotberham Lever, cost £6; price £8 7a6d:' Silver Lever (Stewart iiftwiouf, oust £5 sa; price, £2 53. «. Clnrke and Co.. US, Colombo strowt. 8297 WOT^C B to Builders and Contractors. — 6 VICTOB, Glazier, Paperhantfer, and I'ointar, is now prepared to do Priming and G-lazi' g from SJd per foot, Paparhaiigiiiga ot -Yd ler pice*, aad other work at equally low rat»s. 130, Gloucester street. SJS9 SHEEP.^HBASS, every brand to select from; aleo a lar-re stock of 'Ihirlrev Stonea. T. W. Calvert. lionmouger, 147, Colombo att-eot; 331 ' WANTED to Purchase, Bocond-h and Furniture. H. Atkinson's Now ami Seuoudhaud Furniture WareLoaae, Alanchester etreet.svis WANTKD, Purcbasers of every description of Household Pu nitare ; orteap for caslu A. Keed, 112, \IA, and 143 Hi^rh street. 1i23 WANTED Known— Pure Now Milk and Cream, dolivered twioa da 1 jto anypart of town. U, liiuuaford and ton, Cariitchurcli Uairy, Cashel street. 6772 WA.NTKD Known— l Case Willow Hata, 9id P. Gabites, Victoria streat. WANTED Kuown— f.OOOyarda Dreß3 Fabrics; Most Beau lif v: Gooilb ever shown at Ar^yle House. Buath aud <Jo. £751 WANTED Known— Sfillinnry, Paris JTodels, just opened. Beath and Co. 2751 WAN r KD Known — Two Cases Muslin and Zephy >obea, new styles and very ebz/iee. {*. h. Beath and Co. ' 2751 'ANTED Known —50 Cases Bibbonu, Fiowera, Peat/her^, Stray Goods, &c, refresliingly now, ex Aorangi, &a. Q. It. Beath <>nd Co. 2751 AN 'ED Known— Children's Hats, 61d; Minabndes, Cream anU White Masiin, P. Ciabitos, Victoria street. WANTED Known— Emrlisb. Bnbber Wheel Perambulatora, £i 10*. A. EeeJ, High street. . lii 23 WAUTvD Known-New Spring Drapery, Zepbyrß, Prints, htriped Dress Gooos. F. Gihitea, Victoria, street. i WANTED Known — Hpe^tocles to suit all eights, Is; Pebbles, 6a 6d per pair. Tho kxcelsior 181, Lower High street. WANTED Known— New Goods, ex Aorangi. Flowew, Gloves, Hosiery, Prints, t". Gabitea, Vicioria street. W'ANTKD Known— New .Sprii;^ Prnpery. ('a«e Straw Hats, ex Aorangi. F GabitcS, Victoria Btteet. W "ANTED Known— New feprinst Drapary, laberfcy Sils, Striped Dresa Materials. i\Gabites, Victoria street. WANTED Known — First Shipment lindies* Straw Hats, 6ii to.Sd lid. P. Gabitea, Viotoria Rire^t. *S,rANTfiD Kn->wn — Now Spring Drapery. y V 1 Uaue Willow iiata, 9^d. F. Qabites. Victoria street. W-ANTKD to Sell, Rplnndid Firewood, 15s a cord, .apply T. Caivert, Ironmonger. Colombo street. 4733 WAKTED Known— That Mrs Ganlt, Dressmaker, hasreniovtd to ZO, Cashel ut^ee* East 5747 T5 * /"ANTICD Known— Now Spring Drapery, ex VV Aorarei. Zephyrs, Prints, Stripes. E l . Gabites, Victoria street. WANTED Known— J. Spiler has Eemoved to Oxford Terraod West, clobs to Canhel street bridge. Midgets, 2a 6d por dozen. 5784 WANTBI> Know— Now Bprinir Drapery, Print', Ureases. Flowers, Eibbons. F. Gabites', Victoria street. WANTED Known — Furniture bongbt from persons jeavinc bristohurcb; bestprices given by J. Bowman. Vicoria street. 6Z49 WANTKD— Prond Mothers of Pretty Babies to call and Inspect our stook of Per»mbulators. A. Heed, from l*i, to 146. High street. U23 WANTED Known— New Sprinß Drapery. Case >-traw He.ta, m to 83 lid. P. Gabitds, Victoria street. WANTED Known— Special Shipment Children's Ulsters, 4s lid; Tunics, Is 3d. P. Gabites, Viotoria streot. "r7V7"ANTED Known— Wardell Bros, and Co. y V have reduced the price of V/ood'a Imperial Boiler Plour. WANTED Known— N^w flprinir Drapery, Dr«ss Goods, Sunshades, Coreeta. F. Galiires, Viotoria gtroat. W' ANTED Known— l ewsey, Light and Company (lite with Taylor and Papp-) is the Best and Cheapest House for Groceries. IS9, High street (opposite Scotch Stores) and Colombo road, Bydenham. WANTKD, Everyone to give onr Two Shilling Tea One Trial. Leweey, Light and Company. - ' .." .■.--• . WANTED Known— We huve Reduced th« Price of v «arpß la per bushel. Bran l)d per bnshel. Chickwheit Ss per bushel. Lewsey, light and Co. WANTED Known- Our Two PJiillini? Tea is, beyond doubt, the Best to be bad at the price- iewsay, Light and Company. WANTED Known— We have Reduced the Price of Flour. Ask our price. Laweey, Xight and Company. WANTED Known — Bn«ar at old pricea. Lewsey, L ight and Company. WANTED, Buyers for English-m^de Perambulators, Indiarubbt>r tirei«, reversiblo hoods, with aprona. Price, £2 16a. H. Atkinson's Furniture w arehouae, Manchester street, cornor i of Tnam street. §835 ANTED Known- Wardell Bros, and Co. 'have rednced the Price of Soap, Canrlea.' Oatmeal, Kerosene, &0., &c. Auk for Almond scented " Silkstono" oap. 8917 ■vrjsrr ANTED Known—Wardell Bros, and Co. V V have reduced the Price of Soap, Candles, Oatmeal, Kerosene, Ac, &c. Ask for Almondscented " ■* ilkstone" Soap. 8917 "VTSTANTiSD, Buy.rß for Fnll-size Wire-wove yy itattresses, 255. H. Atkin3on'a, Manchester street. 6635 WANTED Known-Pora N^w Milk and Croam delivered twice daily to any part nf town. B. Gainsford and Bon, Christeharch Dairy, Caehel streets ' 0773 ' 'inST AN ' TV '' D H'nown — Great Boinction In V V lonr - Before bnyinij ask the prico of ■r. -W. Turners patent Holler flour »t Thos. Tuylor'a, 93. Colombo street, and Triangle, Bijrh stre"^ t>lM s SKTAM-ijbii Known- Jou can bny «orcwh W ' r^°°rs PiVfood'n pitont Boiler il^ur, in 25. «>. 100 or 200! b Saclcs: che»P« ** J2jSt Taylbr'.s thna anywb ere else, 93, Colombo Btreet.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 6654, 20 September 1889, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6654, 20 September 1889, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6654, 20 September 1889, Page 2