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Buainoas MotiOQS. t -— — ■— -ry\ — j^ WANTED KNOWN— THAT AJ-THOUGH \ TAYLOR, PAPPS '-.& CO.,"V PLACES OE BUSINT3SS, AISTD THE SAME FNIEOBM PEICES? 'WlfiL BK'Gl__k_l-__a)-A.T! EACH. ESTABLISHMENT AS. AT MAI_-VJ)EEOT. , k -»«. "B°* - 1 * 195 AND 19*7, HIGH STEEET, 7, TELEij?SollElSk^mlSm<ymh(tr^^ i No.. 2. Ifiy AKD 159, LOWEE -HIGH-STEEET3 OOBNEB OP TUAM STEUBT, \ WHOEESAIE. WABEHOUSES AND :___C__lN(£BOO__B. X -. \ No. 3. 65, VTCTOEIA STEEET (Late. Stiianaghan),. NO.-323-, T_is--3_-_clrvrill be of great convenience to the Beaidents-of thOiN_irt_-of , Chriatohnrch.. Ordera**Collect_d-t_id Delivered _or.Ee-rf_alton,JE-pa_t-i- and-Sfc Aßians.^ , Na 4. EOAD7 SY-.ENHAM, OPPOST-EvCLUB HOTEL. TEEEPHONE No. 334. Goods deUvered Daily at Addington,^ Sydenham., and nttrrounding Districts. NO.~s_— A VAN WILL LEAVE THIS SHOP EVEfiY IHOEN-NG, - For tho of goods at Woolston, Opxwa, and Burrounding Neighbourhood. The -Great Advantago of having a Shop, in the immediate. neighbcmxhood,.wher&every.'a_ticlß3aay| he*p*_rcl-_.edof the beat quality at the LOWEST CASH PEICE, rNo-doribtrwill b^ appreciated by the Eesidents of the Several Districts, and -we haveevery-oonfidenee^ >that the necesaaxy support, whioh wehave always fonnd forthcoming, will be stffl. fur (liar- extended in -appreciation of our liberal poll cy-o£ capital and enterprise. Indents executed upon the moat reaßonable tterms. In DirectCommunicationwith the. principal London and New Yo*_l_ firms. / To keep pace with the Spirit of the Times, we have had fora considerablo period pastan object in view, whioh, when carri-d out, should place us in a position far away in advance of other retail firms in the city t— ' ~ . .-•■ To Jmportour-Gooda direot^aml by so doing save the local merchant's proflt, and thurpntjiOT customers in the position of being able to buy at Wholesale Prices, has been our long andateadfaat aim, and a result in which we have used our best endoavoura to attain. So that now we are only too pleased to inform our customers tbat we havo succeeded almost beyond our expectations. Of course, to accompli-- our purpose meant a considerablo increase of Capital to enable ns to clear' large lines, abso a large turn-over, to quiokly dispose of such when bought. To meet the first difficulty, we have formed ourselves into a powerful bona fide Company^and, secondly, we havo surrounded the City with five separate Branch. Establishments, so thatoar__ade is doable and treble in advance of any otuer rotail firm. „_, But, for all this, to-enaure quick andapeedy clearances, "wo-^vrerprepared to meet large'oayers* with 3PBC__--qua_atian6. of <£sp9^ And'upwards, will be subject to a I fuBER&L Tf_&DE PlSCQUaßli\|g)l At the same time, Customers will hsve the aatiaf aotion of knowing that every article, however smaU, will be sold at theJoweat possible price. Others, no doubt, will endeavour to sella few lines as cheap as us, evenif thay -make a loss by so doing, but in most items our pricea will be found much LOWEE THAN ANT OTHEE PlEit. ......,- Arrowroot, in 71b thw. 41 per lb Korosene. 150 teat, lis 9d per case Blue, Colman's Thumb, 4s 3d per 121 b Navy Plug Tobacco, -is 3d per lb , .„„ t „-, Blacklead, Crane's. -a 3d per gross German Par»_Ene Candlaa, by the box of 251b,.7jtt Condensed __Uk,_nilcmaid, 7a per doz tins "' perlb Tapioca, and Sago, finest whito, 2s 9d per 121 b Globe Wax, 7_d per lb . New Prunes, very fine, 4a 9d per 121 b National and Battersea Wax, Bd"per lb Safety Matches, guaranteed quality, 2s 'Cd per 12 Electric, 4d per lb packets New Jam, 4s 9d per doz New Currants. Ss 3d per 121 b Marmalade, Kei-ler's, 7s per-doz New Baisins, 5s 3d per 121 bDo Moir's, 5s 3d per doz New Seasonus Tea, extra value in half-ohests, £2 5s Golden Syrup, 21b tins, 6s 9d pertloz each 1 Do 561 b tina, 10a 6d per tin Do do do _o_es,__om 9s 6d I __ne_tCo_:ee, ground on the premi_es^ls4dp__lb each I Affrreiwre some J"iffcy Tons ofTTurnar's and Wood's Flour, bought before the rise tookplaoe, we-ahall stiU seU at old prices, viz., 251 b, 2s 4d ; SOlb. 4a 7d ; 1001 b. 9s Id. A'complete Price List for-the present month sent freo bypost to any given-addreas. FIEE ! ! ! FIRE! ! ! FIEE ! ! ! HOBDAY & CO., BEG-to Thank -the Public for their numerous expressions of goodwill and sympathy- re their, recent HEAVY LOSS by FIEE at WATERLOO HOUSE. ABEANOE-rENTS HAVE BEEN arADW TO IMMEDIATELY EE-EEECT THE PEEMISES In more convenient, attractivo, and suitable for their Clients, Meantime the Firm have „_„ __ TEMPOBAEILY TAKEN THIS PEEMISES LATELY OCCUPIED BY' MESSES TWENTYMAN AND COUSIN, AT CASHEL STEEET WBST, And will there OFFEE the SALVAGE STOOK FEOM THE LATE EI&Eo Also, a LAUGE SHIPMENT OP GENEEAL DEAPEEY, Just to hand, ex Dorio and Tongariro. The Firm 'will conduct their Busineas at above Premises until completion- of New-'BuilarogE, tmd-Tftiloring, Dressmaking, and MQlineryOrders wiH be eseoutodna usual. OPENING DAY: SATUBDAY, OCT. 13. __SEO_O-O>A-3r *&s 00, Boeinecß Nottccs. Business Hotices. ' " i D^«h- , £1 FOB A BOTTLE OF PICKLES. • i__L ACHILLA N, . j^j^ atjq-dst"^ -Matthews and Co/s HOUSE DECOBATOB, j___ SAVOY PICKLES can be obtainedfrom all Has -EEMOVED from Colombo streat^to'™ G , roo | r ll- ad Storekeopers. A Coupon for £1 is __>.__ii_vi-i/ uuu * ___j__ji» ___>_«,^ Wr _ placed between the capsule and cork of one of the 133, M-D-hester -treat, bottles in every 20 cases. Have no others. (Opposite Barrett's Hotel.) .88 °ne *°™* too Btetafc 0 ' *** ST* n-nT7-Bri-vTTT» MATTHEWS k CO^ • __>• oEYJJ-LQUJI*L 2436 St Asaph Btreet. Ch-istohurch. SDEOEON DENTIST, 3^j : ' BEINO -J3OW Established m his now Premises, €__T» Ja.. Jv S E E E I E. 215, C0L0M80 STEEET, * I,™, T n,,, T ™ Inaugurates the fact byoonsid-rable and extenßive' PEACTICAL TAILOE, Bednotionof Feea in all branches of Dentistry. > in New Zealand overtwenty-sixyears) Mr Seymour reoneats all who require a dentist's Having at all times been accredited for first--sexvices to consult him as to ees, terms,. ko, r ko. olass Workmanship and Beasonable Prices, Consultation free. _ cannot be surpassed in Christchuroh at his Thegreateatcarais bestowed or_any case, so as Ecdnc.d Bates. .to-fl-Juretha maximum of success. Good Suits from £3 3s _«_.-«■ 815. COLOMBO STBEET. Trousers and Vests trom 30s. (3D_e_tfew.Bn_l__ilgan-«r comer of Qloucesiier , WOEK AND FIX GUAEANTEED. street). 7063 "ifoterthe Address— , i— ;i^ 118, COLOMBO STEEET SOOTH, r (Near Mason, Struthers k Co.) 1079---{JOHN WALLER*Co, Geo.. T. Hippie ■HMBEB AHD OOAL MEBOHANTS, SHABEBBOKEB, | 178 St HBO, lvii sraaar *&*> i RAILWAY aiDIHa. WXNDMUJ. BOAD G™™^ COMMISSION AGENT. j — n - Temple Chambers, | KanriFUt(Ae-.-_S-!^u_th 9 « l d g i.-, 202, Hereford street, Chriatohnrch. j Banxißoughand Dressed X_mh«, Sidrtings, ''jßanfcinsnranse, and Mining Shares Bought and i^oT^^^fSoot^o^ s «*% Mincer sh w, cover ready for immediate uso "*' __—_____- j Bed Pine, White Pine, Totara, BtackPiiu , , Baltic Deals, Jarrah, vaxioass-zes I "White Pine Flooring, Lining -and . _i_!__^f^™f*S^2^^SN_ i I ttioroughlyseasoned __S2KS_-___Bafa^*SsaaL'^^Sft»_. * 1 VjJJi. Timber, ShinglesandPaliaga _4__^s£^*^""^^^^^_l^-5l -- Plasterera'Latiitf and Hair _ffli_sr 1 Cement (BMght, Bevan, anttSSMgearj jKsShaKT POR JA\ Doora, Saahea^JCauri Shinglea, PwtotsJfa, ffjmf/ sr iTCMP-K* _^OS& BuMera*-I_»nin<»ge_y^_xon.Lead,«o^_6o^4a, , ingggf ■ Best aorea-aiJfewoiwtle an*'Coaibrooiß__l9v f[S[^^L^^^^^^ ' W^ J««ert__*ee t --o_a9^ou»DH»««<»'»** i » 3 *s('l I\^\ (^"ocrltTFo liMfl \ . * - S-J^PUglTY^y^^ : JAMES LOGIE, ' . PEACTICAL BOOT AND SHOEMAKEB, , H'XffnSiQ had m__yye_ra* r -e_perienoe»in the? * Bespoke Trade,__t enabled to Chi^rantee ai- i "Perfect-FiE ta-all who entru-t their Orders to ' • jhim. . _ .' -Bit-VJ-HY Household Singing with Joy^.becanßßf Qentlamen's Biding, Shooting, .and Fjshing- gi A '^sTE EEGIIT_J__» PATENT SECF-. Boots of thOTSiy beat quality, and in the most acT-NO CINDE-. SIPTEE AND FUEL 'approved styles. Ladies' and C__ldren'sHoota_,ud . ECONOMISEE" has come into the iuarket-ind. Shoes-ofall kinds made to measure. ' , -canifrhadat t_e leading ironmong_rseveryi*sir_7 Beady-made Boots and Shoes, of the best makers, ~™ ■ in Stock, at prices tlurtwill compare favourably^ it is rem_rli_,b'e for its simplicity; gives no .•withany house in tbemty. " Troublej Make 3 noDust ria Soll^Acting ; Pays-its Bepaira of all kintaa>EPMnptly.--ascated. Cost in a Month in saving every par-Mole of fuel; UoteAddress JAMES LOGIE, : and gives the __g_usst_ati-fßctionto both Mistress i -And Maid, l^oiioe; :_snßei*i__,v.«stei

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 6377, 24 October 1888, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6377, 24 October 1888, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6377, 24 October 1888, Page 1