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Business Notices. S. NASHELSKI, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL IEONMONGEB AND GENEBAL IMPOBTEB, 217, Hiaa Stb-ske aso 129, HsßEroso Stbkbt, chbistchubch; •yrrAs in stock, and to abbive, A LABGE A*J> COMFLi-iIE ASSORTMENT Off ENGLISH, AMERICAN, ABO CONTINENTAL HABDWABE., Inallita Branches, aui AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PBICES, ' Cement, Blaok and Galvanised Sheet Iron Galvanised Corrugated Irom Galvanised and Patent Lead-beaded Naila Pig and Sheet Lead, Copper Ingots and Tabes Brass and Copper Sheets Windmills, . ams. Pumps Galvanised and Black Pipes and Fittings Coachbuilders' Woodware, Axles, Springs, and Materials Glass, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, and Paperhangines Fenoing Wire l-Blaek aud Galvanised) PiaSi Mid Barbed, standards and Staples, Win and Sheep Netting Agricultural Implements Spades, Shovels and Forks ot all kinda > Safes, Weighing Machines, Scales, spring Balances I A Splendid Assortment of Local, English, and Scotch Banges, Amerioan and Sootoh Stoves, Begister Grates Marble and Slate Mantelpieces, Tilea for Hearths Fenders and Fireirona Mangles, Washing Machineß, and Wringers Lampware, Brushware, Tinware, and General Furnishing Goods. SPECIALITIES Hectro-plated Ware, Cutlory, Cheaven's Filtera Hitohcock's Lampa— Table, Bracket, and Hanging —at Keduced Prices v "" Colonial Barbed Wire, at £10 per toa sasssg «ssr s°oa. 2iafo<a9 COFFEE. GILLESPIE'S ELEPHANT BBAND OOITEI MAft lung Dt>oU fouu^iuaotx as iu>a moat * .uMtu* Breakfast Bevorage, it being deUoiooi ia ir and thoroughly wholesome. Sold by moat Geoees ln 1,!. «, 7. If, end Mb Uu,* AVB WHOLBBALB BY ALL MHSOHANTS 6*o*l XHE HILLi, High -treat ASK YOUE GEOCEE ron MATTHEWS k CO.'S CELEBEATED , HOUSEHOLD SAUCE, In Quarts, Pints, and Half-pints, Sole Wholesale Agents— MESSES CHRYSTALL & CO., «,_,„ Merchants, 2436 Christchnroh. Joseph J^pabbow engineeb, boilebmakeb, blacksmith, Sole Agent for DONNELL'S PATENT BABBIT POISON MIXING MACHINE. BATTBAY STEEET, DUNEDIN. 8452 Medical. BTILL8 TILL TBIUMPHANT.— The following Medicines have been for many years highly approved of by the Public, and a Gold Medalawarded them at the Chrietchurch Exhibition viz-— FOB HOESES: Colio or Gripe Drink Blister Ointment Embrocation Grease Ointment Condition Powders Hoof Oil Worm Powders. FOii DOGS: Distemper Powders Manfre Ointment FOB HUMAN USE: EHEUMATIC BALsAM and Congh Syrnp. Every Article that bears my Name (S.S.") And Trade 2 S- Mark CV.S.J Is guaranteed. Beware of Spurious Imitations. CAUTlOW.— Whereas S. BLESUTGEB, the old and most renowned Veterinary Praotitioner in the Australian Coloaiea— who has introduced his unfailing remedies, and educated the public to treat their own Horses, Cattle, or Dogs, by offering hia Medioines at a very low price (for the different diseases, see circular)— has, after obtaining a good sale for them, now to • aution the publio against Bpurious Imitations of *h*^ Bemedies. Some unprincipled people are trying to push the Bale of their abominable rubbish in opposition to > the genuine article, and filr Slesinger warns") his oustomers not to be gulled or duped by j SS euch impostors or their agents. See that my V "-^-1 Name and Trade Mark is attached to every 1 V.S. article. j T will shortly give you the names and number ot those villains who are now trying to rdm me.if they could, by forcing the sale of spurious imitations. SAML. SLESINGEB, 8231 Veterinary Surgeon, Dnnedin. c c c riOTTLB'S COLONIAL CUEE. 1 Try the New Eucalyptus Household Eemedy internally for COUGHS, COLD, CEuUP, SOEE THEOAT. DIPHTHEBIA, &c„ Externally for CHILBLAINS, CHILBLAINS, CHILBLAINS. CUTS, WOUNDB. BUBNS, ko. Ask your Chemist or Storekeeper for COTTLE'S COLONIAL t-ÜBE. Testimonials with bottles. P. HAYMAN & CO., wholesale Agents. <•• "Diseased Naturo oftentimea breaks toeth to I Btrange ernptiona."— Aot In, Soene li TO THE^UBLIO. SOME patiente BOflering from nervoaaatreamoM are afraid, from sheer bsahftusess Mfl modesty, to pxbsostallt oonsolt a medioal mno— other patients have not the self-possession aafl ooolness when in the oona ulting room, to aoooratisly dasoribe their symptoms— their habits of life, see the nature of the disease they suffer from. Let suoh persons _ (he or she) sit quietly down ia the privaoy of their own apartments, and wlti oalm minds desoribe clearly eaoh symptom of thall oase ; a olear statement thns written, and lata before me, is far preferable in bkbvovb diseases tw a personal oonsultation. Whore, howevet, a dhiease is of a peouliar and exceptional oharaonaj a personal oonsultation may beoome neoessary | tout my success in oorrespondenoe ia bo great, that of the thousands upon thousands whom X hava treated by letter daring the last 32 years, not a Bingle mistake haa ever ooourred, not a oase bai ever been made publio— in faot, the very Bimplloltu of my system of oerrespondanoe prevents publioity At the same time medioinea are sent to my patients in suoh a form as to defy detection. How many thousands have I not brought toy How many have been enabled to enter into kbl jaaxriage state through oonsultiug mef How many after marriage have privately «« anlted me and been blessed, and their married!l**_P madetroittul and happy P How many wasted mined youths of both sssai have also been restored to health, and tnanJUl their manhood, tor having oonsulted mebyie" *W How many questions ariao where the^ famUa physician ia nnable to unravel tha ease, and where often the patient lingers on, not daring to tell hia family medical adviser the nature of hia oomplala*. until oonsumption, wasting, or mental dißaaaeatk in, and the sufferer gets bevondthe ourable stars andisleltahopelesßwreok'P Aletter written in the pnvaoy of the room atf dropped in the post-box reaohea me quietly 1 Ut answer is returned aa qnietly and unostentatiously, and the patient, withont stepping from his ohambH exoeptto post biß letter, ia by return of poat pnt la lull possession of the nature of his oaae. Hianopsa are raised, hisdoubts removed, and he ia ooms.*ara*> tively a new man in faot, in many oases, a new *^eonlya^Wtothe<)xdlnaiy written WiMa la the age, ocoupation, hablta, and symptomU. nothing more. The nanal oonßultation foe of At one pound) moa Oia enolosed, otherwise noaaswai W Thfear??*^dß ot oases in daily lite where a oonsultation with one at a diatauoe wiU remove tig a single letter a great fear, agreatoare, and itottMß «SveßWhatappetfß aa an uuMnetraUe mystery,, X, aead heaVe has been made joyful on reoeipt infanexnlanatory letter from me. "sStSsTwho are about to marry, I would say ooSSut me before doing so, and thus prevent maay liter troubles, and remove many umwoMaary oarw B^DKrfudiceß j to those more ©specially who ban Buffered nToarly yeara from disease, or who few vMded to their passions, to these 1 say at ooot SmsSt with me, donottaxsy.dalaysaredangerona SSfae Tan^xpSt, my time may not to always at tout rorvice, yon can. by simply eaolosing au Sound, have the benefit of my exporienoe in th« S^S manner as a I lived in your own town^ana Address- DB L . BMITH. JSS. COLLINS STBEET^BAST. Melbourne. qqHgTJLTATION PEE, BY LETTEB, A Fee for Personal Consultation, 41 Xa, The latter is inclusive of medioine. Medioinea forwarded, weU-packed, to all the Colonies, India and Europe. IBZ. COLLIN B STBEET EAST. Melbonrne. The only legally quahnedpraotitioneradvertisiug and registered nnder the Medical Board of Viotoria and practising the last thirty-five yeara.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 6310, 7 August 1888, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6310, 7 August 1888, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6310, 7 August 1888, Page 4