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I Trad^. 1 rf^iLAHKE AND CO. are the is¥?t, cheapest, and \J quicliest for all classes of Wa'ch and Clock . , repairs. New Jewellery of every description made to matcii or to order, aud repairs of every ! description executed with despatch at prioes to j meet the timea. "C!"I<5 H E3'r Price Given for Old Gold and JDL Silver at b. Clarke & Co.'s, 14S, Colombo utreot 8316 I "K" N spite of depressed times, S, Clarke and Co. -IL during the' p"<Bt tweive months hive cleaned L and repiired over 1800 Watches, nnA have givun a printed guarantee with each watch. 881G I mnHE best valne in EngairenieDt Rings and extra | JS_ heavy 18 carat Wedding Rings at a guinea, are sold by S. Clarke and Co. BEFORE getting your watah repaired have our opinion and price ; quotations free of Charge* S. Clarke and Co. ' Blii&lk' iikIGHT, 7s. Gold bar. Navy ' Twist, Golden Baffle, "Flake Cut." Gold Loaf, and Bristol Bird's Eye Tobaccos at Jubal ! 3?letnvne'n. U ''l-iTS^^favy JTj Pipes, " Selt'-cleauing " Pipes, Asbestos Pipes, at JnbruFlomiiig'fl. ~B S\oll, Clocks, Jewellery, &c.. ?6 to W. Jt? Gardiner's. W. G. having started only recently, has no old stock; also, having bonght for , cash in dopreased times, has splendid value in all lines. Go und sea for yourself. 238, Colombo strait, ormos'te 'he Market Flnoe, Chrißtcbtivoh. M-S^anSTMisa Jenkins', Teachers of !6'anc'ia«: «nd Slusic. 25, Horeford street, A Select rillo Atsenibiy commenca on Thurßd - 'y, jUnrch 15. 3t>6 TVftlai"j. M. THOMPSON, Furrier.— All kinds -I? iL of Furs, Sealskin Jackets, and Ru(?8 Cleaned, I Altered, and Ke-liued; Feathers, Gloves. Bonudt3 ; nud Hats Cleaved or Djed; Birds Stuifed, Skins Tanned or Cured; Sewing Machines on Halo and Repaired, extra parts, needles, Ice,, always in stock. 221, Colombo street. S2lB "ORESERVING Pans in Copper, Brass, and .k7 Enamolled Iron, Fruit Preserving Jars and Jam Jars at the D.I.U. JUBA.L FLEMING'S Stock of Pipes excitea admiration both for value and fashion. -jriy TTJBEEOB, Importer of bicycles. • JQJ. JT 21S, High street. SCHLESINGER'S £5 Note Competition bow ©jioa to every one. Go and see th« window lor wi en. 31 BCHLESINGEa'B Great GuessiDg Competition now on. Spend sLspenca and gut a ticlsot. Jfclsforßispenc9. 31 HH V OUNG, Bbotmaier, 14J Hip,li street, JB. • X opposite Ketnpthorne, PrOB j er and Co.'s, wishes the public to know that he is holding a Clearing Sale of Colonial Boots, which will he sold at wholesale prices, und I am iroiuir to manufacture all my owu to suit the public. A single pair nt wholesale pric?. K/\d"fc jf\f\tT\ "Called Bneb" Cigarettes, OUU; < LFmJ 20 for6d, Jubal Fleming's. W" ANTED Known -Bovs' and Youths' nsefu! Kniapoi Tweed Suits, 25 per cent under usual price. G. L. Beath and Co. WANTED Known— John R. Proctor, Watchmaker, Jeweller, 4c, has Komoved to I^3, Manchester street (Green's Buildings). 303 ANTED Known— That S. Clarke and Co., I*3, Colombo street, are Sellin? Bother, hams, £8 Ss; Silver Lever Watches (hunting case; for £i la. "VST7* ANTED, Inton<lin(t Parchasers of Gold and V™ Silver Watches to sjo our value. Ladies' Watches from 18a to £20; Genta' from 109 to £30. S. Clarke and Co., 14$, Colombo street. WANTED Known— Salvage Goofls ex May Qnoon. 4 Bales White Blankets, size*, 8i 4, 9 x 4, 10 xI, 11 1 4, 12 x4, s*a boing uold a bargain, to clear. G. L. Beath aud Co. WANTED Known— Boys' Mos&iol Tweed Suits, in largo variety, and as very lovr Sricea. Jersey Suits m new stylos. Now Zealand lothing Factory, 169, Cashel titreut. ANTJiiD Known— • alvage from ftlayQuefin. Blae Serge Tickines, Sile-ioj. 'J'ublecovers. Fur Boas, Turkey Handkerchiefs, Men's Cord Trousers, &o. G. L. Beath and Co. WANTED Known— Parents, and GuArdians are invited to inspect our immeuse fctoolc of Boys' Hui'H. Halleuatnin Bros, Kew Zealand Clut.hiuir.F;ictory. 10'J, Cnshal ctrr-pt. WANTED Known— VV. I. Ballinfror, Liohfleld street east, Coal and Firewood Merohant, contitraes to supply the best articles atlowobt rates. Fullweightgiven. Orders by post attended to. 7&id WANTEi; Known — Geutlomen'a Winter Gloves, at (rreatly reduced prices. Chil> dron's Beaver Hats, best quality, reduced to 5s Cd. Now Zealand Clothiug Factory, 109, Cashel street, i&tST ANTED Keotoo— That J. Pullan, oorner of V v Colombo and Peterborough stroetp, ib the Cheapest Shop in Town for Parties Fnmishiag. Casn Purobuier ot good Seoond-hand Toolu aud Fnrnirnte. 2481 ANl'iiD Known— Robinson Bros, have opened a Cheap Corn and Produce Store. Wheat, Oits, Flour, Sharps. Bran, Oatmeal, Carrots, Gn.ts, Chaff, &c., at Lowest Rates. 77 Manchester street. I^s lea Blender, Colombo street north. Good I'&juily Tea, Is Cd per lb ; Blonde 2s, 3s 4d, 2s Sd, bo. OUier grooonea at loweet oozxeat ratos. GiCOdo^talivanvd. 6270 %7JTANTED Knowu— That J. M'Callum, 181^ W V Hi(th street, is tha only Practical Watah and Clobkmaker authorised to repair Stenri^-t; Dawson nnd Co.'s Watches. Glß*ninij, 3s 6d: clociCH from 2fl Cd. Spectacles from la perpnir.s32B "AWTED ICnown— First prizo Rutter, sweet, raw, and Devonshire Oreum, now nnd Btim Milk, Cream Cheese, new laid Eggs. Poultry, bome-ciwed Bacon and Ham', at Uhristchurch Dnivy, Cnshel btreet. orders collected and goods delivered. "ANTED Known— G. Kiniyo, 188, Armajch street, has on snla from his farm. New Brighton, milk, cream, butter, eg:rs, and homecured b&con and dairy-fed pork. Milk and cream delivered daily. Speciality— Cream cheese and Devonshire cream. 2345 WANTRD to Annouace— Tluit I have opened in Promises lately occupied by B. Button, and formerly b.v Jumes Paton, with complete New irtock of Papsrhan^infjp, &c. J. A, Paton (Jato James Paton), Puiuter, Deoorator, Ac, U7. Colombo street, nest Keeos's). -. 8223 "C7ST ANTED, Everybody to use Aston's Ftovo y V and Grato Polish and Electric Plats Powder, choip, clean, aud lasting. No hnishes ronuirud. Retail from all grocere » and iTonmongora. Solo Astent for Nuw Zealund. W. M'Williaia, aO*. Colombo street, < -hrisiwhureh. 6780 ANTE D, P. J. Do La Conr, ar&nchester ebreet oouth, nearest Boot Shop to Railway station; u150,281, Colombo stree I ". nort.h, is (jivfag ejcceptiotial Bargains in Boots aad Sboea. Sea iPricos of Diiry, "Shearerfl. and Harvesting Boots ' for oonutry custqmeirs. Eepiifsdouo in timefor rotarn trains. 7550 WANTED Known— Wood's Flonr, sacks. 17s : i lOnib, 8s lid; flilb, 4s 9d; Turner's, Bncks, 19s ; 1001 b, Ss lid • 501 b, 5s 21 ; Oaimual. 23 sd ; best, Zi 8d ; Salt balmon, (3d per lb ; Finest ]<in?, Sid per lb ; Salt Herrings. 9 for Is ; Signet. Juno, 4s Odt Gem, Nailrod, 4s 9d; Navy Ping, ts Sd; Oue6n Cigars, box of 25 for 3a Bd, at T. Ta.lor'a. r^^___ W"aNTKD Known— N«w PipK, 4%& per box; 21b size, 0d; Moir's Marmalade, s|d; Eieme Hais : Bs, Sd per lb ; Dnv and Martin's Blacking, S\<\ per dor.en ; Cold Water Soap, S*d Tjpr bir ; 250 Yebtaß, lid per dozen ; Herrings in Shrimp or i'omato, J^d ; Eno's Fruit 8a t, 2a 3d. at T. Taylor's, Colombo street, or Triangls, or Lower Hi^li street. W-ST *. LPB, Hnirdr.'Bi?=ir. Tor.?c- --» V • jHft. conistaud i-iahingTnckle Denier, 191, High street. B a* Tobcoos, Cigars, Cigarettes. Coneerrjnas and Accordions sold aud repaired. Violiu strings in stock. Near Bonuiiteton'a, Chemist. 247 Labour. ' Caahafivertieoraanta undci" this heart, notexaeediug i tonrtoen worfis, will bsoiuurgod SIXI'ENCE, WANTED, a. strong Girl tonse-stin house•work. Apply luxa Bain, North Belt, top of Montreal street. 453 WANTKD, a good Houee nnd Parlour Muid. Good reference required. Apply befora 1 o'clock to Mrs E. C. Stevens, £nglefteld, J^nst Belt. 450 Board and Residence. ».. . .^;..- t , ... Oeh advertisements under this head, not exceeding fourteen words, will be ehanrod BIXPJSNt.'E ■ff" ADY in Business requires Furnished Apart- , B } ments, with, or without, Board. Terms moderate. "Patience, "Times" office. 43S TT IN WOOD HOUSE, 129, Durham street (jnst JSJI off Victoria street).— Excellent Accommodation for Young Geutieuion Boarders ; terms reasouablo ; nrst-cUus table kept. &91S ELVILLB HOUSE, Armegh. street west.— Excellent Ajpartments and a Comfortable i may be obtained at the above address. Only . three minutes' walk from the Post-ofOco, I Musextm, and Gardens. Terms moderate. 56 WANTISD, lwo Young Ladies as Boardeis in private family. Apply, Regiua Villa. *S Liohfield street. SH9 for Sale and To Let. 1 fits also Page 4. Cash advertisements under this head, notaxooedins fourteen words, will be ohurged SIXPENCE. "HT^OTi Sale— Tbirfcy Tons ot Carrots, more or Ji2 less. Apply, lg, Armagh street east. 3 ■>■! T£\O BE SOLD, sit^ale in Stnnraore road south, JL a Vriehold Pror erty, under the land Transfer Act, oouflifctiuff of a good -J-roomed Honpo, w«.i>. scnllery, pantry, and coal-honeo attached, together ' jvith a quart or of an aore of land .'aid out in garden and lawn back and front ; four registers and a stove, goott artesian weil, galvanised iron roof. Quarter of an hour's walk from Cathedral ancl )iea'thv locility. For terms apply to Mfr v.. K. Broivu", on tho premises, or to JHomus, "Times" Uffitj.j. 440 TO LET— feven-roomed House, with garden, do., BltuaVj in Tnaai st eet east ; rent, Vln ' per week. T^ylot and Parp*. Grocers. 40S rjriO i/ES', Comor Shop. House atfcwhert. good H verandah ; suit any business. B. jit, 100. 61 Kiljiord Bti'a^t. 4iS rrriO I#ET, tbre«-roomed Gottapr«, every ctnveni--A. ence. 31, Stewart street, off Bt Asaph street wost. . ** 3

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 6184, 12 March 1888, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6184, 12 March 1888, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6184, 12 March 1888, Page 2