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'' — ";. ii* j-rt : H-, MANff I H <*, *SV/« (Late Schourup), PHOTOQEAPHKB, „ • ISO, COLOMBO STBEET. By/Command to *ft jg, jfo Princeß Albert £EnyalHighnesses srcasllrc and. **»»„ «^*£sr**<3eorge ot Wales, And by Speoial Appointment to H.E. Sir W. F. D. Jervois, ...;fflxjnAnning*naving had sixteen years' experience in the art, port of which time he was engaged by -*? 0 3 c eDn& eat artiste, Messrs Hughes Bros., of jMadras, India, Messrs Johnston, O'Shannessy and -Co., Melbourne, and Messrs Tuttleand Co., Sydney, -**an thoroughly guaranteo all work executed by During Mr Manning's long experienoe, he has nja-de a partioular stndy of PHOTOGEAPHIMG CHILDBEN and BABIES, and has no hesitation rjmaaying that he is confident of giving entire Batiß- : < m«tion to parents and relations. Proote of all portraits taken at the Studio wOTbe 'jsubnutted to the Bitter for arprovaL and if not ap*j? to J e< J. a re-sitting wiU be arranged for until satis* *facHsja is given. _ x „ C. H. MANNING, Late Operator and Finixherto Messrs George end Walton. 3074 CHEAP FIBING. . VV« JaIaRBIOTT AND C/O/S ADVICH TO AIX— STUDT ECONOMT, KEEP WABM. AND MAKE TOUB'ELF COMFOET *BLE. , This can be accomplished by using Gaa Coke tor Fuel in preference to coal. It has the following -advantages:— It is made from the best Greymouth, Westport*, .and Newcastle Coals, and contains little sulphur, ash, or water, as, by extracting the gas from the -Coid, the sulphur is expelled, therefore, ita principal constituent is carbon. It yields a more intense heat than coal, and, being deprived of a great "xwtaon of sulphur and volatile constituents, it obviates the unpleasant smell emitted by tha oombnslion of ooaL It will not become caked and pasty like coal, bnt will make a beautiful dean ' glowing fire. By using coke your chimneys, flues, cooking utensils, grates, ranges, irons, ftc., are kept comparatively clean, free from smoke, Beot and other impurities, so objeotionable in coal. The following are the prices, delivered to anypart of the city and suburbs of Christchuroh :— 1 ton of 24 bugs, £1 12s |-ton of 18 togs, £ I 4s 8d i-ton of 12 bags, 16s 6d J.tonof 6btgs, Bs9d: ->er bag, ls6d Kindling firewood, per bag, Ib. Firewood sawn and split by maohinery to any Bize required. All the leading coal, charcoal, post and rails, chopping blocks, ftc.. fto., supplied, When ordering ooke please state for what purpose required. W. MAEEIOTT & CO., South belt, Sydenham, Box 376. P.O. Order. 92 TOEST HOUSEHOLD C O AJL S. WESTPOET-OOALBEOOKDALE COAL GBBTMOUTH WALLSEND COALS NEWCASTLE COALS MALVESN COALS COKE AND FIBEWOOD. I hare Large Stocks of each kind, and I keep only the best Qualities. ' The Prioe of the WALLSEND COAL, delivered, at present is:— Per Ton 30a Od cash „ Half Ton Jss 6d „ i, Quarter Ton 8b Od „ J. T. "BROWN, TIMBEB AND COAL MEECHANT, Corner Colombo and Tuam Streete; Baiiway siding, South belt. 9432 Telephone. Ho. 72. P.O. Box, 305, "THE "AUBOBA" COMBINATIdN - LAMp"" STOVE. NOTICE TO THE TEADEI WE beg to inform our Customera that onr First Large Shipment ot the above is now entrely Sold out, but we expect to receive the next parcel in the course of fire or six weeks from date hereof. Due notice of the arrival of the same we shall announce. The arrangements we have made and the GREAT QUANTITY now upon this way, will be sufficient to supply the ENOBMOUS DEM AN D there now exists for these Lamp Stoves. For a short time in the interval, the "Aurora" will still be procurable, BETAIL, from several ot the leading ironmongers in Christchurch. PEBCT NIND-WABD, (Sole Agent for New Zealand), Market place, Christchurch. July 15th, 1837. '23 •J OHNSTON, VV OOD & CjO.i TIMBEE AND COAL MEBCHANTS, Manchester and Tnun streets, HAVE ON SALK TIMBER lwng ** Of all descriptions. BEST HOUSEHOLD*AND SMITHT COALS, FIBEWOOD, &o. SAWMILLS AT LITTLE BIVEE; Timber forwarded direct to up-country stations, thereby considerably reducing coat. JOHNSTON, -WOOD k CO U6l iBINCE ALBEBT BOABDING HOUSEj Wills' street Ashburton (One minute's walk from Baiiway Station), Next Oddfellows' Hall. ' Good and Conifortablfl Accommodation for boarders and Visitors. Board and Lodging, 14s, 16s, and IBs per week, or 3s per day ;' Board only 103 per week; Dinners only 4s per week. CHAS. TBUCKLE ... Peopbixtor. 9991 JLiODGE'S JL EMPEEANCE J&EST, Ovor Colombo streot Bridge. TEA, COFFEeTaND SOUP, HOT PIES EVEET EVENING. Also, BEGISTBT FOB FEMALE SEBVANTB, J*f^ A W T H I N U • S.V (Late of St Asaph street. East} Has Bemoved to 138, Lower High street. A Splendid Stock of Pegged and Sewn Bo its and Shoes of all descriptions, at lowest prices in tha City. Special attention paid to ordored goods and repairs. S22S Medioal. (Diseased Nature oEfcemames breaks torta to Btrange eruptions."— Aot HJ, Soene 1, TO THE~PUBLIC, SOME patienta Buffering from nervoas ageoWoai are afraid, from sheer bashfulneaa anj modesty, to pssbbokally oonsult a modicai nun other patients have not the self-possession aafl coolness when in the consulting room, to aoountel| desoribe their symptoms— their habits of life, tM the nature of the disease they suffer from. Let such, persona (he or ehe) sit quietly dows4fl the privaoy of their own apartments, and wiftk oalm minds describe olearly eaoh symptom cf thaia case j a olear statement thus written, and UM before me, is far preferable in hebvocs diseases to a personal consultation. Where, however, a disease is of a peculiar and exceptional ohaxaoiw a personal oonsultation may beoome neoenaryj lont my bucobsb in correspondence is so great, thai of the thousands npon thousands whom I tuna treated by letter during the last S2 yean, nota single mistake has ever occurred, not a oasa hai ever been made publio— in fact, the very Bimntteisj of my system of correspondence prevents publioity At the some time medicines are -eons to n# patienta in bucu a form as to defy deteotion. How many thousands have I not brought Joy How many havo been enabled to enter into th« marriage stato through consulting me P How many after marriage havo privatoly B&*j suited me and been blossed, and their marriedlbte* made fruitful and happy ? How many wasted ruined youths of both sshb havo also been restored to health, and thantafl. then? manhood, for having consulted mebyle* art How many questions arise where ths famDj physioian is nnable to unravel the oase, and whan often the patient lingers on, not daring to tell Ul fanuly medioal adviser the nature of his complaint nntil consumption, wasting, or mental disease aa> in, and the sufferer gets bevondthe ourable stag* I and is left a hopeless wreck* A letter written in the privacy of the room tai dropped in the post-box roaches me quietly | tka answer is returned as quietly and unoatentatioualy, and the patient, without stepping from his "MmfrM I exoeptto post bia letter, is by return of post pot la ; roil possession of the nature of his case. THuhopM : are raised, hia doubts romovod, and he is compan/ tively a new man ; in fact, in many caeca, a leW being altogether. The only addition to tha ordinary written latkaa Ib tho age, oooupation, habits, and aymntoma* nothing more. The nsual oonsultation fee offii -(one pound) must bo enolosed, otherwise no ana waa will be returned, There are thousands of oases in daily Ufa where a oonsultation with one at a distanoe will ramovo bj a single letter a great fear, a great oare, and itoftea 'solves what appears as an impenetrable mysterr, sMany a sad heart has beon made joyful on raoaißt of an explanatory letter from me. To those who are about to marry, I would Bay consult me before doing so, and thus prevent manj after troubles, and remove many unnecessary oara ! and prejudices : to those moro especiaUy who ban Buffered in early years from disease, or who hava yielded to their passions, to these I say at onoa oonsult with me, do not tarry, delaysare dangerom snd as an expert, my time may not be alwaya-ol your service, you can, by simply enclosing oaa pound, have tha benefit of my experionoe in tan came manner as if I lived in your own town, «nl with the additional advantage of thorougn prfvsojb • —Tours truly, LOUIS lCßHmfcr Addrest"* Db L. L. SMITH, 182, COLLINS STBEET EAST, „ _ Melbourno. CONSULTATION PEE, BT LETTEB,4rj Feo for Personal Consultation, 41 la. The latter is inclusive of medioine. Medioinos forwarded, weU-packed, to all tha Colonies, India and Europe. 162, COLLINS STBBET EAST. Melbourne. The only legally qualified practitioner advertising and registered under the Medical Board of Victoria and practising the last thirty-five years.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 6049, 4 October 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6049, 4 October 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6049, 4 October 1887, Page 4