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t_M-_M-*_«_M]UUaUIII lllll»«lMI»ll,il_UWIII^ I Trade; Cash advertisements under this head, not exceeding fourteen words, witl be oharged BIXPENCE. A CUBE for Fever, Sickness, Diarrhoea. W. B. Cooke, 214, High street, (late of Christohurch Hospital). 3205 NEW DEPAETUKE in Pricesfor the Watoh Trade.— S. Clarke and Co., .48, Colombo street, are charging for tho best work done in the Colony :— Watohes oloaned from 4s ; mainsprings fitted, 2a 6d; jewels, 2s 6d; cylinder or staff, Bs. Spectacles to suit all sights, in glass or pobbie, from ls pair. Botherham's Hunting Watohes, £4 8b ; Waltham Levers, £2 10s ; Hunting Genevas from Ml 15s. AU othor Goods at Prices equally cheap. S. Clarke and Co., 148, Colombo street. 1180 Prices— Bs Men's Tweed Suits, XJ worth 555, to be given away for 18s 6d. Wondrous value. N.Z. Tweed Co., 221, High Btreet. 1171 HEISTMAS Hams— Prime Home-oured Hams, B.d (smoked or pale) ; Dairy-fed Bacon four own curing,), 7id; Sheep's Tongues, Is 9d per tin, at T. H. Papps*. 159, High street. 6936 HKISTMAS Fruit— New Currants, 6d ; Geod Currants, sd; New Sultanas, 8d; New Valencias, Bd , Orange, Lemon, and Citron Peel, Is 3d ; Drained Peel (Orange and Lemon), lOd ; New Figs, BJd, and all other new fruita eqHally cheap at T. H. Papps', 159, High street. 6936 CHIME-QUABTEu, Carriage, or any ouier description of Clocks, Chronograhs, Repeaters, or any description of Watches Bepaired, by Charles Mills, 189, High street. Satisfaction gnaranteed. 7579 BrCEING uua French Cieumng aono cnoaper than ever, Gontlemen's summer suits beautifully cloaned by W. Harvey, Victoria street, uoxt Austin, draper. Work called for and delivored. 8056 MAIiK, TsjTor and Habit Maker, High » street, noxt to Steinmetz Bros., oppoaite Barrett's Hotel. All kinds of oleaning and repairing done on ehortest notioe. Gentlemen s own materials madejnp, 83Q| SJ^LLISDON'S Neuralgio Dropß for the thorough Jyjl oure of Neuralgia. Testimonials from Boy G. F. Clinton, E_v C. J. Morton, Mr James Wilkin and other well known rosidonts. Made only by F. Biggs, Chemist, High street, Christchuroh. 468 £7*l BULLEN, Pointer and Glazier, snocessor to JD » 8. Viotor, with whom he was for five years. AB orders loft at J. Swinnerton's, uext Montgomery and Co.'s, will reoeive immediate attention. 2742 JPBIESTNALL, Hairdresser and Tobacconist, • High Btreet, opposite Borough Hotel. Best Meerschaum Pipes, Tobacconists, goods, &o. 9671 J FAITH, Grocer, Cheesemonger, nnd Pool. • terer, has Bemoved from the old Market Place to Colombo street, next Al Hotel. Goods delivered in town and suburbs. Families waited on daily. All oharges strictly moderate. 1179 LUCAS k SONS, Engineers, Kilmore street, Christchurch. Engines, Boilers, Gas Engines, Printing Machinery, ko repaired and fixed anywhere. 8870 Maa £_. d-UTU, .feather Uresser, Gioves and Hata oleanod. Hata dyed. 159, Armagh Btreet east. 6769 BS EOWAN, LADIES' NUESE, 21, Montreal Btreet, Christchnrch (Certified;, from Queen Charlotte's Hospital, London. 3276 MBS JACOBS is prepared to supply Families, Hotels, and others with Fresh Fish doily. Oy-ter and Fish Suppers every erening. ljyttelton Irish Markot, 124, Co ombo street. 2424 BS G. PUBDIE (lato of Timaru) has BEMOVED to Papanui, close to station, and has on sale Bird Seeds, Slbs for Is ; Lollies, Is lb: Dates, 6d lb ; Preserved Ginger, 9d lb ; and all kinds of Garden Seeds; aJso, Garden Syringes. 14_7 MBS POPE'S Art Needlo-work Depot. 252, Colombo street, Christcburch, Importer of aU materials for Fancy Work, Wools, Silks, Braids, Arrasene, Canvas, Satin Cloth, Beads, Ac, Books, Stationery, and Periodicals, Country ordors attended to, mßa WITHESS, 12, Viotoria ntroar,, Christoharoh. Agent for the Boyal School cf aix jtfoedlework. South Kensington. Importer of Crewels, Wools, Arrasene, Filoselles, Are., Ao. A ohoioe selection of Work and Matorials always on hand. Country orders punctually attendod t0.5966 N HlßE— Sociable, Tandom, Single Tricycles and Bicjcle3 of all sizes. AU kinds of 'Cycles bought, sold or repaired on ohortest notice. Iron wheels with rubber tyres fitted to perambulatorß. Lawn Mowers sharpened and repaired. All work gnaranteed. Cheapest House in* Town. Kent and Oates. Colombo street south. 5470 OBT ABLE Forges, Picks, Ac, for Sale. Beck, Hereford street, Chrietchurch. Orders taken for Common and Plate Glass, Iron, Zino, Ao. 6559 PLEASE oaU on J. SpiUer, 179, Colnmbo street, for New Zealand and South Sea Island Views. Portraits from 7s 6d dozen. Houses, kc, photographed, town or country 9987 ITT k MAGUIRE'S New Season's Teas, at Is Cd, 2s, 2s 4d, and 2s 6d in lib packets ; or at 2d per lb reduction per 121 b tins; also, halfchests, at ls 6d, ls 9d, and 2s per lb, are not to be equalled. Satisfaction guaranteed or monoy returned. 6449 QOALITX iB the only true test ot Cheapness, therefore, H. Boberts, Watohmaker ana Jeweller, 83, Manohester stroet, is the cheapest in town, as the goods are sound, tlie repairs reliable, and hnmbng ia not used as a bait for oustomers^l23 K EFOBM your Butchers' Bills. Why should we pay for those that do not try the Cooperative Cash Butchery, three doors from the New Tradesman Bestaurant, Triangle. Cheapest legs mutton, 2|d ; fore-quarters, l.d ; half sheep, 2d ; roast beef, 2d to 4d ; beef sausage, 3d ; German sausage, sd ; corned beef, from Id. 2389 &JAVE GAS by uniug J. aud T. Danks" Gas O Economisers. Give twice the light of the ordinary burner for the samo amount of gas. J. and T. Danka, Gas Engineers, Liohfield street. 3125 ' C 3 YDENHAM Pork Butchery.— Pork and Small © Goods, best qnality, always on hard— lowest rates. Hams and bacon oured to order. Colombo rood, opposite Oddfollows' Hall. Henry and Glen, proprietors 6883 tJTUDY Economy— Have your Clothes mado at © the N.Z. Tweed Cos. Perfect flt, best workmanship, and prices which defy competition. Weekly payments taken. N.Z. Tweed Co., 221, High street. 1171 O EWING Maohines of all lands repairod and jrs oleaned thoroughly at lowest ohargea in town. AB work guaranteed. Needles and oil for aB Sewing Machines. Standard Sewing Machine C<x, , 113, Manchostor street, Christchurch. 6471 nHHOS. PICKEBING, Tailor. Qoutloraon'B own \ I material made up at satisfactory prioes. All Kinds of repairing and cleaning dona at low oharges. 140, HUrh stroet, opposite Qard'neT and Pickering. f u\HUHbi Doom trom 00-opurativo Uash I Butchery, 174, Colombo street. Triangle.— Trademan Bestaurant, and London Ham and Beef. Supplying first-class Meals for Sixpence. Break fast from 7 to 9, Dinner from 12 to 3, Supper from 5 to 1723 f 1 fHE Noted Cash Grocers have Akaroa Jams in JL Jara, assorted, at6dlb; Sago, 3d; Bice, 3d; Tapioca, 3d ; Herrings, in tomato sauce, 6d ; ilb Tins Mustard, Bid ; Baisius, 4d ; Currants, 4*d : Sardines, largo tins, Sd ; Marmalade, 7d ; Candied Peel, la; Preserved Bloaters, lOd; Ac., kc, kc Note tho address— Pitt and Maguire, 149, Colombo street. ______^__„ ____ -# O Zl> BOOT SHOP.— To" meet hard X___B Or> times, lam making Gents' Fashionablo Boota aud Shoes at 12s 6d pair. Strong, Ught, durable. See window. H. Bayner, 228, Colombo etreet. 6894 W MOODY, Chimney Sweep, and Carpet • Beater, 162, Salisbury street west, (oppoßite Junction Botel). All work done with despatoh. Orders attended to without delay. 9672 ANTED Known— Miss M. Lloyd, Dress. Mantle, and Habit Maker, has Bemoved to 303, Colombo streot north. 1137 ANTED Known.— That Harry Cole's To. baooo, Cigars, and Stationery are the oheapest and best in town. 111, Man ohester street couth. 6616 WANTED Known.— Dttnu'B U&ir Betitorer will restore grey or faded hair to its natural colour. Price 2s 6d. E. C. Dann, Chemist, Cbmstchurch. 3129 TtTJT/' ANTED Knovm.— That Mrs Keevoe has re jfjf established her Dressmaking business. 114. Armagh street east, late of J. M. Crooker. Latest atyle guaranteed. 1075 WABEHOUSEMAN'S Stook of Gents' Merino Socks, Faahionable Scarfs, and Begatta Shirts, latest styles, at half-price. See windows. N.Z. Tweed Co., 221, High streot. 1171 WANTED Known— COALß, Westport, Newcastle and Native Coals and Firewood, delivered at lowest ourrent prices. E. J. Martin. Artesian Well Sinker, 120, Kilmore streot. 51 ANTED Known— W. J. Ballinger, Liohfield street east, Coal and Firowood Merohant, continues to supply the best artiole at lowest rates. Fuß weight given. Orders by poet attended to. 2849 WANTED Known— T. Julian, Herbalist, 62, Cathedral square, has sure cures for corns, dysentery, diarrhoea, neuralgia, and nervousness. Dr NichoLs' Sanitary Soap can be obtained only at Julian's. 8877 WANTED KNOWN, tnat J. PnJlan, oorner of Colombo and Peterborough streets, is the Cheapest Shop in Town tor Parties Furnishing. Cash Purehaaer of good Second-hand Tools and Furnituro. 2481 W" ANTED Known— H. G. Forgie, Grooer and Tea Blender, Colombo street north. Good FamUv Tea, ls 6d per lb ; Blends, 2s, 2s 4d, 2s 6d, fto, Othor groceries at lowest ourrent rates. Goods daii Tered. 8279 AJST-SD Known— li. fclcriiusliaw. Undertaker, furaiehea funorals complete— Children from £2: Adults, from £3 10s. Addross, 41, corner of Durham und St Asaph streets, Christohuroh Orders by telegram punotuaUy attended to 29,8 WANTED Known— The Indian Tea Depot, Triangle, High street, next City Hotel, give. bOBt value in Pure Blended Teas. All teas blended by a professional tea taster sinco 1860. Pure Assam and Darjeeling Teas. Tho Indian blends ar-» unequalle for _trength nud quality. To their sa a useful presont is givon away with every ponnd of tea. Sold in lib packets, 5, 10, 12, and 221 b tins, $-cheßts and chests. Stores, hotels, runholders, and large buyers liberally dealt with WANTED Known-Dried Codfish, Sid per lb; boneless, 4?, d; Frehh Herrings, 6d per tin ; White Crystal Sugar, 2Jd and 3d perlb; Crushed Loaf, 4d; Strong Congou Toa, Ib 6d; a moneysaving Tea, ls Bd, slightly broken, very stroDg; our equals average 2s 6d ; tbe best that money can buy, 2s 10d; Hops, ls por lb; Hop Bitters, 3s 8d; Seigel's Syrnp, 2s 9d; Tricopherous, ls 3d; Strong Pickling Vinegar. 2s 6d per pallon j Ginger, ls 6d per lb ; Sperm Candles, 54d ; White Wax, lld ; Coloured Wax, Is ; Safety Matches, 8d per dozen ; Pear's Soap, ls 3d per box ; Prize Medal (scented), 31b har lOd; Somolina, lOd ; Corn Flour. sd; Marmalade, 8d ; Lan;e 15. ttles Sauce, 9d ; J-resorved Tomatos, lld for 21b tin; at Thomas Taylor's, Colombo street, Trlang'e, and High street, opposite tha Caters town.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 5554, 27 February 1886, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5554, 27 February 1886, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5554, 27 February 1886, Page 2