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Medioal. DEAFNESS. A BSOLUTE CUBES offered to all! Bead a? t\ Pamphlet anent tho Priceless Remedies of thw London Royal Ear Infirmary's Aural Surgeon*, Send stamps for reply, T. B, HANNAFOED, Auokland, K.Z. 9MW PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON HEALTH. STRENGTH, TftIUTP ENERGY, ±U.«.li/ GREAT BODILY STRENGTH, GREAT NERVB STRENGTH, GBEAT MENTAL STRENGTH, GBEAT DIGESTIVE STRENGTH, Follows the use of PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC. It improves the appetite, promoter digestion, greatly strengthens the nerves, increase? strength of pulse, gives firmness to the muscleb,. alters pale countenance!!, supplies deficient heat tc weak circulations, overcomes bodily weariness an* weakness, cures many painful complaints— neuralgia, sciatica, 4c. j is a remedy for dyspepsia, stomach affections, &a., and thoroughly recruit* the health. PEPPER'S TONIC. Insist on having it. Bottle* sold everywhere. Mode only at Bedford Laboratory, London. T>l7'DT>l7'R'C THE SAFEST JrriJrJrJcili o antibilious MkDICIN* TARAXACUM AND PODOPHYLLINIs now used nnd regularly prescribed by many Physicians instead of blue pill and calomel for tho cure of dyspepsia, biliousness, and all symptoms of - congestion of the liver, which are generally pai» beneath the shoulders, headache, drowsiness, u» appetite, furred tongue, disagreeable taste in th.> morning, giddiness, disturbance of the stomach, , and feeling of general depression. Bottles, 2s yd and 4s Cd. Sold by nil Chemists. Insist on haviug Fopper'e STJLPHOLINE ; LOTION. THE CURE FOE SKIN DISEASES. 1 IN A FEW DAYS KRUPTIONB. PIMPLEfe, BLOTCHES ENTIRELY FADE AWAY. , BEAUTIFULLY FRAGRANT. PERFECTLYHARMLESS. CVRES OLD-STANDING SKIN DISEASES. REMOVES EVERY KIND OF ERUPTIOK" SIOT, OR BLEMISH, AND RENDERS THE SKIN CLEAR, SMOOTH, SUPPLE, AND HEALTHY. Bottles sold everywhere. Made by J. PEPPER & CO.. Loudou, LOCKYER'S SULPHUR i HAIR RESTORER. ' THE BEiT. THE SAFEST. THE CHEAPEST, RESTORES THE COLOUR TO GRAY HAIR, INSTANTLY STOPS THE HAIR FROM FADING. OCCASIONALLY USED, GRAYNESS 18 IMPOSSIBLE. REMOVES SCURF. AND EMBEnT.ISHES THK HAIR, CAUSING IT TO GROW WHEREEVER THIN AND PATCHY. Large Bottles, Is Cd Sold everywhere. Hit "Diseased Nature oftentimos breaks forth in. strange eruptions."— Act 111. Scene 1. TO THE PUBLIC. SOME patients suffering from nervous RtTectionn • are afraid, fiom sheer baslifulneßs and modesty, to prksonallt consult a moJicnl manother patients have not the self-possession and coolness when in the consulting room, to accurately describe their symptoms— their habits of life, and the nature of the disease they suffer from. Let such persons (ho or she) sit qniotly down in the privacy of their own apartmeute, and witk calm minds desoribe clearly ench symptom of their case ; a clear statement thus written, aud laid before me, is far preferable in nkbvoiih diseases tc a personal consultation. Whoro, however, n diseaso is of a peouliar and exceptional character a personal consultation may become noceKsary ; but my success in correspondence is so great, thai of the thousands upon thousands whom I have treated by lotter during the last 32 years, not n single mistake has ever occurred, not a case has ever been made public— in faot, the very simplicity of my system of correspondence provents publicity.. At the bo mo time medicines ore Rent to mv patients in such a form as to defy detection. How many thousands have T not brought joy tof How many have been enabled to enter into thf marriage state through consulting mo t How many after marriage have privately con, suited mo nnd been blessed, aud their married liTO* madefruitful and happy ? How many wasted ruined youths of both sexes havo also been restored to health, and Uianken their manhood, for having consulted me by letter P How mauy questions nriso whore the fflaiJjr physician is unable to nuravel tho case, and where ofteu the pationt lingers on, not daring to tell his family medical adviser the uaturo of uin complaint, until consumption, wasting, or montal disease set iv, and the sufferer gets beyond the curable stage, and is left a hopeless wreck ? A letter written in tho privacy of tu-i room and dropped iv tho post-box reaches me quietly \ the answer is returned as quietly and unostentatiously, and the patient, wihoutsteppingfroruhis^hamber except to post lis lotter, is by return oi post rut in fu (I possession of tho nature of his oiw. Uin hopep are raised, hisdoubts removod, and he to coinpnrntivcly a now man ; in fact, iv many caaos, h new beiug altogether. The only addition to the ordinary written letter is tho age, occupation, habits, and Bvmptoms, nothing more. The usual consultation 'fee of £1 (ono pouud) must bo euolosod, otherwise no fine wor will be roturned. Ihere are thousands of cases in dally life whtre ft consultation with one at a distance will remove i>y a Biuglc letter a great fear, a great cart*, and it often solves wlmt appears as an impenetrable m,vt>t«r>. Many a sad heart has been mauo joytal on receipt of on explanatory lottorfrom me. To those who are about to marry, I would ea> oousult me before doing so, aud time prevent roituy after troubles, and remove many unnecessary varep and prejudices ; to thoßo inora especially who lmviBuUored in early yours from disease, or who have yielded to thoir passions, to those I say at ouo*> consult with mo, no not tarry, delays are danym oim, and as an expert, my time may not bealwuy* at your service, you enn, by simply enclosiiiv on«> pomul, hnvu tho bonulit of my oxperiunca in the snuio mnnuer as if 1 lived iv your own town, and witntho additional advantage of thorough privnoy, -Yours truly, LOUIS L. SMITH. „ Address— Dn L. L. SMITH, 182, COLLINS BTREIiT EAST, Molbnuruo. CONSULTATION tEE, BY LETTER, 41. Fee for Personal Consultation, tl Ib. The latter is inclusive of medicine. Mudiuiiioa forwarded, well-jucltod, to ftll rh» Colonies, India and Em-ojie. 182, COLLINS STBtET EAST. Mell>ounw t

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 5553, 26 February 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5553, 26 February 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5553, 26 February 1886, Page 4