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Business Notions. Encourage Jjocal Indubtkt Kalapoi Salts Beady Made. Kaiapoi Buitß Made to Order AT PARKER AND TRIBE'S ' LONDON HOUSE. 157, Csshel btroct, near High Ktroet. 820S DEPOT tOli KAIAPOI CLOtUIJUQi, Parkkr and Tribe, LOHDOX HOVBB, 167, Casbel Street, near High JBtreet. A laige assortment of Kaiapoi ;Twteds alwan on hand. A GOOD FIT~"OUABANTEED. O» mO Arrive, ex Te Anau, FIJI PINEAPPLES, BANANAS, ORANGES, AMD COCOA-NUT* AT H. STEWART'S, 198, COLOMBO STREET WESTERN MINING EXCHANGE,' 166, Coshel street east (next Mataon and Co.). Chbibtohuboh, T7IDMUND WICKES, Sharebroker and Gefleral JjJ Commission Agent. The Mining Exohang* has confidential agents in each of the mining d&» triots ; full and reliable information obtained on all mining ventures for clients and members) earliest news received from prospeoting parties from LyelL Reefton, Mohikinu, Karamea, Papahana, and Paparoa districts, South-west goldfields, givfnr members an opportunity of obtaining original interests and participating in the discoverer? bonus. 28 t*\H)L ftAYIONAL LoAN Afciy DXHCOUNT r7 „„ COMPANY, opposite His Lordship's Larder, Llohfleld street.— Loans granted in nuns of moMy from £10 to etMO, apon deeds of property, share* in public companies, or any otVor class of security. Loans can be made repayable by weekly, month]/, or quarterly ««talmf>iits. Bills disooanted dafly. Renewals effected. Al: applications personally or by letter strictly confidential. We a/c ah» Lioensed fswubrokprh. and Und n>oney on tut kind of jewellery, clothing, (rocii, pianos, Ac. MS CANTERBURY LOAN AND DISCOUNT COMPANY, 81, Liclifleld street East. LOANS Granted from £3 on personal security at lowest rate of interest, repayable by instalments. Letters to manager striotly eonflden. tial ; enclose stamps to ensure reply. 194 190 MONEY A DVANCED ON MORTGAOM ■**■ FIIOH £50 to £1000 B. W. FEREDAY, Solicitor, OhrittohuNh £j\ O 000 To LBND in Tariotu mmM FREEHOLD SECURITY, At Lowest Current Bates. Apply to WILLIAMS ft MILLTON, Solicitors, • Glouoester street, Chrlstchurcb. LOAN AND. DISCOUNT COMPANY OFFICE. LICBVIBI.D STBBBT. THE above Booiety discounts Bills daily. Loan* from £10 to £5000 On personal seourity, Deeds of Property, shares in Public Companies, and other securities, at current rates. Entire Charge for £10, repayable at 10s per week gl £20, „ 20s „ g» Advances mode on furniture, stock-in-trade, flurm stock, 40. All applications, personally or by letter, strictly confldential. 188 Medioal. OXYUKN IB LlFt.-Db BKIQUI'S FBOSi PHOOYNU.- Best known remedy for Nev> vuusness, indigestion, liver ooinplalnta, and fnne> tlonol derangements. Highly raoommended by the medioal faoulty. br Bright's Phoaphoo'yne only reliable remedy for weak and shattered constitutions, narrow debility, depression, lassitude, pimples, U^poVishel blood, prematuru rteeline i thoreughiy in nnfsbllriiai health. Dr Bright's Ihosphodyne has uciversully eatab> lisked its roßtorarfve powirs, and mat Justly be enu-. onted arooi.gst U>e toruuiost of those happy disooverles which medical ra*»»rok hae prodneMU Sold b» all Chemist* thruughoat the glt-be in oaea% at 10s 4d. ear Ueware of wo>-thless imlMtion* beaiw loir si) UJar natnm. Now Zn land Agents,.' Kn» thorn*, Prouitr and <o. 4tm Dr E. C. West's Nbrve am> Pbain Trhatmiht, guaranteed specific for Hystoria, Dizziness. Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Nouralgia, Headache. Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol •r tobacco, , Wakafuiness, Mental Depression. Softening of the Brain, resulting in insanity ana leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex. Involuntary Losses and Spennatorrhooa caused by over-exertion of the brain or orer-indulgenoe. Each box contains one month's treatment, to • box, or six boxes for 255, sont by moil prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order reoeived by M for six boxes, accompanied with 255, we will aead the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a one* Guarantees issued only by G. BONNINGTON, Chemist, 553 Christ ohuroh, N.E. Specialty! Specialists Draw on Nature — she compels you to honour the acceptance. Thirty years sinoe, when Dr Smith first ioom» menced praotice here, it was thought by medical men that to be a specialist was derogatory to the professional man, but this, liko most other innovations in scientiflo and lay matters, was found rathe* to aid than to be " infra dig " to that profession, wherein the speciality was praotised. LaJlemand and Eicord, in France, and Acton, in England, were for years cried down by their medioal brethren. Now and for many past years they hay» been looked up to, and quoted, by every man who pretends to have any knowledge of the particular branch of the profession which these gentlemen specially devoted themselveß to. It was the same with Erasmus Wilson, the "Skin Doctor," rembUt knighted by Her Majesty. Years since, it was tho same with DrL. L. Smith, of Melbourne, who practised (as did Lallemand and Ricord) as a specialist, iv all oases of disease* and habits which produce symptoms of Nervone Affections, of Skin Eruptions, of Prostration, and make human beings iuvkile, or which unfit them to carry on the purposes of their being, or which demonstrates itselt, on the other baud, in Eruptive Diseases and Secondary Forms of Affections. Im all of these casos how necessary it is to have the Specialist who hne devoted his whole lifetime to the studying and practising in this one branch ot his profession ? Hence, now, after so many years, all minutias are familiar to him, and symptoms which (it is not unreasonable to suppose) may not strike the General I'raatitionor at ouce, now from constant practice and observation make Dr L, L» Smith master of tho subjoct. The medical profession (that is, the more liberal* minded of them) havo lUewiso recognißod this fact, and Specialists now in uvory brunoh— oculists, aunsts, syphilio, mental disoußOH, chest diseases, and in fact evory portion of tho human frame, ha* now some membor of tbo profession who devotee bis time to that, and to none other. For instance, the " chebt doctor" would on no account attend an accouchement, aud the oculist would not think of setting a broken lotfj but tuuh would advise hla patient to go to that doctor who is most famed for treating the disease requiring special skill. Dr L. L. Smith asks thoso who roquiro treatment for Weakness. Prostration, Barrenness, and Sterility, whose frames and whoso constitutions are shattered, te consult him as an oxiwrt-tblrty (80) years' praotice iv this Colony, with a practice c*. tending throughout not only tho Colonies, but in India, China, Fiji, and even in England, he claims outtht to be siiflicient to oauso evory man or woman requiring such skill as is alluded to above, to eon. suit him either pursoualiy or by letter. As a sypbiloKruphor uo other medical man hae beon able to have mich large exporieuce as he poasesses and for other alliud affections, suoh ac nervous disoase, no one in the profession ha« en. joyed so much puhlio contidouco. DB L. L. SMITH. CONBULATION FKK BT LKTTHB, £1. Medicines appropriately packed and forwarded al over tho civilised globo. DR L. ITbMITH, 182, Collins htjiekt bast, MuLßotrnw.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4942, 5 March 1884, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4942, 5 March 1884, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4942, 5 March 1884, Page 4