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BusinoM lTotioei — -— — ■ *- — — — — — — . — — _ — — — _ - COMPBTITION IS THB LIFB OF TBADB. No OATOH advertisements with me, bnt a gbfuinb Artiole. IDO not quote Prioes tbat I oannot. sell my Goods at, to mislead the publio, as some tradesman do by their advertisements, but I quote suoh prices as I oan supply to my oustomers at a small profit to myself, and with advantage to my patrons. See tbe prices of my boots and shoes, aud oompare them with any other houie in town. c. d. Men's BS. peg or sewn 12 6 Men'i B.S. Goloih sewn 18 6 Men'i strong shooting boots ... IX 6 Men's strong peg Bluoher ... 8 6 Men's strong riveted Bluoher ... 9 6 Men'e patent facing shoes ... 12 6 Women's B.S. leather, strong ... 9 6 Do do kid 6 6 And all others equally oheap. And 1000 pairi Babiei button booti and shoes of every desoription, whioh I shall offer to the Publio at prices whioh will defy com* petition. * RS. — All mothers should see my Babiei button booti and shoes before they make their purchases. The grandest atsortment in Oanterbary to ohooie nom. Address— WY -Kobinson, XHB JBbe-hivh JSoox JUepot, Next door to Milner and Thompson's Musio Depot, High street. 864 FUBTHEB BBDUOTIONS . AT J* JD.* OPBNOBB k t_/0.'8 ! GBBAT SALB o» IEONMQNGEBT. All must be sold-, as we are giving up business. Oome and seoure bargains before we olose. Open till 8 p.m. ; Saturdays, 10 p.m. N.B. — All the goods have been re-marked to close isle. 5826 BPBOIAL AND IMPOBTANT NOTIOB. OABPBTS! OABPBTS OABPBTS I THB largest etook in the trade of thi latost and newest designs in artiitit oolouringi in all qualities of Carpeting. R. W. Warn™. * Co. mre now offering For Sale, at the lowest possible prioe, Fob Oabh, and will defy oompetition, Tapbbtbt Bbttsbbls „, from Ss td Bbbt Bbubbbm ... ... „ 4s fid Bbbt Fivb Fbahb ... ... „ 6s 9d KIDDBBHIJJBTBBa „ 2s KM FLOOB OLOTHDBPABTMBNT. A Large Stook of Air-dried Oil Oloths always kept in Btook, and in well-seasons^ condition. Lutoibttkb Kahctttiiook BoTrxnmrov An inspeotion' solicited. Note the Address— R. W. W«mb 9 * 0^ GBNBBAL HOUSB FUBNISHBBS, Tiotobia Stbbbt, Ohriitohuroh. Fibbt Obdbb ob. Mbbit at thb Nj&. Exhibition, 1882. R« W« vVamebb k Kjo, Manufaoture their ewn Btook, and guarante* a seasoned and well-finished artiole, BTBAM OABINBT WOBKS, Kilmore, Durham, and Oheiter itreets, Ohristchuroh. Estimates will be forwarded on applicator for removing large or imall quantities of furniture by road or rail, skilful and trustworthy men lent to prepare and work the entire rt moval. Established 1860. 766 WESTEBN MINING BXOHANGB. 166, Oashel itreet east (next Mation and Co.), Chbistohuboh. EDMUND WICKES, Sharebroker and General Commission Agent. The Mining Exohange has confidential agents in eaoh of the mining distriots ; full and reliable information obtained on all mining ventures for clients and members; earliest news received from prospcoting parties from LyeU, Beefton, Mohikinn, Karamea, Papahana, and Paparoa distriots, South-west goldfields, giving members an opportunity of obtaining original interests and participating in the discoverers' bonus. 282 BLIGH'S XBKFSBANCB HGTffIL Atf.D BBBTAUBAKT. BBST AOOOMMODATION in Town <> now offered to BOARDERS. Double room, 16s per weeki single room, 18s $•#. weeki board, without odging, Its p«r weak f weekly dinners, 4a per weeki board wr.* lodging, ti per day. Good accommodate tor familiea. BmoMng-roem, sitting-roan*. with use of piano, bath-room, shower bHi;, i Itabling free. 3*16

Sporting. Jb idblity Company's JL BOGBAMME otr THI MBLBOUBNB OUP 1 ISO Horses and 60 Bonds. Baoe on 6th November. Olose between 20th and Slst Ootober. Three divisions, aoooording to quantity applied for up to closing date. "1 First £600 Seoond 800 Third 200 ON [-Starter, (about £82 each)... 700 £4000 Non-starters (about £12 ea.) 1480 «*" vvv 20 Sonde (£2O eaoh) ... 400 20 Bonds (£lO eaoh) ... 200 j2O Bonds (£6 eaoh) ... 120 £4000 "1 Firit £800 j Seoond ..'. 400 ON I Third 800 oka a a Starters (abont £36 each)... 800 &OUUU Non-Btarters (about £13 ea.) 1680 20 Bonds (£3O each) ... 600 120 Bonds £15 eaoh) ■< ... 800 J2O Bords (£6 each) *■' ... 120 £5000 "| First ... £1000 • Second ... 600 nw 1 Third ... 400 n^AAA J-Starters (about £45 each)... 1000 3bt)UUU I Non-starters (about £16 ea.) 2000 120 Bonds (£32 eaoh) ... 640 120 Bonds (£l7 each) ... 840 J2O Bonds (£6 each) ... 120 £6000 There will be Fonr Separate Drawings for Baoh Tioket, vis , One Drawing for the Baoe, and Three Separate drawings for the 60 Bonds; Programmes— £l eaoh, and twe 2d stamps, Cheques (with Is exohange) to be papable only to aNo or to Bearer. P.O. Orders payable to Fidelity 00. ONLY. If half-notes, send by. separate Posts. Begistered Letters or Telegrams not aooepted. Addbbbs onit to " Fidelity Oompany, care of Alfred A. Cameron's Box No. 251, Dunedin." 5433 15*^- APPLY BABLY. ROB BOY'S CLUB DISOUSSION ON THE NBW ZBALAND OUP. To be Bun Nov., 1883. To Olose on Nov. 1. 2000 Members at 10s. 66 Performers. First ... £300 Seoond ... ISO Third 75 Starters 150 divided Non-starters 825 do £1000 Apply by letter (with two stamps for replies), addressed 808 BOY, Oare of Mr Marler, Box No. 71, Poßt-effioe, Ohristohuroh. Begistered letters or telegrams not reoeived. Post-offioe Orders preferred. To a holder of two shares the odds are only 15 to 1. 5874 Business Fotices. PAEIS HOUSE. PARISIAN NOYELTIE3. M.BS JJ RANK JTOBTBB Is now showing her FIBSI SPBING SHIPMBNT Ex s.B. British King, consisting of the OHOIOBST GOODS PROCURABLE, IN MIXLINEBY, Mantles, GiOTBS, Fiohus, Oobshts, Undhbolothing, &0., &a PARIS HOUSE. 5826 BROOKFIELD OOAL WANTED Enown, that B. HIGMAN k 00. has started in the Ooal and Firewood trade, at the Gas Works road, Sydenham, and hopes by keeping a good artiole to get a fair share of pubho patronage. Also, that they have always on hand a good stook of the splendid Brockfieid Ooal. Likewise, also, the best Newcastle and Homebush Coals. Post cards addressed to B. HIGMAN k 00., Gas Works road, Sydenham, Will reoeive prompt attention. 5893

i.. i ■ i i -n-nrpnTf^rpiir— **— — ■ — — — rr*i**i*i*i*-— ■— —-»»-»**»***■ ' ■ *-»—■■— —»»»»»» Burinon xrottoew T. J. WATTERS, BANGB MAKBB, OASHHL STBBBT (Next Bank of Australasia), Has Beceived the following High Awards : N.Z. Intbbnationai Exhibition, 1882: The Onit Gok> Mbdai for Oooking Banges made in the Australasian Colonies. A. and P. Association Show, Ohbibtohuboh, 1881 : Goed Mbdai. A. and P. Association Ihow, Chbistohuboh, 1882 : Fibbt and Sboond Pbizbi AGAINBT All OOMBBS. Dunbdin Show, 1882 : Highbbt Honotb. HOT WATBB FITTINGS for BATHS and all other purposes carried out by T. 3. WATTBBS. j6067 COLOMBO STREET BOOT AND SHOE DEPOT. ESTABLISHED 1860. In consequenco of being largely OVBBSTOOKBD, and to MBBT THB TIMES, JOHN GOODMAN BBGS to inform his numerous oustomers that he has determined to mako a itill further reduotion in Frices :— Men's Laco Boots (own make), reduoed from 18s 6d to 16s 6d | Men's Kip Bluoher (own make), reduoed frem. 12S 6d to lis ; Men's Kip elastio side springs, rednoed from 16s 6d to 12e 6d ; Women's Kid Boots, reduoed from 9s 6d to 5s • Women's Oashmere Houee Boots, from 2s 6d ; Ohildren's Felt Boots, from le. Note the address— GOODMAN'S OHEAP BOOT AND SHOB DEPOT, OOLOMBO STBEBT. THB BBD OV THB FUTURE, ROWCLIFFE'S SPRING MATTBB&3, EOE Hotels, Hospitals, and Private jFamilies. Strong, Cheap, Olean, DunVoli. 2kPalliass roquired. Will last a lifetime. Bvery Mattress Guaranteed. Bxtraot from "Life, and how to make the most of it," by Phillip Foeter, X.D.— •" Bowoliffe's Patent Sanitary Woven Wire Mattress is the most oomfortable end healthy bed szanufaotured." Xt fits any bedstead, oon be made hard or soft at pleasure, and' cannot get out of order. Sole Agent for the Colonies, W. G. P. BHABP, Sl, Olarenco etreet, Bydney. 48X8 SOLD BYBBYWHBBB — B HWAJBK OF IMITATION J^^ fl^H Oppbnhbimbb - & Co., liPsl^^i!wHL HAyB 0N Bale ' and ace bolb V/fflr^^l/jBBI. AGENTS I*FJ WEW ZEALAND FOB Fffll i_dSß_T_m LALLIEB VBBNOT k OO.'S I UU OELBBBATED FBBNOH BUBB MILL *• l fy^^i _J_^_\\\\\w_\\We^^^ RfYlVlZfl i_\\J_\^_^_\__\m ' 8 raiß 6 lamaa t 4 Mw » A^D 4 VBBT 6 gflßWjtyflfflß A^Hfifl^H inohbs biahetbb, just iandbd, |H MUNSON'S POBTABLB MILLS, I "i' lH^^^*yfa fifm BHBT THB }IT Will NOT OLOG OB llllilll M^^^^.i^U^^^Hß OHOKB vIf DBB ANTBrBBDj BBEF- ADJUST* j^^^^g^gglJ^^glg^^^^gl^^P ING AND PBBFBOT IN BALANOB. Peioh *° b 82-inch Singibgbabbd, with JSB *SSHBsig!i^!is^ 1 5!i^gS^P^ i^o Fbbnoh Bubb Btonbb, *75. POWELL k DOUGLAS'S CELEBBATED STAB PUMPS, fob wbiis ob all DEPTHS POWELL & DOUGLAS'S CHAMPION WINDMILLS, fob pumping, chap*. cutting, oobn-gbinding, ka., ali complbtb, £25 baoh. I For full particular!, prioes and termi, apply te OPPBNHBIMBB k 00. Auokiand, |

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4792, 8 September 1883, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4792, 8 September 1883, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4792, 8 September 1883, Page 4