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Bußinesa Announcements. Ossh advertisements under this head, not exeeedinr fourteen words, will be oharged SIXPENCE. ■ — — — — — — _____ —_—____«_^ AF. J. MICKLE, M.D., M.8., Master ia « Surgery, ko., late Resideat Surgeon, Christehuroh Hospital, has removed to 171, Armagh Btreet, 8.C., near Colombo street. Hours for consituation— 9 to 10 a.m., 12 to 2, and 6to 8 p.m. 3703 A BEYNOLDS, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Jtl.* Hairdresser, Colombo Btreet, next Beeoe, Ironmonger. Private hairdressing rooms for Ladies. Gentlemen's haircutting, 6d. 849 A PAIB of our Stylish Cut Trousers to measure 13s 6d; two pairs, 265. Woollams and Co., City Tailors, 239, Colombo atroet. 1346 ALL my goods are weU shrunk, weU out, Btylish, good material, and guaranteed to give satisfaction, P. Cairns, Tailor, High and St Asaph streets. 7679 AGENCY for the Engagement of Mole and Female Servants, 291, Tuam street west, near Montreal Btreet. Employers may rely upon obtaining suitable servants. Miss Piercy, proprietress. 2022 AT P. Cairns, Tailor, you oan get Suits from SOs } Treusers, 14s, to measure ; style, out, and workmanship unsurpassed in the Colony. High and f> 4s»vh streets. 7679 BROKER.— J. Stedall buys Furniture, Luggage, *~ooks, Tools, and sundry goods on the short* est yccL'ce, for cash; the fashes, price given. Oolombo street north. 2519 BUTTE RICK'S First-class fa hionsble Paper Patterns received monthly from New York, to he had ot 216, St Asaph street west. Mrs Griffin, Solo Agent for Hew Zealaud, Instructions given. 4977 CHEAP Cash Grocery Store, Viotoria street (uext Britrinia). Save money by Buying for Cash at Cooper's. j 537 COMBARE my prices with those mm the trade, and you will see the benefit 0 dealing with P. Cairns, Tailor, High street, corner St Aeaph street. Trousers, 14s; Suits, £2 10<*. to measure. 7579 DYEING &L-d Frenoh Cleaning done oheaper than ever. Gentlemen's summer suits beauti fully cleaned by W. Harvey, Victoria street, aext Austin (Draper). Work oalled for and deliverer 1 . 892 DRAINAGE CONNECTIONS.-Wa33tcdKrown •-That H. Barrett is licensed ta oonneot drains with main sewers. Orders loftat H. Barrett's, Builder, Armagh street and Oxford terrace, will receive prompt attention. 6770 M. CHAPMAN, Whe'etale and BetaU « Fruiterer, Co'oinbo street and Lower High street, Christchurch, Grower of Grapes, Cuoumbers, and Melons. N.B.— Coontry orders poneWly amended to. DRESSMAKING.— Mrs Carke, in tendering her sincere thanks for tbe liberal eupport that has heen accorded to her since her return from Sydney, wishes to state she has opened a Branoh at Papanui. A perfeot fit and moderate charges. Latest fashions. Ready-made costumes, underdo lhin*j, kc. Victoria street, opposite Tank, and Papanui, 7247 PJRNITURE.-J. Stedall has a large took of Furniture, China, Plated Ware, Fanoy Poods, kc, ou show, at very low prioes. Colombo street north. 2519 ijtUNERALS conducted in town and oountry at " moderate oharges, by 3. D. Davis, Undertaker, Auslebrook's right-of-way, Liohfield etreet, Christohuroh t998 P THROWER, Watchmaker aad Jeweller, 163 • Colombo street, Christchurch (opposite City Hotel). Watches, Jewellery, and all kinds of Clooks Cleaned and Bepaired on the Premises. AU work warranted. A good assortment of Watohes, Clooks and JeweUery at prices to suit aU classeß, now on sale. Spectaoles to suit aU sights. 7181 "Sy W. PAINTER, Painter, Glazier, Paper.ft; 9 hanger, and House Decorator, Colombo road, Sydenham, opposite Club HoteL Estimates given. AU work at moderate charges, and painting warranted to stard.six years. 3434 H STAUNTON, Boot and Shoemaker. Work- • ingJMans Friend, one trial wiU prove it, at 143, High street , Christohuroh. 6595 ISIDEO SOLER, of the Grancanonga Vineyard, Wanganui, has opened business in 148, High street, Christcbureh. AU wines direot from our own vineyard (pure New ZeaJand). Port SOs, Sherry 30s, Malaga SOs, Chelsea 255, Constantia 30s, Burgundy 30s per doaen. Retail from 3s per bottie, or 3d and 6d per glaas. 2372 JOHN MACKAY (late Maekay Bros. Manohester street south, BookseUer, '.News Agents 4c. Tha latest periodicals reoeived hy every maU steamer 2571 JNUTSEY, Dra>er and Outfliteri Colombo -. road, Sydenham. AU Goodß sold at lowest Christohuroh prices for oash. Agent for United Insurance Company. 520 OHNSTON k SON, TaiTbre and Outfitters, la- ■ of Jersey Heuse, Colombo street, have removed to Johnston's new buUdings, Colombo road, 'Sydenham. Branoh Establishment, No. 232, Colombo stree j (near Golden Fleece). Salts made to order from £3 10s. Trousers, from 16s. Block ClQoh Spits, from £5. 9832 MBS E." SftioTH, Feather Dresser, Qioves and . Hats Cleaned. Hatß dyed. 159, Armagh atreet east. 6769 MALCOLM M'CALLUM (late of Cashel street), Praotioal Wf.tohmaker. Watohes BkUlfuUy repaired and timed (not simpiy oleaned). Colombo street, opposite Bank ol New Zesland.7l79 MB CATLIN, Sr-geon Den List, has removed from 171; Armagh Btreet, to 175, Worcester street west (neat to Canterbury Club), rear Cathedral sqwret 3628 PUMPS, Gas Fittinga, Globes, Engines, BoUers, Maohinery, Brass Work, Brewing, Meat Preserving, Boap Boiling, and Candle Making Plant. J. and?. Danks, Liohfield Btreet. Christohuroh. 5961 C 3 ECCLES (late cutter to Messrs Strange and Oe Fountaine), Tailor and WooUen Draper, 192, High street, next Mr Hulbert, Christehuroh. Tweejl suits made to order frcm £4 10s; tweed troueers do, 21s. 8298 r V\E AGUE'S Cheap Paperhanging Shop, Viotoria 1 bridge, Christchuroh. Paperhangings from 6Jd per piece. J. D. Teague, Painter, Glazier. Sign writer, and General House Decorator. Sign Writing within 60 miles of Christohuroh at town prices, with raUway fare added. 6812 nftHE ACED CUBE. — F. Coutts' guarauteed JL Acetic Aoid, tha bsst known oure for Bheumatism, Soiatica, Spinal Complaints, Neuralgia. 28 and 3s 6d per bottle. John Maokay (late Maokay Bros), 61, Manohester street. ' 2371 COOPEB, Grocer, Viotoria street (next « Britannia), supplies aU Goods at lowest prioes for oash. THE Highest Price given for secondVhafd Fur* niinire, Clothing, Tools, and Goods of aU descripi'ous, by R. Isaaos, General Doaler, Commission Agent, and Valuator, Viotoria street, opposite Britannia Hotel, Chrißtchuroh, Bankrupt stocks purchased. 4841 HHHOMAS GAGER (late J. Anderson), Tailor, .IL. kc, 95, Manchester street S., invites inspeotion of his stook ot British, Kaiapoi, and other Tweeds; good workmanship, good fit, moderate charges. A trial respeotfuUy solioited. 7246 THE originator of oheap shaving and hairdressing is BtiU iv Cathedral square,, two doors from Colombo street. Tobacco,. pipes,. kc, as oheap as ever. J. Glasson. Shaving, 3d ; hairoutting, 6d. 1041 finOthe PubUc, a Faot Worth Knowing.— "Sou. JL can buy Large Chromo-Piotures, mounted on good card-board, size SO x 22. Price, 3s each, or the set of five pictures for 12s 6d. E. Beardsley, Pioture-frame Maker, No, 89, Manohester street. 6510 WSJ ORKING Men, try my 50s Suits 3 mea y v sure, style, and fit guaranteed. IP. Can n<>. High and St Asaph streets. 76? £if\iTk PAIR Ladies' Corsets, from Ib lld VJ Vf * p our 2s 9d, 3s 6d, and 4s 6d corsets were sold previous at 4s, 5s 3d, and 6s 9d. Walsh and O'ConneU, Manchester and Colombo streets. WE are now making up Dresses to order in Homespuns, Serges, and Cashmeres, from 17s, neatly trimmed and weUmade. - Our customers may now rely on getting a good fitting dress, jacket, or dolman. Style and fit guaranteed, or money returned. Moderate charges. Wol3h and O'Connell, Maaoheater and Colombo Btreets. 1 f\K.S to PAIR Men's Trousers and Vests, at JL JJ*tM P 12s 9d, 15s 9d, 16s 9d, 18s 9d ; worth 18s 6d, 21b, 235, and 255. All men's and boys' clothing equally cheap. iValßh and O'ConneU, ->i auchestor and Colombo s(::eets>. lk»*t/VYAiT* oi Dress 'zat-.r . Homespuns, *J h \.J Serga*, .."Miner"* rronoh Merinos, Costume Tweed, So.; all reduced SO per cent in price. Walsh and O'Connel], Manohoster aid Colombo street. ffVHE NATIONAL LOAN AND DISCOUNT 8 COMPANY, opposite Hiß Lordship's Larder, Liohfield street.— Loans granted ia sums of money from £10 to £5000, upoa deeds of property, shores in public companies, oa any other class of security. Loans can be made repayable by weekly, monthly, or quarterly nstalmeuts. BiUs discounted daily. Renewals effected. All. applications personaUy or by letter strictly confidential. We are also Licensed Pawnbrokers, and lend money on all kinds of ieweUery, clothing, guns, pianos, kc. 4030 WE CAN ! WEWILL!! WE DO 1 1 1 Sell cheaper tban any other house in the trade. The prices our goods are marked confirms the assertion. Davies and WiUiams. OXYGEN IS MFE.— DR BEIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE.— BeBt known remedy for Nervousness, indigestion, liver complaints, and functional derangements. Highly recommended by the medical faculty. Dr Bright's Phosphodyne only reliable remedy for weak and shattered constitutions, norvous debUity, depression, lassitude, pimples, impovished blood, premature decline; thoroughly re-establishes health. ' Dr Bright's "Phosphodyne has universaUy established its restoraiivo powers, and may justly be enumerated amongst the foremost of those happy discoveries which medical researoh has produced. Sold by aU Chemists throughout the glebe in cases, at 10s 6d. tr Beware of worthless imitations bearing similar names. New Zn land Agents,; Kemphome. Prosser and Co. 4553 Southern .Provinces Almanao. 1884. SECRETARIES of Societies, Cricket, Boating, [O FootbaU, Dramatic, and other Clubs are requested to send to this oflice as early as possible information for insertion in the 1881 issue of the above Aim*"" 1 "- 5508

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4792, 8 September 1883, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4792, 8 September 1883, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4792, 8 September 1883, Page 2