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Bustneia Hoiiota. JtL« Jo Chattawat, 84, Peterborough street, ChristobuMlu PRACTICAL AND THEOBETICjUi TUNEB, And Bepairer of Pianos, American Orgnw* and Harmoniums. N.B.— Country orders promptly attended to- 8787 f IHEAP Cabinet Work*, Victoria street, \J near. Oarlton. Ti^UBF/TUBEme.d<) to ord»r&B<i repaired, 'tpVEftY'desoription of Work on moderate JCi terms. 17\ H. 'Von Sohoenoborg^, Viotoria stetstg ? 9 near Oarlton, oppoeito Bishop's Cowl WE CHBISTOHUBOH BEKWKEY. Se SIaNNING AND V/OMPAFX (Limithd), BBEWEBS, MALTSIEBS, & SOTILMBMt BbIWHBS 07 LIGHT & STRONG ALES & STOUT, Bottlers of India Pale Ale, light Bifctor Ale, Double Brown BftOUt* BBONZE MEDAL At Mblboubkb Sxhiemioh. first Order of Merit for Bottled Ale. Second Order of Merit for Bottled Stood Lower High street, OHBIBTOHU.BOH. 1100 AN APPEAL TO ALL MEN, MOTHECB3, OB GUARDIANS. THAT our own children, or those under our oare are frequently suffering from oomplaints we can't make out, and very°often baffle the doctors' best skill. Worms in all their multitudinous forms, from the Tape down to the smallest Aeoarieo, affliok and keep children omaoiated, as woll as adulst with delioate stomachs. The symptoms in familieß of tho presence of worms is pretty well known to every mother. DB TODD'S WOBM LOZENGES Are the only safe and offeotual remedy, being a speoifio to utterly destroy and clear away theso pestß. Compounded and carefully prepared from tko Dootor's original reoipe, by WILLIAM CLYDESDALE, Oxford terrace west, in Is paokets. Direction! enolosed in eaoh paoket. To be had also at the N.Z. Drug Company. 9071 XYGEN is life.— Dr Bright's PhospV* dyne.— Multitudes of people are hopo lessly suffering from Debility, Nervous asi Liver Complaints, Depression of Spiritaj Shortness of Breath, Indigestion, Flatuleneei Impoverished Blood, Lassitude, Want N Power, Ac, whose oases admit of a penna* nent cure by the use of Dr Bright's Phonht* dyne (Oaonio Oxygon), whioh at once aDayi all irritation and exoitemonfe, imparts new energy and life to tho enfeebled c<in»tituti©ll| and rapidly cures every stage of those hHheftt incurable and distrcssuig malsvdics. Bold fey all chemist* throughout; the (Jiobn. Beware of worthleßs imitations bearing similar nahteti Wholesale agents, Kempthome, f rosier Aot» Mir DB FIDHLER'S POPULAB JfAMTLX MiIDIOINBB [Ebtablibhbd a.d. 1812] Are now tor the first time brought to and advertißod in New Zoaland. DB FIDHLBB'S BiUouß and Liver Pills, with treatiso on self -cure, diet, &o. ... Is 6d pit hot DB FIDHLBB'S Dentition Powders, for children out* ting thoir teeth Is 6d per DOS With Dr F.s Treatise on the management of ohildren during the period of dentition ... „, „, DB FIDHLHIR'S "Nursery Mixture," or Infante' Friend. This medioine will be fouud a tomplete specific for vomiting of milk or food, looßonesß in the bowels, gripes, green motions, vviud, &0,, and its titnely mid oooasioual use willprcront convul« aion tits Is6dp*rbofo DE KIDHLEB.S "Wild Chorry," for coughs, bronchitis, uolliuifv, and all ohest lini lnnp diaoiisoß ... Is 6d per boli Theso CclolM-atfrf Medicines will beoome ft blossing to tho country, and a household word in tvery f&mn v. WIIOLES&IiR AGHNTB — M. HAit n1 S & SOU, Horeford street, Christohuroh, And Bolsil of every (torekeopor throughOttl the World. 71P» SuL I T 0 H X BT ■» FAMOUS TiLOOB liESTOBEB, ifOli CiBAUiUKG, PUBIZ'VINO, AND LTTMt* EAxiiro tkk Blood. [Sevon Years' Test in Auckland.] TKQTIMOifIALa. UOBT YTONDEBVUI. BDMBDY Tho want of a roikblo remedy for rh*V« matum, &c, hiiD long been felt as one of tht greatest calamitie» of the age. While Other means And medioinea have bmm proving them* f ohee vaiu and delusive, romedy has been eilontly and steadily unloosing the cruel fingoi's of dieoHPo, ui/.l freeing captive men from their deadly embrace. The people art now requested to civc tho Blood Bistoid ' a fair and impartial trial. And the proprietor would havo it distinctly understood that the cures of Bheumatiem, &c, aro due entirely U this medicine's wonderful effect upon th* blood, by its cleansing, purifying, ana inrigo* rating power. Its ourative and depurutive properties have) been fully attested by tho numerous teeti* monials received by the proprietor from patients who haa h*g eufferod from the above distressing maladies, who had applied in vain to physicians for reiiof, and in whose cases Turkish Baths, Hot Springs, and etVet popular remedies had boen resorted, to without effeot. Mb Hitohbns, Auckland, Ist June, 1877. Dear Sir, — I feel 1 should not be doing yov justice, for tho extraordinary medioine you manufacture, were I not to acknowledge thfl wondorful euro it has effected upon myself* It will be neoessary to explain the nature ol my complaint. On the passage to this Colony in the ship Jessio Osborne, I had a sever* attaok of Jbthoumatio Jb'cvor, and was oarried ashore in tho most helpless condition. I re* mained in this state for soveral months, suffering the most intense pain. I tried many remodios, but to no effect, and begun to despair of ever getting n lief. I was recommended by a friend to try your wonderful Bleod Hostoror, I did so, ana tho ohafiflt— almost from the first doeo, was astonishuuk I am now perfectly restored to health, at weu as ovor I was in my life. Should yon feel disposed to giro publicity to this letter, I would say to those sufforing from rheumatism —do not delay, bat at onoo take your in* valuable medicine, and they will soon md reiiof. For myself, I can only say that yon have my lasting gratitude, and I shall at all times tako it as a pleasure to give anyone all the information possible. I herewith enolote a certificate from two geutlomen (Visiting Officers of Fountain of Friendship Lodge of Oddfellows), and havo thoir permission to give publioity to it. — I am, dear sir, yout ever gratefully, Thomab H. Jonbb. We, the undersigned Visiting Offioera ol the Loyal Fountain of Friendship Lodge, of the 1.0.0. F., M.U., A.D., boar witness to the wonderful cure of Brother Jonos, effected by the use of Mr Hitohons' Blood Bestorer, Q, Ovbbtoh, N.G. i Alfbbd Alibi, V.G. Messrs COOK & BOSS, 6119 Sole Agents for Canterbury.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4546, 18 November 1882, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4546, 18 November 1882, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4546, 18 November 1882, Page 4