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Local & General.

Elsewhere we publish a number of specially interesting items reoeived by the mail. Aa auotion sale of buildings, fittings, kc, is announced by Messra Beauohamp and Bell. A meeting of the Templeton Sports Committee will be held in the Library to-morrow evening, to arrange programmo. Under a oover with the title, Extension of Main Trunk Bailway Northwards, and "for publio information," a complete and most instructive series of papers is now i lying at the Public Worka Office in this city. ( Besides Mr Foy's report of Juno 22, 1870, on < the survey of a line of railway from Amberley ■ to Blenheim through the Hurunui, Waiau, j Kaikoura, East Coast, and Flaxbourne dia- ■ tricts, thero are othors by him which aro vory | interesting at tho present juncture. Dating \ from 1875 will be found, embodied in roports y by the Bngineer-in-Ohief, various reports bf 1 Mr Foy and others of roconnaissanoe sur- ( veya of proposed lines to oonneot the East i and West Coasts. From maps and tho t surveyor's remarks on the comparative merits ( of the differont routes may be gathered a t most comprehensive idea of the ohances which i eaoh one has of being adopted eventually. The Hope Saddle, the Amuri Pass, tho I Arthur's Pass lineß, and all thoir altornativo c branohoß may be examinod in full detail, t The northern extension, whioh is the g ostensible reason for these papers having • been oolleoted, is not forgotten, and the rival « routes North by way of tho 'lop Houbo, or c the more roundabout line viA Brunnorton to J Nelson, can be traced and criticised, with the a greatest east ri

Yesterday afternoon Miss Annie Badflold eldeßt daughter of the Bishop of Wellington, wm married to Mr John W. Marshall, late of the 68th Begiment, and now residing sear Marton. The nowly married oouple leave Wellington on Mondav on a visit to Lord and Lady Normanby at Melbourne. A father novel and exceedingly <<riginal claim wbb preferred in the Besident Magistrate's Oourt yesterday. A gardener sued a milkman for damages because the latter had "not" bought *.*ny onion seed from him. Plaintiff had evidently eome misgivings aa to the validity of ina olaim, and did not appear to support it. Defendant stated that when plaintiff waa trying to drive a bargain ho replied, "Yon can keep your onion eeed," and now he waa sued ior the deterioration in value of tho seed in oonsequenoe of its being thrown on plaintiff's hands. The case was struck outdefendant obtaining 5a expenses. Under tho Law Practitioners Aot, whioh was passed during the laßt session of Par* liament, the artiolod clerks who do not patß their final examination aa solicitors by Maroh next will have no right to be admitted aa barristers without passing two additional examination, ono in law and one in general knowledge. The articled olerks of Ohrisfcohuroh have, therefore, petitioned the judge*, now sitting in the Oourt of Appoal at Wellington, to appoint another examination, on a day between Maroh and September, in order that those who pass it may bo admitted beforo the following September, whon the now Act comes into operation. Last evening a conoert, under tbs außpices of tho North Canterbury Diatrict, L0.0.F., M.U., was given in the Oddfellows' HaU, Liohfield street. The ohair wae taken by Hia Worship the Mayor of Sydenham. The attendanoe was fairly numerou*, and the programme wbb gone through in ft very satisfactory mannor. Songs trere contributed by Mrs sobinaon, Missos 01ifford r Mayne, Hill, and Eitohen, and Messrs Ohilds, Belmer, Gent, Qrantham, Smith, Mitoheli, Jones, and Kerr. A couple of pianoforte eolos were contributed by Mr Junoker, and a song and dance by Messrs Dixon and Got don. The usual monthly meeting of the Ohristohuroh Bioyole Olub was held at the Central Hotel lust night, Mobbm May, Calvert, Oats, Johnston, Oakey, Atkinson, and Hanna being preeent. The Wooretary reported having received correspondence from Mr Norris relative to the Cyclists* Alliance. After disoussion Messrs May, Hanna, and the Beorcta>y were appointed to aot as delegates. Mesrs Godfrey and Hyde were eleoted members of the Olub. Some discussion took plaoe re the President, when the 8< oretary was instruoted to aot in tho matter. The runa for tho month are : Nov. 18, Kaiapoi j Nov. 25, Sumner j Deo. 2, Heathcote Valley ; Deo. 9, Lyttelton, At the meeting of the Timaru Harbour Board yostorday, it waa atatod that it would teke £12,000 to oomplete the contraota now in hand. After paying &3counts paased at that meeting, there would be only -64500 to tho Board's oredit, and when all the existing oontraot* were paid off.the Board would be £7500 in debt. It was, therefore, decided not to entor into anynew contract till authority was reoeived from the people of the distriot to rai«e a loan. Up to the present, tho Board has not borrowed m eixpenoe. During the past month, the breakwater has been extended 45ft, and an addition 300ft of wharfage has juet been finished. Yesterday afternoon bb two of the Tramwaj Company's employees, Messrs G. Pateman aud H. Whitfield, wero fishing from the river bank about four ohainß above the Carlton bridge they observed the body of h man lying at the bottom of the river, nearly in the middle of the stream. They at onoo gave information to the polioe, and Constable! Oostin and Herlihy procoaded to the spot, and with some diffioulty got the h dy out of the river and oonveyed it to the mo.-ffua in the polioe trap. A Post Oflloe Ha« infra' Bank book was found on the deceased, b uring the name of " Bobert Lingwood Court-nay." It ia also stated that the deceased was seen in town on Saturday last. The body is that of a man apparently rather over 80 yeara of age, and had been in the water about two daya. An the inquest thie afternoon a verdiot of "Found Drowned " was returned. A most evident attemnt at house robbery was frustrated last "night. Shortly before nine o'clook the oooupiers of Messra Longman and Co., wine and spirit atores, in the-new blook of buildings at the oorner of Armagh and Manohester atreets, returned home, and found that a man had effeoted sua entranoe into the building. When discovered he was evidently endeavouring to conceal himßolf, Constable Wallaoe was called in, and arrested the intruder, who was none other than Henry Garrett, a notorious character, who has recently been disoharged from gaol, after undergoing a twenty yeara' eentenoe for housebreaking in Dunedin. He was taken to the polioe dojdt, and when searched a number of keya were found on him, ao filed as to fit any ordinary door look. There is little doubt that it was by one of these keys that Garrett unlocked the door and entered Mr Longman'a establishment. Garrett was brought up at the Polioe Oourt this morning, and remanded, An ordinary meeting of the Committee of the Leesson Orioket Olub was held on Wednesday evening last, at (he Leeston Hotel; present— Mr Jameson (in the ohair), Messrs Murray, Lunn, Hammond, Deal, and Woodhouse (Seoretary). The following members were eleoted a Ground Committee, viz. : — Messrs Hammond, Lunn, and Jameson, and arrangementa were make with Mr Lewie to aot as caretaker of the ground and material during the present season. A hearty vote of thanks waa passed to the President (Mr Lawrexioe) for his present to tho Club of a lawn-mower, and for his liberal offer to pay the rent of the new ground. Mr Woodhouse tendered his resignation as Seoretary to the Olub, aa he waa unable to dovoto suffioient time to attend to the duties. The resignation was aceepted with regret, and Mr Woodhouse was requested to aot for a fortnight longer, pending the appointmont of a auoooasor. After passing a few accounts for payment, the meeting adjourned. In tha Nelson Distriot Oourt yesterday the rule nisi obtained by the Bank of New Zealand, Nelson, against Mr Hiokson, of Wellington, liquidator of the Phoenix Gold mining Oompany, came on for argument. The rule oalled on the liquidator to ehow cause why he Bhould not be made to pay the Bank at Nelson £686 owing by the Company, or as an alternative be removed from the oflloe of liquidator, and in eithor case have his remuneration aa liquidator disallowed, and ordered to pay all costs. Hiokson filed affidavits that he regarded the Bank of New Zealand at Nelson and the Bank of New Zealand, Wellington, as one creditor s and not knowing that there wero suffioient unoalled-up assets to pay all debts, did not think it woald make any .difference whether he paid the Wellington or Nelson bank, and bo paid the formor in full. Tho affidavit replies to the other allegations, but admitted teohnioal irregularities. Mr Adams, for tho liquidator, aßked for an enlargement of the rule for another order. Tho Oourt granted this applioation, whioh wbb not opposed, and in doing bo Baid it wob evident that the liquidator had negleoted hie duties. The total amount which haß been realised by the sale at Loneboanh up to Wednesday evening was £25,795 Ids 9d. On (ho third day there were a number of frosh buyors present, but tho pricos realised for tho oattle were not good, the Devons especially going at a very low figure. Tlie Shropshire Down sheep sold well, and fetohod good prioes, one of tne imported rama fetched as high as 22-} ge, tho purchaser being Mr J. E. Stent. The remaindor of the sheep sold realised modorato prices only. The aale was continued at 10 a.m. yesterday. Tho remainder of the sheep were first taken, and the salo of horso* was thon commenood, a start boing made with the threo-yoar-old unbrokon draught fillies. Aa the eale of horaeß proceeded the number of buyers increased, and by noon thoro was a lurgo concourse of peoplo round the yards. A largo number of the animals were disposed of at rery good prioes, the bidding being very apii ilia, especially for the three-year-old unbrokon haok oolls. The prioea roalised rarged from £1 up to £60, these prioes, howovor, being the twe extremes. Most of the hacks fetched over £10, snd besides tho one at £50, soveral were sold »b high aa £20, £25, £26, while a good many •rent up to and over £16. Tho most spirited bit of bidding dnring tho day, and indeed iuring the sale, was for a Bplondid looking hrce-joar-old unbroken hack colt, whioh wae itarted at £20 and quiokly run up to £50, at irin'ch figuro a woll-known auctioneer, who oomed lo take a great fanoy to tho animal, •ried a go, and the colt fell to the lot of Mr r. Grigg. Ihe other oolta and fillips sold were , fine-looking lot of animals, and all found eady buyers at good prioea,

Ferrets hare been proolaimed the natural enemies of the rabbit. The Te Awamutu Cheese Factory is announced to oommonoe operations, Mr George Busboll Morrin, of Waimate, »f Auckland), was found dead in bed of heart disease. At the Auokiand horticultural spring show the exhibits were good and the attendanoe large. A boy of six, named Yardloy, was drowned yesterday afternoon while bathing in a oreek at Aramoho, Wanganui. The body was reoovered. Mr Gilbert Carson, proprietor of the Wanganui Chronicle, and present Mayor, ia nominated for a second term. Government advertise 106.0C0 aores of •agricultural and pastoral land for sale on deferred payments and fov cash in various parts of the North Island during December. Bishop Bedvrood is now visiting the various settlements on tho West Coaat. Whilo at No Sown, £320 wbb oolleoted towards the ereotion of a new Boman Catholio ohapel thero. A mile swimming match took plaoe at Dnnedin yesterday botween Phelan and Massey. Pholiin won by 40 yards in 35min 4*ec At a Presby torian ohuroh bazaar held at Port Chalmon*, no rafflos or lotteries of any kind were allowod. Tho publio seemed to •ppreoiato thu idea, for £665 waa realised, and the expenses wero only £25. The Wairarapa Star publishes a report that a well-known roaident of Masterton, who has contributed to the building of the Borough in a humble capacity, has just come into a baronetcy and a fortune of £90,CC3. The Beoretary of tho Wellington Acclimatisation tiocii'ty haß liberatod 1600 young trout, in Bplendid oondition, in the Hutt river, making a, total of 4000 turned into that river. Anothor 1000 are to be added to these ■hortly. At tho inqueßt yesterday into the ciroum■tanoes conneoted with tho recent fire at Wewton, Wellington, the jury returned a verdiot that there was not auffloient evidence to ahow the cause of the fire, but are of opinion that it waa acoidontal. Mr P. Cunningham was yesterday eleoted Ohairman of tfae Lyttelton Harbour Board vice Mr B. J. S. Harman, who has resigned in consequenco of hia intended visit to England necessitating bis gifing undivided attention to his private affairs. The throo vossols whioh left Greymouth yesterday afternoon, the Anthous, Olarinda, •nd Annie Hill have been detained exaotly a fortnight, waiting for coata, solely for want^ of proper storage, the only reserves poesiblo being what is contained in about 100 truoks. The Dunedin Medioal Association lastnight republished advertisements, whioh have been appearing from Dr Wilkins, stating that he ia "late of the surgical staff Boyal Eyo Hospital, Moorfleld, London," and along with them a letter from tho Seoretary of that Hospital, asserting that Dr Wilkins never was on the ataff of that Hospital. In relation to thia advertisement, Dr Wilkina explains that he -was clinical assistant to two leading surgeena in the Hospital. A meeting of the Lankey Creek (Beefton) Quarts Mining Company was held at Dunedin yesterday, at whioh, after reading reports from the Beefton Direotors as demanded at a former meeting, the following resolution waa oarried :■— " That the reports oro very satisfactory, and the Duaedin shareholders are of opinion that if these had been eent earlier there would have been no neoessity for the resolutions passed by them at their previous meeting." A speoial meeting of the members of the Canterbury 00-oporative Land Association was held in their rooms, Alport's buildings, at 8 p.m. last evening. Mr J. Parry, President, explained that lhe meeting had been oalled for the purpose of b.tllotting for the 33 quarter aore seotiona ah Belfast reoently purohased from the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agenoy Company. The ballotting having been completed undor the supervision of the hon Treasurer, Mr B. T. Bell, the meeting terminated. The opening of the graving dook, into whioh water was let this morning for the first time, ia not to be unaocompanied by all due ceremony. The Harbour Board yesterday deoided to have a publio lunoheen on the occasion, and expressed their determination in the event of their being advised that an appropriation for the purpose from the Board a funds waa illegal, to defray the expense from their own pookets, they being resolved, as one of the membera expressed it, " to wet the daok." Colonel Tupman, the chief of the British transit of Venus observation party, haß seoured tho servioes of Mr W. Littlejohn, of Wellington, for the ereotion of the standard astronomical clock at the prinoipal observatory, which is to be at Burnham, about 18 miles from Christohuroh. In addition to the ereotion of the clock, Mr Littlejohn haß been entrusted with the oonstruotion of an ingenious apparatus by whioh every beat of the pendulum of the great olock at Burnham will be convoyed by eleotrio wira to the Wellington Observatory, reoently placed on Mount Oook, and thore automatically recorded on paper. The time will be passed on from Wellington to the other New Zealand observatories. The liuol revision of the examination conduoted in Ootober last nnder the auspices of the New Zealand Pharmaoy Board shows that one candidate, Mr Bennett, of Now Plymouth, haa sucooodod in obtaining the percentage of marks neceßßary for a pasß. Xhe four oandid&toa who failed will have an opportunity of again presenting themaelveß, without the payment of any furthor fee, at either the January or April examinations. Beferrirg to the above result, Mr J. A. Allan, of Wellington, the Begistrar under the Pharmacy Aot, expresses tho opinion that though this is somewhat disheartening, atill he has greator faith than ever in the good examinations would do, if not made too drastic or severo. A meeting of "the unemployed" was oalled for eleven o'clook thiß morning, in Cathedral squure, but, at the hour in question, though a lew men were to be seen standing at the adjacent Btreet corners, no other signa of a meeting were visible. Bome of these men had evidently oomo for tho purpose of seeing what was going to be done, but finding no one willing to take the initiative, they gradually dispersed. It is Btated that there oertainly aro at present somo men out of employment, bub that a considerable number of these are bricklayers, who have been temporarily thrown out of work on aooount of a partial stoppage in the erection of buildings through tho difficulty of obtaining certain materials. Theße mon, it is said, will be able to resume work to-morrow. At tho Dunedin Eduoation Board yesterday, tho following motion, notioe of whioh waa givon by Mr Elder at the last meeting, when the Farnie caso was being considered, wob withdrawn — " That as statements have boon made on several occasions by Messrs Green and Fergus at meetings nf the Board roflooting on tho conduot of certain of the Board's offioera, they be requested to formulate these oharges ao that thoy bo invostigatod and their truth or othorwiso nubstantiated." Mr Begg gave notico of tho following motion for next meeting : — " Thnt, in viow of the unsatisfactory results of tho examination of the Normal Bohool, the Inspectors be direoted to make Ui early and thorough examination and inSpeotibh of both the training and practising epartmonts of tho sohool, and roport fully to the Board." A sarcastic oomment on the olose of the Tasmanian Parliamentary Session appeara in tho Hobart Mercury :— " In the midat of their arduous labours of road-making and dirt-throwing, senators have found time to relieve women from the ordinary obligations of married lifo, inspiring the grand belief that what is their hußbanda' ia theirs, and that their own belongs ontirely to themselves, and have thus removed from antiquated Christians their last hope of the thraldom of woman. That ao much work, and ever ao mnch more, oould be accomplished in one session of Parliamont, oan only be accounted for by the superior brillianoe whioh conceived, and the magnificent genius which perfeoted, ■uoh lofty conceptions. Now the war is ended, and the Empire is at peace. Senators have returned— one to his pilla, another to hia farm, and a third to his merchandise. The world follows them in silent admiration and worship. Men ef mighty renown, they rest from their labours— and if curses, like ohiokens, go homo to roost, their works do follow them."

The dedication festival in connection with j St Luke's Ohurch will bo observtd with the j usual servioes, on Wednesday, Nov. 22. j Dilatory ratepayers in the Avon distriot will find a "gentle reminder" m another oolumn. The channel aoross the Greymouth bar is now abnormally wide, but still carrying a splendid depth of water. Major Nathaniel George Morse, formerly commanding the force in the Nelson distriot, and an old settler, died yesterday, after a lingering illness. George Smith, of Lincoln, was this morning committed for trial, at the next Criminal Sessions, oharged with violently assaulting his wife. The quarterly general meeting of the members of the Canterbury Ohamber of Commerce will be held at their roomß, on Friday, Nov. 24, at 3 p.m. ;' On tho fourth page of this issue will be found the oonolusion of a " Reminiscence of a March," and a report of the meeting of the Lyttelton Harbour Board. We would call the attention of parents and guardians in the Bt Albans District to an advertisement in this evening's issue, which atateß that the Oommitteo intend to enforce the compulsory olauses of the Education Act. A man named Jamee Eieafe, alias O'Hearn, waß sentenced to six months' imprisonment at tho Magistrate's Oourt to-day, upon pleading guilty to stealing a watch and chain from the person of Edward Mullan. Mr W. Harris, the late Superintendent of the Fire Brigade, was a passenger by the s.s. Botorua, whioh left Lyttelton for the North yesterday. A number of friends, including Beveral members of tho Brigade, assembled on the wharf to seo Mr Harris off, A ohange has been made in the government of the principal gaols. Mr Phillips leaves Lyttelton to tako oharge of Dunedin gaol, and Mr Caldwell ia transferred from the latter to Auckland. Mr O'Brien, of Auokiand, succeeds Mr Phillips at Lyttelton. Again last night information was givon at the Polioe Office that a atone had been thrown with great violence at one of the front windowa of a hoase at the west end of Chrißtchuroh. These offenoeß are now so frequent that police-officers in plain clothes are on the look-out for the oulprits. The Auckland team of cricketers left for the South in the Bingarooma yesterday. The captain will be selected on the passage down. The first match takes place in Dunedin. The team is aa follows : — Messrs Arneil, Gardiner, Bobinson, Testro, Lankham, Barton, Dufaur, Blair, Gill, O'Brien, Yates, and Buokland. When the Nelson was docked at Williamstown, a great orowd went down to eee her. It was holiday time, and as usual the rowdy element was conspicuous in the throng, and ladies were somewhat roughly troated in the orush. So overbearing aid tho crowd at one time become that a guard of marines received orders to fix bayonets to prevent an indiscriminate rush on board. Tho mob were disposed to resent this very neceasary measure, and gave vent to thoir feelings by a groan. One of the crowd waa wounded in the wrist by a bayonet, and a sergeant having explained to an officer that the persons in front were being urged forward by those in the rear, the marines received orders to unfix bayonets.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4545, 17 November 1882, Page 2

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Local & General. Star (Christchurch), Issue 4545, 17 November 1882, Page 2

Local & General. Star (Christchurch), Issue 4545, 17 November 1882, Page 2