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Business Announcements. Cash advertisements under this head, not exceeding fourteen words, will be charged SIXPENCE. WANTED, immediately, a good second man Cook. Apply, Klingenstcin's Family Hotel, Cashel staeet. SOB 4 WORKING Men, try my SOs Buite to mea. sure, style, and tit guaranteed. P. Cairns, High and St Asaph streets. 7679 «TftT ANTED Known, that R. Buchanan is Supv V plying Ornamental Castings for Verandahs cheaper than ever. Inspection is invited. 8285 W~ ANTED Known— R. E. Beckett has comnienced business at Lower High street. Boots and shoes of all kinds on baud. All orders carefully attended to. 6733 "ANTED Known— Comfortable Board and Residence, separate rooms ; with every comfort, 18s weekly. Mrs Lloyd, Whatcly road, opposite Tank. 2193 TT«7 ANTED immediately, good servants of all VV kinds. Address Mrs Post's Registry Office, and Stationer, Colombo street south. 5907 "VJC7V NTED Known— Cure for Rheumatism and V V Neuralgia, Is 6d. W. E. Cooke, Chemist, High street (late of Christchurch Hospital). WSU' ANTED Known— The only practical TonWV surial Artiste (a la militairo) in Christchurch is Thomas Eees, Green's Buildings, Manchester Btrcet. WANTED to Let— A six-roomed Cottage ; rent. 10s per week j the second cottage on the right band side, Poulson street, off Lincoln road, Addington. 9085 WANTED Known — Mrs Wales, late of Oxford House, has taken the Norfolk Boarding House, comer Montreal and Tuam streets, and will be glad to see her old friends. 9087 'W/' ANTED Known -That T. Austin, Victoria f f street, is Bhowing his first shipment of spring goods, which have been pmrchased at the lowest prices, and will be found of excellent value. V^J ANTED, working men to patronise the • * " Timeß " Restaurant, corner Manchester and St Asaph streets. Meals 6d. Good clean beds Ib. Five minutes from railway. Breakfast, 7to 9 a.m. F. King, Proprietor. 700 \\ /"ANTED. Known-P. Ferguson, Shoeing and V V General Smith, makes and repairs all kinds of masonB 1 tools, and carefully alters boot factory knives of all descriptions. Colombo street south, near belt. 9921 W ANTED Knewn-That Harry Cole has Bemoved from Green's Buildings to opposite Wood's Timber Yard, Manchester street, where ke hopes to see all his old friends. SQlt 'ANTED Known— That Mr J. G. Skrimpten'a new Auction Rooms (Cashel street, opposite Messrs Ballantyne and Co.'s) are now open for the sale of Produce and General Merchandise. 6314 WANTED KNOWN.-Ladies' Hats and Bon" nets cleaned, dyed, and altered, to present fashion. Alee, Gentlemen's hatß cleaned. Address, Mrs Bean, No 20, Conference street, off Dnrkam street. 837* ANTED, all tke mothers with large families to see onr le}d sailor hats before purchasing elsewkere, and onr Hsd ladies' straws, worth Is Sd. Lose no time in calling to sco them. T. Austin, Victoria street. W" ANTED Known— Loans granted in sums of £5 and upwards, payable by weekly, monthly, or quarterly instalments. Apply to R. S. Raphael, corner Cashel and Madras streets', opposite St. Paul's Chnroh. £563 \KT ANTED Know-T. Tankard, Book-binder, Ww Paper Kuler. kc. Account Books made to order, Law nnd other booko bound, books re-cased, Gloncester street, Parker's New Buildings, nearly opposite Theatre. 1962 W ANTED, for cask, horse hair nnd bnUock tails ; highest price given. On soleColonial curled hair ; it cannet be surpassed for spring and sweetness. New harness and Baddies exchanged for old. Coppins, Saddler, Lower Hifk street. WANTED Known— That the Dressmaking Business is still carried on at Mrs Skarland's konse, corner of Armagkani Madras streets, by an experienced hand from Messrs Robertson and Moffat, Melbourne. Latest style j fit guaranteed. WANTED, a thoroughly good Cennter-hand, fora large general store in the country. Apply, by letter, to Bag 28, giving age, experience, whether married or single, and reference. None but a good draper, and well np to the bnsinesi need apply. 9084 WANTED Known-Splendid Building Sites, each one eigktk acre, for sale cheap; Ferry road, close to tram and city. Terms extraordinary I Cask deposit, £5 ! ! Balance at S per cent 1 1 1 Immediate application necessary. J. A. Morgan and Co., 54, Madras street south. 665« WANTED Known — I have opened to-day 10,090 miles of "civility" for customers, an article that has been very scarce in Christchurch Hon es for some time, and mucb onqmired for. As I have cleared the whole lot in tkiß market it can be procured only at my Drapery and Clothing Establishment, Kiver's Buildings, Cashel street. C. E. Church, Direct Importer. N.B.— Ensh, Garden and Zulu hats (8000) opened to-day to pell ot 3}deack. Other houses advertising and showing some Hats at 6d and 9d each. W'ANTE D Known— Where are you going P I am going to Schlesinger's, in High street, to join his Circulating Library, Ss 6d per quarter. Second-hand books sold from 6d erch. The American and London Police News received by every mail ; also a large stock of pipes, cigarettes, cigars, &c, kept. Don't forgot to tray hiß special brand of cigars, six for Is; Cameron's Venus tobaoco, 3d a stick A, Schlesinger, Tobacconist, * ewe Agent, and Importer of Novelties, No. 135, High street, opposite Kempthorne, Prosser and Co.'b. N.B, — Just received, the Australian Pnzzle, 6d each ; by post, 9d in stamps. 7503 WANTED, the Inhabitants of Stanwore to know that n twithstanding their support during the last flection lam not going to " rat " beennse I have secured their connection. My Rivals in Trarte aro spreading the report thit I am going to raise my prices this season, and so " rat" on yon. Believe me when I say "It iB false," and that my new Spring Goods will be found Chexrer than any other house in Christchurch. Ten cases new Pompadours, Cambrics, Sateens, &c, kc, All at 3s Cd the full dress. Best four-button Kid Gloves 3a lid pair. C..R. Church, Direct Lnportor, Cashel street. W "ANTED, yon, Gentle Reader, to receive my sincere thanks for yonr kind snpport and appreciation of my endeavours to give yon batter value for your money than any other house in Christchurch dnring the past season, and to assure you that this season the new Spring Goods I am opening have been bought at snek low prices— for Cash— that I enn still undersell all large Drapery Houses, nnd thus secure your continued patronage. For it is a well known fact that those whe buy for cash go where they can get the best valne, therefore they go to C. R. Church, Direct Importer, and the Cash Draper, Kiver's Buildings, Cashel street. 100 dozen Ladies' Underclothing just opened, all kinds of garments, from Is lid to 19s (id ; also, Combinations. 500 more bottles of Tricopkerouß to open next month, at Is per bottle. FURTHER Reductions in Boots and Shoos. Head my new price list, B. J. Hale, Boot and Shoe Depot, Cashel street. GREAT Reductions.— Hales 2s Cd Lace-ups, acknowledged by all to be the best value in town. GREAT Reductions.— Hales Girls' Levant side springs, from 10 to 12, at 5s «d; unequalled in price and qaality. Secure yonr Vurgains while you have an opportunity. pi REAT Redwctiona.— Hale's Ladies' Kid Boots, vT at 6d Gd. Only ouo trial asked for. No goods in the town to boat them at the price. GREAT Reductions.— Hales own make nuilod Bluchers at 9s Cd ; splendid valne. Sold everywhere else at a considerable advance on these prices. GREAT Reductions.— Halo is sellinj? woodensoled Watertight^ at 10s 6d j is not generally known. GREAT Reductions.—Hole is selling bis own make Shooting Boots at 14s 6d. Every other man you meet is wearing them. OREAT Rednotious.— Halo's firstrclasfl Gents' Lome Shoes at 13s Cd; his own make and guaranteed. GREAT Rertiintioiiß.—Halo is Belling Gents' Colonial-made Elastw sides at 15s 6d; a very durable article. GREAT Reductions.— Note This-A specal job line of Cliildren'6 elastic sides at ss ; from 10 to 13. This line ennnot bo purchased at any other shop in town l>nt B. J. Halo's. g t REAT Reductions.— Try Halo's 7s All-lasting VJT Boots ; guaranteed to wear and give satisfaction^ GREAT Reductions.— Obsorvo Halo is selling a real good Watertight at 16s 6d. Stndy economy and try them. *3f\f\ PAIRS ef Ladies' Slippers at 3s per ♦"Jvl" pair, honestly worth 6s. This is the cheapest lino in the town ; call early, B. J. Halo. AN early inspection of B. J. Hale's largo and well-assorted stock of Boots and Shoos is invite KEMKMBER— Great I'cduction-Grcat Reduction- Greit Reduction.— All Goods are being sold at reduced prices, and every article is a bargain. ___ NOTE the Address.— B. J. Halo, Al Boot nnd Shoe Depot, corner of Colombo and Cashol streets, ChriHtchnrch. M7J TO Drapers— Wanted, smart, jmshinß Hivnd Apply, Post box 6*. 9107 3JJ STAUNTON, Boot and .SlioemiiJicr. Work«f"K c inj? Man's Friend, one trial will prove it, at 143, High street, Christchnrok. 0505 DA N N'S HBR BA L PIL LS, Price Is Gil and 4s per box. M»49 C. COOPER, TATLOR, Oxford went. Suit* toniwifluro from £i 15s n»d npwardH. 8201 TP yon want pure nu<l wholesome Ton, Pennine ' Coffee, ehoii'o Butter, fresh Keen, prize I Cheese, and wli-ct Cirooeries, at the Very Lowest Prices, call at Victoriu Stores, and inspect the largest nnfl best Hssort<!(l stock in Canterbury. 1). StrunnKhun, Codm, 1 Manufacturer and Im]>ortor, ' 107. Victoriu street. Orders called for, ami goods delivered nt nny fulilrrss. j 5S REWARD.— liosr, between Durham ttrret , and ARricnlt.nral Show Grounds, a bunch of Kcyi. AppVt o ffii; o of this paper. BS*2»

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4538, 9 November 1882, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4538, 9 November 1882, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4538, 9 November 1882, Page 2