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Local & General.

• ♦ We have to apologise to our readers for the irregularity whioh ocourrod in connection with yesterday's publication. Owing to an accident in the maohine-room, the two-feeder oould not be used, and one of the old cylinder maohinea had to be resorted to. This, however, wai altogether inadequate for dealing with the large issue of the Star, and, at a result, the printing of the last edition was not finished uatil after 8 o'olook. Suoh arrangements have now been made as will— it is hoped— obviate any future delay. Tenders are invited for entirely re-paintin* the Foresters 1 Hall, Oxford terrace. Mr B. G. Wright-a speoial telegram from Wellington informs us-has beon definitely offered tho vaoant seat in the Ministry. The annual general meeting of the Working Men's Olub will take place this evening at I o'olook. ° The quarterly meeting of tho Lioensed Victuallers' Association will be held this evening at Arenas' Cafe". * The annual mooting of the Canterbury Chess Olub wM be held in the Olub room, Bcotoh Stores, on Thursday, Got. 12. The usual fortnightly meeting of tho Working Men's Political ABsooialion will bo held in the Freethought Hal!> at 8 o'clook, to-morrow oveniag. Mesire Beauohamß) and Bell will hold as auction sale, at 2 o'clock to-morrow, at their rooms, in Colombo street, of bookbinders' and other materials. Two sales by auction are advertised by Mr J. Q. Hawkes. Ihe flrit of these, consisting of furniture, will take place to-morrow, at noon, at Mr Hawkes' Hereford street sal* room*. The »urn of £200 is to be handed to th» Ashburton Library Committee, by the Countr Oouncil, so soon has a like sum has been raised by public subscription, and paid into the Bank. At German Terraoe, Westporfc, a miner named Jeremiah Terrant was found dead olot* to the washing site. Tho post mortem showed disease of the heart to be the cause of death. Deoeaaed wai working alone. Oosta's oratorio "Eli" is to be performed this evening, at the Oddfellows' H»U, by tba Ohristchurch Musical Sooioty. Lost night, there was a full rehearsal for principals, orchestra and ohorui, and a most satisfactory practice took place. At the Auokland Supreme Court, yesterday, Denis O'Connor, obarged with the UrcKuy of £12, in a brothel, was aoquitted. Madame Foleotine, for larceuy of £20 from Henry Collins, in her private establishment, was acquitted. Messrs Bell and Sharland, late with Messrs Ballanlyne and Co., announce elsewhore that their new premises — Compton House, Colombo street — are to be openod on Saturday next. Judging by present appearanoee, the new establishment will bo worth seeing. On the last trip of the Taiaroa between Suva and Levuka a man named J. Faterson fell overboard and was drownod. Ho came on board at Suva, and is believed to belong to that plaoe. The magisterial enquiry was sob finished when the Taiaroa left. Tho Auckland Harbour Board passed a re solution in favour of the establishment of s> New Zealand Humane Booiety, managed by the Harbour Boards of the Oolony, branohe* to be established at the prmoipsd j orts, with the head office at Auokland. The Bey P. 0. Anderson! of Ohristohuroh, delivered an interesting addrecs on his mission to the Chatham Islands at St Matthew's churoh, Auokland. Among those present was Captain Thomas, B.M. of theOhatham Islands when Xc Kooti effeoted hi* csoape from there. The following notioo of motion has been given by a moinber of the Aehburton County Council :— " That the Oounoil will, at its next meeting, authorise the striking of a rate or rates to raise the sum of £2611 10s 5d for ihe Rakaia Railway Company, as direoted by the Minister for Public Works, in a letter dated Oot. 18, 1881." The Dunedin lioenssd Victuallers' Committee have deoidod to recommend to the Association the keeping of a register of all hired servants, with the lenson of their discharge, &o. : also of all defaulting boarders, to be open for inspection of members ; also, to ask Government to appoint proper oxcise officers, with power to obtain samples of liquor from hotelkeopers. Two Belgians named Louis and Solomon Co)) on have been arrested at Dunedin on a charge of false pretences. They represented to Father O'Malley, Principal of the Catholio College, that they had been sent to him by Bishop Moran, and sold him a considerable quantity of cluthiog at an extravagant price. They were arrested at they wero leaving by the Botomahana for the Worth. Ihe schooner Nelson, whioh left Lyttelton for Waitara on Sept. 29, put in at Wellington on Tuesday for repairs. She experienced nothing but a succession of gales throughout. Yesterday morning she met with a terrific gala from (lie northnorth east ; carrying away the roofed mainsail and a hundred feet of her bulwarks, and doinf other damage. The captain had his oreroisat stripped clean off his baok, An accident occurred on tho Weatport Coal Company's incline on Tuesday, through tho wire ropo purling at a splice. Thie released the loaded truoks which flew down tho incline of the line, tearing up a few sleepers, twisting the rails, injuring the ofllcoat tho foot of the line, a<id doing othnr damage. One of tho men employed at the bottom received some natty cut* about tho head and face from the flying dSbrix. The damage was quickly, ropairod and irafllc resumed. At the Wellington Supreme Court yesterday, Robert; Littlecott, convicted of stealing a horse, ohequo, &0., was sentenced to Bix years' ponal servitude. James Jonathan Adams and Gtanevieve Elizabeth Adamß, his daughter, wove indicted on a charge of falsely conspiring with others on Feb. 18, 1880, to wrongfully charge George Longhurdt with havirg, on Fob. 15, carnally abueed Giaovieve Elizabeth Adams. The oase oocupied all dny, and is not expected to conclude before to-night. The Ooramilt'o of the Tisn^iora Horticultural Society held their monthly meeting at tho Institute Hall, Ilangiorn, laet night. There wero nine members present, Mr 8. Stephens beiDg in thoclmir. Tho tioi-retory ro« ported that he hod madoenti; factory arrangements with regard to tho provision of v tent in which to hold the forthcoming show. The compilation of a bpeoi-1 prize list wan then carried out, v reipeolablo number of prizes having bi-oii placed at tho disposal of the Committee ivfesHH Stephens and Robinson wore appointed titoworda to attend to the proper Paging of exhibits, and somo routine f,,,,ir,r» f living beon disposed of, tho mooting' adjourned. At a mooting of tho Auckland Presbytery a lettor was rend from the Victorian Insurance Company in rofereHte te claims made upon (ho Company by tho Bey Moses Bread), on account of the Church of 8t Andrew's, Now Plymouth, staling their bolief that the Rev Mr Broach hud uo legal claim, na the church whs burnt down maliciously during Die disquietude which then oxistod in connection with it. Neither tho congregation, nor, in their opinion, the trusUos had any ltfgal or moral claim, as they hnd failod in their duty. Tho matter would be livid before tho Directors for their counideration. A motion was carried — " That the Bey Mosea Broaoh bo informed that it is tho intention of tho Presbytery to> invn«fip«'n pV\RT("'« to bo brought { Bgain»i him that day nonth.'* The result of tho Jolimont rail. «ay accident it thus BUtnmid np by j the An/vii : —"A losa in killed and | wotnded cquiTuloiit to lhafc of tho Britith i Fleet at tho bomburdmo.L of Aloxuudria; (ho j DuTtnent of .€■') 0,000 in datnages \ tho PipfntUturn o( twice, that an.uunt indirectly $ th» eaerifico <if the profits < *■' the lino for the> year— all owufcht about, . ., the report says, by the broaKiug of a whssl-tiw, < suoh Uro being Hoth uwound %ai dangeroai, 1 '*

Tha City Guard! Band have kindly offered •to give att al fresco concert on alternate Saturday afternoons during the Bummer Months at the Hospital, in aid of the funds of that institution. Tub last report of the Christ church Hospital Committee g*ve the number of patients in the Hospital as 61. During the pravioua fortnight 36 had been admitted, and 28 had been disoharged; six deaths had oeounod. At the corresponding period last yew there were 6S patients in the institution. Owing to the heavy rain on Tuesday evening, the entertainment arranged to take place in 8t Mary's Bohoolrnom, Addmgton, •ould not be given. It now stands postponed till to-morrow evening, whan the orguul programme will be submitted. A special tram will leave tho Squaro ut 7.40. Mr G. Latham, C.8., dooa nob appear inclined to let the appointment of Mr Farr, jun , ■» architect to the North Canterbury Education Board, rest. He has written at longi.h on the iubject to the Central Board of Education, suid has" also drawn the uttontioa o£ several Canterbury M.H.B.'s to it. One 1 of the inamte» of Sunnyaide Asylum —a man named William Wellaco— escaped •n Bunday afternoon, and has Dotsincobeen heard of. im ia 40 years of age, medium height, dark complexion, and was dressed in brown clothes. As Wallace is known to be «f suicidal tendencies some apprehension is felt for his safety. At the Ashburton County Council meeting yesterday it waa stated that 27,000 trees had fteen issued to seMlera for planting along tho ■ides of the wafer-rapes whioh now, to the length of about 600 miles, traverse thn County •f Aahburton, and bavo such ii highly beneficial effect upon tho districts through which they flow. l£r J. Goss, the contractor for tho construction of the Canter bury Frozen M cat Company's building at Bvln»at, haa already made considerable progress with hia work. The ex•avatione for ths foundations arc finished, tome of tho outbuildings are already •noted, ar.d % l*rgo quautity of material i« OBtheg'Ound. Tho railway aiding is aUo on the point of completion. For some time past; affairs at tbe SRmaru Main Public Bobool, which h&B •ver one thomand scholars, have b«en going on anything but satisfactorily, owing to irant of harmony ftmougat tho head teaohers. Matters have now reached ouch a stage that the Board of Kducation ytaterday decided to give notice to the head ixmater, head mistreos, and two pupil teachers. In anticipation of the forthcoming Mayoral elootion at Eungiora, a roquirition has been set on foot expressing the gratitude felt by the burgenaos •f Bangiora at the manner iv which the present occupant of tho oivio chair, Mr J. Johnston, hnn conducted frho dutieo appertaining to hia office., and anhiug him to "allow himself to be nominated foi* the offioe for another year. An accident of a serious nature ocourrod at about 3 o'clck yesterday afternoon to Mr T. MolbourJio, of Bungiora. It appears that he was engaged ia shoeing a horse when ib kicked him severely in the chest, breaking some of his ribs and causing other danger ma internal injuries. Under the skilful treatment of Dr Gjrdon the ■afforer ia progressing <>s wall as can ba espeoted at presont. An ontortainmenfc ia nid of tho prizo fund of the Eyroton school was held on Friday ovoning, September 29. Several songs and gleoa wore we.ll rendered by tbo ■Sydenham Dramatic Company, alao songs by Misa Hammon and Mr Barpitf, and two pianoforte solos by Misa R&ss and Mr Wright. IThe attendance was very large, and at the close of tho entertainment the Chairman, Mr B. Miller, thanked the parfurmere, and called for three ohnors for them, whioh were heartily given iind responded to. Tho procaedo amounted to aboub £12 \ls. A bicyclisfc writes to fclie Zi/ttellon Times laying that as the Bicycle Club were returning from Katapoi, on Saturday, they ware repeatedly annoyed bj a man on horsebook, who rode over them, and fcwice compelled them to dismount. Our correspondent asks how can they obtain redress for such annoyanoo, as apparently the Conrfcs of law ara not for them P There are two wayaof obtaining redresß, viz , legally and otherwise, but we decline tho .responsibility of advising whioh Bkould bo used. The Times of this morning cites " ono example in a hundred o£ tlio way in which the uionoy goes in Wellington." The example ia stated an follows :— "Thore ib that trifling item of £6700 ' to free the Hamilton bridge from toll*.' Not, bo ifc rpmarfsed, to build a new bridge, nnd thus faoilitiity Lhc settlement of voluabio country, not oren to repair a bridge which happens to ho a link in tho oommunictttiono ot two or throe ;;reat distriots : but uioroly to gave Lho eitponoea of Mr Whvte's conßtituents, who, having (jot their bridgo, grudjjo pig iug for it, and prefer that the Colony should do it fiH 1 thi'm." At a recent meeting o? the Aahburlon County Council an excoiidingly grata caße of tampering with Mio public wfttsr-raena was reported, iv which Homo fuvmera a y . Chertuey were aoousad of ta7ing diverletl the flow of the stream, so that the y/iitcr might irrigate a plot of cabbago plants Procoodirgs were commenced aiai::ot tho farniftn', t.ho result of which wan that the (wblugo irrigatora tendered an apology, and £10 to com penmate for the injury done, adding n request to have the proceedings stayed. The mttl.tar was left in the handa of tho Ohairmau to aoltlo. Undor the rocenlly pasaetl " Aehburton Oounty Council Empoworing Aci '' by-hvws regulating the ÜBe of tho w*tor-raocs Trill BhorUy bo adopted, and theßO will plpce tlia Council in a position to' stop ell tho sbova sort of thing with a strong hand. Yesterday morning (says tho Lylte.lton Time*) •no of our stuff on goint; homo, ivl'lnr rousing up bis wife and children to nee Iho comet, was 'asked by hia better half to .go iizui wake up the next door neighbour— a wido -r. Ho wont, and gained anolhar uxpuvienoc' of the folly of being good mUured. Aft or knocking at the door for 9omo time without producing effect, he hammered nt one 01! tha fiDul windows, when tho blind wns diuwit en or.c oido and a flhrill, angry, fem&lo vji^o ex^luimed : "Go away, you bad mon." Ho triod to explain, but that oii>y made tha infu/iahed widow — who was alao doaf-- tnoro nunrv ; and, to make mattorn worso, v mau patsing flown the street showod oigns cf intottering, and threatened to call tho jiolico, under the impression Mint a bni^lr.ry was being attempted. At length Mio good naturod man flunk baok to his o»n h:;ueu, blos.Mng himaolf, the comet, and dpnf ladisn in particular. Tho usual anniversary ten mooting of the Sundny school (;onn?cted with the Southbrook Wesloj'an Ohurch wan held on TupdcUj nipht. Tho molomnnfij of the weather marred the proot-edinga to some extent, but, lU'Vct^htkag, tho attendance was very goo,l. Mesdansea King, Martin, fl!'ep)>tirvl, Wivllace, am) Chatterton provide*! a firit-cluss tv&, and after full jtutioo had bfluo uune to ifc, u> public ■leetin/ wuq held in tho cliuroh, under tho presidency of Mr Ohiitfarlo;) Addreesoa wero giren by tho JRov* J. A.. Danson, J. Bmith, H. 11'Farla-ie, ucri J. R^pley, mid Mr D. Graham; ftrul «oico nutbomo were nicely rendered by iho choir, Mr tfumberworth pre•iding at i.h« harmonium. Tho u»u»l votosoi thanka i.em<inni-.od tho pi'O(!i)«'iiogH. Tho aervicas in eo'-iiieution wit,h thfl anniversary wera conducted on Hiiuclay ]m»|. by tho Bey p. Baploj, of Amberlny, Ho nho uddrossed the Sabbftth ootiool children, nnd distributed prizes to Ihoia on tho iwurtiaon of the same day. Thohnlf-yearly bttlanoo-fchrot '.? (.ho Ashburton County Council, vrh'.ch wus* utid on the table at tho Council's moetin^' ycaiucduy, bqowh that the wealth ia "«):ich ut. ono time the Aahburlon Oountv rolloJ i<* iml changing itii ihape from cash tj reproductire worka, At last b»!ancj, in March, tho lut.'k credit bud dwindled down from an amount that cii figures wrra mcoatsay to indict*, to the sura of £8820 13a lOd. At the ond of Heptembei this had boen further reduced to £2741 8: 106. During tho half-year somo £15000 had boon spent upon water-races, ami during the Council's history quite an enormous sum ha* bean spent on works of this deacription. The result is, that owing lo the judicious, oxtonam 1 , and eflloiout ayatera 6f water supply which tho Council, to its honour,, has sot at work in tho district, Iho raUio of land ha; increased in many oasos as much na 30 pei cent. And when tho fuude of tho Counci have all been spent, and a nito becomei necessary, the rate will perhaps bs the mosi obeerf ully paid of any tax tho settlers art (•fairo** to oontribat*.

Arrangements are now in progress for the formation of a theological olaßß in conneotion with the Durham atreet Wesleyan Ohuroh. It will be conducted by the minister of the ohuroh, the Bey ». Best, and it is expected will be largely attended bj the young men of the oongregntion. It is singular, says ".Sigles," that on the Sunday after the receipt of the newi of the destruction of Arabi's j army the following ocoiirred in the ordinary Ohuroh of England Bervice for the day : — " Thou has subdued Egypt, and destroyed it ; Thou hast scattered their enemies abroad with Thy mighty ara." — Psalm lxxxix., v.U. The New Zealand Clothing Faotory Company intend cresting a four-storey warehouse, at Dunedin, with workshops on the ground floor. The warehouse will be 181 ft long by 50ft wido. There will be a dining room for i the work-people, with large boiler, &o. The building, which will take eight months to complete, promises to be & model factory. We hope that active Measures will be taken by the police authorities to put a stop to a nuisance whioh is becoming intolerable. We refer to the uee of th« " Shanghai," by means of whioh boys sen* aven fairly large stoaes crashing through windows, and in some cases inflict severe personal injury. One gentle* man— a resident in Colombo street— has just called at this office to narrate his experience. He was standing ut the rear of his premises, when a stone, projeoted over the house, atruok him just behind the oar, and partially stunaed him. The slightest ohange in his position would have ensured most serious injury Wehaveboen accustomed to the etatoment tbafctheoommeroinl value of brains— of intelleot, as compared with that of muscle- in a com- • munity, is a test of how f*r that community has advanced in civilization. If the test be really a fair one, what does the following statement, published in the Australasian, show ? — At v certain office in Geelong which could be mentioned, four ponce is, or was lately, the prioe paid for a paragraph, whioh is supposed to be written in good English, and to deal with the engrossing. topicß of the day. One shilling and eight ponoe for a leading article of from half to a whole 1 column, and the writer supposed to be well 1 up in the subject he treats on, it may be " Arabi Pasha/ "The Education Question," ' " The Great Asian Myßtery," " The Tariff," " Free Trade," " The Book of Job," or the 1 " Domestic fi'conomy of the Anciont Peru--1 vi&ns." ' The Lyttelton Harbour Board has just entered into contraott for two works of con- : siderable importance. The first of those is ' the laying of the concrete floor in the new export shed. The oontrnotors for this work i are Messrs Stocks and Clark, and the job is 1 to be completed in six -woeks. In order to ' prevent further subsidence of the floor of the shed, whioh is ereoted on the reolaimed land, a temporary flooring of railway sleepers was ' laid down some months ago, and a large quantity of potatoes stored upon ib. By this means the ground has been pressed down, and renderod bo firm that there is no fear of its subsiding after the concrete floor is laid. Iho other work is the construction of a low level breastwork, 248 ft in length, on the west of Peacook's jelty. The contractor for the work, whioh is to be completed in six months' timt, is Mr W. Williams, of Lyttelton. The annual meeting in conneotion with the Wesleyan Home Miosionary Society was held last evening in the Durham street ohurch, when there won a very considerable number present. After sin gin? and prayer offored by the JSev B. Best, Mr J. King was called to the ohoir, und said that he had always taken a very great interest in the work of missions, and was pleased to think that the WesloyanOhureh had throughout tho century and a half of her existence maintained an essentially missionary character, and he hoped that the addresses with which the meoting would be favoured that evening would be the means of stimulating nobler work and nobler help in this great cause. The Hey W. Tinsley read the report for the past year, which showed that £290 12s 16d had been collected in the circuit, and he also gave a resumS of the work being carried on by the Society throughout New Zealand, which was deemed highly satisfactory. Mr J. Wardley spoke in forcible terras of the great good that had boon accomplished by Home Mission work in the Old Country, and in a telling address showed that much of this work had yet to be done in Now Zealand. The responsibility of helping it forward rested with all those now in the enjoyment of Gospel privileges. The Bey J. Smith, of Bangiora, in a very amusing and interesting speech, gave oome reminiscences of his mission work among the Maoris, in whose interests ho had , laboured for a number of years in the North Island, and concluded with an earnest exhortation to help on the Gospel cause iv these Islands in tho spirit; of that charity whioh Beeketh not her own. Tho Bey E. Best closed the meeting with a few remarks on tho subjoot of collecting for this Society, and proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman, wbioh was carried by acclamation, Feople have laughed a great deal at Talmago, Fulton, and other religion j sensationalists ; but in tboir straining for effective titles, headlisoe, &c, they don't get ahoad of the Puritans. The late George Brhilsy, of Hertford, Conn., left a library particularly large in its collection of books of the early Puritans. The following are the tit'es of Bomo of tho sermons: — "The Snuffero of Divine Love;" "The Spiritual Mustard- pot to mnko the Soul Sneeze with Derotion ;" " A Pack of Cards to Win Christ ;" " Crumbs of Comfort for Chickons of Grace ;" " Sixpenny worth of Divine Spirits ;" " Boruoh's Sore Gently Opened and the Salve Skilfully Appliod :" " Some Fine Biecuvls Baked in the Oven of Charity, Carefully Conscrvod for the Chickens of tbe Ohuroh, tho Rparrowo of the Spirit, and the Swoot Hwallows of Salvation ;" " A Cluster of Grapes takon out of tho Basket of the Conaanilish Woman ;" " Spiritual Milk for American Bttbea, Drawn from tho Brenata of Both Testaments ;" " Matches Lighted at the Divine Firo ;" "Dead Abels yet Speaking nnd Spoken of ;" " Doves Flying to the Windows of their Saviour ;" " 'Xhe Hatchets to Hew Down tho Tree of Win."

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4508, 5 October 1882, Page 2

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Local & General. Star (Christchurch), Issue 4508, 5 October 1882, Page 2

Local & General. Star (Christchurch), Issue 4508, 5 October 1882, Page 2