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J-Usineßß tfotioes, XX) < W« Wai/tebs k 00., GENEBAL HOUSE FURNISHERS, Viotobia Stbbbt, FIBST ORDER OF MERIT AT THE N.Z. EXHIBITION, 1882, Are now opening up FBESH ARRIVAL B, Ex "Bakaia," In OABPETS (Tapestry), Brussels, Kidder* minster, Felts, Turkey, fto., Whioh have been purchased at exceptionally low pricea, of whioh his customers will have the advantage, ranging in prices from 2s 8d per yard j also, Dutch Carpets from 10id per yard (a splendid lot). ALSO IN BTOOKDrawing Boom: Buitos in Cretonne, Bep, Velvet, and Tapestry, from £9 9s; Tables in Walnut, Blackwood, Cedar, and the handsomest of New Ze-land woods, for 455. Dining Boom : Suites in Leather, and hah*' seated, from £16 16b. Also, DINING-ROOM, BEDBOOM, AND KITOHEN FUBNITUBE Of every description, suitable for any kind of dwelling. B. W. WALTEBS k 00. Would oall speoial attontion to their Prioe List of a few leading artioles of Bedroom Furniture : . ■• **• Iron Bedsteads ... ... from 17 6 Mattraeses (Flax) , 6 0 Do. (Spring) , 25 0 Palhasseß (full size) „ 11 6 fto., fto., fto. TO ARRIVE— By "Coronilla," "City of Bombay," "Wairau," "Thome," and "LoohOree," A splendid assortment of GENEBAL HOUSE FDRNITUBE, Which will be offered at prices hitherto unheard of in Ghristohuroh. Note the Address— R. W. Wa-t-bs _ 00. VIOTOBIA STRET. Steam Cabinet Works— Kilmore, Chester and Durham streets. 7662 JERSEY HOUSE. T JOHNSTON ft SOIT, TAILOBS, fto,, Being about to removo to Mr Johnston's new Buildings, Oolombo road, Sydenham, early next month, with a ohoice aasortment of Tweeds and Coatings, will sell their present stook of BEADY-MADE OLOTHES AND MKROER-", Begardless of Oost, being about to confine their Business to TAILORING ONLY 6800 Maoio&J. -Ol i t c h e n b FAMOUS BLOOD BESTOBEB, Fob Cleansing, Pubii-ying, and Ivyioo* bating thb blood. [Seven Years' Teat in Auokland.] Testimonials. most wonderful bbmbdy The want of a reliable remedy for rhenmatiem, ftc, has long been felt as one of the greatest calamities of the age. While othsi means and medicines have been proving them* selves vain and delusive, thie remedy has been silently and steadily unloosing the oruel fingers of disease, and freeing captive men from their deadly embrace. The people are now requested to e*ive the Blood Bbbtobbb a fair and impartial trial. And the proprietor would have it distinctly understood that the oureß of Bheumatism, fto., are due entirely to this medicine's wonderful effeot upon the blood, by its cleansing, purifying, and invigorating power, Its ourative and depurative properties have been fully attested by the numerous testi* monials received by tho proprietor from patients who had long suffored from the abovo distressing maladies, who had applied in vain to physioians for relief, and in whose oases Turkish Baths, Hot Springs, and other popular remedies had been resorted to withoni effeot. Mb Hitohbnb. Auokland, let June, 1877. Dear Sir,— l feel I should not be doing yon justice, for the extraordinary medioine yon manufacture, woro I not to acknowledge the wonderful oure it has effeoted upon myself. It will be necessary to explain the nature of my complaint. On tho passage to this Colony, in the ship Jossie Osborne, I had a severe attcck of Bhoumatio Fever, and was oarried ashore in tho most helpless condition. I remained in this state for eeveral months, suffering tho most intense pain, I tried many remedies, but to no effeot, and begun to despair of ever gotting relief. I was reoommendod by a friend to try your wonderful Blood Bestorer, I did so, and the changealmost from the first dose, was astonishing, I am now perfeotly restored to health, as well as ever I was in my life. Should you feel disposed to give publioity to this letter, I would say to thoso suffering from rheumatism —do not delay, but at onoe take your in« valuable medicine, and they will soon find relief. For mysolf, I oan only say that you have my lasting gratitude, and I shall at all times take it ob a pleasure to give anyone all the information possible. I herowith enolose a certificate from two gentlemen (Visiting Officers of Fountain of Friendship Lodge of Oddfollows), and have their permission to givo publioity to it.— l am, dear sir, yours ever gratefully, Thomas H. Jonbs. We, the undersigned Visiting Officers of tho Loyal Fountain of Friendship Lodge, of the 1.0.0. F., M.C., A.D,, boar witness to the wonderful oure of Brother Jones, effeoted by the use of Mr Hitchens' Blood Bestorer. 0, OVBBTON, N.G. i Alfbbd Allby, V.G. Messrs OOOK ft BOSS, 6119 Sole Agonts for Canterbury. XFGEN is Life.— Dr Bright's Phosphedyne.— Multitudes of people are hops« lessly suffering from Debility, Nervous and Liver Complainte, Depression of Spirits, Shortness of Breath, Indigestion, Flatulenoe. Impoverished Blood, Lassitude, Want of Power, fto., whose oases admit of a permanent oure by tho use of Dr Bright's Phospho* dyno (Ozonio Oxygen), whioh at onoe auayt all irritation and exoitement, imparts new energy and life to the enfeebled constitution, and rapidly cures every stage of these hitherto inourable and distressing maladies. Bold by all ohemists throughout the Globe. Beware of worthloss imitations bearing similar names, Wholesale agonts, Kempthorne, Prosser kOo. »ll? DB FIDHLEB'S POPULAB FAMILY MEDICINES [Established a.d. 1812] Are now for the first timo brought to and advertised in New Zoaland. DB FIDHLEB'S Bilious and Liver Pills, with troutiso on self -cure, diet, fto. ... li 6d per box DB FIDHLEB'S Dentition Powders, for ohildron cutting their teoth Is 6d per box With Dr F.s Treatiso on tho management of ohildron during the period of dentition „, DB FIDHLKR'S "Nursery Mixturo," or Infants' Friend. This medicine will bo found a oomplete specifio for vomiting of milk or food, looseness in tho bowels, gripos, green motions, wind, ko, and its timely und occasional uso will provont oonvul* PJ333 sionfits ls6dpsrboU DB FIDHLER.B " Wild Cherry," for coughs, bronchitis, asthma, and all cheat and lung diseases „, Is 6d per bot, Theao Colebratod Medioinos will beoome a blessing to the country, and a household word in , every family. WnOLBBALB AOBNTB--M. HABKIS k SON, Heroford stroel, Ohrislchuroh, And Betail of ovory storokoepor throughout the World. Tlpj

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4507, 4 October 1882, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4507, 4 October 1882, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4507, 4 October 1882, Page 4