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The Star. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1882.

A marriage whioh has been exciting f ensiderable interest in dramatio circles, took plaoe this morning at the Boman Catholio Ohuroh, when Mr John L. Hall, comedian, was married to Miss Jessie Gray, the leading lady of his company. At the conclusion of the ceremony the happy couple drove to Warner's Hotel, where the wedding breakfast was lerved. Tho only porsons present at the marriage were Mr and Mrs Boothman, and a few other intimate friends of the wedded pair. An entertainment in aid of the Organ Fund will he giren in St Mary's schoolroom, Ad* dingten, this evening. A concert will take plaoe in the Fapanui Town Hall on Friday evening under the auspices of St Paul's Church. A meeting is to be held at Mr T. S. Weston's ofllcea, at 7 o'clook this evening, of subscribers to the West Oeast Bailway Fund. The following additional horsea have been scratched for the Melbourne Oup :—Annandale, Crazy Jan;, Fandango, and Lord Olifdon. There ii no truth in tho statement that Superintendent Broham is about to resign hiß position in the polioo force. During the month of September the birtliß in Ashburton were 29 ; the deaths, 5 ; and the marriages, none. The *outh Town Belt sohool is to remain closed during this week. Meanwhile the premises are being thoroughly disinfected. The following application for a patent has been made : —Bobert Walker, of Fukerimu, Auckland, for "a circular revolving skim coulter." Tho City Oouncil passed a resolution laßt evening congratulating the Imperial Government on the eucooss of the British arras in Egypt. A somewhab protracted meeting of the Ohriatchurch Oity Counoil was hold last evening. A considerable amount of business was transacted, and will bo found reported elsewhere. • The House Steward of the Christchurch Hospital begs to acknowledge, with thanks, the receipt of a bagatelle board for the use of the patients from the Chrißtchureh Volunteer Fire Brigade. Owing to its being somewhat early in tho season for auriculas, the number of entries received for the Auricula Show of the Horticultural Society was somewhat limited, and it has consequently been decided to postpone tho show to Oct 24. The usual monthly meeting of the Sooiety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals wu„ held yesterday afternoon. Tho Society is in want of funds to carry out its objects. As most people agree that thoso objects are good, this should only be mentioned to secure relief. Yesterday the Government steamor Hinemoa left for Wellington with twenty penal fortitude prisoners for Mount Oook Gaol. Fifteen of the men were from the Lyttelton prison, and five from Dunedin. Mr Phillips, Gaoler at Lyttelton, and two warders went up in charge of the prisoners, and thero was also a BmaU escort of Armed Constabulary aboard. The following have been chosen to represent the Midland Olub against tbe United Olub on Saturday next and two following Saturdays in tho first oT the serios of oup matches :— Messrs £. Bjfces, T. Buchanan, H. Edser, J. D. FairhurstTj. Fowko, E. T. A. Fuller, O. Haßkell, W. H. Lod*o, P. Philpot, 0. Strange, A. Waehor, G Watson. Superintendent Harris' resignation of tho poaition he has held at tho head of the christchurch Fire Brigado for the last 14 years, was reoeived by tho Oity Oouncil last night with many expressions of regret. Mr Harris is about to leave the Colony for a few months, hence his rosifnation. It is Erobable that Foreman E. W. Turton will be is successor. Tho Bishop of Dunedin liaving accopted tho nomination of the Rev H. Stooker to tho cure of St John's, Invereargill, Mr Stocker hoe resigned the incumbency of Akaroa, and will enter on the duties of his new euro uo soon as the Bishop of Ohristchurch can rcloaso him from tho chargo of Akaroa— probably early in November.— Church Netos. Mr Thomaß Moore, who was fined yesterday 40» for non-attendance bb a jurjman, apologised this morning, but gavo no excuse beyond stating that ho had overlooked tho hour. His Honor could not remit the fine, but reduoed it to ss. In the course of his remarks Mr Justice Johnston complimented the people of the di.tiiut on their exceptional punctuality. The lesson wliich tho month of September taught insurance offices at its commencement, was continued to tho end. From Soj-t. 15 to Bept. 30 inclusive loseee amounting to £17,360 hato fullon on tbe various offices doing business iv Sew Zealand on account of firo risks, and this Bum does not includo a fire in Auckland, and others in Dunedin, Oamaru and Balclutha, tho amount of insurances of which haro nob been reported. Altogether tho total for tho month iB £27,230, exclusive altogether of marine risks. One. of the latter amounted to £1000— on tlio schooner Transit. At the Oddfellows' Hall last night a compli- , mentary benefit concort wb* given to tho Armless Lady, Mrs A. K. L. Thornton, to compensate her for her logs in the late fire in High streot. The attendance of tho public was by no meanß large. The programmo consilted for the most part of musical selections, given by amateurs, whoso efforts wore greeted with applauao. Miss Amy Horton contributed a number of her popular songs which were highly appreciated, ond tlio City Guards Band playod with admiral spirit and precision the ovortures to the first and second parte. The membors of the Kowai Rillo Olub opened the season on Saturday by a match, the principal scores being : — Pale, 78 ; J. Cameron, 71 ; Btorebridge, 47 ; F. Oroft, 53 ; T. Barclay, 63 ; Lester, HS ; Hunter, 67 ; Mathers, 63. Twenty- fivo rounds wero fired by all oxcopt Storebii'jgo. who fired twonty rounds. A meeting of members was held in tho evening, when tho statemont of accounts was passed, nnd officers for the ensuing year elected ns follows : — President, Mr B. Foster j "VicePresidents, Messrs Stewart und Kemp ; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr Lister ; Auditors, Messrs Stewart and Barclay. It was announced that since the Club had been in existence it had paid away £200 in prizes.

Mr B. B. M'lvor, agricultural lecturer and chomist, mates a tour of the Waikato district, A smart shock of earthquake fas felt »t Timaru and various parts of the* distriot afc 10 45 on Sunday night. The Hon W. Johnston, Minister for Puhlic Workß, is expected at Dunodin to« morrow. The Dunedin Sanitary Committoo have recommended the City Oouncil to erect a ferer hospital. The sheep assosßment collected yostorday ab Dunedin for Otngo, irrespective of Southland, was over £19,000. Captain Hargreaves, of the steamer Coromandel, was seriouely injured at Auck« land by the capßizo of a vohiolo, which it believed to have passed over him. The Auckland married women's potition to the Mayor and Council against the Contagious Diseases Aot haß 1160 signatures. It will bs presented by Drs Wildio and Kondordin. The Hon W. Bolleston has returned to Wellington from the Routh, and loaves for Napier to-morrow. Xhevo ho will meet the Hon 3. Bryce. The Oustoms' revenue collected in Timam during September was £2587 16s 2d, against; £1795 43 6d for the corresponding month last year. The thoroughbred mares from Oantorbury wore landed from the Hawea in fine condition and to the satisfaction of the manager of the Auckland Stud Oompany. 'L hey were taken to the Sylvia Park eßtabliehment. The totalisator dispute at the Otago Hunt Olub Steeplechase is now to come before the Oourt, one of the six investors haying sued for the dividend amonget the three, a$ registered. Our Wellington correspondent informs uf that aome days will elapse before the vacancy in the Ministry willbe filled up. The new Minister had not been definitely seleoted up to laat evening. The St Albans Borough Oouncil held an ordinary meeting last evening, a report of whioh will be found elsewhore* The Oounoil decided to give notioe of their intention to raise a loan of £10,000 for the purposes of widening the streets of the Borough, forming footpaths, sinking artesian wells for watering the streets, and other works. The following Directors have been added to the Provisional Board of the Equitable Insurance Association : — Dunedin : James Finoh, of Finch and Oo. ; James Gray, of Beid and Gray ; and Andrew Thomson, of Thomson Brothers, Port Ohalmors. Auokland : H. F. Anderson, H. P. Barber, J. M. Dargaville, M.H.8., James Daore, Hoa Thomas Henderson, M.L.0., Edward I.aaof, and John Lamb. The establishment of tho School of Ait*. which was to havo beon of so muoh advantage to the pupil teaohers of Canterbury, and respecting which a oiroular has been issued by the Board of Eduoation, does not appear likely to produco much practioal good, so far ns the oountry teachers are concerned, bs the expenso oonnected with. attendance at tho bcliool will debar many from availing themselves of its advantages. A meeting of oitizeuß wan held last night at Inveroargill, to consider what steps should be token in the matter of the assertions recently made by a correspondent of the Western Star, re alleged maltreatment of pitientfl in the Southland Hospital. Thoro was a strong feeling that no notice should be taken of the anonymoua letter, but ultimatoly it wns deoided that Government be asked to appoint a Oommission to enquire into the allegation, as the only means of rostoring confidence in tho institution. The Invercargill Permanent Building and Loan Investment Society, at its annual meeting last evening, passed a resolution to wind up the Sooiety and dispose of the asßete and liabilities to the proposed Southern Financo Loan and Agonoy Oompany of NewZealand, which is about to be floated with a capital of £100,000. The proposed Dirootora of the Oompany aro the Hon W. Wood, Meßßra W. B. Soandrett (Town Olork), W. Craig, Henry Wilaon (of Oowper and Wilson), Alexandor Cross (of Aitken, Cross and Co.), 3. T. Martin, W. J. Moffatt, and T. Perkins. The Oompany, by purohasint the business of tho Building bociety, will nave interest-producing mortgages of over £20,000 to start business with. At a moeting of tho Dunedin High School Board of Governors yesterday, Mr George Gray Riiss?)l wrote intimating that he had decided to give the Board the Bum of £1000 lo be invostod for for tho purpose of founding a scholarship or scholarships at the Otago University. There were cortain conditions in connection with the gift, one boing tbat tho fund bo called the " George Gray Russell .Scholarship Fund," and that the scholarship ov scholarships founded undor it bo open only to students at the University who havo attonded either the Boys' or the Girls' High Sohool for at least one school year immediately preceding the examination. Tho meeting instruotod the Chairman to thankfully acknowledge Mr Russell's handeomo gift. At tho Dunodin Supremo Court Oriminal Sessions yesterduy, William Patriok Bharkey, a youth of sixtoen, employed on a farm, who had deliberately and ooolly walked off with his employer's horse and buggy, pleaded guilty to tho theft of the horse, and roooived six months' imprisonmont. John Patrick Caeoy waa charged with stealing a horse, saddio, and bridlo ut Arrowtown. Thoro was a presumption that he had oommitted tho act ns a drunken froak, and the jury found him not guilty. John Maddon. John Mason, and James Hartley were charged with stealing £20 from Alexander Leckie at tho Hunt Club races. The jury found the throe guilty, but. recommended Mason to tho lonioncy of the Oourt. Sentence was doforrei-1. Tho Papakaio murder case will bo heard on Tuesday. Thero are 37 witnesses in the caso. A preliminary mooting of gentlemon intorottcd in tho Amberley races was held on Saturday evoning, ai tho Grown Hotel, Amberley ; Mr F. Courago in the chair. It was deoidod that the races should be held upon tbo dato that would be set opart for kooping tho anniversary of the Province of Oantorbury. Aftor some routine business, tho meeting adjournod until Monday (yesterday) aftornoon. The adjourned mooting was held yesterday aftornoon. There woro presont— Messrs F. Courage (in the chair), Holdaworth, Starky.King, Coloman, D. Brown, M'Naught, Rutherford, Foster, Hood,, and Smith. Tlie meeting proceeded to elect otlicors for the your, with tho following result —viz., Stewards : Meeßrß W. H. Br.wno, 8. Coleman, O. Ensor, G D. Greenwood, B. Jl. Holdflworth and T. M'Naught ; Judgo, Mr F. Courage ; Bturtor, Mr 0. Ch King ; Treasurer, Mr T. M'Nuueht ; Handicapper, Mr K. G. Griffith; Olerk of tho Course, Mr M. H. O'Connell; Olork of tho 8c«lo«, Mrß. Foster p Secretiry, MrW. T. Foirur. 'Jho mooting thou proceeded to revise tho programmeand a subscription list boing oponod and liberally filled up, tho meoting adjourned. Tho usual meeting of tho Kllosmere Branch Association of tlio North Oantorbury Educational Instituto was hold in the Leestott pchoolroom on Saturday last. Mr . T . Baldwin prcsidod. 'All corre»pondcneo pinco last mooting was read. Tho President gavo a dotuilod rtatcuiont of what ho had dono sinoo !nsl mooting with reference lo tho refund of tho tin por cent reduction upon tcachora' saluvios. A long discussion followed upon tho authority of teochers under tho regulations issued by tho Kducaliou Department, to exercise discretionary power in t.ho non-presentation of cortain ohildreu for examination at the annual inspection, and tho following resolution was carried unanimously— " That this mooting, after reading recent roports of several schools in this district, is of opinion that the Inspootor has ignored a distinct regulation issued by tho Education Dopartmont, permitting teachers to withhold some ohildren from the annual examination in a higher standard, and has theroby injuriously affected the status of both tho schools and the teaching staffs." Tlio Beerolury wue intruded t». writo to tho Chairman of euch school in tHe distriot, and invito tlie membors of the Committeos to becomo members of the A«socitttion ; also to invite lady teaohers to becomo mombors. A general discussion followed upon tho best method of teaching geography. It was repolved that fhe next meeting "be held on tin last Saturday in Novombor, ut Leeston, ) il that the suhjeet for discussion bo, " Tho best montlily diYUIOD* of the various standard subjeots."

ttessrs W- Howe and 00. have removed to their new promises, adjoining the Temperance Hotel, Harry Feast ttotifles elsewhere that he has leen appointed agent for tho Society for Protection from Fraud. The members of the Dunstan Lodge of Druids are summoned to attend a meeting on Thursday, for the eleotion of various officers. At Kaiapoi yesterday, L. Meikle was fined lOs and oosts for having assaulted B. Evans on Sept. 29. Tha oharge of perjury againit Francis Insos, heard at tho dupreme Oourt this morning, resulted in a verdiot 0f,," Not Guilty." A rifle matoh between the Ohristchuroh City Guardß and the Lyttelton Naval Brigade is now being arranged, and will probably take place on the Lyttelton rango on Saturday next. A man named George Maslin, who had been charged with vagrancy on the previous day, was to-day committed for trial at the next oriminal sessions of the Supremo Court on a oharge of stealing from the person. The amount of rates whioh oan possibly be collected in the new Town District of Woolston, is stated to be under £32 J per annum. The Commissioners therefore will not be likely to have a large credit balanoe for some years to come. lost night, as a oouple of young men namod Wake and, Watson, were engaged in a friendly wrestling contest, the former waa thrown to th-> ground and received a fracture ofthe Shin-bone. He was attended by Dr Pinohing, and is progressing favorably. The opening matoh of the Sefton Cricket Clvh — Married v. Single— took place last Saturday, resulting in a viotory for the former by 34 runs. The principal scorers were, Mathias, Stewart, Oroft, and Fendall, for ihe married ; and Fendall, Green* wood, Baird, and Fenton, for the single. A writer in the Lyttelton Timea suggests the establishment of aco operative store in Christohurch, starting with a capital of from £8000 to £3000. He complains that Dunedin ale, costing one penny per glass, sells in Auokland at threepence, whilst sixpence is charged in Ohristchurch. A new footpath has just been formed along the south bank of the river, from a spot about a oouple of hundred yards above the Oarlton Bridge to the footbridge near Mr Helmore' a residence. It is about 12ft in width, ard was -constructed under the direction of Mr Armstrong, curator of the Park and Domain. About 5 o'olock yesterday evening, as the 4.45 p.m. train from Papanui was passing the Bey J. Bullor's house, the horse in a passing spring-cart became slightly restive, and dragged the vehicle on to the side-walk, where the occupants, three young men, were thrown out, fortunately without sustaining any serious injury. The horse started off down the road, bufc waa soon stopped. Several valuable collections of seeds, Ao., have been received reoently by the ourator of the Publio gardens, Mr J. B. Armstrong. Among the most noteworthy of these is an assortment of English Brasses, oomprising 30 •peoies, presented by Mr Sutton, through Mr Isitt, of Ohristohuroh. Deserving of mention alao is a collootion of shrubs and conifers, given hy Messrs Eerr and Barnett. One of the best " takes " recorded yesterday was that made by Mr T. SeareU and hii brother atthe Oust. During the day they -scoured 24 fish, averaging a pound in weight, in addition lo several small ones, whioh were returned to the water. Some fine trout from -the Upper Selwyn, varying in weight from three te six pounds, were on view in Mr M'Williams' shop last night, and attraoted •onsiderable attention. The prospectus of the Auckland Nativo .bands Colonisation Company (Limited) has been issued. Tho capital is fixed at £500,1100, in £1 shares, payable in small oalls. 'Iho objects of the Oompany are tho acquisition and settlement of Native lands in the Norlh Island npon terms satisfactory to the Natives, and profitable to tbeOompany. The Church News states that the Most Bey the Primato has definitely appointed Tuesday, Oot. 17, for the opening of the annual session of the Synod of the diocese. There will be matins with holy communion at the Cathedral ab 11 a.m., and evensong with service at 7.30 p.m. The offertory oolleotiona will be in aid <of the Syuod Rxpensea Fund. The sermon in the evening will be preaohed by the Yen Arohdeacon Harpor. An acoident happened at Bangiora yesterday morning to the eldest son of Mr G. Oone. He was riding in High street, ond when near the railway orossing his horse became restive and plungod about, when tbe saddle girths gave way and he fell to the ground with considerable violence. He was taken home, and on being examined by Dr Williams wag found to havo sustained several severe bruises and an injury to hia right side, the extent of which is not at present known. Considerable annoyanoe is still occasioned to pedestrians in some portions of the outlying streets of the oity by the praotice indulged in by o few bioycliots of ridiDg their machin-8 on tbo footpath. As can readily bo understood, the rapid and noiseless approach of a bicyclo renders it unpleasant— to say the least of it -to thoso persons who aro unlucky onough to be on tho path whioh tho rider hao ohosen for the display of hiß skill. More than one instanco has occurred lately of persons narrowly escaping being ki.ockod down by bioycles, the riders of whish would do wellto remember that thoy hnve no more right on the footpath than a cab has. On Saturday aftornoon n seleoted team of the Lyttolton Naval Brigade fired at the Tango on the Sumner road. Tho firing was in connootion with a competition between the Naval Brigudes in tho Colony. The weather was moet unsuitable for firing, as a vory strong breere wis blowing across the range tho whole afternoon ; tho wind was not uniform in strength either, but blew very fitfully, somo of the squalls being heavy and bitterly cold. Owitig to these circumstances, the score made was but smnll, 365. A prise prosontod by Liout. Dransfield for the higheßt sooro made, was fired for, und won by Seaman Edwards. The prizo is o, very handoome silver medal on v ribbon with a olasp. In addition to tho sales of entire horses made by Messrs H. Matson and 00. on Suturday last at auction, they have oinoe sold tho well-known thoroughbred horse Marmion, lately the property of Mr W. Holly, to Mr D. M'Gregor, of Oamaru. Marmion, as a ' thoroughbred Biro, is one of the heaviest boned and most powerful horses of his cla?s'that we have ever had in Oantorbury, ancl in his lato owner's hands has always Beourod full seasons, and loft good stook. Wo havo no doubt but tbat in his new district he will be equally well appreciated, and provo alike a benefit to thoae wbo •vail themsekeß of his sorvices and to his owner. Sinco the sale tho same agents havo •lso 'disposed of the horse Lincoln Jook, for shipment to Sydney.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4506, 3 October 1882, Page 2

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The Star. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1882. Star (Christchurch), Issue 4506, 3 October 1882, Page 2

The Star. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1882. Star (Christchurch), Issue 4506, 3 October 1882, Page 2