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Business Announcements. Cash ttdvei-tisani' nts u»der this head, not exceeding fourteen words, will be charged SIXPENCE. WANTED, two Married Couples, highest wages given. Apply, J. M-'Donald, ManChester street south. $139 I WANTED, a French Polisher, none but a 1 competent hand need apply. Walters and ! Wa tt. BUI j WANTED To Let, plain Furnished Room, ! with iireplnce. 61, Salisbury street ! aast - _^__ 8145 : WANTED, smart Lad. Apply, Ice Works, j Montreal and Tuam streets. 6144 W "ANTED a useful Hand. Apply at onco. 'His Lordship's." 8136 WANTED, a young Man, to do writing, btato terms to F.F., Post-office. Bi3B ANTED, thoroughly go.,d plain Cook for school at Simmer. Apply, 201, Lichfielrt street. Good wages. §134 WANTED, by experienced hand, Situation; wholesale or retail clothing department. CD., "Times" office. 8:37 W "ANTED Known— That Bennett's General Furnishii:g Warehouse, corner of Tnain and Durham streets, will bo sold to-morrow, at 12 o clock, by public auction, when the whole of tho stock will Ue disposed of without the slightest reserve. $146 WORKING Men, try my 50s Suits to meaiiure, style, and fit guaranteed. P. Cairns, High aud St Asaph streets. 7679 T£ ESPECTABLE and well educated Lad wanted, Oj as apprentice to the drapery business. C. R. Cnurch, the Cash Draper, street. AT P. Cairns, Tailor, you can get Suits from 50s ; Trousers, 14s, to measure ; style, cut, and workmanship unsurpassed in the Colony. High and St Asaph streets. 7679 T7I UROPEAN and Australasian Labour Agency, JLJ 188, Lichfleld street. Employers may rely upon prompt attention to their wants. Situations proenred for all classes of servants. 7651 EVEN Tons New Summer Goods jufit arrived, i> ex Coronilla, cheaper thaH ever. Armstrong, High street south. fr-X Coronilla, White Straw Hats, 6d ; Gloves, J Kid ; Hose, 3 5d pair : Super Sunshades, Is lid ; new Fringes, Girap>, Laoe, Bibs, '2\d. Armstrong's, High street south. nnHE ACID CURE. F. Contts and Sons' JL guaranteed Acetic Acid is a safe external and sure remedy for spinal complaints, neuralgia, &c. Mackay Bros., Mancheator street, agents. Pamphlets of instruction on application. 7580 MACKAY BROS., Manchester street south, Booksellers, Newß Agents, &c. Th« latest periodicals received by every mail steamer. 7580 fN High streot, a few doors above St Asnph street, is the cheapest of cheap shops in town for furniture. Call and sec Tom Hates. f HIHE Bedding is manufactured in Christchnrch. Ji It is better and cheaper than tho imported artie'e. Try Thos. Bates. NO Duties, no shipping charges, local manufactures. Hence the low prices at Thos. Bates'. r I >HOS. BATES defies competition. His profits ft. ore small, his goods Al. FUNERALS condneted throughout cheaper than anywhero in Canterbury. Thos. Bates, High street. I fPHOLSTERY, cabinet work, office fittings, vJ fnrniture of overy class, blankets, ke., can be had at Thomas Bates, High fitreot. He invites tho public to compare his prices with those at other shops. 4372 EX Coronilla, Black Lace, two inches wide, 3d ; best Sun Bonnets, Is ; American shape Sun Hats, Is and Js 6d; new pattern Aprons, Is (id. Armstrong's, High street south. FOE SALE.— 2OO ncres near Mount Somcrs Railway, sections 32366 and 32367, fenoed one side. Water-race handy. £2 15s per acre. Apply, W. J. Ferguson, Builder, Queen street, Sydenham. 8135 |\UST COATS, all sizes and, colours, 7s 6d; 9 1* worth double. Leeds House, Cashel street. Le Masurier's. MEN'S Good Tweed Snits, jnet landed, 25s 6d. Newest shapo. Leeds House, Cashel street. Le Masurier's. TT ADIES' Aprons, Children's Pinafores, tndless iJ variety in lace and sateen, from Is; quite new. Mrs W. 11. Cooper, Victoria street. C>OME and see my Stock Corsets, from 19 to 32 J inches, also Dress Matcri 1 Is. CK^WEED Trousers nud Vests, l'Js9d; previous I price, ISs 9d. Walsh aud O'Conncll's, Manchester street. FURTHER Reductions in Boots and Shoes. Read my new price list, B. J. Hale, Boot and Shoe Depot, Cashel street. f\ REAT Reductions.— Hnle's 2s 6d Lace-ups, **Slf acknowledged by all to be the bost value is town. *~t REAT Reductions.— Halo's Girls' Levant mJTT side springs, from 10 to 12, at 5s fid ; unequalled in price and quality. Secure your bargains vrhile you nave an opportunity. /~1 REAT Reductions.— Hales Ladies' Kid Boots, VZT at Gd 6d. Only one trial asked for. No good* in the town to beat them at the price. GREAT Reductions.— Hales own make nailed Bluchers at S's 6d ; splendid value. Sold everywhere else at a considerable advance on these prices. GREAT Reductions. — Hale is sellinif woodansoled Watertights at 10a 6d ; is not generally known. GREAT Reductions. — Hale is selling his own make Shooting Boots at 14a Gd. Every other man you nieet is wearing them. /<7> REAT Reductions.— Hales first-class Gents' v,"JJ Lawn Shoe* at 13s 6d; his own make and guaranteed. GREAT Rcrluet ions.- Hale is selling Gents' Colonial-made Elastic sides at 15s Gd ; a very durable article. GREAT Reductions.— Note This- A speeal job line of Children's clastic side* at ss ; from 10 to 13. This lino cannot be purchased at any other shop in town bnt B. J. Hale s. fi REAT Reductions.— Try Hale's 7s All-lasting "»,Dr Boots ; guaranteed to wear aud give satisfaction. GREAT Reductions.— Observe Hale is selling 11 ' real good Watertight at 16g 6d. Stndy economy and try them. Q/v/'V PAIRS of Ladies' Slippers at 3s per . *JH J? VP pair, honestly worth .s. Th : s is the cheapest lino in the town ; call early. B. J. Hale. AN early inspection of B. J. Halo's large and well-assorted stock of Boots aud Shoes is invited, REMEMBER— Great 1 «duction - Great Redaction Gro t Reduction.— All Goods urc boiin,' sold at reduced prices, and every article is a bargain, NOTE the Address.-B. .7. Hole, Al Boot nnd Shoe Depot, corner of Colombo and Cashel streets, Christchurch. 0377 TO Doctors nnd others. -For Sale -A Uroughum in trood order, with polo and shafts. To be seen at TattersaJl's : price low. SIM fflO LET, two comfortable Furnished Rooms, I with use of kitchen. J. J. l'arker, Arraftgn street. SHO I EFT in a cnb, by a gentleman, on Satnnlay / night, after arrival of .South express-, n sinull parcel, eontiiininir n. tint*, .to. If not delivered to 0. A. Ulrich at hifl otli<:o, immediately, it will l>r> put in the hands of the police. K132 JJJLANIFOLD, OCOTT k \j 0., TAILOIIS, AND HABTT MAKERS ISS, I!kiu:koi:d stkket vtkst. Spring Arrivals to h:ind, Wilson's BuunocMiurns, Scotch, a:ul other tweeds. A splendid Assortment. SllO BRAD FO R D HOUSE, Vktop.ia Street. Ja< adci-iffk it Jo v g 11 1 x Ueir to inform their customers they have OPENED A NEW SHOW ROOM >OR DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING. W anted, several Improvers and Apprentices to the t raUe. Bl4i Victoria Xvook Ijlart. „ xi:xt BAXTER'S fOIiemWH, VICTORIA STREET. Go to P. 11. CLEMANCK'S For Hooks of all sorts. Go to P. H. CLEirANCE'S For the Best. Selection of Birthday Books. Go to P. H. CLEMANCK'S For Birthday Cards (Immense variety). Go U T. H. CI.KMANCK'S" 1 For Photographic Albnms. Got* P. H.CI.EMAXCK'S For Photo Frames (Splendid variety). Ga to P. H. ri.KiUANVK-.S For all kinds of Fancy Goods Goto P. IF. CLKMAN'CKS For H übbcr Stamim. VICTORIA BOOK MART, Next Baxter's, Chemist, Victoria street, 602* 1

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4505, 2 October 1882, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4505, 2 October 1882, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4505, 2 October 1882, Page 2