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Local & General.

Larinia and Fhorcua hare beon scratohed for the Melbourne Gup. The Manopouri, s.B.,from the Bluff, arrirei at Melbourne on Friday evening.

Tho supposed small pox patient at Hamilton, o.Tcr wVose case the Melbourne doctors agreed to differ, died on Saturday. The Botomahana, from Melbourne, armed at the Bluff this morning. Our usual tele* graphic summary of uowa will be found in »n« other column.

Tho strike of ironworkers in Sydney _m been Tirtually settled, the master* having roncoded tho adrauee of one penny per hour upon tho preaent scale of wages. Tho old Oxford Hotel, at the oorner oC Oho&lor and Colombo streets, will, it is under* stood, shortly givo ploce to a more pretentious building, for whioh plan* are being prepared by Meters Jncobaon Bros.

The Hokitika Star is responsible for th» following:— ln passing along the street thif morning, we heard a little urchin ask another, "Why it wrb so cold?" No 2 answered s "Oh! I suppoao it's because Winter came from Ohristchurch yesterday." Tho iron gate, or rather pair of gates, presented to tho Domain Board by Messrs Jouberfc and Twopenny, has been completed by Messrs Anderson and Sons, at the Canterbury Foundry. The height, of the gales is Bft 6in, and the total width lift. The design is plain but not inelegant. At the roqurst of several farmors of the old ewamp district, Mr W. Bowron has arranged to bo present at a meeting at tho Boad Boar* ofllne, Ohoki, on Thursday. All farmers and their wires are invited to be present. Mr Bowron has lately been engaged in starting the Ashburton oheese and butter faotory. There was an unusual inoident at tho Police Oouit this morning. A man named George Maslin vt as being proceeded against on a charge of vagrancy, when a wilneis accused him of having stolon a pookefc-book containing £8 or £10. The police nt once applied for and obtained a remand until to-morrow.

A fntol accident which oocurrod at Paroa recently was * pooulinr ono. Two ohildren wore seated in n dray, which waa being used to draw a log-roller. In going down an incline, the linch pin broke, the dray tipped ovor, and ono of the children was killed ißilantaneougly.

The Victorian revenue for the quarter ended Sept. 30 umountcd to £l,:! 20,000, being an inoronie of £33 000 no oomparod with tho oorreipondinp quarter of last yoar. The total revenue for the year ended Sept. 30 amounted to £6^20,000, being f»n inm-oasD of £317,000 h compared with the previous year. A letter bearing (lie following oompre* heniire address hag boon puzzling the minda of the postal officialo in several post offices on the West Ooa»t: — "Mr El ward James (known as Corn i eh Ned), tiokitika, Qroy* mouth, Bob?, Bull»r, Waimea, Stafford Town, Saltwater Creek, Woodstock, or Nelson, New Zealand." Anyone acquainted with the owner would oblige by communicating with the Ohiof Postmaster, Qroymouth. On Friday evening an excellent concert, in nid of the local library, was) given at MothvoD, tho porformers being local amateurs, with a few aids from Ashburton. There wns ft largo audience, who thoroughly enjoyed the concert, and at tho close a dance look place. From the evening*! work tho Library will nat tho handsome Bum of £30.

It ib stated on reliable authority tint the Imperial poneionera of this district, who will receive thtir pensions this week, have determined to recoup Mr Kiddcy tho expanse that gentleman incurred by deirarirg thechnrges of the funeral of the old soldier who was referred to about b week ago as having recently died at the Hospital. Huch a iletorroination Bpeaks well for the etprit de corps of tho?o who will thus show their rejpeot for tho memory of un old comrado in arms.

It wtin recently mentioned in tl)p«e columns that an urgent nppeul hud boon mado to the congrogntion at Ht Jjhn'sChurcli, a deiicit of nearly £300 nt tho oloso of the year being anticipated. St Luke's is in a far worse plight. At ycsterriay'i services the Ohurohwardens distributed a circular letter, wherein tho foci a of the ciso thus etated:— " Having beernrequoetnd by tho Bank of Now Zeilaud to tuko immediate stepa for ths reduction of tlio luv.'o ovordruft in whioh the Parish of rit Luke's ctunrls indebted thereto, viz., £939 19s fid. wo are obliged, with the approval of tho Vestry, to uppeal to tho psriehionera for epccial in^isl mico in this matter, with a vfowr of uuahling us to meet tho uhligattons cnt&ilod upon us by virtue ot our office.' 1

They have livi-ly thnrs in tlio Bobb district, judging from v sluteirunt in tho Advocate ; or porh«?pß they hnvo a mmv tl tin ordinarily graphic writer on tlio atiiff of that journal. Our readers must judge for thomaolvot, the f llowing bcintj the paragraph reforrod to ! — " Tho nbandontd ilm-lt of tho Boss Flat Gold Mining Company (Lirnitod), evidently not content with its victory over the shareholders, at the Battlo of Pug, el ill doggedly defleo them by turniDg and heaving und twisting and bulging und bursting und cracking— split ting — straining into contortions more diaboliciil than those puppofnd to exiit in the realms of Uldnicldotni'— caiif-ing the ground to cave in <'n nil cidca, thus rendering it uneafe to cliil( 3 .rcn."

Phenomenal wcithor hr.B been experienced in the Orey district; und unusually high tidefl havo caused no tligfit disromfort. Ihe highest tide is thus doscribrd by [ha Argus z — " Young»tors miide n treat of it by plying; boats wnd c tr.ocs übout t.ho lowov part of the town. During tin* morning the ridge whioh divides t.ho lnj;oon frotn I hn txa. was crowned with foiim, tho rollers breiiliing over and pouring into tho hijjoon. r ('he forco of the waves wus pom bj 1 llio gi'ticrully flattened nppenranco of tho bank; nn nil tho drift timber except tlio heaviest snogs nnd trees was Ewcpt in tovtnril9 tlio Inpoon. Tho effcob of tho s. ; a on tho .protective works was very marked. Tho oril «vi«e flattpnod out, and the euub driven up tho river cainrd ono portion ot tho ornbankmeiit to elirfo into tho river, thua nocoßjilnting a few trucks of material boing dopoßited tlioro. Altoßothrr tho Bea of the last fow dnys has mudo 8-icl hnvoo with the ond of tho harbo 1 r workc, and shown th^ necessity of omployirg henvier material."

On Snturdny nftornoon Mcfcrs Matron and Co. submit led for sale by auction a number of stallions which had boon phown at the Par/tdo on I lie Agricultural ond PattaiMl Associulion's Thore was a very largo attendunco of tho public, but tho biddings wort 1 , on the whole, by no means animated, und many of the horses wero passed in. '!ho following nh\e» wore c (Tooted:— Clydesdulpo On account of. Messrs Fleming tvnd Medley, Young Vanquisher, to Mr L. While, of Hnkaia, 220g» ; on account of Mr ]). M'Grcgor, Prince Boyal, to Mr A. Yatos, of Loburn, 17O^s ; on account of Mobbm Hoywood and Co., Cheviot Ililla, to Mr Twontyman Hodßson, for ihipmont to Sydnoy j on nccouuh of Mr John Bobr, Royal I' Mr l'wentyman Hodgsor, for"»hipm?nt to Myduey. Thoroughbrods. — Of thoKo nono wore sold. Marmion, on account, of Mr W. Holly, wu* withdrawn at liOOgs ; Corinthinr, on account of Mr H. Cufsidy, wus withdruwn ut 7G«s ; Young Tradurer,"on uccotinl, of Mr I l '. W. Di'lamain, wai withdrawn nt MUgs ; Oommodore, on nrrount of Mr W. Ottbbio, w»j< withdrawn at iiliQgt t l'Veo Lance, on accoui ' <>f Air F. W. Dclamain, was withdrawn u>. ;i7sg«. Iho ponies offered were all withdrawn.

Monthly payments in the Permanent In--refitment and Loan Association are due tomorrow. Mr Charter Clark advertises an important sale of household furniture, to take place at noon on Thursday. A juryman, named Thomas Moore, was fined 40s for non-attendance at the Supremo Court this afternoon. Mr J. G. Hawkes advertises a large sale of household furniture for to-morrow, at cloven, at No 80, Liohfleld street. At the inquest at Auckland on J. Biohardß, found dead in his bed, a verdict of "Xeath from natural causes " was returned. An amusing case, boaring upon the employment of cab* for weddings, will bo found reported in to-day's Magisterial nows. The Lyttelton Naval Brigade marohed to Bumner yesterday, where uohuroh parade was held. Gorton has been scratched for the 0.J.0. Handicap and Canterbury Cup. Trinket U also soratehed for the O.J.C Handicap. The police ab Kaiapoi on Saturday night arrested a man named Stevenßon, a farmer on the Kaiapoi Island, on a charge of lunacy. Ine many friends of Mr Howard Vernon, the opera bouffo artist, will be gratified to learn that he has been admitted into partnership with Messrs J. 0. Williamson and Garner. The Grand Lodge of Australasia, 1.0. G.T., "will hold a session in Duuedin about K ov. 22. The local Lodges are taking steps to Beoure the City Council Chambers to hold the sittings is. The Gazette containing the conditions for trout fishing in Worth Canterbury haß been -received. The season commences on Cot. 2, •nd ends on March SI, 1883. The hours are from 5 a.m. to 10 p..x. Provisions agaiiiat unlawful fiihing are embodied. Mr G. P. Milsom has informed some of the .gentlemen who are anxious to induce him to stand for the Mayoralty of Kaiapoi, that he declines to accept nomination, and Mr B. Parnham, who has on many occasions declined to accept the office, has at luat consented Torbally to b» nominated. A requisition is being spoken of. The recently formod Ohristohuroh Bioyole Club made the first run of the season to Kaiapoi on Saturday afternoon. The members started shortly after one o'o'ook, but only sevon put in an appearance, and on arriving at Kaiapoi there weroonly proaent Captain May, the nub-Captain, bugler, and three members. After making a short halt at Pattman's Pier Hotel, the party returned to town. The statistics of Chn'stohnrch, and also of tho surrounding distriot, continue to show an encouraging improvement on those of former years. In September thore were 183 births and 66 dcalhs against jBO and 89 in the same montfi last year, while the marriages only shd-;* a falling off of two, Being 28 agaimt 30. For the quarter the totals are— Births, 1530; marriages, 358; deaths, 435. A munificent; gift has been bestowed on the Ohristohurch Working Men's Club by Mr G. -Gould, who forwarded a donation of £10 towards tho fund* of the institution, and also presented a number of valuable books to the library in oonnootion therewith. At a meeting held last week a hearty rote of thanks was passed to Mr Gould, and he was also elected a life membor of tho Club. 'Ihe general meeting of members for tho purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year will take -place ob Thursday evening next. Our readers are reminded that thisjevening the entortainment in aid of Mra A. B. Thomson (tho Armless l&Ay), who was a severe sufferer by the fire in High street, will be given in the Oddfellows' Hall. The programme is almost entirely a musical one. The City Guards Band contribute several selections, Mies Amy Horton her " Musiotl Moments," ! r Huxtoble " The Wolf," and other amateurs will aß*iat with instrumental and vooal selections. We need scarcely say that the ebject of the entertainment is a moßt praiseworthy one, and that we hope to see a substantial result from tho efforts of those who have spared no little time and trouble in promoting the performance. About half'past one p.m. on Saturday, an old man, named Richurd Urry, eightyfour years of age, was knocked down by the Bumner 'bus at the Bank of New Zoaland corner. He was attempting to croßß High street from the City Hotel, the 'buß proceeding along the street a 1 ; a alow trob. The driver, Walter Tinkler, seeing tho old man in front of his horsuß* heads, called out, and endeavoured to stop the horses, bat beforo he could do bo TJrry was knocked down. He was picked up, and takon into tho Golden Age Hotel, and aftorwards removed to the Hospital. His injuries wore confined to a severe fright and shaking, and he recovered sufficiently to bo discharged yesterday. The annuil horse parade, which is held in Ashburton, an r ' arranged for by tho local Agricultural and Pastoral Association, took place on Saturday in the County Baloynrds. There was rather a falling off in the number of sires shown, only IB having places on the card, as against. 23 that were paraded last year. Of the fifteen names on tho printtul card, Messrs farter and Oo.'a and Mr Herring's Muir Lnd (Clydesdale) and Tribute (thoroughbred) were abnent, and Mr Edwin Thomas' Commander (Cltduedole) put in un appearance, notwithstanding that his name did not lppenr ou tho parade Usfc. It may be mentioned that, with one or two exceptions, all tho horses shown on Saturday 'appeared at tho parade last year, and wore -noticed at length in the report then given ; but it may also bo stated that the horses showed no falling off, and were aa popular as • erer. The following were shown in the A meeting of gentlemen interested in musical matters wni held in the Kninpoi "•Borough Council Chamber on Saturday ■evening, to discu?» tho advisability of getting up a sacred concert in Kaiwpoi for Christmas week. Mr J. Harold Evanß was voted to the •chair. It was decided that such a concert should bo pivon, ami that Messrs R. Maofarlane and Kvuna should Ascertain what music oou'.d bp procured of both notations. A list of Indies and gentlemen with th.< neoessary qualiGc&Mons for takicg part in the -concert wuu then inarlo up, and it wus fouud that there would bo a band and chorus of not Jess than 65 members, and raah gentleman present 'Undertook to sea certain people, with a view of learning their wishes in tho mattor. As.regarded the proceeds for which the con-cert-will ba given, it was understood that if any surplus accrued, ifc should be .placed (o the charitable fund of the town, an it was contidered to be mora with a view of factoring the musioal taloot of the town than for any spcoial object. It was decided that the Committee. moat next Saturday, and that all' who are anxious to take part in i 1 '. be invitod to attend the first practice on Wednesday, Oct. 11. The meeting then terminated. Yesterday bring the last dny of tho present .pnetor'a sojourn in Kaiapei, the prizes for the year v*ero distributed to the various -scholars who merited them, »a follows :-Bojß, Claso I.— (1) W. Povrril, (2) JR. Matbbowo ; IT.— (1) G-. Bevell, (i) J. Edmunde, (8) J. Jiice ; Hl.— (1) F. Unwin, /2) W. Bttlch , IV.— (1) F Lot, (2) 0. Uram.; V.— (l) C< -OUlham, (2) N. Oram; VI.— (1; F. Mat ho, -re, (2) A. Mooro, (3) F. Clarko ; TIL— (1) H. Moore, (2) if. Moore, (3) A. Clarke, (4) A. Pearco, (5) G. 'httrolaud. iTamoa Edinvyada wua awarded a special prize for exnmplwy conduct during; the year. Girls, Class I-'— (1) L. Ealoh, (2) M. Powell, (8) A. Koll; 11. -(l)D. Revell, (21 M. Unwin, <3) H. Coxj ni.-(t) K. Hurst, (2) M. Balth. (3) L. f'owll, (d) F. Cnvin ; V.— (l) H. Cox, (2) L. B«loh. (3) A Pearoe; Vl.— 1) L. Oox, (2) G. Bardon, (3) L. Barnefi. For tho Wodnmlsy evening clusjcb tho following prizos worn awarded :~Bny*, Clies I. — (I) W. Balch, (2) 0- Wood, (3)L. Wood ; II.— (1) C. Ghhum, (2) J. Pearce, (3) F. Humphroyc Mai Androwa' c'.ftae, glrla— (1) M. Balch, (2) If. Cot, (8), M. Pjlcher, (4) L. j Cox. After the prizes had boon distributed, ' tho Rev 1). O. liitiiipton gave a nicely illumiuatod cird to eucli of the children who had not received a prize. He then garo a short addroai to the children, regretting hie departure- from amongst them. Mr Brundeil, fiuporintendent, then, on bthalf of tho i«oehero and scholurn, made Mr tod Mrs Hampton a presentation of a very handsome silver breakfast set mid an Mluminated addre«f>, which ebnveved an oxpre««ion of their regret at losing oim who had laboured oarnoatly and fui( l.fuliy anion^t them, wiahjug Mr and Mrs Hampton and family long life and proppority. Mr Hampton, on behalf of biinsoif and wife, fhanktd thorn for tlioir lianxJsomo proiont, whioh, he said, wan quito iinexpfoted. Xbo rasetidg closed with

Signor Carmini Morley, having disbanded his Opera Company, is once more about to try his fortune as a teacher of musio in Dunedm. On Saturday night, "New Babylon" was played at the Auckland theatre by Bland Holt'B company for the first time to a crowded house. At Dunedin on Baturday the Union Company's Woirarapa went on an excursion trip outside tho Heads, with tho Dunedin staff of the Company and their friends. We are informed that Mr Harry Power haß become the proprietor of a diorama, with which he intends to travel tho Colony. Mr W. Leylanß is Bpoken of as his advance agent. Tho horse parado at Invercargill on Saturday whs most successful, both m point of the number of horses shown and their quality. The number on the gr uud was 29. The weather was fine. Forayth'a rabbit exterminator was shown in use on the grounds, but was not entirely successful, several rabbits haviug been taken out alive after 30 minutes. The lovers of opera bouffo will have the opportunity oF seeing that well-known artiste Mies Carry Nelson at an early date. She will be supported by a strong company, and according to latest intentions will open in Auokland after the Bland Holt season. It is not improbable, however, that an alteration will bo jnaH<? in favour of commencing the tour at the other end of the Colony. To-day being the opening day of the trout fishing bodboh, was celebrated by the followers of the "gentle craft" in tho wonted mannor. A goodly number of anglers proceeded to the banks of the ,lvon, supplied with all_ the instruments of their warfare, and it ia Btatod that more than one were fairly successful in their attempts. No "monsters," however, appear to ha™ been hookod as yet. Beveral anglers loft town on Baturday for the purpose of opening tho seaaon on tho banks of various up-country streams.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4505, 2 October 1882, Page 2

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Local & General. Star (Christchurch), Issue 4505, 2 October 1882, Page 2

Local & General. Star (Christchurch), Issue 4505, 2 October 1882, Page 2