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jßoaineM Rotioei. R* W» Waives & Co., GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHERS, VIOTOBIA BTBBBT, FIBBT OBDHR OF ME HIT AT THS N.Z. EXHIBITI9N, 1882, Are now opening up FEESH ARRIVALS, Ex "Bakaia," In OABPETS (Tapestry). Brussels, Kidderminster, Feits, J'urkoy, &0., Whioh have been purobated at exceptionally low pricos, of whioh his customers will have the advantage, ranging in prii-ns from 2s 8d per yard ; aha, Dutch Carpets from lOfcd per yard (a Bplendid lot). ALSO IN BTOCKDmwing Boom: Suites in Cretonne, Bep, Velvet, and Tapestry, from £9 9s t Tables m Walnut, Black wood.Codar, and tho handsomest of Now Zealand woods, for 455. Dining Boom : Suites in Leather, and hair* seated, from £16 16s. Also, DINING-EOOM, BKDHOOM, AND KITCHEN FURNITURE Of every description, suitable for any kind of dwelling. B. W. WALTEB3 & CO. Would call special attention to their Prioe list of a few leading articles of Bedroom Furnituro : I. d. Iron Bedsteads from 17 6 Mattrasses (Flax) 5 0 Do. (Spring) , 25 0 Palliasses (full aizo) „ 11 6 &0., &c, &o. TO ABRIVE— By " Ooronilla," " City of Bombay/* 11 Wairau," "Thome," and " Loch Cree," A splondid assortment of GENERAL HOD*B FDKNITUBE, Which will bo offered at prices hitherto unheard of in Ohmtohurch. Note the Addreas— Rm Wo VV ALTERS & Co. VIOIORU BTRET. Std&m Cabinet Works — Kilmore, Chester and Durham streets. 766S JERSEY HOUSE, ' J JOHNS ION & SON, TAILOBS, &0., Boing about to remove to Mr Johnston's new Buildiugp, Colombo road, Sydenham, early njxt month, with a choice assortment of Tweeds and Coatings, will Bell their present stook of EEADY-MADE CLOTHES AND MKBCERy, Begardloss of Cost, being about to confine their Business to TAILORING ONLY 6300 Jfcß. I T 0 H B H §* FAMOUS BLOOD HESIOREB, Fob Cleansing, Pubifting, add Izrvieo> HATING THE BI.OOD. [Seven Years' Test in Auckland.] Testimonials, kost wondbhpul bumbst The wunt of a reliable remedy for rhon» matiiim, &0., has long been felt an one of tin greatest calamities of the ngo. While other moans and medicines havo bean proving them* selves vain and delusive, this remedy has been silonlly and steadily unloosing tho cruel fingers of disease, and freeing oaptive men from their deadly embrace. . The people are now requested to cfivo the Blood Bbbtobkb a fair and impart inl trial. And the proprietor would have it distinctly understood that thr oureß of Rheumatism, '&c, are due entirely to this medicine's wonderful effect upon tb< blood, by its cleansing, purifying, and invigo* rating power. Its ourative and depurative properties have been fully attested by the numerous testimonials received by tho proprietor from patients who had long suffered from tb» abovo distressing maladies, who had applied in vain to phyoieians for relief, and in whot* cases Turkish Baths, Hot tipriugs, and other popular remedies had been resortod to without effect. Mb Hitohbns. Auokland, Ist June, 1877. Dear Sir, — 1 feol I should not bo doing you justice, for the extraordinary medioine yon manufacture, were 1 not to acknowledge thr wonderful cure it has offocted upon myself. It will bo necessary t.o explain the nature of my cotuplumt. On the passage to this Colony, in tho whip Jessie Osborao, I had a sever* attack of >ihoumalic Fever, und was carried aehorj in tho most helpless ooudition. I remained in this etato for several months, oufforing tho most intenpe pain. 1 tried many remedies, but to no efl'tvt, und begun to despair of evor getting relid'. I was reeommeuded by a friend to try your wonderful Blood Beetorer, I did ho, and the change — Klmosl; from the first duec, wits astonishing. I urn now perfectly restored to health, as wefi as evor I was in my life. Should you fenl dispoeod to give publioity to this lettor, 7. would say lo those suffering from rhcdmatistD —do not delay, but at once tako your invaluable medicine, and they wiil soon find reliof. For myaolf, I can only say that you have my lasting grulitudo, and 1 shall at all times tuko it us a pleasure to pive anyone *H tho iofovmution pooiuUe. I herewith enolos* a i;ortificnto from two gcntloimm (Visiting CHlcore of Fountain of Friendship Lodge of Oddfellows), and huve tlu-ir permission to givo publicity to it. -I urn, drur »ir, yourt over gratefully, TIJOJfAO 11. JONKB. Wi>, tbo .uudort-ig)jed 'Viß Offioen of the Loyiil i'ounlaio of Friendship Lodge, of tho 1.0 0.X., M.U., A.D., bear witness to the wonderful euro <;' Urothvr Jones, offectod by the ujo of Mr Hitohcna' JJiooil itentoror. 0. OVBBXON, JS.G. | AIPBBD AIO/BY, V.O. Messi-B 0.. OK 6c UO*H, (Jll9 Solo Aprils for Uanterbury, OKi GitN is JUfc— Dr Bright's Puospbdyuc. — Multitudes of people are hop** lowly euiforiug from Debility, Nervoui »»rf Liver Oomplaii)t«, Doprension of Spirits Shortness of Breath, Indication, Fiatulene4< Impoverished Blood, Luecitudc, Want « Power, A«., whose cases admit of a perna*cont euro by tho use of Dr Bright* Phosphodyne (Ozobic Oxygen), which at onos allay* till irritation and exoitomenfc, impart* nt» energy and bfe to tho enfeebled constitution, and rapidly cures overy RUgn of these hitherto incurable and dutregsirig makdieii. Sold Kj nllchomu.s throughout tho Globo. B»wmi-«. of worthless imitations bearing similar man W'holdtftie u/;onte, Evinplhornv, Pronser &<.*, •11* DB iIDHLICK'S I'ol'ULAli FAMILY MpDICIJSKB [HBTABLiaiIKU A.D. 1812] Aro now ror tho lint l,iim< brought to and advertised in Now Zculuud. DX FIDHLER'S Bilious and Liver Pills, with treatise on u;«lf-curo, niot, Ac. ... Is 6d per box DB FIDHLKH'S Do«itition Powders, for ohiiiiron cultiu^ their Is Gd per boi With Dr F.'e Tsohtiso on thi> nmnngernpiit of ohildron (l\t!i.ij^ tho period of dentition DS VIDHLKd'a "Nursery Mixture," nr Infants' Frionii. r ih:» mediciiio wi.'l l)o found a complete itvccifie lor voriiiling of iniiJi or food, ldosotom in tho buwelu, gripec, groeu motions, wind, &<• , and iln timely anii ocousiouul use v»i!l prevent convul. Km/flf eion '>t» lafld ntr bou DR MDHI.ER.B "Wild Cl:o>!y," foi'coiighp, brouodii*, ii'.LliUjh, uud till cht'bt. urn! luiij? diacftdcO ... Is 6d yxv bot. These ColohmlM Mpriicinio will become a hli<ai>iiig to t!m iroimtrj, und a household wurd in c.ViTy fumUy. Whot.i:3Ai.i: Aoents ' M. It AUk 1 H <t SO N, Horoli.'nl .»!)Pt;, Oliiislcli'irc-h, And K^liiil ol' f.i.-rv ri<>rcki<>i-.tir thioughnnt th'NV..i-!d. 711>»

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4505, 2 October 1882, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4505, 2 October 1882, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4505, 2 October 1882, Page 4