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A BLOODLESS CONTEST. A WRETCHED FIASCO. ARREST OF TE WHITI AND TOHU. THE NATIVES PEACEFUL. HOW OUR CORRESPONDENTS FOILED MR BRYCE. THE WHOLE SCENE WATCHED BY HIDDEN WITNESSES. NOBLE ATTITUDE OF TE WHITI. [By Tblbgbaph.] [FROM OUB OWN CORRESPONDENT.] PUNGABEHU, Not. 5. Dismay and consternation spread through the ranks of newspaper correspondents at Pur^arehu on Friday when it became known late in the day that all civilians were forbidden to follow the advance of the forces on Faiihaka, and would be arrested if found there on the entrance of the troops. Several journal? had gone to great expense in sending men to the front ; and the wrath of these may be more easily imagined than put into polite language. The occasion was one of such extreme interest to people, whatever their opinions in the matter, that specials had been despatched by some papera for the express purpose of being on the spot during the one eventful day alone. Every effort was made to obtain a relaxation of the Draconian law, but in vain. To no purpose did tbe ambassador of the Olago Daily Times and the representative of a round dozen of evening papers call upon the generalissimo and the Defence Minister. Colonel Roberts was unwilling, and the honorable John was as inexorable as he is popularly supposed to be honest. Your chief correspondent was told point blank by the former that he or any other European caught in the manner described, would be arrested and kept in durance vile till next day, adding tbat suoh were Mr Bryce's orders. However, "collaring Native orderlies and stopping Englishmen in the execution of a duty fully recognised by all civilized commanders and educated statesmen, are two different things." It became a point of honour to defeat the common enemy, so baying worked out a scheme by wbich he might possibly be circumvented, it waß resolved to take a look at the camp, and then turn in. The morrow and the morrow's deeds were being discussed beforehand very freely, the obstructive measure meted out to the papers being strongly condemned on all hands, tbe more bo as it was known to be the result of spite on the part of the authorities against the representatives of one daily, which need not be mentioned. If the old story bo true, the Defence Minister's ears must have tingled from something more than mosquito bites that evening. Of the Taranaki contingent it was said, witb a frankneßß that made the blood run cold, that twenty men were sworn to shoot down the first Maori that chance placed it within their power to kill. It iB true that Taranaki men have homes laid desolate, slaughtered brothers and friends Blain in Maori warfare, to mourn ; still the sentiment, savoured more of the Eavoses' law of the TJtu, at which men wonder bo exceedingly, than of any feeling creditable to the hearts of civilised, not to speak of Christian men. The Constabulary wero less Mood-thirsty in their ideas, and contented themselves with a grand illumination aad some uproarious cborußes. To tbe others happily the excuse they wished for never came. The battle of Parihaka, the most successful on the bead-roll of famous fights, till the bill Bhall have been paid (three prisoners on one side), was won without the firing of a shot. Our plan for the morning was a simple one, and proved eventually more effective than our wildest hopes could have anticipated. It was a start in the grey dawn, and by paths and various ways to gain such positions before the array of skirmishers was thrown out, that we should bo able to observe with ease all that paßsed, in spite of arrests or detentions. Your other correspondents will tell in detail how well we succeeded, the fact being that the two people whose absence was most desired saw and heard more collectively of what took placo than any other two observers of the scene. The fates are grimly humorous at times, and bo it proved in tho present instance. In company with Captain Dawson, an ex-Imperial officer, and Mr H. Vere Barclay, who had undertaken to be our guide, both being desirous of seoing what paeeed, and Mr Humphries, correspondent for the Press Association, we started at early morn. Ono of us and Mr Humphries had decided to enter Parihaka, and tako tho risk of arrest, when the Riot Act should be read to tho quiet assemblage of tranquil Maories ; tho other three were to skirmish by themselves, and be guided by circumstances. On tho homceopathic system barbarous regulations had to be met by uncivilised procedure, bo like Indians on the war-path, we slunk along under cover, for freih horao tracks wore seen everywhere, and we feared the patroh of our hostile friends and the eyes of the tall blockhouse. Il was ono of those beautful mornings that our favoured clime enjoys, when the mero act of living in it, under ordinary circumstances, delights, but the diamond drops of dew upon the fern, bo pretty in the distance, are dronohing upon near acquaintance. Tho hoary head of old Taranaki rose before us in all the virgin beauty lent it by tho new born day, but who could admire it wading knee deep in a swamp, switched across the eyes by " lawyers," climbing Maori fences, and plunging over pototo beds? The Blur cast upon the Maorieß by their rabid foes, that they do not cultivate the land thoy hold, proceeds from deep ignorance of the facts. There are square miles of potato, melon and cabbage fields around Parihaka ; they stretch on every side; and acres and acres of the land Bbow the results of great industry and care. Our pilot, a thorough bushman, whoso name is known as the hero of tho Queensland and South Australian boundary-line expedition of a few years back, took us through fern and forest safely up close to Parihaka, beforo the dew began to dry upon the leaves. At seven o'clock the strains of the baud woro heard playing the force out cf Pungarehu. "Dp to time at all events," eaya some one, allowing the enemy tho merit of punctuality. The Nativo Minister is not in the odour of sanctity with us. We have all wet our legs fording streams, and spoilt our rest to get to windward of his flanking partieß, and there is a decidedly revengeful tone about the conversation. Half-an-hour after, having scaled the defences of an old pah, our gallant guide, who knows every inch of tho ground, brings us to where wo can peer into the village; thence our ways lio apart. Wo worked round towards tho back of tho kninga, and soon had the satisfaction of chuckling in our sleeves as wo heard tho bugle coll " from the loft extend," which meant skirmishing for tho especial benefit of beating up newspaper men. ifrom the hill, whero wo finally decided upon taking up our position, wo had a comploto viow of the whole village. Fow people wero aßtir, except tho children who were clustered in a band at tho entrance. All the Natives moving übout woro whito feathers, but thoro was littlo unusual stir, except tho loud biying of the dogs as tho columns drew near. Thoso who wuro not sitting maseed in tho spaces between the whan's went peacefully about their usual occupations, but an air of sadnof s hung about the place, and there was nono of the usuul gaiety and singing. TLe first of the Armed Constabulary ap-

peared about eight o'clock, and were greeted with loud cheers by tho children, who afterwards kept up the haka and skipping with great vigour. Colonel Roberts, on a black charger and Mr Bryce on a white ono Boon appeared, with Mr Rolleston on foot. A position was taken up on a hill at the entrance, and more and more companies strengthened those whioh had already arrived. That the cordon was nearly complete was soon mado evident by the appearance of Major Pitt, with tho Nelson men and the 1 hames Scottish on the north-weßt side. At 9 o'clock the latter came within a few yards of us, and it was amusing to hear the Sergeant warning his men in a strong accent to keep a sharp look-out for enemies in the rear. At his very feet almost were three. Next time he advances on a dangerous stronghold ho will have had more practice. From our vantage ground, we watched | the lines drawn closer and cloßer till the outside fences were surrounded. Watching every faceon the hill opposite, 6nd the movements of our rulers, to our intense surprise we discovered three civilians beside Mr Bryoe, who took complete direction of the whole affair out of the Colonel's hands. Their faces were well known to at least one or two. Perhaps it was only a curious coincidence that they should all have been eleotors of Wanganui. The events that followed the entrance of the arresting companies, my fellow correspondents will describe. Colonel Boberts was kind enough to tell a civilian who went up with the troops and asked if he was going to send him to the rear, that he did not object to his presence — only to that of newspaper men. At the same time it is proper to add that Colonel Roberts iB a man possessed of far too much discrimination, and has nothing to be ashamed of that he should object to the presence of correspondents. He was Bimply acting under orders. Until Mr Bryce!s advent, correspondents wore always well received in camp, and treated with the utmost courtesy. [Thus far our own co-respondent. The thread of the story is now 1 aken up by our well-known Bpecial, who, it will be seen, contrived to get into Parihaka, despite the Native Minister.] [FROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT.'] Arrived at the summit of a small hill overlooking Parihaka, at a distance of about 300 yards, the party seporated ; Captain Dawson, Mr Barclay and my brother correspondent remaining to watch the movements of the troops from the point gained ; Mr Humphries and the writer proceeded to Parihaka. There I found the Natives gathered together in a large open space between two rows of houses to the number of at least 2500. They were addressed at intervals by Te Whiti and Tohu, the tenor of their speeches in no way differing from that of other speeches recently telegraphed to you. Both enjoined peace and forbearance under any insults or oppression. The Natives were more than usually grandly dressed, most of them wearing white feathers in their hair. In a large square at the entrance to the pah about a hundred young girls were assembled amusing themselves with skipping ropes. Beyond them, on the road leading to Pungarehu, some hundreds of boys were gathered, awaiting the arrival of tho hoia (soldiers) with great glee. I strolled round the pah, and found tho women engaged in their usual occupations and bb cordial in their welcome as ever. I noticed, however, that amongst the adults — the women especially — there was a prevailing Badness, as though they felt a great calamity was approaching. The attempt to reply to a joke or bit of chaff waß piteously feeble. The whole spectacle was saddening in the extreme ; it was an industrious, law-abiding, moral and hospitable community calmly awaiting the approach of the men Bent to rob them of everything dear to them As the time approached when the troops might be expected to make their appearance at Parihaka, Mesers Humphries, Thomson, and I went down the road as far as we deemed safe in view of the order to arrest newspaper correspondents, and then etole back behind Btones and fences. At 7.15 a.m. we first noticed some skirmishers extending from the loft (our right), and as it was evident that, if we remained there, wo would bo outflanked by them, wo retreated from hillock to hillock, keeping well out of Bight. I afterwards ascertained that they were hunting the dreaded newspaper men, and succeeded in arresting four or five. At 8 o'clock the head of tho column appeared round a bend of the main road. Slightly ahead of them rode Colonel Roberts, commanding, and Mr Bryee, with their respective staffs, followed by tbo Armed Constabulary, volunteers, infantry, and mounted rifles- Owing to tho obstacles thrown in the way of Press men, I cannot get hold of the details ; but I understand that about 650 men of all ranks left Pungarehu, and were joined at Parapara by about 1000 men, under Major Goring, fromßahntu. Ab they proceeded towards Parihaka, pickets were left at various points on the road, with instructions to stop all civilians. Within about 400 hundred yards of Parihaka a halt waß called, and the etaff rode up a slight hill on the road, from which the pah could be viewed. They remained about ten minutes. All this time we were lying hiddon about midway between tho position occupied by the staff and where the Maorieß were assembled. The position was a most curious ono, bo far as we correspondents wero concernod. We were actually hiding from, and retreating before tho European invading force, to whioh we ought to have beon attached, and retiring tor safety upon the auppoßed enemy. Shortly another move forward was made,. tho head of the column making direct for tho principal outranco to the pah. Across this wero drawn up in two lines about 200 nearly naked boys, wbo vigorously danced tho haka, and sang songs in derision of the invadors. It was mero child's play to break through these. At this stage the Armed Constabulary wero within 150 yards of where wo were, and wo considered it advisablo to get into Parihaka and secrete ourselves where we could observe the subsequent proceedings. It had previously been explained to the Maories that we had been forbidden by the Pakehas, under pain of arrest, to witness tho proceedings ; but, nevertheless, we were determined to run the risk. They replied : " We quito understand why tho Government are ashamed that tho country Bhould know what it is doing, but we have nothing to bo ashamed of, and you aro welcome." They then proposed that we should sit in the centre amongst them, and thoy would prevent our arrest. The impropriety of this was pointed out to them, and finally arrangementß wore mado for our occupation of a cooking whare from which we could hear and see all that might transpire. In the meantime tho troops were advancing steadily in columns of four, companies of volunteers being thrown out so as to nearly Burround the pah. At 8.45 am. the Constabulary entered tho pah, halting just within the first row of whares. Mr Bryce, who rode a white horee, looked exceedingly anxious. Mr Rolleßton was on foot, and seemed to regard tho whole affair as a good bit of fun. At this moment Tohu commencod speaking, but in so low a tone thot wo could not hear what his words were. By this time Mr Humphries and myself and our interpreter, Thomson, had taken upour position in tho whan.', from between tlio slabs of which wo could observe ererything. Mr Bryce, Colonel Roberlß and tbe Btaff now took up a position on a slight eminenoo near the burial ground, about thirty yards to the roar of tho whares. Precisely at 985 Major Tuke, accompanied by Mr Butler, as interpreter, came up to the edge of the Maori gathering, and without speaking a word waited for fivo minutes. The Maories had previously been warned that ho would come to day for their answer to tho Proclamation. On tho rxpira tion of the fivo minutes Major Tuko read tho Riot Act. Mr Butler translated it, nnd both thon withdrew, tho Maories still paying not tho slightest attention, but maintaining a dead silence. Tin's was perhaps tho most exciting period of tlio wholo proceeding. Whatever To Whiti might direct would inevitably bo done. The whole ufsemblago sat with eyes fixed on Te Whiti. Itis slightest variation of countenance was reflected in tho faces of all, and auy words that ho ad dressod to those closo to him wero whispered from ono to another, until tbey reached tho uttormo-t circlo of tho densely - packed meeting. At 10 o'clock a company of picked men, numbering ninety-five, under tho command of Captains Newell and Gudgeon, marched further into tho pah, and took up a position within a fow yards of the assembly. Captuin Newell briefly addressed tho men, telling thorn to be firm, but to uso no unnecessary violence. Thoy v.* ero arm«*d with loaded revolvers, and curried handcuffs. Just about this timo somo conversation took placo respecting tho absence of newspaper correspondents, while, us a matter of fact, 1 could have touchod Oaptun Newell with it walking stick. Tohu now ad.ircsse 1 tho Natives briefly. He said: "Let tho man (Bryce) who has raised I

"* r,w ' w^>^^'^oomam^maaßmmmmeu^mmamni^ifmt^u^m tho war finuh his woik this day. Let neither men nor women cook. We have already eaten, end will wait where we aro. Do not let any be abßent. Stay where you are ; even if the bayonet be put to your broasts do not resist." Until 10.50 a period of deep suspense and suppressed excitement followed. At that hour the bugle sounded " advance skirmishers," ond the skirmishers swarmed down the surrounding hills towards the pah, forming in a line round it. Mejor Tuke again came towards where the arresting party were drawn up. Somo conversation paseed botween him and Captain Newell, when tho latter again spoko a few words to his men, telling them that if thoy were to put on tho handcuffs they wero to " olinnh thorn tight." Major Tuke addressed tho mon, cautioning them against excitement, but telling them that if any Maori flashed a tomahawk to Bhoot him down instantly. He then cslled to the interpreter:— "Butler, can you p. int him (To Whiti) out ? " Mr Butler did so. Captain Gudgeon remarked : " I think that Grey of No. 6 Oompany would be handy here," meaning that Grey could identify the men wbo wero wanted. Grey was then called forward. A few moments after Colonel Roberts said: -" Oall Te Whiti." Mr Hurethoueo (another interpreter) did bo. Te Whiti replied that he would not come to him. M-? Rolleston replied thnt he would not go to Te Whiti, but that Te Whiti must come to him, where he wbb standing by the burial place. Te Whiti replied that ho would remain with hiß people. Be had nothing to do with the fight of that day ; it was not his fight, but that of the pakehas. To Whiti then intimated that he was prepared to see Mr Bryce if ho hid anything to Bay to him. For his part he had nothing but good words to say to Mr Bryoe. Mr Bryco replied in a tone that those who heard conf idered harsh, that he would not come to him unless he made a path among his people, through which he (Mr Bryce) could ride. The Natives, it must be remembored, were bo compactly paoked that to do this was an impossibility. 'Te Whiti replied quite calmly that the^horses' feet might hurt some of the children. Mr Hursthouse, interpreting for if r Bryce, faid the horee was a quiet one. Te Whiti replied tbat if Mr Bryce wanted to apeak to bim, he must* come on foot. Mr Bryce said the day for talking waa past. To Whiti immediately retorted : " Whon did you find it out ?" Mr Bryco : " This morning." Almost immediately afterwards, Mr Bryce ordered Colonel Roberts to carry out his instructions. The lattor, addressing Major Tuke, repeated the oommand, adding "Do not touoh any of the women or children." Major Tuke ordered Captain Ne weU to have Te Whiti arrested, and two of the arresting constables instantly made thoir way through the crowd to where Te Whiti sat. Instead of resistance boing offered, w.ay was made them, and To Whiti quietly awaited their approach. Tbe moment they laid hands on him he rose nnd Colonel Roberts, evidently thinking the constables mußt use unnecessary violence, called out "Let him walk if he will." He came away in a very dignified manner, hia wife following closely. Tohu was arrested in a nmiler imt.ner, and alio Hiroki. Te Whiti and Tohu i« .ro arrested by Constables Willia and Woodward. Constable H. Mulholland, who know* Hiroki well, and shortly after the M'Lean murder waß employed in ohasing him, was detailed to arrest him. As Mulholland approaohed him, Hiroki folded hie arms across his breast, and Mulholland, suspecting ho had weapons concealed, ordered hi*-**}, to throw hiß armß up. This Hiroki immediately did, and was hundouffed and searohed. Nothing was found upou him* Ho was then passed to the rear, orders being given to tbe guard to keep him soparate from Te Whiti and Tohu. These are being treated as State prisoners, Hiroki as an ordinary criminal. At this stage Colonel Roberts gave the order to " search the wharfs." Many of them were searohed, and we were in momentary dread of being digcovered and arrested, but fortunately our hut was passed over, notwithstanding, aB I afterwards ascertained, that your correspondent wob strongly suspected of being about somewhere. Aftor their arreßt, both Te Whiti and Tohu wore allowed to address the pooplo. Te Whiti sai ', •. "Bo of good heart and patient. To ay's work is not of my doing ;it coineß fron. is hoartsof tho pakehas. Upon my fall l! ■• pakeha builds his work. Be steadfast ii* .11 thatie peaceful." Tohu eaid : " This iB tli.* doing of war. Be not sad thig day, Turn oway the eorrowful heart from you. We go away as fools and as captured men. We lookod for peaoo and wo find war. Be steadfast and of large heart. Keep to peaoeful works. Bo not dismayed ; have no fear but be steadfast." They wire then lod away, and one woman just outside our wharf cxpresflod hor sorrow, whon another replied, " Why are you sorry ? Look ! he is laughing as ho goes away with tho Europeans." Whilo Btill within ear-Bhot To Whiti turned round and called out to his people : " Let your dwelling be good in this plaoe, oh my tribe. Works such as those will bo finishod this day." He and Tohu, togethor with Te Whiti's wife, wero driven to tho Pungarohu bluck-houße. Subsequently I learned that passing a wharf on the way he called out, "Eeen your spirits up, and keep to your wharcs. I will bo with you again. Shortly nf'"** the prisoners had been taken, Kina, a 'J . umki chief of some stauding, briefly adi: "eed tho people. Ho said: " Oontinue . > follow the teaching of Te Whiti and Tohu, < von if .we are all arrested on the land that 1. - come to us from our forefathers." It waß expected that more arreßts would be made, as it is known fchat a largo number of warrants had been signed, but nothing further was dono up lo the moment of my leaving. The people remained in the same position, looking very disconsolate, and the troops si ill surrounded them. About an hour after the arrest, my fellow correspondent, whe had been told of my hiding-place by a halfcaste, slipped a piece of paper through one of the interstioes, on whioh was written that be thought we might come out. It appears that after the arrests had been effected, correspondents, who had previously heen arrost ed and sent to the rear, were permitted to oome up to the front. Shortly aftorwards wo omerged, and if anything in connection with ono of tho saddest und most shameful spectaoles I havo witnessed could bo ludicrous it was the expression on the faces of the authorities when they saw that tbeir grand scheme for preventing the Colony from knowing what was dono in the namo of tho Queon at Parihaka had beea completely frustrated. Not an action escaped observation ; not an ordor given was unheard or unrecorded. The opinion amongst those who are bost qualified to judge, is that tho position of the settlers is now worßO than before, especially if the large armed force is disbanded. To Whiti's restraining influence lias boon removed, and the more turbulent, exoited by today's events, may take revenge after tho Maori fashion. To-day the kindnoßß of the Parihaka people to mo waß great, and tlieir satisfaction at knowing that tho proceedings would be recorded, vory marked. Since writing the foregoing, I havo heard that tho Maories intend to recommence fencing to-ir.orrow, and will resist interference. NEW PLYMOUTH, Nov. G. Up to the time of my loaving Pungarohu last night nothing new had ocourrod. The Constabulary had formod camps, and the Maories woro proparing food for t homsolveß. Te Whiti, I hoar, said to a constable who took him somo refreshment, that lie would be back in Parihaka noxt Friday. As thoro was not the slightest prospect of gotting Press messages away from the Pungarohu ofllco last night, I started at 10 p.m. with our despatches, carrying also the Press Association mcssago. Thoro was some doubt as to whether I would ho allowed to cross tho • onoy River bridgo ; Colonol Roberts, i roply to a quostion, saying it rested witi. iho discretion of tho non-com-missioned ollicor in ohargo of tho party guarding tho bridgo. I was ohnllongod, but allowed to cross. This morning I rode into New Plymouth in timo to catch tho wire. LATER. It is rumoured that Mr Hryco intonde tomorrow to clear all tlio Natives out of Parihaka, at tl point of tho bayonot if noocßtary. If this is ; - ue, thoro will certainly bo bloodshed. Mj information ib indirectly from an oflleiil source. (PER PRESS ASSOCIATION^ PUXG-iRBHU, Nov. f>.* Until this morning the Nit ivo nows lias been very quiet hore, but Mr Bryce'i* movo to Parihaka with tho troops to day caused great excitomont in tho Pungarohu camp, and from enrly morn the Armod Oonßtabulnry wero flitting about getting ready for the expected

L , fray. Tho Bahotu camp was equally busy, inasmuch as tbey were under ordei .-*-* to march at daylight and join the troops from Pungarehu shortly after seven Tho Armed Constabulary and Now Plymouth Cavalry ard Bifles marched from tho latter camp at 6.45 a.m., the Constabulary band playing aB they left. The fact of an order being issued on Friday night that no special correspondents would bo allowed to accompany the troops, and in tho event of any of them being found thero they would be immediately arrested and detained for a space of 24 lioux^ cause*! some indignation among PrestfMfc, and during that evening several meinb***! of the . Press interviewed Colonel Boberts, but were nnablo to get permission to go to Parihaka. Some of cue correspondents were determined if possible to gain admittance to Parihaka, end at daybreak tbia morning a party of five gentlemen, including tbe Bpecial correspondent of tbe Lyttelton Times, Mr Ha.nilton, of the Lyttelton 7/imes, the special correspondent of the Pres* <* "sooiation, Captain Dawson and Mr Bar.* *„ of Government survey, the latter genth- -ian aoting as guide, left for Parihaka by a truok wbioh breught them to the rear of the village after a rough walk of two hours. On reaching the »pot throe were left on the hill in the rear, and the specials proceeded onto Parihaka, tho intention being that in the event of the « specials " being arrested those behind -would be able to communicate witb the telegraph office, and Bend any information tbat ecu hi be obtained. On reaching Parihaka the specials were well reoeived by the Natives, who did not appear ab all concerned as to the approaching visit of tbe soldier 3. On oloser inspection of Parihaka it waa seen that thero Were about 2500 Nativoß present, including women and children. The Natives were -squalling in a marae, and had been them Bitic; 12 o'clock on Friday nigbt, they having beou informed that the soldiers were to vi-it the pah about daylight. The woather was exceedingly warm, and the Constabulary and Yoluotoors th re rather exhausted from their tramp in heavy marching order. The Native* appeared very clean, and the larger portion of tbem woro white feathers as head d ress. Tho Maories had pulled down one of thiir fences to a.low room for the troops tc ,*■* > into the pah, and had had 500 loaves prep: dboaß to provide the men with food. Burly in the morning tho <L c of tbe Dgawaras addressed the assemblage, and oautioned them not to uae any violence. 9?ohu followed in a similar strain, and said that no matter what force whs used against thero, they were not to strike— not even with a stick. Frotu a hill in front of Parihaka tbo Armed Constabulary were Been advancing (at 7.15 a.m.), they baying been jeined by the volunteers from Rahotu, who came by way of Parapara. The troops on reaching Xop-vva separated ; one body, comprised chiefly of volunteers, took tho left, with the intention of proceeding to the rear of Periiaka ; the etaff und main body continuing. to march on Parihaka direot. The special correspondent already mentioned, seeing the mon approaching near the scene of the suppose i action, engaged the services of an interpreter, who if also a special, and by these gained free admission to the pah, Tohu wished them to sit boside liim first, but this being out of the question, a wbnre, from whero full observations could be made, was oii'ared them. Ihe offer was acet pted. The firat body of men was seen advancing over thu slopo, to the couth- west of the pah, ct, 8.30 a. in. and making ti gap in tho fence of une of the nativo plantations approached the pah, but, on gaining tho high ground to the west, lhey balled and awnited the advance of tho main body. Immediately this body was observed by t!io Native i about 200 young ohildren wero senL on to thu high ground in front of Parihaka and daiy-j-i a haka. From the excellent timo kept by tho children (whose ages ranged from 8 lo 14) in theae movements, it was apparent* that thoy had beon trained specially for the purpose. Tho staff turned in to the roa*< leading to Parihaka at 830 a.m., and the children turned their attent'on to them, performing tho same feats aB they had done to ibo other companies. On a smt-.1l xiao in front of Parihaka the staff halted and waited for tko Armed Constabulary to approach. Tho whole then came toward* the pah, headed by Armed Constabulary skirmishers. At nine o'olook the latter had taken up a position; on a hill immediately abov*> the Native burial ground, and wero accompanied by Messrs Rolleston and Bryce. The former was on foot, while the latter "wae mounted on a white horse. At five minute^ past nine the four companies of Armed Constabulary had reached the foot of tbo hill, and then Tohu commenced addressing tbe Nativo assemblage. His utteranoes wore of short duration, and were inaudible. Captains Gudgeon and Newell were now advancing to the front of Parihaka with v Oompany of Arniei Constabulary. Tho Miiorios still ke H t their squatting posture, with tho excoption of tho young girls who were enjoying themselves with skipping-ropes, and the boya who wero playing in front of the pah. ll one appeared the least afraid at the approach of the Constabulary. A few minutea later, Mr Bryco, Colonel Bjolevts, and the staff, reached the square or marae, but almost immediately went on to the rear of Parihaka, where tbe Armed Couatabulary were pjsted. The latter, whon opposite the boute whioh was built for hia Bxcellonoy tho Governor, should he havo visited Parihaka, halted. Tho Volnnteers, to west of Parihaka, now cloeo , but etill kept on the high ground. At 1.35 n., Major Tuke and Mr Butler, Secretary v- -lr Bryce, came into the pah. The former, .ddresßing tbe Natives, eaid : " Wo have con: i to hear Te Whiti's reply to the proclamation iaaued." After an interval of five minutes, and there being no reply, Major Tuke read the Riot Aot, calling on all Natives to disperse. The Aot WBS translated into the Nativo tongue by Mr Butler, after whioh both gentlomon retired. The Nativos did not appear to tako any inter-tat in the reading of the Act. At ten o'clock some excitement was caused in tbe pab, when the Constabulary were to be seen retracing tbeir steps to the front of Parihaka. The Natives, evidently thinking they had come for tho purpose of dispersing tbem, callod on their friends and relations, wbo were loitering about the pab, to assemble, whioh waß immediately done. From tho whard where we had takon up our position it waa rather difficult to watch tho movement of the variouß companies, but it offered every facility for observing everything -ffthat took place between Mr Bryoe and tho Natives. Tohu again addreßßed his peoplo, saying : "Let tho man who has m:**"-*! the war do his work this day. Let no woi a cook or man oook stir. We have partake ood ; let nono of us stir lest any of us bo <■ ent. Bo patient and stoadfaßt, and even if : > bayonet comes to your breast do not re- •(*." " The companies who wore on the weßt of Parihaka ■descended and took up a position in tho ro-ir ot tho place, and at this time a completo line around Parihaka, with the exception of tho eaat vide, had beon formed. At twenty minutes to twelve, Captains Gudgeon and Newell with the arresting party (with handcuffs), of Armed Constabulary marched to a position to the left of tho marao, whero the Natives woro squatting. Major Tuke callod on Mr Butler to point hira (moaning Tohu) out. Colonel Robert*? then joinod the furcating party, and Captain Gudgeon addri- -ing him, said .* " Grey, of No. G Company, would be handy in pointing out Tohu." Mr iiurathou-ie (inter pr oter), acting on instructions, called upon To Whiti to come and stand in his (Mr Bryco's) presence Ho roplied that Measra Bryco and Bolleston muat como to him. Mr Bryce (through tho interpreter) rofusod to go to Te Whiti, and Baid he mmt como to whero he stood (noar tho graveyard) ; To Whiti had nothing to do but go to them. To Whiti ropliod: "I have nothing but good worda in my mouth for him or anyono." Mr Bryce said : " From your good wishes, I feel ineliuofl to humour your wish to como and see you. Make a good road, therefor-, for the paaeupo of my horso through yc •■ • pooplt*, and I will "come to you." 'j m Whiti .- " But some of my children might get hurt." Mr Bryco: "No. This is a guiot horae." Te Whiti s '« I do not thirk it good you should come on borsobaok among my children. If Mr Bryco wants to talk with iv > let. iiiMi como on foot." Mr Bryce : " Tho daye for talking are over." Iv Whiti: "When did you find that out?" Mr Bryco : " b'wco thiß morning." To Whiti : "I have nothing more to say." This conversation was carried on through an interpreter (Mr Huratbouso). At 11.30 an ordor waa givon for the arresting paity to advance. Tho Natives immediately cleared a passago for tho men, and tlio party advnnoiug to whoro To Whiti was i-'uled arteotod him without tho slightoat rosiMflnco whatever. Whon tho mm reached To Whiti CoJ"wl Rotferto called io thenl, '* Lot him wiih if lie will." To Whi 'i walked quiot ly with t'ouv A. d.'s to where Mr Bryco

und the oflicers wero stationed. His wifo walked through the file with him. Tohu and Hiroki were takon in a Bimilar manner. The largo assemblago of Natives looked on calmly, and scarcely a word waß spoken. Te Whiti and Tohu wero uot haudcuffed, but Hiroki was. Tho arresting party retired at 11.35 a.m. Te Whiti, when under arreßt, spoke to his people and aßked them to be boldhearted and patient. He said : " This is not my work, but comes from the hearts of the Europeans." Tohu followed, saying : " This is the doing of war ; bo not sorry we aro torn away from you. We go away as fools, aB mistaken men. We looked for peaco and we find war. Be steadfast. Heed to peaceful wordß. Ba nofc dismayed ; have no fear." Te Whiti **jaid : "Let your dwellings be good in this place. Work suoh as thii (meaning the soldiers) ia frustrated this day." Te Whiti and Tohu, accompanied by their wives, were then conveyed to the redoubt at Pungarehu, under an escort of New Plymouth Mounted Rifles. Hiroki was sent tj the redoubt later in the day. It now boing timo for mess, nearly all the visitors returned to Pungarehu, leaving the Natives still squatting in tho marae. After Te Whiti and Tohu had left for the redoubt, Kina, an aged chief from Taranaki, addressed the Natives. He advised the people to continue in the same work as Te Whiti and Tohu bad ordered them, even if they were all arrested, on the land wbich had been banded down to them by their ancestors. During the afternoon, Mr Bryce, in the name of the Queen, thanked the Volunteers, officera and men, for their valuable services. Later in tbe day, a party visited the pah, but thore waa nothing fresh to report. Messrs Bryce and Bollescon returned to Pungarehu camp about 4 p.m. Mr Bryce was unab'e to state when the prisoners will be forwarded to Wellington, as it would require a strong escort, and he was of opinion that many men could not be spared from the camp at present. All the Armed Constabulary and Volunteers will remain in the neighbourhood of the pah for a few days. The position of the different corps were, Thames, Auckland, and Nelson battalion on the left ; Marlborough, Canterbury, and New Plymouth contingent on the right ; Wollington Navals in the rear ; Wanganui on the front face; Wellington contingent also on the front, but on tho opposite Bide of tho road, and all tbo Armed Constabulary were in tho pah. The accommodation for visitors to Pungarehu is quite inadequate to the demand. The only accommodation house in the diatrict is crowded, and beds of any kind cannot be obtained. Bevoral gentlemen leavo for Parihaka at daylight. Whilo tho troops were marching to Parihaka soveral Bpecial correspondents were turned back, and in one or two instances wero ordered undor arrest, and escorted to the rear. It is stated that the Natives will recommence fencing osross tho road to-morrow. [fbom oub wbllinoton oobbbspondbnt.]

WELLINGTON, Nov. 5. From an early hour this morning the city has been in a state of excitement, and the Native question has heen the only subject of discussion. Everyone was eager to learn the e3i-lie*jt n?ws and to obtain tho fullest particulars of tho long looked-for coup, but throughout tho day only tho most meagre information was obtainable. Evidently the Government did not want too much to be known, as thoy took precautions to prevent any but " official" telegrams coming through. Tho wretched telegraph arrangements and tho exclusion of tbe special correspondents are subjects of most unfavourable comment hero, and Mr Bryce's action in excluding the only person* capable of giving a full and roliablo description of suoh an historical event as to-day's maroh on Parihaka, is universally condemned. Even the local Press, which supports the Government on almost evory subject, uttera a wail of indignation. Inet eid of tho fullest particulara being received, only a few items dribbled through, announcing the baro fact that To Whiti, Tohu and Hiroki had been arrested without resistance, and were boing convoyed to Taranaki. This was promptly forwarded per Press Association. No further news was received up to seven o'clook, acd public curiosity is not likely to bo allayed before Monday. 9.30 p.m. The following telegram haa been received by the Promior :— "Mr Bryco has returned to Pungarehu. Colonel Roberts and the troops aro encamped in the neighbourhood of Purihaka. By Mr Bryce's permission To Whiti and Tohu, bofore they left, addressed a few words of farewell to the assembled Natives, amid dead silence. Mr Bryce did not press the dispersion of the assembled Natives immediately after the arrest, as thoy were naturally in a Btato of considerable excitement. When the events of tho day havo soaked into their minds meanß will bo taken to cause the strangers at Parihaka to withdraw to their own homes, which is now of great importance Mr Bryce speaks in the highest terms of tho conduct of Colonel Roberts and the troops. The Volunteers distinguished themaelveß by their steadiness. The manner in which their positions were taken up, and the lines wore contracted round the assembled Natives, showod that the Volunteers had been drilled and disciplined to good purpose."

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4226, 7 November 1881, Page 3

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THE MARCH ON PARIHAKA. Star (Christchurch), Issue 4226, 7 November 1881, Page 3

THE MARCH ON PARIHAKA. Star (Christchurch), Issue 4226, 7 November 1881, Page 3