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THIS SPAOE IS RESERVED TOB THE I NNOUNOEMENT AT AN EARLX DATE OF THB OPENING or ARS PRANK POUTER'S FRENCH AND ENGLISH SPBING NOVELTIES. OOFFEE. J~|^TEIL, Herbalist, wishes to oall • JL^I attention to tho foUowing Botanio preparations which have been be* 'ore the pubUc in various parts of New Zealand for the last seven years.and very many [iave been the testimonials to thair virtue in Hiring both acute and ohronio dieses. Composition Pouchoj held in the highest repute in Bngland, America, and Australia for pre» renting and curing colds, Ac, « 'id Botanio Cough Syrup about 5000 bottle have beea Bold. One bottle wiU often euro a whole • family ; only half the price of other Cough Syrups. Stomach Bitters, the fiivst stomach and tonic medicine extant ; Liver Pills 'said to bo the best Uver medicine known ; thon* sands of boxes sold. Indian PiUs: a ladywho tried overy patent piU in the market WM induced to try this one, and declared it to be the only one that did not gripe. Mothers wiU find it the bost medicine for them. Pile Pouohes and Ointment stands unriyaUedf one trial wiU prove it. Blood Purifier, OE Compound Sarsaparilla.— This mixture alone cured a man of a terrible bad cut of 16 yeari* standing. For oleansing the blood it cannot ba excelled ; 2s 6d per quart bottlo. Balm of GUead for consumption; several people have testified that it has saved their lives \ it oures a cold at once, 2s 6d per bottle. To Smokers. — Try our Herb Tobaoco, it ie • really good substitute for the poisonous weed f 6dper 2oz packet. CaU at Mr Biggs', Hiftt street, for a oiroular and price list. Ordere left with him for any kind of Herbs wiU be suppUed.

THB MARVELLOUd BR&iSDY 701 OOUGHS, COLDS, HOAP.SENHBi, BRONOHITIB, OONSUM? HON, And all Chest DUeacex. BONNINGTON'SFBOTORALOXYiani of CARRAGEEN or IKIBH MOIB oures the worst forms of Ooughs and Ooldff Hoarseness t gives immediato reliof in Broaohitis | is tho best medioine for Asthma, euree Whooping Cough, is invaluable in the early stages of Oonaumption, rehevos aU affeotfou of tiie Ohest, Lungs, and Throat. GEO. BONNINGTON, Ohristohuroh | BAYFIELD k PABSON, Sole Af ents for Lytteltoa* DR BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE.— Besi known remedy for Nervousness, Indigestion, liver Complaints, and aU Functional Derangements ; extensively used in the Army and Navy, and highly recommended by the Medical Faoulty. Dr Bright's Phosphodyne* — Only reliable remedy for Weak and Snat« tered Constitutions, Nervous DebUity, Do* pression, Lassitude, Loss of Power, Pimplte, Impoverished Blood, Premature Decline | thoroughly re-estabUshes the genoral bodily health. Dr Bright's Phosphodyne.— Sold by aU Chemists throughout the globe. Beware of worthless imitations bearing similar namee. — Agents : New Zealand Drug Companv.6l7i " Is there no hop9F" tho eiok man said* The sUont doctor shook his hoad. "While thoro is life there's hope," haaaUi "'JBgroto, dum animas est, spos etif n Db l. l. smi t b (The only egally qualified medUal maa advertising) OONBUI/TB— On aU affeotions of the Nervous Systran at matter from what cause arising Ob all broken-down constitution': On aU diseases arising from oarly indiMNfi

tions On Gout On Rheumatism In these Colonies, those exoesaet which Wt have indulged in "hot youth' tsU npon with fearful interest. Our regrets are useless, our repining fatftti Ihe sole idea should bo tho ohanoes we pee* sess of remedying the ills we already have, OS combating the effecta likely to result. Hide it as he may, put on as good an exterior ai ke oan, stiU is tho victim conscious that he ii a Uving he, and that sooner or liter his vkee will discover him to the world. Our lkith| our obligations to sooiety at forgo, the wel* fare of our future offspring, and the duty we owe to ourselves forbid procraatination, and point out to us, not to wait till the ravagee break out in our constitutions. Before negotiating with a merchant) befen engaging with a confidential olork} befen employing a barrister, a oaroful man makee enquiries as to their standing, their length el ocoupanoy or residence j and, in the etie al a legal adviser, both as to his logal qualilea* tions and has to his capabiUties of transacting the individual business he consults him upoa* Btrange to say, however, in the election ol a medioal man, he sufferer frequently omite these necessary precautions, and withont n* gard to the fitness, qualification, experience and abdity for the particular ailment rsquil* ing treatment, he consults the nearest mißj whose experience aud practioo, porhapi] Uei in quite an opposite direotion. la it astonishing that so many are drives mad, aro ruinod in hoalth, and %re bankrupt in spirits, hope and money P Havo I not te years pointed out to them that I, Dr L. lit Smith, am the ozdy legaUy qualified mediae! man advertising in the Oolonies ? Have I nol also prosecuted, at my own pense, theie very quaoks, and exposed tb.> various nee* trums they are selling — suoh at rhosphodynei Essenoo of Life, Ao. — and had t'^om analyati and found thorn to consist ot ' Surnt Bugas and flavouring matter," au<l A..,- ---.v. :iiloates I have proved to be aU forgorio •>. it is for this reason that I stop out of tho ethics of the pro* fewk-n ard advertise, to give those who requiro tho services of my branoh an oppoc* tunity of knowing thoy oan oonsult a legally qualified man, and one, moreover, who his made this his espeoial study. Dr I L. Smith is the only logaUy audited medioal man advertising, and ho has oeen Io Melbourne 24 yean, in fuU praotioo on NERVOUS DIBBASIS LOSB OF POWEk AND DHBILITI BYPHII/nO AFFECTIONS WANT OF CONDITION GOOT AND BHEUMAOTCSM Dr L. L. SMITH can be consulted by letter Fee, £1. Medicines forwarded to af] the Colonies. Dr L. L SMITH, 182, Collins street lart' (Lato the Residence of the Governor), Mei/BOUBKa 9697

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4164, 25 August 1881, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4164, 25 August 1881, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4164, 25 August 1881, Page 4